Curtain Call Tonight On AKA's "All My Sons" At Ham A Newspaper With A Constructive Policy -------------------- VOLUME IB, NUMBER 86 . MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, HllgAY, APRIL 21, 1950 PRICE SIX CENTS REGIONAL “SUBSTITUTE” SCHOOLS OUTLAWED Letter Carriers Band In Full Concert Wed Nite « •a* Benefit Program To Help AKA’S Present “All My Sons” “Spirii of CoMon / è Decision Reverses Musicians To Convention At Handy Theatre Tonight Lower Court's -* *' i Memphis' widely known, andi Hon of letter carriers since Its The fourth annual production of women have always expressed the popular Letter Carriers Band will | formation. Il is the only all-colored Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority will theme for each play at the begin­ I be presented in full concert next | band among the thirty or more Stand On Counts be presented tonight, April 21, at ning by song or poem. Particular­ ... $4 | Wednesday, April 36 at Wil? Ave musical units of this type attending Handy Theater at 8:15 It Is be­ ly is this true with “Smilin' Auditorium. Proceeds from the con­ the convention. It Is the only band. ANNAPOLIS. Md. - (NXPA)- lieved that Memphians will turn out Through" when the song bearing cert will be used to help finance the Negro or white, from the South. The Bute of Maryland cannot re- en masse to witness this stellar at­ the same name was sung by Mrs. tremendous cost o( sending the A In view of the many free concerts pulre a colored student to aeoepl traction which promises to be the Helen 8helby. In the current play, musicians to their Biennial Letter the Memphis Letter Carriers Band a scholarship at an out-of-state In­ very best in dramatic entertainment “AU My Sons," the theme will be Cprrfcrs Convention in Seattle, has given for enjoyment and In­ stitution for courses offered t< for all. expressed in a poem, “The Man In Washington during the first week spiration of the Memphis public, white students within the state, Up Mrs. Ann Reba Twigg, who has the Glass" by Taylor C. D. Hayes. I in Boptember. citizens of Memphis arc asked to Maryland Court of Appeals ntlet successfully directed previous plays, Having the theme of the entire play Sponsored by the Ladles Auxiliary give these postme.i an overwhelm­ last Friday. will not only direct the drama to­ expressed at the beginning of the of tlie Band, next Wednesday's con­ ing turnout next Wednesday night, It reversed a decision of Ohlei night, but will play the leading fe­ play is a "must“ with all AKA plays cert will also carry altli It a num­ April 2tl at Beale Avenue Audito­ Judge W. Conwell Smith pt thi male role. Everyone anticipates a and this year the customary pro­ ber of side features. Including the rium. fine performance and from all in­ cedure will be followed. presentation of two valuable prizes Baltimore City Court in the case a dications the able cast will prove to holders of the lucky admission I Holder of the lucky ticket does Miss Esther McCready, of Baltimore itself quite capable as amateurs. Beta Epsilon Omega Chapter of ticket. There will be presented a I not have to be present to win the i nd ordered the issuance of a Wri Also hi the cast are: Louis John­ Alpha Kappa Alpha Soro/ity feels General Electric 12-5 Television act i prizes, according to Theodore Jack of mandamus to compel her son, Taylor C. D. Hayes, Calvin Ro- a deep sense of gratitude foi the 1 and a G. E. Washing Machine, son, president of Use local Letter sion to the University of Marylant lark, Charley Tarpley and Master excellent support retelved from the i The Memphis Letter Carriers Band Carriers Association; and J D School of Nursing. CITY RECEPTION: Belly Johnson, the IO “Mi»a Spirit of Cotton", second from right, was officially Christopher Booth. Others are Mrs. public in helping the organziatlon | organized over a quarter century Williams, president of the band In handing down Its welcomed to New York City laat week by Deputy Mayor William Heid at City Hall. Looking on as Mayor Jewel Speight. Mrs. Adrian Simp­ with its welfare and philanthropic ago by the Late Prof john R. Love, Just purchase the admission ticket Maryland Court of Reid add» hi» name to Min Johnson's “Spirit of Cotton* scroll are, left to right, Mra. Beryl Newton, Wil­ kins, and Mrs. Margaret Rivers. program. Through these produc­ venerable musician and postman, to the concert. This suffices to make ed the decisions of In the past Alpha Kappa Alpha tions, local graduate AKA women liam Hudgins. Mr«. Ethyl Venson, amt Mis» Johnson. I has attended the national conven- one eligible for a prize. Supreme Court in »111 be able to offer scholarships Lloyd Gaines I to many deserving young high school graduates enabling them to Dr. E. W. Rand To Be attend the college of their choice. Truman Makes Babcock Heads "Woman's Day" Speaker This year, seven scholarships will attend an out-of-atata be given embracing the seven high A* Mrae. Rlvd. Sundav I schools in the city, Booker T. Wash- Position On Interracial I ingtem, Melrose, Manassas, HamJl- ' ton, Douglas, St. Augustine and St. 1 Anthony. One scholarship will be J’Crow Clear given to each school. This project is made possible through the sup­ WASHINGTON, D. C.-(NNPA) CHICAGO - (ANPi - RusKell B port from the public. It is par­ — The argument of Attorney Gen­ Bibcock, widely-known educator. ticularly gratifying to AKA womer eral J. Howard McGrath and 8o- ha$ just been appointed executive to know that the public endorses director of the Illinois Interracial tcltor General Philip B. ftflman . their projects m evidenced by the that racial segregation, enforced by commission by Governor Adlal continuous attendance of the pub­ Stevenson..Colored leaders through­ law, Is in Itself illegal has the ap­ lic. out the state have hailed the ap­ proval of President Truman. Miss Katherine Perry is serving pointment wl b satisfaction. He suc­ as General Chairman of the pipy At his press conference last Thurs­ ceeds the Rev. hartin Bickham. Assisting her and comprising the day Mr. Truman said he had ex­ Russell Babcock served for three planning committee are: Mrs. Al­ pressed agreement a long time ago years with the Mayor's Commis­ ma Booth, properties; Mrs. Geor­ with the views stated by the- At­ sion on Human relations here in gia V. Harvey, props; Mrs. Ernes­ torney General and the Solicitor Chicago on which he did notable tine Clark, scenic artist; Miss Jewel General in their appearance before work. He lek t’vat post to become Gentry, appreciation; Miss Marga­ the United States Supreme Court consultant on education with the in the Henderson case involving Liberia foundation, working with the CONDUCTING NAACP MEM­ ret Bush, program; Mrs. Ethel Per­ ROYAL WELCOME: Hr«v Johnson, the lttso “Mi»» Spirit of Option' racial segregation on railroad dining late Edwin R. Embree, former pre­ BERSHIP DRIVE — Miss L. I kins, ushers; Miss D. Todd, tickets: was welcomed to Harlem last week by orchestra leaden Buddy John cars. sident of the Julius Rosenwald fund. Brock, National Field Secretary Miss Gertrude Walker, stage man­ ■on left and Edwin Wiens. The comely Memphis beauty was chaper- ager; lliss Georgia Rose Sylvers, The President made his commen* During his stay in Liberia add un­ NAACP, is in Memphis conducting •nod by Mr». Ethyl Venaon. the local branch's membership cam­ make-up artist; Mrs. Georgia Quinn when a reporter told him of the til the cessation of work by the Li­ beria foundation upon the death Universal Life, paign which got under way about music and sound and Mrs. Emma argument made by Mr. McGrath and of former Secretary of State Ed­ ten days ago. She is a product of Tom Johnson, publicity. Mr. Perlman and asked Mr. Tru­ ward R. Stettinius, Babcock made Rev. E. W -Rand, noted religious Lincoln University (Mo.), and the "AU My Sons" will be presented man whether he was in accord with To Lincoln U. "Bojangles" a most favorable impression upon educator» and . chaplain director University of Pennsylvania. only one night, Friday, April 21, Banker Helps the views they expressed. JEFFERSON CITY, Mo _ Liberian officials and sch<ol authori­ sptaker on the Annual Woman's Department of Economic! i Before coming to the National this year because of the appearance MESSAGES CITED ties. Day program this Sunday after­ Business Administration at i Office, Miss Brock.served as mem­ of our nationally famous Sorot, After replying in the affirmative. Mr. Babcock has had a varied ex­ noon, April 23rd, at Miss. Blvd. coin Urihegslty iMo.) will hold bership secretary of the Chicago ETTA MOTON, who appeared Estate Worth “Golden Rule” Mr. Truman asked Ur reporter perience in racial affairs. For three Christian Church. Elder B. T. Branch, working closely with Mrs. in connection with the Music Festi­ second annual business contai years, he worked in Constantinople Hunt, pastor. He la scheduled to April 27-28. Theirs Of the «n Daisy E. Lampkins, formerly field val of LeMoyne College Thursday whether he had read his messages to the Congress ana told him he Turkey. Later, lie was with War In­ appear during the afternoon pro­ ence is Selling as a Carer." secretary of the branch. Successful night, April 20. Only $3,150 formation Education aervice, finally gram Dr. Lawrence c Lockley, ta* campaigns under her leadership thought he would find him in agree­ I Needy Negroes being in charge of the writers w|io Fellowship services for the wo­ ing consultant and profess« have just been completed In Chat­ ment with the views of Mr.
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