a ] XK; ; ; -r , *■1 • §|§ -^ rrn m m ■' ■". • ‘ "' I !:? B — i n ^ J W g1 ~ 7 —• — —rT”x— '^«S hP VOLUME TWENTY-TWO. NQ. 30 OCEAN GROVE, NEW J ERSE Y. FRI DAY, JULY 24. 1914 ONE tiOLL/VR THE YEAR I : •AiS? TBRONGS BEAR BIG PECULIAR ACCIDENTS FLAMES SWEEP SIX SAYS LIQUOR IS CURSE ELABORATE PLANS ASSN. PAYS TRIBUTE TO PRESENT GENERATION ■ y ti BREAK ALL RECORDS OCEAN GROVE DOMES FOR COLLEGE DAY TO MRS. A. E. COOKMAN MUSICAL RENDITION D. A. Poline Declares : Child, Labor Three Person? Suffer Temporary , Conditiphs ;Are .Due to Liauoi Resolutions Passed at last Meetinc TALI ESEN MORGAN PRESENTS Paralysis an$ Others Pall ViotimB WOMAN o v e r c o m e w h il e t r y in g Traffic—Speaker Introduced by LONG LIST 0E INSTITUTIONS NOW en DeatJi of First, and Only Presi- & IlANDEL’S “ MESSIAH.” • to Unusual JOshaps—One in the' TO PRO I EC f UER PROPERf If ; ' Dr. Aaron E. Ballard. ON REGISTRY LIST dent- • ' Auditorium. The flrst'day’s session o£ the 'Wom­ At a meeting, of the Elim AssOclair^is-fewl an’s Christian. Temperance. Union of tion, of Ocean Grove, held last The past week has been a record- Chorus of; 1,000 Voices and Orclies- Paul Morgan to .Rescue—Overturned New Jersey was held Tuesday and. Reception Tonieht Precedes Annual day the committee • appointed^Jpif3|S;|Mi breaker for unique accidents and marked tho opening of the annual draft resolutions 'on'the death ' , . tra of Sixty Pieces, Present ’ Im­ other mishaps, within the borders of Oil Stove Causes Explosion and Summer Institute IB the Young Peo­ Event in Younir People’s Temple. Mrs. Annie E. Cookman, president the Twin Cities; Beginning .with ple’s Temple, Ooean Grove. : There BponratinnB Interpitinir TM ture i the Association, madp . a report: pressive Scene on Huge Platform lust Sunday; the.biggest o£ the sea­ , $6,000 Damaee— Quiok, Work of were- three meetings during the day, uecorations . mtere^tme feature, and the:resolutions passed. : : son, three porsons suffered tempor­ ..Entire Width of Auditorium. Firemen Prevent Further Damaee, morning, afternoon and evening. All Committees Active. ■ Mrs. Cookman was the .first ary V: paralysis as the result of Tvere well attended. only president of the organization^ “freak” acpldents and another suf­ The principal speaker o£ the day On the eve of the seventh annual She was always active towards ItB.’.'f f # ^ Tho Auditorium was orowded to fered peculiar spinal injury in a The explosion of a., gasoline stove was Daniel A. Poling who, it is un-. college day to be observed tomorrow, best interests. tho doors last Saturday to hear rare typo of epileptic lit. in the summer bungalow occupied- ,A%*m derstood, will be the Prohibition a reception will be' held tonight in The committee comprised Mrs. xM> ‘ Handel’s oratorio o£ the “Messiah,” Two o f tho accidents, occurred. In as a home by Paul A. Richmond, of nc.mineo for tiie governorship, of the Temple to which the public Is D. Blanchard and M. L, G rigg.''::::.H*U:^5!K5w presented with.a chorus of , 1,000 the surf. ' H. J. Cochran, wlio as Washington; at the northeast corner ; Ohio, Mr. Poling was. Introduced at invited. Every “effort to make this .'-."'-l.to'C -SVfK voices and an orchestra of" GO .mu> master mechanic of the government o f Pennsylvania and : Stockton ave-. slcians from the Now York Sym­ nues, shortly a^ter 2 o’clock Tuesday the evening session by the Rev. Dr- annual affair a great everi't appears arsenal at Troy, N. Y., has handled Aeron E. Ballard, president o£% the phony, New York Philharmonic and explosives for yeai-B without mishap, - afternoon caused a Are that destroy* to iiavo materialized and according The Resolutions. Ocean Grove Campmeeting Associa­ the MetropolltanOperai House Or­ was struck in the back, by a float- i.ed three dwellings and partially to the registrations many education­ Whereas, It.lias pleased our Heav- tion, who, after, welcoming' the chestra. The,production';; was pro* ing log while bathing.. Special in- ( wrecked .two others. A sixth build- al institutions will be represented only Father to call oUr beloved :',.7 f|v': -.White Rlbboners once again to nounced;a magnificent success, and' juries caused temporary paralysis ol *n6 wa® slightly burned. For wore this year tor the first time. president, Mrs. A nnie E.; . Cookm an,». Tali Esen Morgan, 'Under whoSe than half an hourjiremen of the Ocean Grove, presented in glowing An innovation in connection with widow of the late. Alfred , Cookman; the arms and legs. Physicians de­ terms the- speaker. The subject of personal direction the rendition was clared that Mr. Cochran, who was Ocean Grove department fought the. College Day” , this, year will, be the from the. scene o£ her earthly activl- Mr. Poling’s talk was the "Conserva­ decorations. Miss Helen Gertrude made possible, was given just credit staying at the Spray View, Ocean flames before they, were brought un­ ties to a life more abundant-iii 'the-; tion of Humanity." He said in' Rumsey, chairman of this commit­ by the large audience in prolonged Grove, would rocover with a short der control. The loss is estimated "better country,” !therefore, be it part; . tee, lias succeeded in securing a . Resolved, That we, the olllcer;; anil : applause at the conclusion of each time.’ at $6,000, covered by* insurance. choral number. 1 ' “The highest conseravation is not most elaborate display of college members of the Elim Associatlori, I o f:. It was an Impressive . scene v that In Plaster Cast. : . Buildi&gs Burned. tbo conservation of forest and rivers colors and emblems fitting to the oc­ Ocean Grove, of which .she .was riot;.:; . greeted the eyes of the 10,000 music A towering comber at the Asbury The damaged houses were those of and minerals. The highest conser­ casion and the building now presents only a founder, but tho first and j.-', lovers, as the great chorus, at a avenue bathing grounds broke di­ Mr. Richmond, 98 Stockton avenue; vation is the conservation of women an attractive appearance. These only president, while deeply con.- " given signal by Mr. Morgan, arose in rectly over B.C. Gurney; of New Carl F. Block and •'William Conklin and children and men—the conser­ decoratlns will be kept in place over scious of our loss are moved .. ....... unison.ready ot respond to the first York, who' has*a summer cottage at 0L Roseville,,a two-story dwelling at, vation o£ humanity. - . Sunday when the services In the profound thankfulness for this long . beat of the baton. _ * : 119% .Asbury avenue, Ocean Grove, - Pennsylvania and Franklin avenues, Temple will, be' along educational and, useful life, devoted to. the Tho chorus o£ fully 1,000 voices, and wrenched his back.; Temporary j in the rear of the Richmond bunga- Supreme Barrier. -. - . ’ lines. vice of God and her fellow men. .- . ei-ated In tiers_____ __=beginning o ____at. ____the paralysis resulted. Physicians ad- low ; the Twin Oak: cottage, . 88 "The-supreme barrier in the pro­ Musical Proeram- Resolved, That we shall ever hold o p();;e of the second platform, - reach- j Justed the vortebrae that were mis- i Franklin avenue, dwned and. occu- gress road of humanity is the liquor A musical program of merit has herein grateful, remembrance ' for; ed almost entirely across the vast placeil, and. Incased Mr. Guernsey in . pied by James Taylor, olj Newark; institution. Humanities’ highest been prepared for the reception from what she has wrought in our midst, -■ building, and away up to-.nearly, the j a. plaster cast. He-will recover., f two bungalows at 87 and 87%, physical, mental and moral interests 8 to 9 o’clock. Mrs. Joseph K. Sav­ Resolved, That we bear the testi- top of the organ. The tenors and ! Tho third paralysis case resulted Stockton avenue, owned by E. A. cannot be rightly conserved until age will he the pianist. ' niony of forty years of devotion to. basses, numbering 350 ' men were | frbm a £a!' of one and a half feet. Edgar, who resides at 85 Stockton John Barleycorn perishes from the In addition to several numbers to this cause by this,noble woman, our seated In the fore center, with the > Mrs. Lillian Jaccard, of-New York, j avenue. The later two dwellings face of tlie earth. be selected, the Criterion Quartette friend, neighbor and companion' sopranos ahd altos, dressed in white, | summer visitor at the Ivy House, , were occupied by .-Mrs. I,. Theall, “The liquor trafllc Ib the foe o£ will sing and there will be a vocal joy and sorrow; to lier : force of . banked on either side and in the ! Ocean Grove, attempted to adjust a mother of Mrs. Blair, of Newark, childhood and directly responsible solo by Horatio. Rencb, tenor; man­ character, unswerving rectitude, rear. On a lower platform was thu j window curtnn, and in reaching for I wi10 lives-' a -few doors a w a y ,' and J; for at least 300,000 of America’s dolin solo, George P. Russell; violin rare judgment, quick insight .andv.'';'f;i:S :orchestra. In the center were the ; I-hp roller, lost her footing- from .a \y. Pittenger, of the National Bank- child laborers. solo, Dr. Henry B. Dorr. Refresh­ above all, unfailing kindness four soloists—-Elizabeth Tudor, so- • cliair. She was picked up unable to jng Company, of Newark. ' “Drink has impaired or cut off ments will be served. heart; .. phano; Mary Jordan, contralto; Ban ' move arms or legs. Doctors declared j The rear of the Pines bungalow of entirely the earning power of the Mrs.
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