PROCEEDINGS of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Volume 108 (1976-7) National Museum of Antiquities of Scotland Queen Street, Edinburgh ISSN 0081-1564 ConstablA Printe& T y deb Ltd, Edinburgh, 1979 Tabl Contentf eo s Page 1 excavatioe Th chamberee th f no d cair t Glenvoideanna , Isl Butf eo e by Doroth MarshalyN Isabed an l TayloD l r 40 Carved stone balls by Doroth MarshalyN l 73 beakeA r cis t Newbiggingmila t l Quarry, Lanarkshire by Humphrey Welfare 80 A reconsideration of the 'Ardiffery' finds, Cruden, Aberdeenshire by J B Kenworthy 94 A corbelled bronze-age burial chamber and beaker evidence from the Rosinish machair, Benbecula by lai CrawfornA d 108 Traces of beaker-period cultivation at Rosinish, Benbecula by lan A G Shepherd and Alexandra N Tuckwell 114 enlargen A d food vesse burian ur lassociated an l d artefacts from Kiltry Knock, Alvah, Banff and Buchan ShepherCowiG G T A b yeI d dan 124 Amber beads fro late mth e bronze-age hoard from Glentanar, Aberdeenshire by Susan M Pearce 130 e excavatioTh Knowee th f no f Quoyscottie o s , Orkney a cemeter: e earlth yf y o firs t millenniuC mB by Meli HedgeaE s 156 Excavation Carlowan Du t sa y broch, Isl Lewif eo s Christophey b r Tabraham 168 Roman Scotlan Romad dan n auxiliary units by R W Davies 174 Excavation of Pictish and Viking-age farmsteads at Buckquoy, Orkney by Anna Ritchie 228 Excavation at lona Abbey, 1976 Mary b k Redknap 254 An incised cross on Hirt, Harris Mary b y Harman IV I TABLE OF CONTENTS 259 A fragment of stone-carving of early Christian date in the Cathedral Museum, St Andrews NormabyW n Robertson 262 Craigston Castle, Aberdeenshire bGordoyH n Slade 300 Leather guns and other light artillery in mid-17th century Scotland Daviy b d Stevenso David nan CaldweldH l wooden-stockeA 318 d fishtail pistol by David H Caldwell 324 Prince Charles Edward's silver-hilted back-sword NormaB V byA n t Paul'S 327s Chapel, Aberdeen histors it : architecturd yan e Wy b RowntremG e Bodie harbourd Ol 33 2landing-placed san ease th t n coasso f Scotlano t d by Angus Graham SHORTER NOTES 366 A mace-head from Orkney by J B Kenworthy 367 A cordoned urn from NE Scotland KenworthB b yJ y 370 Iron-age finds from the Isle of Lewis by M Carson 375 Excavations at Dun Mhic Choigil, Kintyre HedgeE HedgeW M b yJ d s san 378 The Ring of Castlehill, Caithness - a Viking fortification? by Eric Talbot 9 37 Note Scottisn so h medieval kiln furniture from Rattray, Aberdeenshire by Catherine M Brooks and George R Haggarty 383 Note on a carved stone found within the fort on West Whitecastle Farm, Libberton, Lanarkshire DavidsoL b yJ n 384 DONATIONS TO AND PURCHASES FOR THE MUSEUM, 1976-7 0 39 DONATION PURCHASED LIBRARYE AN TH O ST R S,FO 1976-7 393 MEETINGS OF THE SOCIETY, ANNIVERSARY MEETING AND REPORT, 1976-7 1 GUIDANC40 E NOTETH R CONTRIBUTORSFO F EO S 3 40 INDEX OFFICE-BEARER REPRESENTATIVED SAN SOCIETYE TH F SO , 1976-7 President STEVENSONK B R , C.B.E., M.A., F.S.A., F.M.A. Vice-Presidents B R S MEGAW, B.A., F.S.A., F.R.S.E. S MAXWELL, M.A. P R RITCHIE, B.SC. Councillors J ROBERTSON , M.A., LL.B. MlSTHOMSM SL , B.SC. PROFESSOR L ALCOCK, M.A., F.S.A., F.R.HIST.S. A MORRISON, M.A. ELLISB J F WATKINS , T M.A. , B.A., PH.D. HUNTERW J I MAClVOR, M.A., ,DIP.ED B.A., .F.S.A. F KEPPIE J L SELLARH , M.A.D ,W , B.PHILB.A., LL.B. STELLG , B.A. IBM RALSTON, M.A. Secretary BASI LC SKINNER , M.A., F.S.A. Treasurer DONALDSOA J N Ex-Officio Members of Council R B K STEVENSON, C.B.E., M.A., F.S.A., F.M.A. (Keeper of the National Museum of Antiquities of Scotland) A A WOODHAM, B.SC., PH.D. (Society Representative on Board of Trustees for the National Museum) PROFESSOR ANNE S ROBERTSON, M.A., D.LITT., F.M.A., F.S.A. (Society Representative on Board of Trustee Nationae th r sfo l Museum) B R S MEGAW, B.A., F.S.A., F.R.S.E. (Society Representative on Board of Trustees for the National Museum) REV D SHAW, PH.D., TH.DR. (Society Representative on Board of Trustees for the National Museum) ANNS MR A RITCHIE, B.A., PH.D., F.S.A. (Editor) E LAWTH F SO SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF SCOTLAND 1. The purpose of this Society shall be the study of the ANTIQUITIES AND HISTORY OF SCOTLAND, more especiall meany yb f Archaeologicaso l Research. 2. The Society shall consist of Fellows, Honorary Fellows and Corresponding Members. 3. Candidates for Admission as Fellows must sign the Form of Application prescribed by Councile th musd proposean e , b t Fellowa y db . Admission Ballot y case shalb th f e o b n l I . candidate resident sUniteno e th n ti d Kingdom shalt i ,Counci e opee th lb o nt l after consideration of the circumstances, to waive the necessity for a proposer. e SecretarTh . 4 y shall caus namee Candidatee eth th f f theio so d r Proposeran s e b o st circulated to all Fellows at least ten days before the date of the meeting at which they are to be balloted for. Fellows may vote against any candidate by striking out the name from the list and by returning the list to the Secretary before or at the relevant meeting. Candidates receiving ten or more adverse votes will be balloted for individually at the meeting, and any candidate then receiving less than two-third votee th f sso give nadmittede b shal t no l . 5. Honorary Fellows shall consist of persons eminent in any branch of Antiquarian study, who must be recommended by the Council and elected in the same way as Fellows; they shall admissior fo e fe y r annualiablne o an b r t efo l no subscription numbee Th . Honorarf ro y Fellows shall not exceed Twenty-five. 6. Corresponding Members must be recommended by the Council and elected in the same wa Fellowss ya r admissiofo .e Thefe y r annua ynliablo e an b shal r t efo l no l subscriptions. 7. Befor name newla eth f eo y elected candidat lisaddes e ei f Fellows o th t o dt shale h , l pay to the funds of the Society an entrance fee and the current year's subscription as provided for by Law 8. 8. Rates of entrance fee and annual subscription shall be determined by the Council as required from tim timo et e subjecapprovae th Societe o th t t f o ly give Generaa t na l Meeting. annuae Th l subscription shall becom 1sn o t e Jul edu eacn y i h yea thar rfo t year then beginning; and if any Fellow who has not compounded shall fail to pay the subscription for three successive years applicatioe du , n having been mad paymentr efo Treasuree th , r shall repor e same th tth o et Council, by whose authority the name of the defaulter may be erased from the List of Fellows. Fellows whose membership has lapsed, and who wish to rejoin the Society, may do so either (1) by payment of all arrears of subscription - in which case they shall receive the relative volumes of Proceedings, if available - or (2) on payment of the subscription for the current year and of the entrance fee. 9. Every Fellow not being in arrears of the annual subscription shall be entitled to receive printee th d Proceeding Societe th f so y fro date m th electionf e o . 10. None but Fellows shall vote or hold any office in the Society. 11. Subject to the Laws and to the control of the Society in General Meetings, the affairs of the Society shall be managed by a Council elected and appointed as hereinafter set forth. Five Member Councie th f so l shalquoruma e b l . SOCIETE LAWTH ANTIQUARIEF F YSO O SCOTLANF SO | DVl l e Office-bearer12Th . s shall consis Presidenta f o t , three Vice-Presidents a Secretary, a , Treasure Editorn a Presidend e ran Th . Vice-Presidentd an t s shal electee b lperioa r dfo thref do e years. One of the Vice-Presidents shall retire annually by rotation, and shall not be eligible for re-election to the same office until after the lapse of one year. The Secretary, the Treasurer and the Editor shall be elected for one year and shall be eligible for re-election. The elections shall be by ballot at the Annual General Meetings upon a list issued by the Council for that purpose to the Fellows at least fourteen days before the meeting. 13. The Council shall consist of the Office-bearers, the Society's representatives on the Board of Trustees for the National Museum of Antiquities of Scotland, if not otherwise members Councile oth f Keepee Museume th , th f ro officiox e , (who shall however hav poweo en voto rt e in the election of the Society's representatives on the Board of Trustees for the National Museum f Antiquitieo f Scotland)o s e EditoProceedinge th th , f o r twelvd an s e Fellows electee th y db Society.
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