-No. 41 Fordham University, Bronx, N.Y. Friday, December 8, 1967 t- Think-in: Dr. Sacks gives qualified support while Prof. Browne blasts U.S. Viet polity by John McGIennon wouldn't just leave a pregnant girl de- "The United States government lies fenseless. You have a responsibility to to the people about Vietnam." her, having caused her condition. The United States has the same responsibilty With these words, Robert S. Browne to Vietnam. We must withdraw grad- opened his attack on the administration's ually.") to the alienation felt by today's position .in Vietnam at Fordham's "Think- American youth. in" Wednesday. Although all classes had originally been Presenting the pro-administration cancelled for the "Think-in," a misun- stand was Professor I. .Milton Sacks of derstanding with the Faculty Senate re- Brandeis University. Rev. J. Quentin sulted in a letter from President Mc- Lauer of Fordham's philosophy depart- Laughlin to the faculty. In the letter, ment spoke on the moral perspectives McLaughlin left the decision of holding from which--the. Vietnam.-War must be classes up to the individual teachers. viewed. Some teachers did hold classes, while Professor Browne, a member of the the rest either joined the "Think-in", or economics department of Fairleigh Dick- pursued other extra-curricular activities. inson University, charged before an "My philosophy teacher went to see audience of more than GOO that the gov- Santa Clans," was the comment of a ernment has deliberately .lied' to the TMC junior. American people on at. least four issues • The legality of the. regime of Ngo The "Think-in" reconvened in the gym Ninh Diem, president of South Vietnam to present the entire audience with the from 1956 until he . was overthrown in thoughts of the various small groups. A panel led by Rev. Robert J. O'Connell 19113. • •. • . - of the philosophy department then re- • The honesty of the South Viet- Father Lauer opened his speech by tainment of communism justify the de- sponded to questions from the thinkers. namese elections last September in which struction of South Vietnam? Is the sit- lie said, none who opposed the war and enumerating the various aspects one The panel said it did not expect to must consider in determining the mor- uation less corrupt than it would be formulate any position on the war, rather sought a settlement with the Viet Cong under communism?" "ere allowed to run. ality of the war, but in a matter of to help the students find their's. "There minutes he had drifted into the topic "Everyone expected the "Think-in" to is no excuse for anyone not having a posi- • The strategic hamlet theory of the be one-sided, and it was," said a dis- tion on the war anymore," said Father government where, he said, instead of of the moral aspects of expressing op- illusionod undergraduate. O'Connell. The chairman also noted that trying to win over the population of position. "Today people disagree reasonably." villages, the military forces drive- the He directed a series of questions to The morning assembly was followed by people out and burn the hamlets. the audience, now squirming in their a series of discussion groups in class- In other action Wednesday morning, rooms of Pealy and Keating Halls. These thousands of dissenters crashed through • There are 2,000,000 refugees in re- chairs after two and a half hours of groups discussed a wide variety of sub- police barriers at the Whitehall Street location camps because, he charged, they speeches: jects touching on the war, ranging from armed forces induction center and feel that these are the only places where "Does the end justify the means? Are a comparison of our involvement in Viet- blocked traffic on Broadway for nine they are safe from being burned out of we making South Vietnam more viable, nam with a man having an affair, ("You blocks. their homes. to China than it was before? Does con- Professor Sacks, who like Browne has Spent several years in Vietnam, said that "'though he supports the administration, lie also favors a halt to the hoinbitr: of North Vietnam and \ concentration -H. 011 the pacification program. - \ i. -. \ Sharp disagreement arose between the '•,1 I --""-i .':\ '»•<> men over the honesty of the South i • 4 Vietnamese presidential eUvtioiN la.I September. Sucks, who served on IVe. F ll!l'"t Johnson's Commission for the ele, l""ls, heid Dial the v.ile i\-;i;i :v: h I as I : \ euuld I,,, expeeled in a country him a i -. n.v win-. 1'rou'lio said the i.leclii.li >••.;>, alllir. "'«, tlint it ilali' • le leelil,,;,; !' the ie "victories if Mr I Hiiii |ii'-m. 'I'll' • realize n,,, 1 !!<;••; of M •Illjlin Hie niliiii' c i,lent •-'I iliiriiig I Ky woulii that I'V,.|. M.I I III). I ROUNDUP Davidoff, in sweater and loafers, • Horizons "ill present a modern dance company on Monday. The caffs crime New fork's major issue tarry Richardson Company will appear in Collins Auditorium at 8 p.m. Larry Bicliardson lias appeaml at Hie Village Gate and the Wearing a turtle neck sweat- attention during the next few transportation, and recreation— Kaufman YMHA in recent months, and has just returned from Europe. er, white socks, and loafers, Mr. months. all areas in which the people can Sid Davidoff spoke last Tuesday see immediate results. This will lie the first time that a modern dance troupe has appeared According to him, crime will on the Fordham campus. Tickets are $2. day at a symposium sponsored by the Young Republican Club. be a major issue from now untii Davidoff. feels that Lindsay's • Rose Hill's Veteran Guards are receiving a salary increase May, when the approach of sum- personal prominence has been of one dollar an hour, which will go into effect immediately. Arriving late, he attributed mer will bring increased concern helpful in showing that "maybe This increase will raise the Guards hourly wage to $3.50. Since his delay and unconventional with radical tensions. New York City is governable" the Guards arc hired for a minimum of five hours at a time, the dress to his presence, as one of but maintained that the Federal minimum wage for each Guard will now he $17.50 for any single Mayor Lindsay's liaison men at- Mr. Davidoff discredited accu- sations that a negligent admin- Government, as well as private function. tempting to prevent trouble, business, will have to help to- This will directly affect the student organizations hiring the during the draft resistance move, istration is the cause of the in- creased crime rate and asserted wards any final resolvement oE Veteran Guards to police extra-curricular functions. ments at Whitehall Street. the problems. • Horizons will present: the Larry Richardson Dance Com- that althoguh the police depart- pany on Monday at 8 p.m. in Collins Auditorium. Tickets for the Davidoff, twenty-eight and the ment is at its greatest force Davidoff: is also chairman oE modern dance troupe will cost $2.00. youngest holder of the $17,500- ever, it is still understaffed for the credentials committee of the • The Fordham Link Program will hold a meeting next Tues- a-year job as the Mayor's special dealing with the current crime New York State Young Repub- day for all students interested in returning to their hometown assistant for personnel, discussed rate. licans and received publicity re- high schools over the Christmas vacation to speak to prospective some of the programs on which Besides this problem, Lindsay cently in conjunction with his freshmen. The meeting will be held in Collins Auditorium at 11:30 the administration will focus its will concentrate on sanitation, "Draft Rockefeller" movement. Discussing the current political scene, he affirmed his convic- tions that neither Rockefeller nor Lindsay have presidential aspirations for 1968. He also ex- pressed a belief that Lindsay has not yet decided whether or not SPLIT OUT. to seek re-election in 19G9 and ' described his personal ambitions We 11 go 50/50 with you on the USA. only in, terms of a complete will- ingness to stay with Lindsay in all his endeavors. Fr. Tim Hecily to speak at The Academy The Rev. Timothy Ilcaly, ex- TWA 50/50 Club: your half- ecutive vice president for I he- Rose Hill campus, will make s price ticket to all the action, from coast to rare personal appearance in an open discussion before Fordham's coast. Most anytime, faculty, students, and adminis- anywhere—you're on trators. Fr. Hcaly.and the Rev. Uolwvt for just half our regular McNamara, sociology department member, are guests speakers in. Coach fare. And you're an Academy program scheduled for Monday, Doc. 11, at 3:30 p.m. in for the full treatment, in, the ballroom of the Campus mealtime, plenty of good Center. The topic for the meeting, to food. On many long hauls, which all members of the Ford- ham community have been in- stereo and hi-fi music to vited, is "Tile Academic Com- munity." It is the eighth in a make time fly. On cross-country non-stops, series of discussions Hint Tin1 Academy has sponsored this new movies, too. There's more: you'll get semester. Two position papers will be reduced rates at all Hilton and presented, followed by a question and answer period. Fr. Ilealy "ill Sheraton hotels in the country. consider the ucademic KO;\U 'OL' which the University exists, and Plus a club Newsletter to fill you Fr. McNunmrn will discuss Ihi! in on other discounts—here ways in which a communily >3 f structured, given those grals.
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