U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, SURGE 25-3-9 TURF FERTILIZER

U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, SURGE 25-3-9 TURF FERTILIZER

:, c , ' .... .-~,--1 C~ ,.~ &J~~~\£)t. ~~=~='.~ <"" , 'I" I I' , •... l .... ·." .. .t .... l _ .f .• _ . TURF FERTILIZER WITH .• :,.. I I. .-, .', :~: .. 0 i~igredic'''.s :tJ-butyl-N-ethyl-a.a.a-trinuoro-2.6-.jiniLI'o-v-t.::·luioi;:.; ...... tr 1I11J1'alin: alplla. ~IDha. alpha-trif!uoro-2.6-dinitro-N.N-dipr0t:¥f...rrj~?iW~'9 ';,-::. ::-.';;"';;I~i2i;l:, " ......... , .. " .... , ....... "......................... In rFA LI.I.~". i.,(;,;.~t.::,; j~1 I_i'-' ~i~ l£EiJ Mi-{A.L .".;i'3. ., -:- .'~.J~ : ::!.r'ogen ,..................................................... ,............... ,.... ~;:--.. ,.. ,. .i .. ~... !~~.: .... : .,­ ... "a'l~t·l~ Ph'Jsphoric A(id .................................................. ·.... ,.·.· .. , .... "c ....................... ."", ullc't:'i" ~·.tt t· '. ':' ·L~ I,:. D.... 3cJ... ~.... "; _ ',,-'. ':".~'. ~ , IJL. _'tl .•...•.•..••••.••..•••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••• · •••••••• · •• .,.ur«,i=:j(it..... ::.:llJ.·'... _·.;_····· . i-:;:'M ~,;.r.. N'j 61.3~· ::a mnClo!ri:. f.:.'· :.. .. ~. EPA PEI~ NO 6 i ,-.: ~,- I ) TEAM- - the lrademark ror DOW-ELANCO'iJf(OBbt:t's' b~~efiil plus lrirJuralin -----------~.j ===::::::-:::::~~=-. =--:. ~.-----.- - --- -.-- PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENT fldZiJrOS to rlumiir,s ana Dumestic Animals UEP OUT Of RlACII Of CHllIJi.:tic WARNING •. ~~ c.~.., ~o""r'l[n~1 'JS~ r '~",n r.n ;:.~n ~r., .,,-~ -, , . , .,... liCE....•, 'J',"I' Tunc"r BE!"GI .It G"Owr·''K 't FOR_ SAL"I... OR OTHER,. \., I. ~\.. MI..!., L. nJ.\ .... ·.d,), '.,r...... i'· ' ..... 1·· ,_, ..••. ·;.(tli PPuDUC nON. OR FOR RESEARCH ~U~'~\-';:)t:).' CaUS~5 ~ye irritatiofl. DQ noL 'let in eyes. Harmful if swallowe,j, rohale.j 'JI' ,;t.5'1I'll~d 1J,""'Jtl!l ti)_ :~ 1,:it1 bf'':jthing dust and conlact ,,"t'ith skin, s~nsiti~,~th.j[j :'~J(U'A~5 ;n .~e~'t.~:i~, ;;; ~i. ::~!:~:;i':' I_' _'. ,"',- c·'··A~.:r."_'n an,] pl'oteclive (ltltnlng such as cowrails.a loilg-~i~~v~,j ",tIWI. tin,j Irnp~l'IlI~diJl~ 'JItJvc~. <dw" ,....• .... , ....1"01 ... .. ·)'" 'tll'~..... ~"·'~I·,-Ip,.,.' .. .)_ ..... I.tach J Ih'1roughly• Ylith 50"P.:I V'nd '('lter'0 (.1.''-'-,rter 'l~nl'''ng .'1' P,>n"J"p'\. "', (')'It_,." "11;1'·;1 ,I". ... j ' ... , .,• ST A TEMENT OF PRACTICAt TREATMENT ,:' If. ,:,\·~s. tl(.. 1J ~Yt'lld3 op.;n and flush With a st~aJy. 9~rrUt2 st.r~arn 1)( 'ffdlt-I f.}r ; ~ 11.II,ljlt-::- ' . .1i+ J ;,: .. ,.. ".in If ; •• Ji1J·.~~d: Call a physician or Poison Conlrui (entel'. Drlm; prompti', d iar'j" '!oJ.",;,:" v' ; •.•• ,. "",-i, ..,IUI ,del,ly .Jf "')~p ami "al~r. Gel medical attenlivn If II'ritatll'lI ['~f'Si5ts ;f ;1,hi,i~.J 11 [., e~t":I"1 .;,r;i.: .':~.I ,!cC:Jr·s. mow individlJal to Fresh ~il' and ~et m'}ljical att."nli0ii. ENVIRONMEIH AL HAZARDS r ~:····-'I··'d·I·-t·'·I-I·'I·t <:1-'-'" , ....... .' "".' I".~:~ .. I_I":: ':.I u::' '- ,..Ij. 'J I. n'rctJp-1"';'_ I' V'i IJ, t'1_i.1i ;.i_, !'t.J .. r::; ." '. ." ... r·Jr·'·I~ .:. ""t' ....": :J~, · ',._": '..'.0- ,I _ I I.) 1I,I.~rli.j31 dr'eas b~I!JW lh~ mean high water mar~. Drlft')I' rlJn'Jif fr')111 tr~atl,.,-r,l. 1,'">15 I Ii 'IV c'· .,~,." '1("1~ '.: .' i j.; C ';:";prdsm, i r: ;Itl~hboring aquatic ';1 l~s Do not. contorni;~,Jl.e ,\;jt"I' wher, ,ji'.p,)si r"j (If ., ; J:~";'. :·i~. 'f, cl,:,r, ·'Yc.lt~rs STORAGE AND DISPOSAL -, .. ' o •.'" I" .·.,i·'I·1 ,I "'''l :r '1' 'r'I" Ill' .. ·i !"I' . , .. i' ." ...'-' ." ' .. .. ' "J'; .",'-' # .: '."'~ I.~ '.1,1 .. ,j. It::: VII y. ...,):.~.. !J, '.',;0 JI .'"'''', ',' "',';'11 ".;,_,; •.; .. ~ .' ;",:,,:,I,I'.;'J,:, 111~~"_':.ai lju n'A (Olll-1fflini1t~ wat.~r. fl)f)d I)r' f~etj bv. ~'-nr-';jq~. IH' db(llj~,:jl ·.• .:::t~,r.":'~ r'';'='''Jdl I" i'- .,', f'11- ..•··./1·+ ..... -, 1-.- ..rl-·',- .... -·~ -'F (Il,-il;. ",- " I' ....... - , _._l._ ".:,-.~ ',' '~'.- ';1 1'·"-~'}'JJ.'_II,·J/Lr:';:I-"_·'j~ .. :_') :'.'.,'.' '....... ;,. .. '1'.• ·.... ' ___ .. · .... I_._~" .'.' .. :d'l,',:-f.,:,iv ~rl:Clr.y llo;1:J Irttl) 1Dtlil(~I.l(.rl ~quiprrll:·lll Tn~r, di':>L'U':o':" 'JI t-'fltl..I,v llo1f} III 01: 1;,·1.11 'J :r -1', 'r'~~' -Ct I "-0' '0,,- I" ,.l-r".; ~.~.. -. , ~-I - •.. .' . ' . : _" ,I :"": 1.11 _ ..:l.t ..'" 11.,(,-3 ~·JL,.·.'I II,t::, IJ} ,.• 1 ;I"'J ,r .)l... r>l·;:." : .-;; ~C""'"_ ' ... " 1 A'.. .. ~ DinE£: IION~~ I OH lJ~L 1I".,tI 1\11 Dirud ion" C .. refully lIoforo Applyin" II Il,.1 ':IU!:l! 'I';' Ii! ; t!dvl".-::I I .1 .. ::, 1;'.t ~ til', l" \Jdlll I II •. J !11.:".Wf HLl U)'.I'.tHnt With iI<, i:ltJt:I~IJ'; :-,I1I"']it 2c)-.~ '.1 • •:t' ~1It'~·; ,,'jth: ~ /'; ~ i'.. J pret:IlIt.'f"J';JI( I~ fiU toJ(.I~I.: ..·!lILl, IS clpplh.:d lu t:~t.J:Jil~.rl~ll liJr(,.;rJs?t:ls for the cor.lr-ol of .:mr,'Jal blut..!grass (pua anr,ua). smooth and hairy crabgrass (~llv6r crabgrass or crowfoot). barnyardgrass (walergr'as5) and green and yp.llow foxtail. Surge 25-3-9 fertilizer wilh Team controls lhese annual we""ls by killing their seeds as they germinate. Apply Surge 25-3-9 fertilizer wilh TEAM before lhes. annual weed5 begin lo germinate since It does not control established weeds. When Surge 25-3-9 Fertilizer with TEMl is applied as directed, the following established turfgrasses are toleranl: Kentucky Bluegrass, rescue, Perennial ryegrass, Zoysiagrass. Surge 25-3-9 Fertilizer' w.lh TE.AM will nol harm most nearby established ornamental trees and shrubs. APPLICATION DIRECTIONS RA TES. FREQUENCY AND TIMING OF AOPLICATION Successful prep.mergence conlr'ol of the annual grass weeds listed on this label requires pruper timing of lhe applicaliorl. Apply Surge 25-3-9 Fertilizer wilh TEAM approximately 1 to 2 weeks prior to the germination of annual grass weeds. All summer annual grasses do not germinate at the same time. If application liming does not COincide with the normal germination period Of ally "f the annual groass weeds listed on this label, weed control results may be er-rotic or poor. Optimum weed control performance will be obtained if treated areas are irrigated soon after application. Any cultural practices I.hal disturb lhe soil, such as aerification or verticulling, should be done prior to application of Surge 25-3-9 Ferlilizer wilh TEAM. NORTHERN (COOt SEASON) TURF GRASSES I . Sprlflfj ger'minilling summer annual grasses - crahgrasses, foxtails and barnyardgras5 For preemergence conlrol. apply 130 lo 175 pounds per acr'e ( 1.5 lo 2 pounds active ong,oedienll of Surge 25-3-9 Ferliliier' wilh TEA~l per' acre in the sprong one lo lwo weeks prior lo the onset of conditions fav'lrable fo,- annual weeds grass seed germination. In areas ",here germinalion of th. annual weed grass speCies continues for extended periods or time, a second application of Surge 25-3-9 Fertilizer wilh TEAI'l al the recornrnended rale may be rnade fJ to 20 weeks after initial trealmenl for continued conlrol. 2. Late spring, early summer germinating anr.ual grasses - goosegrass. Allhough classified 85 a ,>ummer annual 9ra5s. go05egr'aS5 normally germinates 4 1.0 6 weeks laler than crabgrass. foxlails and olher surnmp.r annual grass species ApplicaLton of Surge 25·-3·-9 Fertilizer wilh TEAM shvuld. lherefore. he lirrwo ac(ordir'gly For Dreemer'gence conlrol. apply 175 pounds (2 pounds acllve ".g,·edient) of SUI'ge 25-3-9 Fertilizer wilh HAM per acre in the late spring or early summer one to lwo weeks [WlOr lo tt,. expecled germination of goosegrass 3. Northern Turfgr.ssBS in areas where preemergencll control of both early germinating annual qrasses (.-rabgr.'lSs, foxtails and barnyardgra5~ and the laler germinatinl' goosegrass is desired. lWo appl,callons of Surge 25-3-9 Fertilizer wilh TEAM allhe recommended rate spaced 8 lo 10 weeks apart may be rnade 1.0 provide full season control of these annual grass species 40 Po. Annu. ( .nnual bluegrass) In areas or heavy infeslation of annual bluegrass, its elimination willlemporartly result in thin turfgrass areas. Proper fertilization, irrigation and soil Jncorporal.d.re,eeding will encourage exisling desirable lurfgrasses and newly planted so~Li.,,j llJrfgrasses lo rill in lhese lhin areas previously of.cupied by annual bluegrass. For preemergence conlrol. apply 175 pounds (2 pounds activl) ingredienU of Surge 25-3-9 Fertilizer wilh T;.AI'I per acre in lale summer or early fal! and "'lain in lale wrr.l.p.r f)" spring one lo lwo weeks prior lo the expected germination or ,,,,nual bluegrass. For' app\rcalion lo small p.r' area~., apply the followlflg amounls of SurJe 75-3-9 FerUl11.r wllh TEAM. P£R ACIU 1000 ~iQ. 11. NITR06FN PF.R 1000 SQ. f) 130 POUN[(; :3 POUND', 75 17') POIJND'. <1 POUNDS 100 :'(,0 P(~J"fl': I, POlJN[ I':, 150 3l.~_~ ~. '.: it-I't: ur Sf FiliNG ( t,t'lflll ,!!r, ,ttrJt dl.~I. tlYfdy \I,,1ir 01 :lIlrIlJ;,,1 UPPfl <.pr!d~. may al~.() JlftJ( t rll! '" de~]rclLlf' turrtlr")~I~' '.P.~·(IH.q5 ~'i:'-.f:{!dtrl(1 '.t,f)ulf1 t)f! Jel[JY~:HI fm :JI. kn'll tJ week.s arter' af"dYlrll) ~-)lJnv·::5 -:',-9 Fer'lliiter" wllh IEAI"l, '."'II£?!' r'p.seeding. It IS t.:r.~.£;rJt.I.'11 t.hill proper c.ullur'al praCticE's suct. as SOIl (ull.vallOn. "'rI~iJlh·,rl ~nd ferlili7.alion be f'lll"wed rllr <,allsfaclory reseeding results after U5tng 'iurfje 75-.'" f f'rlliiler wllh TEAM the arnounl of sop.a u<,ed should be increased '}lId eQulpmenl designed lo place SP.&d or, ~unlar.t wilh the 50il (such as r~"(Jer'~ Aere, Seeder) should be employed When using Sur')e 15-:\·9 Ferlli'b'r with HAM al the hl9tl.st recnrnrnf!Odnd rale, rc~eedin9 should be delayed lo 12 I" \6 wee~'i .1ft or apr-BcaUf,n APPlICA T ION EQUIPMENT Apply Surge 25-·3 -9 Ferlilizer with TEAM evenly over the Lurfgrass area without SKips or misses.

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