Modern Judaism and Historical Consciousness wiese-vrw_CS2.indd lxxii 1-2-2007 14:24:55 Modern Judaism and Historical Consciousness Identities, Encounters, Perspectives Edited by Andreas Gotzmann and Christian Wiese LEIDEN • BOSTON 2007 This book is printed on acid-free paper. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Modern Judaism and historical consciousness : identities, encounters, perspectives / edited by Andreas Gotzmann and Christian Wiese. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN-13: 978-90-04-15289-2 (hardcover : alk. paper) ISBN-10: 90-04-15289-X (hardcover : alk. paper) 1. Jews—Historiography. 2. Judaism—Historiography. 3. Jewish learning and scholarship. 4. Rabbinical literatu- re—History and criticism. 5. Reform Judaism. 6. Antisemitism—History. 7. Jewish literature—History and criticism. 8. Jews—Emancipation. 9. Holocaust, Jewish (1939- 1945)—Historiography. 10. Zionism—Historiography. 11. Orthodox Judaism. 12. Jewish women—Historiography. I. Gotzmann, Andreas. II. Wiese, Christian, 1961- III. Title. DS115.5.M64 2006 909’.04924—dc22 2006037244 ISBN-13: 978 90 04 15289 2 © Copyright 2007 by Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, The Netherlands Koninklijke Brill NV incorporates the imprints Brill Academic Publishers, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers and VSP. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, translated, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photo- copying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission from the publisher. Authorization to photocopy items for internal or personal use is granted by Brill provided that the appropriate fees are paid directly to The Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Suite 910 Danvers, MA 01923, USA. Fees are subject to change. printed in the netherlands contents v CONTENTS Abbreviations . viii List of Contributors . ix Introduction Andreas Gotzmann and Christian Wiese . xiii Part I The Emergence and Function of a New Scholarly Paradigm 1. Moses Mendelssohn and the Polemics of History Jonathan M. Hess . 3 2. Outside and Inside the Nations: Changing Borders in the Study of the Jewish Past during the Nineteenth Century Nils Roemer . 28 3. Glaube und Geschichte: A Vexed Relationship in German- Jewish Culture David N. Myers . 54 4. Two Persistent Tensions within Wissenschaft des Judentums Michael A. Meyer . 73 Part II Jewish Historiography and Its Encounter with Other Disciplines 5. Rabbinic Literature, Rabbinic History, and Scholarly Thinking: Wissenschaft and Beyond Richard S. Sarason . 93 6. Religionswissenschaft and Early Reform Jewish Thought: Samuel Hirsch and David Einhorn Gershon Greenberg . 110 7. “The Best Antidote to Anti-Semitism”? Wissenschaft des Judentums, Protestant Biblical Scholarship, and Anti- Semitism in Germany before 1933 Christian Wiese . 145 wiese-vrw_CS2.indd v 22-3-2007 9:10:13 vi contents 8. Fashioning a Neutral Zone: Jewish and Protestant Socialists Challenge Religionswissenschaft in Weimar Germany Marc A. Krell . 193 9. The Absence of an Encounter: Sociology and Jewish Studies Pierre Birnbaum . 224 10. Jewish Thought, Philosophy, and the Holocaust Michael L. Morgan . 274 11. “Jewish Literature” and “World Literature”: Wissenschaft des Judentums and its Concept of Literature Andreas B. Kilcher . 299 Part III Ideology and Popularization in Jewish Historiography 12. Historicizing Emancipation: Jewish Historical Culture and Wissenschaft in Germany, 1912–1938 Christhard Hoffmann . 329 13. Historiography in a Cultural Ghetto: Jewish Historians in Nazi Germany Michael Brenner . 356 14. From Text to Edition: Processes of Scholarly Thinking in German-Jewish Literature in the Early Nineteenth Century Gabriele von Glasenapp . 368 Part IV Wissenschaft and Jewish Identity 15. Dimensions and Varieties of Orthodox Judaism Aviezer Ravitzky . 391 16. Which Wissenschaft? Reconstructionism’s Theological Appropriation of Sociology and Religious Naturalism Robert M. Seltzer. 417 17. Postzionism and Postmodern Theory: The Challenge to Jewish Studies Laurence J. Silberstein . 445 wiese-vrw_CS2.indd vi 22-3-2007 9:10:13 contents vii Part V New Concepts and Perspectives 18. Responsive Thinking: Cultural Studies and Jewish Historiography Jonathan Boyarin . 475 19. Historiography as Cultural Identity: Toward a Jewish History beyond National History Andreas Gotzmann . 494 20. The Impact of Feminist Theory on Jewish Studies Susannah Heschel . 529 21. What Power for Which Jews? (Post)Modern Reflections on the Idea of Power in Jewish Historiography Anthony D. Kauders . 549 Bibliography . 569 Indices Index of Subjects . 633 Index of Names . 642 wiese-vrw_CS2.indd vii 22-3-2007 9:10:13 viii chapter one ABBREVIATIONS AAJR American Academy of Jewish Reserarch AHR American Historical Review AJH American Jewish History AJHQ American Jewish Historical Quarterly ASSR Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions AZJ Allgemeine Zeitung des Judentums BLBI Bulletin des Leo Baeck Instituts CAHJP Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People HUCA Hebrew Union College Annual IdR Im Deutschen Reich JJS Journal of Jewish Studies JNUL Jewish National and University Library, Jerusalem JPS Jewish Publication Society of America JR Jüdische Rundschau JQR Jewish Quarterly Review JSQ Jewish Studies Quarterly JSS Jewish Social Studies JTSA Jewish Theological Seminary of America LBIYB Leo Baeck Institute Yearbook MGDJ Mitteilungen des Gesamtarchivs der deutschen Juden MGWJ Monatsschrift für die Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums PAAJR Proceedings of the American Academy of Jewish Research PAJHS Proceedings of the American Jewish Historical Society REJ Revue des Études Juives RHICOJ Association pour la Recherche sur l’Histoire Contemporaine des Juifs RRC Reconstructionist Rabbinic College SAJ Society for the Advancement of Judaism TJHSE Transactions of the Jewish Historical Society of England WZJT Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift für jüdische Theologie UCLA University of California, Los Angeles YMHA Young Men’s Hebrew Association ZGJD Zeitschrift für die Geschichte der Juden in Deutschland ZRGG Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte ZTHK Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche wiese-vrw_CS2.indd viii 21-3-2007 16:20:22 list of contributors ix LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS PIERRE BIRNBAUM (Ph.D, 1975, Sorbonne) taught at the Université Paris I and is presently teaching at Columbia University. Among other books, he is the author of Sociology of the State (with B. Badie, 1983), States and collective Action: The European experience (1988), Anti-Semitism in France (1992), The Jews of the Republic (1996), Jewish Destinies: Citizenschip, State and Community in Modern France (2000), The Idea of France (2001), The Anti-Semitic Moment: A Tour of France in 1898 (2003), and Géographie de l’Espoir: l’exil, les .(Lumières, la déassimilation (Paris: Gallimard, 2004 JONATHAN BOYARIN (Ph.D., 1984, New School for Social Research) is the Robert M. Beren Distinguished Professor of Modern Jewish Studies at the University of Kansas. Among his books are Polish Jews in Paris: The Ethnography of Memory (1991); Storm from Paradise: The Politics of Jewish Memory (1992); Thinking in Jewish (1996); Powers of Diaspora (with Daniel Boyarin, 2002); and edited volumes including The Ethnography of Reading (1993); Remapping Memory: The Politics of Time Space and Jews (1994) and (again with Daniel Boyarin) Jews and Other Differences: The New Jewish Cultural Studies (1996). MICHAEL BRENNER (Ph.D, 1994, Columbia University) is Professor of Jewish History and Culture at the University of Munich. Previously he taught at Indiana and Brandeis Universities, and has been a visiting professor at the Universities of Mainz, Budapest, and Stanford. Among his book publications are Zionism: A Concise History (German original 2002, English and Italian 2003, Korean 2005) and The Renaissance of Jewish Culture in Weimar Germany (1996, German 2000, Hebrew 2003). GABRIELE VON GLASENAPP (Ph.D., 1994, University of Aachen) is teaching and doing research at the Institut für Jugendbuchforschung at the University of Frankfurt am Main. Among other works she is the author of Aus der Judengasse: Zur Entstehung und Ausprägung deutschsprachiger Ghettoliteratur im 19. Jahrhundert (1996); Das jüdische Jugendbuch: Von der Aufklärung bis zum Dritten Reich, co-authored with Michael Nagel (1996); Ghettoliteratur. Eine Dokumentation zur deutsch-jüdischen Literaturgeschichte des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts, three parts, co-authored with Hans Otto Horch, (2005); Jüdische Geschichtsbilder aus Böhmen: Kommentierte Edition der historischen Erzählungen von Salomon Kohn, co-edited with Florian Krobb (2005). ANDREAS GOTZMANN (Ph.D, 1995, Freie Universität Berlin), is Professor of Jewish Religious and Cultural History at Erfurt University. Among other writings, he is the author of Jüdisches Recht im kulturellen Prozeß: Die Wahrnehmung der Halacha im Deutschland des 19. Jahrhunderts (1997) and Eigenheit und Einheit: Modernisierungsdiskurse des deutschen Judentums der Emanzipationszeit (2002); he is also co-editor of Juden—Bürger—Deutsche: Zu Vielfalt und Grenzen in Deutschland (2001) and editor of Kehilat Friedberg: Jüdisches Leben in Friedberg im 16.-18. Jahrhundert (2 vols., 2002). His special fields of interest are German- Jewish History, Jewish Religious and Cultural History from Early Modern to Modern Times, theory and methods of Cultural History. SUSANNAH HESCHEL (Ph.D., 1989, University of Pennsylvania) is Eli Black Professor of Jewish Studies in the
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