Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 10 My attitude about this is that there is [At this point, Sen. Reid made brief re- a great opportunity for us to show the marks.] country that Republicans and Democrats The President. Thank you, sir. Dick, do are equally as patriotic and equally con- you want to say something? cerned about the future and that we can [Sen. Durbin made brief remarks.] work together. Senator Reid and I are both from the West. I’m from west Texas; he’s The President. I was hoping you would from Nevada. And we tend to speak the notice that. Thank you all. same language, pretty plain-spoken people, which should bode well for our relation- NOTE: The President spoke at 12:18 p.m. in ship. the Oval Office at the White House. The So I appreciate you all coming. I’m really transcript released by the Office of the Press Secretary also included the remarks of Sens. looking forward to working with you. Reid and Durbin. Remarks at the Dedication Ceremony for the National Museum of the Marine Corps in Quantico, Virginia November 10, 2006 The President. Thank you all. Thank you problem. In this museum, you will experi- for the warm welcome. General Hagee, ence life from a marine’s perspective. In thank you for your service to our country— this museum, you’ll feel what it’s like to Secretaries of the Army and Navy and Air go through boot camp—no, thanks—[laugh- Force. I’m proud to be here with the ter]—make an amphibious landing under Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen- fire, or deploy from a helicopter in Viet- eral Pete Pace, the first United States ma- nam. rine to have ever held this position. Senator The museum will not make you into a Warner and Congresswoman Davis; former marine—only a drill instructor can do Governor Warner and former Senator that—but by putting you in the boots of Glenn; honored guests; veterans; General a marine, this museum will leave you with Christmas and all those responsible for this an appreciation of the rich history of the fine museum; United States marines every- Corps and the pride that comes with earn- where: Please join me in wishing a very ing the title United States marine. happy Marine Corps birthday to every man The history of the Corps is as important and woman who has ever worn the eagle, to each marine as his rifle. Every marine the globe, and the anchor. knows the Corps traces its founding to a As Jim Lehrer reminded you, we cele- Philadelphia tavern in 1775. Every marine brate the 231st birthday of one of the can name the famous battles, legends, and world’s premier fighting forces. And we heroes that stretch from the halls of Monte- mark the opening of our Nation’s most zuma to the deserts of Iraq. Every marine modern military museum. For too long, the understands that the Corps’ reputation for only people to have direct experience of honor and courage is a sacred inheritance the Marine Corps have been the marines from marines past and a solemn trust to themselves and the enemy who’s made the be passed on to marines to come. The ma- mistake of taking them on. The National rines believe that you cannot know what Museum of the Marine Corps fixes this you stand for if you do not know where 2071 VerDate Mar 15 2010 10:45 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 211655 PO 00000 Frm 00759 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 E:\HR\OC\211655A.020 211655A rmajette on DSK29S0YB1PROD with HEARING Nov. 10 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 you came from, and they teach their history who have come before them, this new gen- because they are determined to repeat it. eration is adding its own chapters to the The history of the Corps is now pre- stories of liberty and peace. And years from served within these walls. Many of you here now, when America looks out on a demo- today do not need a museum to tell you cratic Middle East growing in freedom and this history because you wrote it yourselves prosperity, Americans will speak of the bat- with your sweat and your sacrifice in places tles like Fallujah with the same awe and like Tarawa, Chosin, and Khe Sahn. These reverence that we now give to Guadalcanal walls pay tribute to your contributions to and Iwo Jima. American freedom. These walls remind all Like the marines who have come before who visit here that honor, courage, and them, this new generation has also given commitment are not just words. They are some of its finest men in the line of duty. core values for a way of life that puts serv- One of these fine men was Jason Dunham. ice above self. And these walls will keep Jason’s birthday is November the 10th, so the history of the Marine Corps alive for you might say that he was born to be a generations of Americans to come. This is marine. And as far back as boot camp, his an important place, and I thank you for superiors spotted the quality that would supporting it. mark this young American as an out- The museum is shaped in the form of standing marine: his willingness to put the the famous photograph of the flag raising needs of others before his own. on Iwo Jima. Iwo Jima is one of the most Corporal Dunham showed that spirit in important battles in American history. It is fitting that Iwo Jima is one of the most April 2004, while leading a patrol of his important exhibits in this museum. The marines in an Iraqi town near the Syrian Japanese who defended that island had border. When a nearby Marine convoy was learned from costly battles that they could ambushed, Corporal Dunham led his squad not defeat American forces. Yet they be- to the site of the attack, where he and lieved that by inflicting maximum casualties his men stopped a convoy of cars that were on our forces, they would demoralize our trying to make an escape. As he moved Nation and make America tire of war. to search one of the vehicles, an insurgent In that battle, the Japanese succeeded jumped out and grabbed the corporal by in taking the lives of more than 6,000 men. the throat. The corporal engaged the They did not succeed in stopping the ma- enemy in hand-to-hand combat. At one rines from achieving their mission. And that point he shouted to his fellow marines, flag that was raised on Mount Suribachi ‘‘No, no, no, watch his hand.’’ Moments would become an enduring symbol of later, an enemy grenade rolled out. Cor- American resolve and a lasting icon of a poral Dunham did not hesitate; he jumped democracy at war. on the grenade to protect his fellow ma- The history of the Corps is now being rines; he used his helmet and his body to written by a new generation of marines. absorb the blast. Since the attacks of September the 11th, A friend who was there that terrible day 2001, more than 190,000 men and women put it this way: ‘‘Corporal Dunham had a have stepped forward to wear the uniform gift from God. Everyone who came in con- of the Marine Corps. Like the marines who tact with him wanted to be like him. He have come before them, this new genera- was the toughest marine but the nicest guy. tion is serving freedom’s cause in distant He would do anything for you. Corporal lands. Like the marines who have come Dunham was the kind of person everybody before them, this new generation faces de- wants as their best friend.’’ Despite sur- termined enemies. And like the marines viving the initial blast and being given the 2072 VerDate Mar 15 2010 10:45 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 211655 PO 00000 Frm 00760 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 E:\HR\OC\211655A.020 211655A rmajette on DSK29S0YB1PROD with HEARING Administration of George W. Bush, 2006 / Nov. 11 best of medical care, Corporal Dunham ul- liberty. And as long as we have this fine timately succumbed to his wounds. And by museum, America will never forget their giving his own life, Corporal Dunham saved sacrifice. the lives of two of his men and showed May God bless you, may God bless the the world what it means to be a marine. Marines, and may God bless the United Corporal Dunham’s mom and dad are States. with us today on what would have been this brave young man’s 25th birthday. We remember that the marine who so freely NOTE: The President spoke at 2:12 p.m. at gave his life was your beloved son. We the National Museum of the Marine Corps. ask a loving God to comfort you for a loss In his remarks, he referred to former Gov. that can never be replaced. And on this Mark R. Warner of Virginia; former Sen. special birthday, in the company of his fel- John H. Glenn, Jr.; Lt. Gen. G.R. Christmas, low marines, I’m proud to announce that USMC (Ret.), president, Marine Corps Her- our Nation will recognize Corporal Jason itage Foundation; Jim Lehrer, anchor of Dunham’s action with America’s highest PBS’s ‘‘NewsHour with Jim Lehrer’’; and decoration for valor, the Medal of Honor. Dan and Deb Dunham, parents of Corp.
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