JUNEJUNE24,L'+,1961 REVIEWS REVIEWS BRITISH 1813 ~-MEDICAL JOURNAL under the Presidency of Sir Charles Dodds. It was the Th2e Medical Register I96I. Parts 1 and 2. (Pp. 3,111 +xxiv.) first joint meeting between the British Society of London: The General Medical Council, 44 Hallam Street, W.i. Enclocrinology and the societies representing the Acta 1961. A Prelude to Medical History. By Felix Marti-lbifiez, Endocrinologica Congresses. M.D. (Pp. 253 +xix. $5.75.) New York: MD Publications, About two-thirds of the papers reported are included Inc. 1961. in four symposia. The first three, on " Neuroendo- The Mantagement ofPediatric Practice. By Hugh C. Thompson, crinology," " Thyroid Gland," and " Parathyroid M.D., and Joseph B. Seagle, M.S., M.D. (Pp. 172+xv; illUs- CGlands," make up Volume 9 (Part I). Volume 10 trated. 60s.) Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas. Oxford: (Part I1) includes the fourth symposium entitled "Are Blackwell Scientific Publications. 1961. the Endocrine Glands directly related to Cancer ? Par-ents of the Handicapped. Self. Organied Parents' adl Re!atives' Groutps for Treatmenzt of Ill anzd Hanydicappced and the remaining papers grouped under the headings Children. By Alfred H. Katz, D.S.W. (Pp. 155+ix. 48s.) " Steroid Biochemistry " and " Biological Actions and Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas. Oxford: Blackwell Interrelationships of Steroids and other Hormones." Scientific Publications. 1961. The symposia deal mainly with growing points and Thought Refo.rm and the Psychology, of Totalism. A Study oj give a representative picture of recent European "Brainwashing" in China. By Robert Lifton, M.D. (Pp. 510 achievements in these sectors of endocrinology. Much +x. 30s.) London: Victor Gollancz Ltd. 1961. of what is presented is new, and some is of rather Die Gaunmenmatdel. Darstellung der Biologie uind Physio- specialized interest. But for the general or more philo- pathologie. By Doz. Dr. Alessandro Fioretti. (Pp. 202+viii; sophically minded reader there are many well-balanced illustrated. DM. 39.80.) Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Verlag. 1961. Shaw's Suimmary of Procedural Requirements in Respect reviews of recent work presented by authors as a frame- of Compulsory Admission to Hospital anzd Guardianship. work for their own contributions. Out of so many Mental H-lealth Act, 1959. (2s. 6d.) London: Shaw and Sons stimulating papers it is perhaps unfair to name but Ltd 1961. a few. New aspects of the relationships between the Symptom Diagnosis. By Wallace Mason Yater, A.B., M.D., hypothalamus and pituitary gland are discussed bv such M.S.(in Med.), F.A.C.P., and William Francis Oliver, B.S., M.D., F.A.C.P. Fifth edition. (Pp. 1,035+x. $15.) New York: authorities as L. Martini, G. W. Harris, and B. T. Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc. 1961. Donovan, and G. F. Marrian reviews recent advances in The Integrative Action of the Nervous System. By Sir Charles oestrogen biochemistry. Of special interest to the Sherrington. (Pp. 413 + xx. 16s.) Paperback edition. New clinician are " The Treatment of Hyperthyroidism," by Haven: Yale University Press. London: Oxford University A. G. Macgregor, " Autoimmunity and the Thyroid Press. 1961. Gland," by I. M. Roitt and colleagues, and some of Frustration anid Aggression. By John Dollard, Neal E. Miller, the papers on the endocrine therapy of cancer including Leonard W. Doob, 0. H. Mowrer, Robert R. Sears. (Pp. 209. medical adrenalectomy. Many of the discussions are 10s.) New Haven: Yale University Press. London: Oxford included, and, though generally lacking in the racy University Press 1961. Family Planning and Modern Problems. A Catholic Analysis. spontaneity generated by more intimate symposia, these By Stanislas de Lestapis, S.J. (Pp. 326+ xx. 30s.) London: add greatly to the value of the communications. Burns and Oates. 1961. Each volume is separately indexed and the editors Antikoagulantien in der Humanmedi-in. III. Hamburger are to be congratulated on the clarity, elegance, and Sympodion uber Blutgerinnung. 28 Mai I960. Edited by quality of their production, including manv excellent Professor Dr. L. Zukschwerdt and Priv.-Doz. H. A. Thies. (Pp. 166. DM. 19.75.) Stuttgart: Friedrich-Karl Schattauer- tables and illustrations. Verlag. 1961. OLIVER GARROD. Clinics in Electrocardiography. By Dale Groom, A.B., M.D., M.S.(in Med.), F.A.C.P. (Pp. 152+x; illustrated. 64s.) Spring- field, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications. 1961. BOOKS RECEIVED Fetal Electrocardiography. The Electrical Activity of the Fetal Heart. By Saul David Larks, B.S.E.E., M.S.(E.E.), Ph.D. Reviewv is not precluded by notice here of books recently received. (Pp. 109+xiii; illustrated. 52s.) Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Freud and the Post-Freudians. By J. A. C. Brown. (Pp. 225 Thomas. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications. 1961. +viii. 3s. 6d.) London: Penguin Books. 1961. Radiopaque Diagnostic Agents. By Peter K. Knoefel, M.D. Common Diseases of the Ear, Nose and Throat. By Philip (Pp. 157+ix; illustrated. 54s.) Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Reading, M.S.(Lond.), F.R.C.S.(Eng.). Third edition. (Pp. 264 Thomas. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications. 1961. + viii; illustrated. 24s.) London: J. and A. Churchill Ltd. Biological Approaches to Cancer Chemotherapy. By R. J. C. 1961. Harris. A symposium held at Louvain, June, 1960, under the An Approach to Community Mental Health. By Gerald auspices of Unesco and the World Health Organization. (Pp. 431 Caplan, M.D., D.P.M. (Pp. 262+ix. 25s.) London: Tavistock +x. 96s.) London, New York: Academic Press. 1961. Publications. 1961. Arithmetic Reviewv and Drug Therapy for Practical Nurses. Progress in Clinical Medicine. By various authors. Edited By Grace E. Fitch, R.N., B.S. (Pp. 164 + viii. 24s. 6d.) New by Raymond Daley, M.A., M.D.Cantab., F.R.C.P., and Henry York: The Macmillan Company. 1961. Miller, M.D.Durh., F.R.C.P., D.P.M. Fourth edition. (Pp. 345 Exceptional Children. Residential Treatment of Emotionally +x; illustrated. 50s.) London: J. and A. Churchill Ltd. 1961. Disturbed Boys at Shotton Hall. By F. G. Lennhoff. Clinical Endorrinology. For Practitioners and Students. By (Pp. 201. 21s.) London: George Allen and Unwin Ltd. 1961. Laurence Martin, M.D.(Camb.), F.R.C.P.(Lond.). Third edition. Symposium on Water and Electrolyte Metabolism, Amsterdam, (Pp. 275+vii; illustrated. 28s.) London: J. and A. Churchill 1960. Organized by the Netherlands Society of Clinical Ltd. 1961. Chemistry and the Netherlands Society for General Pathology. Virus Meningo-Encephalitis. In honour of Professor K. Edited by C. P. Stewart and Th. Strengers. (Pp. 202; illustrated. Todorovic. Ciba Foundation Study Group No. .7. Editors for 38s.) Amsterdam, London, New York, Princeton: Elsevier the Ciba Foundation: G. E. W. Wolstenholme, O.B.E., M.A., Publishing Co. 1961. M.B., M.R.C.P., and Margaret P. Cameron, M.A. (Pp. 120+ Human Behaviour. A New Approach. By Claire Russell viii. 12s. 6d.) London: J. and A. Churchill Ltd. 1961. and W. M. S. Russell. (Pp. 532+ix. 42s.) London: Andre Animal Parasites in Man. By N. H. Swellengrebel, Ph.D., Deutsch Ltd. 1961. M.D., and M. M. Sterman, M.D. (Pp. 652+x: illustrated. Mental Health Services. By Arthur Hubert Edwards, D.P.A. 67s. 6d.) Toronto, New York, London: D. Van N,,strand Third edition. Third edition. (Pp. 742+xxxv. 95s.) London: Company, Inc. 1961. Shaw and Sons Ltd 1961. 1838 JuNE 24, 1961 MEDICAL NOTES IN PARLIAMENT know what kind of person he was, and it would also be A Private Transaction fairer to other doctors in the neighbourhood who came under a cloud of suspicion. The doctor in the Health Miss PrTr told him firmly that doctors were under no Service was a public servant, paid out of public funds, obligation to provide these certificates, and rejected the and the public were entitled to know who was not doing suggestion of an approach to the B.M.A. as outside the his job. There were two sides to every case: then let the Minister's province. The 1946 Act provided for regulations public hear both sides and all the facts, and it would be to be made "for the issue to patients or their personal to the benefit of all. Justice should be done in the open, representatives by medical practitioners . of such certi- not in secret courts in which identities were screened. ficates as may be prescribed, being certificates reasonably required by them under or for the purposes of any enact- ment." The International Sanitary Regulations adopted Courts, G.M.C., and Service Committees by the World Health Assembly, under which international Miss EDITH PIrr, Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of vaccination certificates were provided as evidence of Health, said the purpose of the service committee investiga- vaccination, could not be regarded as an enactment for the tions was to consider according to statutory rules of purposes of the Health Service Acts, and therefore the procedure whether a practitioner had complied with his Minister has no power to prescribe these certificates. There terms of service. It was not to decide issues between two was no statutory provision in the United Kingdom requiring parties; the courts were available if a complainant sought those leaving the country to be vaccinated or inoculated or damages. Nor was it to punish an offence; this also was to obtain a certificate. The doctor was not required to for the courts. Nor was it to determine whether a practi- provide them under his terms of service. It was a private tioner was fit to practise; this was for the General Medical transaction, and it was for the doctor to decide what charge, Council or other professional registration body, and, in if any, he should make. relation to the Health Service, the tribunal.
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