HMSO £1.50 net Forestry Commission Leaflet 81 Forestry Commission ARCHIVE Aid Tools for Timber Harvesting D J Howard F W Hayes CONTENTS 1. Introduction Page 3 2. Breaking bars 3 3. Pulp hooks 6 4. Felling wedges 6 5. The Nordfeller felling cushion 9 6. Turning devices 11 7. Aid tools for the take-down of hung-up trees 14 8. Hand winches 15 9. Timber handling aid tools 17 10. Acknowledgements 19 Appendices I Working methods with breaking bars 20 II Working methods with felling cushion 22 III Working methods with drum type hand winches 24 FRONT COVER The Nordfeller felling cushion in use. Clear-felling Sitka spruce on steep land. AID TOOLS FOR TIMBER HARVESTING by D J Howard and F W Hayes Forestry Commission 1. Introduction 2. Breaking bars A wide range of aid tools is available for use in The breaking bar is the single most useful felling, thinning and timber handling opera­ hand aid tool for directional take-down. It is tions. Most of the tools available in the United basically a lever which is inserted into the Kingdom have been evaluated by the Work felling cut allowing the tree to be pushed over Study Branch of the Forestry Commission and in the required direction. A skilled operator recommendations are made on their suitabil­ may also use his breaking bar as a wedge to ity for use in this country. hold open a partially completed felling cut The various aid tools are grouped according thereby preventing the chainsaw bar from to function. Within each group the advantages being trapped if the tree leans back. Working and disadvantages of the various types avail­ methods are described in Appendix I. able are discussed and the recommended The conventional all steel breaking bar is choice is described with an assessment of its robust and has a mechanical advantage of usefulness. Information on working methods approximately 13:1. Thus, assuming the aver­ is found in the Appendices. age man can exert a force of 100 kg on the bar Many of the aid tools described can be of he will effectively be applying a lifting force of great assistance to the chainsaw operator 1,300 kg to the tree. This type of bar usually when used correctly. While benefits may not incorporates a cant hook to facilitate turning be directly quantifiable in increased output, a of lodged trees and as an aid to turning for trained operator equipped with correct felling complete snedding. The rugged nature of the aids is less likely to adopt unsafe and arduous all steel bar also allows it to be used as a working methods. Although the techniques makeshift hammer for the insertion of felling involved in the use of some tools may be self wedges. evident it must be emphasised that the more Bars with light alloy or tubular steel handles sophisticated, such as winches and the felling are also available and although they have a cushion, require correct operator training and distinct weight advantage they are not as practice if they are to be used successfully. robust as the all steel bars and are prone to This publication although up-to-date at the damage if misused. These bars do not normal­ time of writing (mid-1982) will not remain so. ly have an integral cant hook but may have the New tools will be developed and improve­ facility for attaching a pulp hook for turning. ments will be made to those currently avail­ Experience has shown that this is not a able. Frequent critical appraisal of the con­ satisfactory arrangement as the pulp hook tents of the various trade catalogues is strong­ tends to open out if used for anything other ly recommended to all interested in the than light turning and may become dangerous subject of aid tools for harvesting operators. to US6. A summary of a range of operations and the There are several variations of breaking recommended harvesting aid tools is given in bars designed to increase the mechanical Table 1. advantage. These include redesigned lifting 3 Table 1 Summary of recommended aid tools Operation Recommended aid tools issued to each feller Recommended aid tools which should be available to each feller Early thinning: Billnas 19340 breaking bar/canthook. selective or systematic Kawi turning strap, short version. 2 Fiskars 19000 pulp hooks in pouches on a Winch for logger's belt. very difficult Small felling wedge. take-down. Later thinnings Small felling cushion (or Husqvarna double lever breaking bar for average tree volume of 0.4 m3 orless). Kawi turning strap. 2 Fiskars 19000 pulp hooks in pouches on a logger's belt. Small felling wedge. Clear-fellinf Small felling cushion or Husqvarna double uptoO.4m lever breaking bar. Up to G.Srrr' average tree volume 2 Fiskars 19000 pulp hooks in pouches on a tree volume: logger's belt. Lugall5 CL. Small felling wedge. Clear-fellinf Small felling cushion. uptoO.8m Breaking bar (Billnas 19340 if trees are to be High-lift average tree volume turned otherwise Husqvarna double lever wedges and bar). sledge 2 Fiskars 19000 pulp hooks in pouches on a hammer. logger's belt. Small felling wedge. Clear-felling: Large and small felling cushion. Over 0.5 m3 greater than 0.8 m3 Breaking bar (Billnas 19340 if trees are to be tree volume: average tree volume turned otherwise Husqvarna double lever Lugall25 CL. bar). 2 Fiskars 19000 pulp hooks in pouches on a logger's belt. Small felling wedge. plates, pump action toothed wedges and an A number of breaking bars have been ingenious double lever mechanism made by evaluated both in trials and long term oper­ Husqvarna. None of these incorporate a cant ational use. Two bars have shown up well in hook. In clear fellings and large thinnings the the trials and are recommended. turning facility offered by a combined break­ ing bar/cant hook becomes less important. It 1. The Blllnas 19340 breaking bar/cant hook may be more advantageous to have the This is recommended for use in situations increased leverage offered by a tool such as where trees have to be turned during take­ the double lever breaking bar, with a separate down, or for complete snedding of large poles aid tool for turning if required. which cannot be turned by hand. 4 Plate 1. Billniis 19340 breaking bar/cant hook. Plate 2. Husqvarna double lever breaking bar. (ED 1191) (ED 1190) 5 The Billnas 19340 is an all steel breaking 3. Pulp hooks bar/cant hook with a lug on the shaft which enables the cant hook to be secured when not One of the most useful hand tools associated required. It weighs 2.52 kg, has an overall with felling is the pulp hook or lifting hook. It length of 0.79 m, and a mechanical advantage is used for turning and moving poles or pieces of 13:1. A 12 mm square bar welded across during snedding, hand extraction, and stack­ the lifting plate enables a second lift to be ing. It may also be used as an aid to take-down made. of small trees. The most important feature of a pulp hook 2. The Husqvarna double lever breaking bar is its ability to grip the log securely, although This features a lever mechanism which simple weight, strength, and the thickness of the the to increases mechanical advantage 30:1, hook must also be considered. The thickness a force of to be allowing lifting 3,000 kg of the hook should be such that it can be exerted on the tree. inserted into a chainsaw cut to hold open a The bar has a handle made of aluminium felling cut or to drag a piece of pulp. tube which, besides to the low contributing A pulp hook may be attached to certain overall of 1.7 also acts as a weight kg, safety breaking bars to serve as a cant hook for light device which bends when a force in excess of turning only, as shown in Figure 1. If a pulp 100 is thus the kg applied, preventing oper­ hook is used in this way for anything other from himself. ator accidentally over-straining than light turning the point will be opened The overall of this bar is 0.8 m. length out, and although it may still grip a log under The bar does have a Husqvarna breaking light pressure, it will slip when greater force is to which a hook can be attached for lug pulp applied, possibly leading to injury of the user. this is not recom- light turning although In order to obtain a safe grip it is essential mended for the reasons stated at p.3. _. that hooks are kept sharp at all times, and that A of this bar is that it cannot disadvantage hooks that have opened out are discarded. be used as a makeshift hammer for inserting Sharpening of hooks should be done by using as it will be if used in felling wedges damaged a file on the outer edge and both sides of the this way. point. The inner edge must never be filed as this will have the same effect as opening the hook. A number of pulp hooks were evaulated including some with extended handles which can be used as light breaking bars. Of the pulp hooks tested, the Fiskars 19000 (also known as the Billnas 19000 and various other trade names) is recommended because at 283 gram­ mes it is lighter than other similar hooks, but no less strong, with a very effective point profile ensuring a good grip of the log, even at an oblique angle.
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