WEST GREY POLICE SERVICE 2009 ANNUAL REPORT TableTable ofof ContentsContents Message from the Chief of Police 1 Mission Statement – Vision Statement 2 Organizational Chart 3 Map of West Grey 4 Police Service Expenditures 5 Occurrence Statistics 6 – 7 Occurrence Clearance Rates 8 Road Safety 9 Criminal Investigations Unit 10 K-9 Unit 11 – 12 Auxiliary Policing Unit 13 Training 14 Deputy Chief Thompson Retirement 15 New Sworn Personnel 16 Community Service Programs 17 Tornado 18 – 20 Community Service 21 – 23 Olympic Torch Relay 24 Contact Information 25 MESSAGEMESSAGE FROMFROM THETHE CHIEFCHIEF OFOF POLICEPOLICE It is my pleasure to provide the West Grey Police Services Board, West Grey Council and our Community with the 2009 Annual Report covering the activities of the West Grey Police Service. We experienced some changes in 2009. The retirement of Deputy Chief Thompson, the appointment of Deputy Chief Dan Rioux and the hiring of Constable Mitchell Roulston. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who helped us out after the August 20, 2009 tornado. A special thank you to Constable Ian Sanderson of the Hanover Police Service, the Ontario Provincial Police, Owen Sound Police Service, Shelburne Police Service, Hanover Police Service, Saugeen Shores Police Service, Grey County EMS, West Grey and Hanover Fire Services, West Grey Works Department, Victim Services, West Grey Emergency Control Group and Council, Mayor Kevin Eccles and Deputy Mayor Dan Sullivan, Ontario Hydro and Union Gas. I would also like to thank the members of the West Grey Police Service including auxiliary members and administration, many of whom worked numerous hours. I would also like to thank citizens who assisted us with traffic and security details as well as the Durham Legion, Lions Club, businesses and citizens who donated food and water. Finally, I would like to thank the many citizens and media who respected the job we had to do. We could not have done it without you. The success identified in this report is a direct result of the dedication of our members and our partners. Our partners include organizations, service clubs, health, education, support groups, other law enforcement agencies, and other emergency services to name a few. I am particularly proud of the members of the service who are committed to serving our community and solve crimes with a great success rate, exceeding the Provincial and National average for crime clearance. My personal thanks also go out to the members of the West Grey Police Services Board and Council for their dedication and important contributions. In conclusion, I look forward to new challenges in 2010. I am very fortunate to work with and proud of the members of the West Grey Police Service and the West Grey Police Services Board. Together we will work hard to provide the citizens of the community with the best police service possible. Rene M. Berger Rene M. Berger, Chief of Police 1 MissionMission StatementStatement The West Grey Police Service and the West Grey Police Services Board, in partnership with the members of the Municipality of West Grey, will endeavor to create a safe environment in which to live, work and visit. VisionVision StatementStatement Members of the West Grey Police Service are committed to working with the citizens of the Municipality of West Grey to understand their policing needs, enforce laws, and develop proactive solutions that will improve the service we provide and to become one of the best Community Oriented Police Services in the Province of Ontario. 2 WEST GREY POLICE SERVICE 2009 ORGANIZATIONAL CHART West Grey Community Police Services Board Kevin Eccles Bev Cutting Brad Holman Stu Radke Cathy Watson Heather Webb - Secretary Chief of Criminal Police Administrative Investigation/CISO Staff Rene M. D/Sgt. J. Beselaere Berger Kerry Moore D/Cst. N. Campbell Deputy Chief of Auxiliary Police Members Robert Thompson Aux. Sgt. Ben K-9 Unit Dan Rioux Dasti John Noble Joel Leifso “Tye” Kristina Patrol Sergeants Parsons Jennifer Webb Dale Smart Kirk Watson Jerry Kocher Jail Guards Chad Brown Blair Dunlop Kristina Constables Parsons Steve Torry Special Steve Smith John Noble Constable Tom Morrison Barb Mark McComb MacPherson Jeremy White Lisa Walter Scott Koeslag Darlene Pfaff Danny Soper Part Time Wayne Pfaff Janet Eidt Constables Glenn Parsons Bruce Forsyth Norman Melissa Fisk Shawn Lubjenka Rowntree Zach Fairbanks Nancy MacMillan Phil Parrish Kenneth Iles Kenneth MacPherson Chaplain Mitch Roulston Dennis Foerster 3 WestWest GreyGrey AreaArea MapMap 4 2009 POLICE SERVICE EXPENDITURES Salaries & Benefits Operaonal/Capital Police Service Board Expenditures 5 20092009 OccurrenceOccurrence StatisticsStatistics OCCURRENCE TYPE TOTAL OCCURRENCE TYPE TOTAL MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENTS Disturb the peace 3 Property Damage Only 213 Domestic Dispute 38 Personal Injury Accidents 38 Drug Offences 29 Persons Injured 45 Escape Custody 0 Fatal Accidents 0 Prisoner Escorts 76 Persons Killed 0 Family Dispute 10 OTHER MONTHLY ACTIVITIES Fire 8 911 Hang Up 105 Fraud 16 Abduction 0 Gaming and Betting 0 Airplane Crash 0 Gang 0 Alarm 121 Harassment 16 Animal Complaint 42 Homicide 0 Arson 2 Hostage Taking 0 Assault 35 Hydro Wires Down 0 Attempt Murder 0 Impaired/Over 80 MGS 21 Attempt/Threaten Suicide 8 Indecent Acts 0 Bail Violations 10 Insecure Premises 4 B & E – Residence 19 Kidnapping 0 B & E – Business 16 Landlord/Tenant Dispute 8 B & E – Other 31 Liquor Licence Act 18 Breach Probation 6 Mental Health Act 17 Counterfeit 2 Mischief 71 Court Order 4 Missing Persons 15 Dangerous Condition 20 Missing Persons Locate 15 Municipal Bylaws 12 Sexual Assault 6 6 OCCURRENCE TYPE TOTAL OCCURRENCE TYPE TOTAL Motor Vehicle – Abandoned 9 Shoplifting 8 Motor Vehicle – Recovered 15 Stolen Vehicle 19 Neighbour Dispute 29 Strikes 1 Noise Complaints 43 Sudden Death 17 Non Police Matter 1 Suspicious Person 39 Non-Traffic Accident 4 Suspicious Vehicle 19 Obstruct Police 0 Thefts 141 Other Criminal Code 10 Threats 24 Other Federal Statute 1 Towed Vehicles 10 Other Provincial Statute 26 Traffic Complaint 128 Persons Reporting In 44 Traffic Control 3 Phone Calls 17 ADLS Suspensions 21 Police Assistance 537 Traffic Hazard 4 Police Information 187 Trespass By Night 0 Police Pursuits 2 Trespass To Property Act 18 Possession Stolen Property 3 Trouble With Youth 17 Prevent Breach of Peace 6 Unwanted Person 8 Property Checks 25 Warrants Executed 25 Property Damage 1 Weapons 9 Prostitution 0 MISCELLANEOUS Property Related 125 Value of Property Stolen $238,365.28 R.I.D.E. Checks Conducted 95 Value of Property Recovered $78,812.00 Robbery 0 Value of Property Recovered $26,900.0 Other Services Routine Traffic Stop 2 Man Hours of Coverage 29011.25 7 20020099 OccurrenceOccurrence ClearanceClearance RatesRates Occurrence Type 2009 Actual Cleared Rate Criminal Neg. Causing Death 0 0 0% Sexual Assault 7 7 100% Other Sex Offences 0 0 0% Aggravated Assault 0 0 0% Assault with Weapon 8 8 100% Assault – Level 1 31 29 93.5% Assault Police 2 2 100% Criminal Neg. Cause Bodily Harm 0 0 0% Kidnapping – Confinement 0 0 0% Robbery 0 0 0% Extortion 0 0 0% Criminal Harassment 3 3 100% Utter Threats 16 16 100% Other Criminal Code 0 0 0% TOTAL 67 65 97.0% Arson 2 1 50% Break & Enter 65 21 32.3% Theft Over $5,000 6 0 0% Theft Over – Motor Vehicle 4 3 75% Theft From Motor Vehicle 0 0 0% Theft Under $5,000 93 34 36.6% Theft Under – Motor Vehicle 16 6 37.5% Theft From Motor vehicle – Under 37 16 43.2% $5,000 Possession of Stolen Goods 9 9 100% Fraud 18 14 77.8% Mischief 58 15 25.9% Mischief to Property – Over $5,000 1 0 0% Mischief to Property – Under $5,000 16 3 18.8% TOTAL 325 122 37.5% 8 RoadRoad SafetySafety West Grey Police Service remained committed to road safety. The primary goal in 2009 continued to be reducing road fatalities, personal injuries collisions and personal damage collisions, through education and enforcement. Major initiatives over the year included the RIDE programs (Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere), Seatbelt safety initiatives, Bicycle Safety, School Bus Safety and Selective Provincial Laws (HTA, LLA, SMVA,ORVA). West Grey Police Service conducted several RIDE spot checks throughout the Municipality which were partially supplemented by a Provincial RIDE Grant. Selective Enforcement addresses our community policing initiatives as well as concerns from the public and identified high volume motor vehicle collision areas. The mobile speed sign has also proven to be a very effective tool in reducing speeds throughout the Municipality. The sign is placed in identified areas where speeding is a concern. 9 CriminalCriminal InvestigationsInvestigations UnitUnit The West Grey Police Services Criminal Investigation Unit investigates all major crimes against persons and property. The unit consists of Detective Sergeant Jeff Beselaere and a Detective ConstaBle Neil CampBell who have comBined policing experience of 44 years. The crime unit works closely with neighBouring police agencies, sharing information and participating in joint forces projects. Detective ConstaBle CampBell is heavily involved in CISO (Criminal Intelligence Service Ontario). This is an intelligence sharing organization that promotes active participation. This commitment requires Detective ConstaBle CampBell to attend Bi‐ monthly meetings and Bi‐monthly conferences. In August 2009 the crime unit and other memBers of our service, as well as several area police services participated in Project OSABOT which is an R.C.M.P. led marihuana eradication program. With the assistance of two helicopters 5 marihuana outdoor growing operations in West Grey were discovered and 1,063 marihuana plants with a street value of $1,063,000.00 were eradicated. In April 2009 a computer related sex crime investigation was launched. As a result of the ensuing 3 month investigation which involved the execution of 3 criminal code search warrants, several computers, cellular telephones, prohiBited weapons, and controlled suBstances were seized and examined.
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