ll/, 4 \ \ N \ Don't Miss / Vote For The Late The Student ( of Taylor U. The Best Christopher Bean Candidate \ \ ''' / / March 19, 1958 Taylor University, Upland, Indiana Volume XLI—No. 10 "Ye Shall Know the Truth" Beaverson And Roth Win Nomination Results of the nomination for the student body pres­ idency held this morning placed Roger Beaverson and Wal- Banquet And Play Color ly Roth as the two finalists. The vote between Mr. Beaver­ son and Mr. Roth was close with a wide margin between them and the other three candidates, Ron Valutis, Adolnh Activities For Irish Day Hansen and Bill Doell. pps Roger Beaverson, a business Leprachauns are coming for the all-school St. Patrick's major from Wauseon, Ohio, is Day Banquet to be held March 21, 1958, at 6:00 p.m. in at present the junior class pres­ the dining hall. ident. He is interested in music, having participated in the Var­ This banquet is semi-formal, sity Quartet last year and sing­ and is being held in honor of the Naval Recruiter ing in the Cappella choir this Irish and the "those-who-wish- year. In his freshman year he they-were" Irish. The theme To Visit Campus was treasurer of his class. Last year he served as an orientation will be carried out with green leader and as a member of the centerpieces and programs, and A representative of the Office of Naval Officer Procurement Youth Conference cabinet. the judicious use of shamrocks. will visit the campus of Taylor Wally Roth, from Morton, Il­ Wayne Augustine will preside University on Friday, March 21, linois, is majoring in mathemat­ as Master of Ceremonies. The 1958, to explain the various of­ ics. Wally has been especially German band will be playing ficer candidate programs cur­ active in football and in journal­ rently being offered by the U. S. istic endeavors. Last year he several numbers for the affair. Roger Beaverson Several special numbers are in­ Navy. was sports editor of the Echo cluded in the program, and there College graduates and seniors and this year he is associate ed­ will be a time for everyone to within six months of gradua­ itor for the newspaper. He is join in singing familiar Irish tion, between the ages of 19 and Rec Class displays also sports editor of the Gem. folk-songs. Baked ham and lem­ 27, who are citizens of the Unit­ In his sophomore year he rep­ on chiffon pie are part of the ed States, may apply for officer Children's Hobbies resented his class on the stu­ menu for the meal. commissions. The fields include dent council. After the banquet there will Aviation (age 19 to 26), General The community recreation Petitions were circulated last Line, Restricted Line (Special­ be a presentation of The Late class is sponsoring a hobby show Wally Roth week to nominate candidates for Christopher Bean in Maytag ists) and Staff Corps. Women for the children of the imme­ the 1958-59 student body presi­ Gymnasium. Refreshments will juniors, seniors, and graduates diate community. Their hobbies dency. The five juniors who be served in Magee parlors after may apply for Wave Officer will be on display in Campbell were nominated for the primary the play. commissions. Sixteen weeks of parlor Saturday, March 22. Judg­ Leading Politicians election were Bill Doell, Adolph indoctrination at Newport, R. I., ing will be at noon on Saturday Hansen, Wally Roth, Ron Va­ The banquet is sponsored by with pay and all expenses paid, the student copncil and arranged lutis and Roger Beaverson. precede actual service. Any Taylor student who has To Speak At Rally On Friday, March 14, the nom­ by the social committee. Complete information concern­ a unique hobby which he would On March 25 the Social inees asked questions concern­ ing all naval officer programs like to display is welcome to do ing school policies to Dr. Wil­ may be obtained from the Navy so at this time. However, hob­ Science Club will sponsor a po­ litical banquet and rally in Rec­ liam Green, Dr. Paton Yoder, TU Students Attend representative on the above bies of Taylor students will not Duane Cuthbertson, and Martin date. be judged. reation Hall. Hustings, an his­ torical political word, is the Hess. The nominees gave brief Mock U N Assembly title designated to the banquet. speeches over the public address Social Science Club members, system Monday night during the Students selected by the Social supper hour. On Tuesday night Staff Members Receive those interested in politics, and the candidates discussed the is­ Science Club will leave to attend local political leaders from Grant and Blackord counties sues of their platforms in a a Little United Nations Assem­ will attend. rally in Magee parlor. bly at Indiana University in Awards At Echo Banquet Following the banquet a pub­ Next week, March 24-28, will Bloomington, Indiana, on Thurs lic program will be held in be devoted to active campaign­ day, March 20. Representing Shreiner Auditorium at 8:00 ing by the finalists. March 27 Taylor will be William Loewen, p.m. This program will feature is the date for the final elec­ student-advisor; Bill Boycott, a debate between a leading tions. Each Taylor student is chairman; Art Hansen, Ray Democrat and a leading Repub­ urged to cast his vote. Merz, and Martin Hess. lican of the state. The topic will All junior males who had This will be a mock United be "Public versus private devel­ been in residence at Taylor for Nations Assembly, and each opment of hydro-electric power." at least two years and who had school participating goes as a The political parties take op­ at least a 1.5 grade point av­ representative nation endeavor­ posing views on the subject of erage were eligible for this con­ ing to act on matters as that the debate. test. nation would. Taylor will take the part of Iran. Each member of the delegation will go to dif­ ferent committee meetings Former Taylorite,Captain Shilling, where resolutions to be present ed on the main floor will be Delivers Science Club Lectures drawn up. A General Assembly closing Captain Charles W. Shilling, pressure air and oxygen physiol­ at 10:30 Saturday night will con­ former resident of Upland and ogy. From Harvard, he was clude the session. now Deputy Director of the Di­ transferred to the Experimental vision of Biology and Medicine Diving Unit, Navy Yard, Wash­ of the U. S. Atomic Energy Com­ ington, D. C., where he experi­ mission, delivered a series of mented in general physiology Delegates Gather classroom lectures at Taylor on and Biochemistry relating to Dr. Milo Rediger addresses the Echo staff on what journalism en­ Monday and Tuesday, March 17 high pressure air and oxygen At NSA Seminar tails at the recent staff banquet. and 18. He appeared on Taylor and assisted in conducting re­ University's television program The Ohio and Indiana Region search on diving tables and The Echo banquet, sponsored by the former Echo and lectured at 7:30 p.m. on "lung" training techniques in National Student Association "Educational Signposts." reference to submarine escape. held a seminar on international staff, was held in Recreation Hall on Friday, March 14 at He is a qualified deep sea diver. affairs at Oberlin College last 6:00 p.m. Charles Wesley Shilling at­ tended Taylor for three years After retirement from the weekend, March 16-17. Master of Ceremonies Chuck have impressed her with effi­ Navy in 1955, he joined the Two students from Taylor, and was awarded a B.S. degree Saleska was seated beside Dr. ciency and interest in their par­ at Taylor upon receiving his staff of the Atomic Energy Com­ Tom Hyldahl and Bernie Tucker Milo Rediger, guest speaker, cre­ ticular areas of journalism. Mar- mission. In addition to his ca­ were sent as delegates. The key­ B.A. from the University of ating a novel reference to the jorie Starkweather, present Echo Michigan. He served his intern­ reer as a research administra­ note address was given by Reg recent impersonation Chuck per­ editor, John Oswalt, news re­ tor and scientist, Dr. Shilling has inald Green, the USNSA vice formed of the dean. Advisors porter, and Trudy Krein, news ship in the U. S. Naval Hospital, written or co-authored sixty-one president. Massachusetts, and attended the Dalton VanValkenburg and Mil­ editor, received awards. Profes­ Harvard School of Public Health. scientific articles and two books. The seminar was divided into dred Stratton, Mrs. VanValken­ sor VanValkenburg presented He was awarded an honorary Dr. Shilling enjoys public three sections. The first address burg, ex-co-editors Miriam Mar­ special awards to Miriam and Doctor of Science degree from speaking and has given many was given by Dr. Bhaskara Rao tin and Bill Doell, student col­ Bill for their effective work in Taylor University in 1954 for talks to scientific societies, civic who spoke on India. The second umnist Charlotte Justice, Chuck the capacities of editor and as­ organizations and fraternal or­ sociate editor. his outstanding role in scientific was given by Mark Arnold, £ Saleska, and Dr. Rediger sat at research. ders. He is an ardent horticul­ student from Oberlin who vis the speaker's table. About thirty Echo staff mem­ turist and in interested in nu­ ited Russia last summer. He Following an original reading bers attended the banquet. The Because of interest in re­ mismatics. He is a member of spoke on Russia and the Soviet by Dave Kemp, Dr. Rediger pre­ menu included Virginia baked search, the Navy sent Doctor the American Medical Associa­ Union.
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