y n *i MOM n ‘" 1 B ' \ _ j - ■ , ; I - —'• p : ^ ^ V . ^»AGfi TWENTY-EIGHT TUESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1966 - i ' iian(i;paf(r lEtt^ntng Ayenora Daily Net Press Run For the Week Ended The Weather Deoember I, IBM Cloudy with snow devdopUlff this evening; snow Mixed with sleet and freezing rain tonight . and tomorrow; low 96-80 TURNPIKE TV and Mmcheater^A City of Villagm Charm night, U gh In 80e tom om iir. VOL. LXXXVI, NO. 7ii (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) / MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1966 (Olualfled AdvertlatBg on Page 98) PRICE SEVEN CEN18 — — -------------- — 4 ;: ,:J , ^ -----------------------^-------------------------------------- ---- — WBBK-BETWEBN Engulfs Train, Die in State Cra^h Chile Hit Diesel Car By Violent Hits Stalled Earthquake Tank Truck 2 SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) — A violent earthquake shool^ noi^h'- EVERETT, Mass. (AP) em Chile early today and de­ Twelve persons were QUANTITIES LIMITED ON THESE OUTSTANDING VALUES stroyed about BO per cent of the killed and 18 others inj'ur* houses and buildings in the ni-' ed early today in the flam­ trate port city of Taltal, officials \ 1 ^ - ing (iolliaion of a Bostop & reported. j Maine railroad diesel car One death was reported at Taltal. A boy.w as killed by a and'fin oil truck stalled on BRAND NAME 220 Voll^FulEy Airtomcrtic falling wall. Three other per­ a street Crossing. The impact exploded some T,« 8 .......... sons were reported injured „ RADIOS' there. 000 gallons of fuel oil. Ths The earthquake struck about flames engulfM ;gie passenger BEG. AM—CXX)CK AM—REG. AM /E^ ELECTRIC DRYER And Awaaay They Go in Virginia car with some 36 persona CLOCK AM/FM 700 miles north of Santiago in Six Lynghburg,^ Va., residents Dy through the air as they part company with the provinces of Tarapaca, An­ aboard. The trapped passengers tofagasta and Atacama. struggled to flee the infenio but an improvised sled. The Virginians took advantage of'a 10-inch weekend snow­ one door was blocked by a body. storm by converting a surf board into a sliding vehicle; (AP Photofax) A spokesman at the (Jity Hall Fire (Dhief Herbert Fothergill 265 SQ. INCH in. Antofagasta said panic of nearby (Jhelsea said most of 2 0 % o f f gripped the city M d army and the victims were trapped abopt police units were called out to 20 minutes before the flames maintain order and help in res­ could be brought under control. 6-TRANSISTOR SOLID MAPLE CONSOLE C O N S O L E All Channel Speedy Settlement Looms cue operations. Two of the injured were re­ The spokesman told of the ported- in serious condition. death in Taltal and the destruc­ The single-car train’s passen­ tion in the port. Taltal, a town gers had left North Station in RADIO 23-INCH TV of about 10,006, contains mostly Boston only about 18 minutes In JFK Book Controversy old buildings' of flimsey con­ earlier. Many . hsid attended a struction. Masked-firemen hand out a victim of this, morning’s collision between a Boston hockey game in Boston Garden $0 .88 NEW YORK (AP) — The' continue talks “ over a longer Manchester, she charged in her Water mains were ruptured & Maine self-propelled train and a stalled bil tank truck. Crash took place at and were heading home when Kennedy; book dispute could end period than was anticipated.” suit, had invaded her privacy there and power lines were a|i Everett, Mass., crossing. (AP Photofax)- - . the (Ibllision occurred' in this "We’re probably at a stage quietly now after Mrs. John F. and broken a contract stipulat­ down. Army trucks were rushed industrial city adjacent to Bos- 188 now where things depend more ing he must submit the manus­ in with water supplies. Kennedy’s decision to withhold ton. ' on the doctors than the law­ cript for her approval before Much of Chile’s big copper .Firemen defied the flameji temporarily her suit to stop its ^ yers,” the Kennedy spokesman turning it over to Harper tc with bare hands to haul some of publication, a family spokesman (See Page Ten) Snow Due HARDWOOD WALNUT 19 Gu. F L — 33 Inch— Vertical Door said. "W e Just have to wait for Row. the passengers from the burning indicated today. the' author, although we’ll be Mrs. Kennedy, vacationing More S$ Ardun4, WINDSOR LOCKS (AP) ecu', Fothergill said. *T’m not going to guarantee talking about other things for with her children on the British — Snow is expected to. ar­ Emergency equl|lment wfui REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER It,” he said, "but much points to CONSOLE STEREO next week or so.” West Indian is)and of Antigu^ rive over Connecticut this rushed to the s c ^ e and tfaa ' a resolution. There has been Harper & Row called the slt- could not be reached for coni- Pfihel Supports AM/FM RADIO 'c o m p l e t e d e l t t x e w i t h i c e m a k e r evening, but the U.S. dead and injured rushed to hos­ 388 progress and I think things uaUon "hopeful” and Indicated ment on the developmeots. " ' Weather Bureau forecasts pitals in Boston, Everett and I oould weU. be resolved noiseless- that an anifable .aetUement A vaoatiMi was recommended Mental Hospital the snow to mix with sleet, WASHtNOTON :(AP) —Tight policy begun last September Chelsea. and soon,"’ was though poMU>le soon. - - for Mancheeter, too, by bis phy­ rain and j>ossibly freezing money, a major weakness in a aimed at restricting bank lend­ Policeman Ralph DeVito apid , 1 9 7 . 0 0 .00 I iAttorneya for Mrs.' Kennedy sician. Dr. F. BSrwin T n c y said Drug Research generally strong economy this The publisher also a p eed in rain during tonight and to­ ing to business. .1 he .and- cfHiicer George Stewart and Harper’fc Row, publishers the statement not to bring out the 44-year-<*l writer was re- morrow. year, is easing rapidly but this The board said current credit "tried breaking' the windonis el William Mancbeatw'a... "The spending. well to- treatment-at HARTFORD_ (APl,-Contlnued potential home btjyer still faces conditions made its S^emtwr * 4 8 8 the book. uhtU 'April ~~li Lot* - Intense winter storm with our night attedn but tiiat Death of a President,” an ac­ Middlesex Hospital m Middle- use of patients in diu^research the highest interest rates on policy "inoperative.” , magazine reached a settlement which moved eastward to wouldn’t work. Wc couldn’t < count of the Kennedy assassina­ town, Conn, and was no longer at state mental hospitals has record. with Mrs. Kennedy on deletions Pennsylvania late this Interest rates <m mortgages the . doof 'because tltere w tion, agreed Tuesday to put off in crUteal condition. been supported by a four-mem­ But the«home loan peak may generally lag iMhlnd the .rest of 19-INCH ALL CHANNEL 14-FT. FROST FREE in its 60,(XX>-word extract of the morning is the main con­ guy trying to gel, oiit t»i hearings on her request for, an In addition to antiUoUcs, ber commission appointed by be near, with m o ft normal coks the mon^ market but one e«m- text, the first installment of cern, the bureau said, but with Ms head stwde tlw o U ^ 'm E injunction against the book until Manchester was taking antide­ Gov. John DemMey. and greater avahability of loans omtst said today he expected a which reaches newsstands Jan. the situation Is complicated window. mid-January In expectation of a pressants and tranquiUzing “The medical profession has 10. by warm air surging north­ possibly Just around the corner, leveling off now and a possible “We pushed hdim away but PORTABLE TV REFRIGERATOR leaSonably quick settlement. drugs prescribed by a psychia- a responsibility not only for the The book and magazine pub­ ward along the Atlantic - Indications of the easing, and downturn within the next few then there was so much smoke trist who treated him last year cure of the^’clck and the preven- a prediction of further, easipg months. The parties, ordered to ap­ lishers worked on removing Coast we; couldn’t see.” pear at a State Supreme Court while he recuperated from men- tion of disease but for the ad- next year, caihe at a fast clip The Federal Home Loan Bank passages Mrs.. Kennedy consid­ The Weather Bureau was The Rev. James Broderick of .00 shoy cause hearing,. said the tal fatigue at a private psychl- of knowledge upon ’Tuesday, capped by an an- Board, reported Tuesday that ers of personal rather than his­ expected to issue a hazard­ Our Lady of O t^ e Roman arfahgeihent would g iw them atric institution. which both depend. ’This res­ houncement from the ~Federal ' interest rates on conventional torical interest since she moved ous driving warning for OathoUc church said he gave sufficient time for more discus­ ponsibility can only be met by Reserve Board of an end to a home loans increased again 1 1 8 to block publication Dec. 18. (See Page Twenty-Seven) state later today. last rites to 20 or 26 passengers. sion on passages to be trimmed investigation end experiment,” during November but the slower Eight of 10 bodies taken to from the 300,000-word text. Both , the commission reported Tues­ over-all pace and a 'greater' Southern Mortuary, Boston, aides characterized progress as day. availability of funds indicated were Identified by police from AUL CHANNEL-PERSONAL 30" DELUXE AUTOMATIC "steady.’’ j The commission recommended the'peak may be near.
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