£3.50 £3.50 U.K. U.K. ember 2010 ember downbeat.com DEC DownBeat 75th Annual ReaDeRs Poll // sonny Rollins // ChiCk CoRea // Pat Metheny // FRed HeRsCh DeCember 2010 DECEMBER 2010 Volume 77 – Number 12 President Kevin Maher Publisher Frank Alkyer Editor Ed Enright Associate Editor Aaron Cohen Art Director Ara Tirado Production Associate Andy Williams Bookkeeper Margaret Stevens Circulation Manager Kelly Grosser AdVertisiNg Sales Record Companies & Schools Jennifer Ruban-Gentile 630-941-2030 [email protected] Musical Instruments & East Coast Schools Ritche Deraney 201-445-6260 [email protected] Classified Advertising Sales Sue Mahal 630-941-2030 [email protected] offices 102 N. 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ChAngE of Address: Please allow six weeks for your change to become effective. When notifying us of your new address, include current DOWNBEAT label showing old address. DOWNBEAT (issn 0012-5768) Volume 77, Number 12 is published monthly by Maher Publications, 102 N. Haven, Elmhurst, IL 60126-3379. Copyright 2010 Maher Publica- tions. All rights reserved. Trademark registered U.S. Patent Office. Great Britain regis- tered trademark No. 719.407. Periodicals postage paid at Elmhurst, IL and at additional mailing offices. Subscription rates: $34.95 for one year, $59.95 for two years. Foreign subscriptions rates: $56.95 for one year, $103.95 for two years. Publisher assumes no responsibility for return of unsolicited manuscripts, photos, or art- work. Nothing may be reprinted in whole or in part without written permission from publisher. MAHER PUBLICATIONS: DOWNBEAT magazine, MUSIC INC. magazine, UpBeat Daily. PoStmaster: Send change of address to: DownBeat, P.O. Box 11688, St. Paul, MN 55111–0688. CABLE ADDRESS: DownBeat (on sale December 16, 2010) Magazine Publishers Association. Á 4 DOWNBEAT DECEMBER 2010 DECEMBER 2010 On the COver 75th Annual Readers Poll 24 Sonny Rollins Sonny’s BIG Day Tenor Saxophonist of the Year 48 By Jim mAcNiE For our portrait of the master at 80, we decided to chat it up with those involved in his highly anticipated, guest-laden birthday bash at the Beacon Theatre on Sept. 10 and a subsequent meet-and-greet session held at a New York bookstore a few nights later. We hear from numerous artists, associates and fans who were there to wish him well, while Rollins himself discusses the success of his big event. 30 Chick corea Chick’s Grand Slam Hallf o Fame, Jazz Artist, Electric Keyboardist, Beyond Album of the Year By JOhN EPhlAND Fred Hersch 34 Pat metheny MICHAEL JACKSON Maximum Metheny Cover photography by John Abbott Jazz Album, Guitarist of the Year By KEN micAllEf 38 Jack DeJohnette Music In The Key Of Jack Drummer of the Year By JOhN EPhlAND 40 Dave Brubeck ‘The Longest Intermission In My Career’ 66 Dick Oatts 68 Jon Irabagon 69 Michael Formanek 78 Nels Cline Jazz Group of the Year By JOhN mcDONOugh 44 Complete Poll Results Departments 8 First Take 20 Players 90 Master Class Features 10 Chords & Warren Wolf by Chase Baird Discords Francois Bourassa 92 Transcription Jason Roebke 48 Fred hersch 94 Jazz On Campus Don’t Turn Out The Stars 13 The Beat Rebecca Martin By michAEl JAcKSON 17 European 98 Blindfold Test Scene 63 Reviews Uri Caine 54 Special Section Holiday Gift Guide 18 Caught 86 Toolshed 6 DOWNBEAT DECEMBER 2010 first take | By ED EnRIght Sonny Rollins: no reflections on milestones JOHN ABBOTT JOHN Sonny’s take on turning 80 onny Rollins didn’t have a lot of time to chat this summer. He was occupied—performing on tour with his working band and planning his 80th birthday concert celebration, which took place Sept. 10 at New York’s Beacon Theatre. We wanted to make sure DownBeat Sgot a word in with Rollins well in advance of his big day, which writer Jim Macnie covers in fine detail beginning on page 24 of this issue. So, Down- Beat publisher Frank Alkyer and I came up with a list of questions, which we exchanged with Rollins via email in early August. His responses were short, sweet and 100-percent genuine Newk. DownBeat: What’s the best thing about being 80 and playing the saxophone? Sonny Rollins: Being 80 and playing the saxophone. DB: What’s the worst? Rollins: Being 80 and not playing the saxophone. DB: Looking back at your past performances at the Beacon Theatre, what do you remember most about your experiences there? Rollins: I remember the acoustics, which were superior to many. It would require a chapter in a book to recall the many experiences I had there. DB: What differences do you feel in your playing today compared to when you were, say, in your 40s? Rollins: I don’t listen to myself. The experience of playing is the same for me today as it was when I was 8 years old and I got my alto saxophone. DB: What makes you happiest about playing today? Rollins: Everything about playing makes me happy. DB: After all these years, what does the saxophone mean to you? Rollins: The saxophone is more like my right arm; it’s that much a part of me. DB: If it wasn’t the saxophone that called you, what else, do you think, might have been your life’s work? Rollins: I love watercolors and oils, and drew cartoons as a youngster. DB: Which musical artists have you been listening to lately? Any players who have really caught your attention? Rollins: I’m not listening to music, but I enjoy the usual suspects. DB: Tell us about your plans for later this fall into early 2011. Rollins: My plans include more of the same, hopefully on a higher plane of performance, including recordings. Obviously, there will be no reflections on milestones. DB 8 DOWNBEAT DECEMBER 2010 chords & discords Touching Tribute Tony Bennett’s words about Herman Leonard are very touching (“The Beat,” November). We and Herman’s family will treasure this issue always. Herman loved jazz, he loved the musicians and anyone who had anything to do with champion- ing and preserving it. DownBeat contin- ues to do that superbly. GeRALDINe BAuM heRMAN LeONARD PhOTOGRAPhY PASADeNA, CALIF. Motian’s Ingratitude Paul Motian has been getting a lot of copy of late (November). But I am befuddled that Motian seems to always find a way to portray the late Bill Evans in a negative light, musically and other- wise. Would Mr. Motian care to elaborate on his seeming negative feelings for Mr. Evans? Didn’t Motian’s career benefit from his association with Evans? vICTOR PAReDeS [email protected] Questionable Word as “glib,” meaning superficial and insincere, is a I loved the article about Josh Berman (October), purely unjustified attack on the artist. but what does the word “bazorgt” mean? Such comments do not belong in such a PeTeR SOLOMON fine publication. Overall, this illustrates a problem RIChMOND, Va. with DownBeat’s review process. Any good [Editor’s note: It’s Yiddish for “anxious.”] reviewer must show respect, fairness and sensi- tivity to artists who are playing the highest form Insightful Marucci of musical art. Macnie’s review does not take I commend you for printing Mat Marucci’s this into account, with a reference to Petrescu’s Woodshed article (November) about melodic recording as a “good example of craft swamping drum solos. I have always found Matt’s articles, art.” This respect is crucial at a time when there essays and drumming method books to be has never been less appreciation or monetary extremely useful, readable and understand- remuneration opportunities for jazz musicians. able to my students. This is not a drummer The responsibility for qualifying writers as re- who teaches just method and technique. His viewers rests squarely on DownBeat’s shoulders. instructions always lead to something else, and I suggest DownBeat publish and disseminate a his advice is immediately useful to working and specific set of review standards, setting forth the aspiring drummers alike. boundaries of an acceptable review, and clearly ALAN GINTeR state that personal remarks of a negative nature BAND AND ORCheSTRA DIReCTOR will be reviewed by a designated “gate-keeper.” JeSuIT hIGh SChOOL OF SACRAMeNTO SACRAMeNTO, CALIF.
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