NEW ZEALAND LOCAL PAGES NEW ZEALAND LOCAL PAGES AREA LEADERSHIP MESSAGE Yes, We Can Trust Him By Elder Daniel G. Hamilton Elder Daniel G. Area Seventy Hamilton ike many faithful members, I have Tough times for some come due Yet in our hour of need, all we sim- L sometimes wondered why tough to nagging weaknesses that gnaw ply want to know and feel is that He and trying times seem to touch even away at our souls, like Paul’s “thorn cares for us and hears our cries, that the faithful. in the flesh.” 1 He will reach down from the heavens We want to believe and trust, but Whatever it is, there will be some- and lift us up. our doubt makes us feel so unworthy. thing that one day, or maybe even I testify we can feel so and that He Disappointment comes when family every day, will find us questioning, will rescue us. members wander off from the gospel as did the Prophet Joseph, “O God, I don’t have all the answers, but and appear lost. where art thou?” 2 that’s okay because neither did Nephi, Debilitating illness discourages We may even at times feel to cry out who told an angel, “I do not know the some, and all of us experience death. in agony, as did the Son of God, the meaning of all things.” 4 Some struggle with financial set- great Jehovah, exclaiming, “My God, So, what should we do when all backs and career challenges, while my God, why has thou forsaken me?” 3 seems lost? others wrestle with a marriage that In desperation, despair and dis- When overburdened with chal- seems less than perfect. Many worry couragement, some will give up lenges, we can heed King Limhi’s about not being married at all. eternal hope. counsel: Yes, we can trust Him. August 2017 N1 LOCAL PAGES “O ye, my people, lift up your heads When things seem like they can’t and be comforted; for behold, the time get any worse, remember that the Northland Saints is at hand, or is not far distant, when scriptures say, “It came to pass,” not Talk Values we shall no longer be in subjection “It came to stay.” By Shilo Kino to our enemies, notwithstanding our In one of his darkest hours, the many strugglings, which have been Prophet Joseph Smith was told, aints gathered from all over in vain; yet I trust there remaineth an “Thine afflictions shall be but a small S Northland earlier this year to hear effectual struggle to be made. moment.” 7 leaders talk about the impact of values “Therefore, lift up your heads, and Suffering for many months, about and standards on a person’s life. rejoice, and put your trust in God.” 5 to perish from hunger, having poured Visiting Member of Parliament We trust those we have a relationship out their souls in prayer to God, plead- Rt Hon Winston Peters, leader of with, but remember, trust takes time. ing that He would deliver them, the New Zealand First, was there, along A key to trusting Heavenly Father is Nephite army took courage, as mighty with other Members of Parliament, found in our submissiveness to His will. Helaman records: Kelvin Davis and and Pita Paraone. In a general conference message “Yea, and it came to pass that the Representing the City of Whangarei about the need for opposition, Elder Lord our God did visit us with assur- were Councillors Sue Glen and Jayne Dallin H. Oaks quoted President ances that he would deliver us; yea, Golightly. Thomas S. Monson as saying, “Our insomuch that he did speak peace to Mr. Peters shared some thoughts on Heavenly Father . knows that we our souls, and did grant unto us great the power of a person knowing her learn and grow and become refined faith, and did cause us that we should or his values and standards and then through hard challenges, heartbreak- hope for our deliverance in him. sticking to them. ing sorrows, and difficult choices.” 6 “And we did take courage . and He recalled watching former All As I have contemplated Elder Oaks’s were fixed with a determination to Blacks rugby player Sid Going—who powerful message, three thoughts have conquer.” 8 was also in attendance on Sunday eve- distilled upon my mind. I don’t know the meaning of all ning, along with his wife, Colleen— things, but this I do know from observ- play at Eden Park in Auckland. 1. The defining discipline of true ing faithful Saints who have trusted in Mr. Peters commended Mr. Going Christian discipleship and submis- siveness will develop when we God: in time the fog lifts, and looking for being true to his values as a rugby accept Heavenly Father’s will for us. back they can see that their trust in Him player, including his decision to hon- 2. Submissiveness is a sign of our trust was well worth the wait. our the Sabbath day. in Heavenly Father’s love for us. Yes, we can trust Him. ◼ Mr. Going said in an interview NOTES after the meeting that high moral stan- 3. We demonstrate our trust in 1. 2 Corinthians 12:7. Heavenly Father when we live as 2. Doctrine and Covenants 121:1. dards are important for the way we 3. Mathew 27:46. live our lives. one, full of hope, even when things 4. 1 Nephi 11:17. 5. Mosiah 7:18–19. “It’s difficult for young people go wrong. 6. Thomas S. Monson, quoted in Dallin H. Oaks, “Opposition in All Things,” Ensign, today,” he said, “but one has to be H-O-P-E, by the way, is “Having May 2016, 116. strong enough to remember the pur- 7. Doctrine and Covenants 121:7. Optimistic Perspective Eternally.” 8. Alma 58:11–12. pose of your life. N2 Ensign NEW ZEALAND LOCAL PAGES PUBLIC AFFAIRS LIBRARY PUBLIC AFFAIRS path. If you go off the wrong track, whatever your problem is, it will only get worse.” Mr. Peters said that churches play an important role in the community in teaching values and standards. “Critics have no idea what kind of society it would be if we didn’t have influences like churches in our coun- try,” Mr. Peters said. Young Latter- day Saint Rhaydyn Teokotai also spoke on Sunday eve- ning. He referred to the culture of Rt Hon Winston Peters (right) shakes hands with stake president “competing, comparing and never Ronald Reti. being enough.” “As young people today,” Mr. Members of Parliament in attendance included Pita Paraone and Kelvin Davis. Representing the City of Whangarei were Councillors Teokotai said, “we see the world Jayne Golightly and Sue Glen. and think we can’t do it. We see the world and not the Saviour. It’s simple. We need to turn out atten- tion to the Saviour, keep our steady focus on Him and we can overcome everything.” He added, “Life isn’t easy. School isn’t easy. But if we live our values and show the world our values, other people will start to live them.” Closing the evening, President Reti urged those in attendance to put themselves in positions where they “There are six other days in a week, respected his church’s views you can make a difference. and sports now seem to take over the shouldn’t play sport on Sunday,” Mr. “We need to be in the world, to Sabbath day. For me, it was a decision Peters said. “It’s not an easy thing to participate as members of the Church, PUBLIC AFFAIRS LIBRARY PUBLIC AFFAIRS I made as a young person taught by do. Most people have to compromise so others can see what we’re about.” my parents. There is more than just this [their] values. During the event, President Reti life; there’s an eternal part of our plan.” “My message for young people is presented Mr. Peters with a framed “It is wonderful to see Sid made it this: No matter how difficult it is, it copy of “The Family: A Proclamation all the way to the All Blacks having won’t help if you go off the beaten to the World.” ◼ August 2017 N3 SHILO KINO New Chinese Class a Miracle By Shilo Kino here is estimated to be almost of their heart and feel the Spirit more Chinese institute student T90,000 people from China who are fully. That’s what it’s all about. If there’s Lang Ming said institute has now currently living in New Zealand. a group of Chinese people that can ben- given her a lot of support. And institute director President Philip efit from this, then why not?” President Skeen calls the new Chinese classes a Skeen said. “miracle”. The class will be an hour and a half “When you have class all day, you are “Chinese is the most-spoken class in long and will be based on the teaching tired and sometimes find it hard to catch the world, so the new Chinese institute and doctrine of the Book of Mormon. up to what the teachers are saying in classes needed to happen,” he said. Twenty-four-year-old Lang Ming is English. Chinese is easier for me.” “The classes are a miracle.” from Chongqing, China, and joined the Teacher Manu Edwards finished his The new institute class began in Church in April last year. She recently mission over two years ago. He said the early May this year and is taught at graduated from Auckland University with Chinese classes are important to the the Auckland City Institute building by a master’s in accounting.
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