No. 877,847. PATENTED JAN. 28, 1908. E. LENTE E o. BE‘LLENS. PLUIE PRESSURE ENGINE. APPLICATION FILED APR.28.1906.' 4 SHEETS-SHEET l. , g‘ 0 . m Í Figi! l, a. TÍ k „i b WE.. ¿l P _s ,E_L 'hf _i ` g e Figß 2 l '6 5 .L .'l Q ' ’/ 1 ' ”’ ’T""|»Í_”'i k T y V r/’ö b Ez m 3 " 1' 1 L I l I | Fig.9 111mg „QQ-JW mmf@ A wmp/v5@ s771847. _ Mmmm murga; m8. E; LENTZ da C. BELLENS. FLUID PRESSURE ENGINE.. APPLICATION YILED 1823.28. 1906. 4 SHEETS-SHEET 2. F.M Z. Figtö Jm? Fig. 7 No». 877,847. > >EANENTED JAN. 2s, 190s. E. LENTE & c, EELEENS. ‘ FLUID PRESSURE ENGINE. » APPLICATION FILED APB..28.1'906. 4 SHEETS-SHEET 3. No. 877,847; PATBNTED JAN. 28, 1908. H. LENTZ @a C. BELLENS. A TTOHNE YS _ - UNïTEB STATES inueo‘LENrz, or HALENsEa, GERM-ANY, AND CHARLES BEL-LENS, oaiiEÚILLv-sua-siiixa, FRANCE. ' i ‘c FLUID-ennesima , " No. 877,847. _Specification of Letters Patent. Application filed April 28,/IÓ06. Serial No. 3147124. To all whom i t may concern: able passages such that the concorda-nt p Be it known that we, HUGO LEN'rz, a sub phases Aof admission -or exhaust, may be ject of the German Empire, and resident of controlled by a single valve member. 123,'K’ur?ürstendan1m, Halensee, near Berlin, Fig. 1 shows diagrammatically the coni in the Empire of Germany, engineer, and munications between the cylinders a, and 60 CHARLES BELLENS, a subject of the lKingdom b and a method of grouping the valve of Great Britiam' residing at 43 Rue de members upon the same. One steam ad Chêzy, N euilly-sur-Seine, in the Republic of mission passa e c serves for the two cylinders l . France, have invented certain new and useful and also the )oxes of the admission valves - flO Improvements in and Relating to Fluid f g. One discharge passage h serves for the Pressure Engines, of which the _following is a two cylinders and also the'boxes 01E-thr-l 65~ specification. ’ . exhaust valves fl, e. -A communication pas _ This. invention has for its object a method save 'i connects the box of the admission of and the means for obtaining in elastic va vef (cylinder b) with the box of the exs 15 .fluid machines simple or multiple expansion haust valve e A(cylinder a). ' Finally?acon 70 ° g by rendering the cylinders solid one duit Íf establishes 'communication between with' the other in `grou _s ofV two. , the box of the admission valve g (cylinder w) 'It consists in estab ishing between these and the box of the exhaust valve d (cyl combined cylinders communications such inder b). ­The passage 'i ycommunicates by 20 that the concordent phases of admission or means of a port m with the interior of the 75 exhaust may be controlled by aï'single valve­ cylinder b and .by means of a port n with the member and that consequently the two cyl interior of the cylinder a. In theI same 'way inders renderedl solid, instead of expanding _the passage 7c communicates by‘nieans of from one to the other as in'con'ipound en­. _the port o. u ith the interior .of the cylinder a -25A gines, Work at ­the same pressure. , and by the port p with the interior of the 80 In the accompanying d1 = 'ng, several con cylinder 4b. - ' » ' structional fornis'of steam- cylinder to which The operation is as follows: Assuming the the invention has been applied are illustrated admission valve to be open and conse _ i by Way of example. quently the 'admlssion valve g closed; the >30v Figure 1 is a diagrammatic view of a group steam in the assage c passes the member f of -two cylinders, showing clearly the com (open) into tile passaffe'i andthrough the 85 `munications established between these cyl ports m. and n into the cylinders b and a, inders. ‘ F ig. 2 shows a constructional form in order to impe-l the pistons in' inverse of Fig. 1. Fig. 3 represents another con directions. Obviously’ therefore, in this way _ 35 structional form in which all the valve mem-` a single valve f controls the admissions to 90. -bers 'are situated at the same end of the the two cylinders b and a. ­ During> this cylinders. Fig. 4 represents a section'on the period of admission, the exhaust valve d of line ’4_4 of Fig.­ 3. Fig» 5 is an external the cylinder b is open, the exhaust steam of plan view of Fig. 3. Fig. 6 is a pers ective the cylinder b escapes through the port p, 4.0 view. Figs. 7l and 8 show the app cation passes the exhaust member d (open) into 95 to `the invention of distributing valves of the exhaust passage h. _At the same time various kinds. Fig. 9 shows a driving axle the exhaust steam from the cylinder a issues ­Íor the application Àof the invention to a through the port o, 'passes 'through the corn locomotive. Fig. 10 is a plan view showing munication passage k and passes the exhaust ~ 45 the grouping of the four cylinders. ­ valve d into the common exhaust passage h.' 10e In engines comprising several cylinders Again, therefore, a single êxhaustvalve con-._ working at the same admission pressure, trols the exhaust ofthe two cylinders; The each cylinder has its own valve gear. In same ­operation is repeated for ­the inverse> ,"oJ'rrile'? to couple the cylinders the plan hith stroke of the pistons, with this difference, how 50 ffrto'adopted is compounding, that is to say ever', that it 1s the admission member g and 105 die known cascade arrangement of cylinders. the exhaust member e-that are operative'. ¿,The present ivention permits of rcn'der The constructioual form represented in ing solid in an engine, in groups of two, cyl# Fig, 2.reproduces this» disposition ofthe con nections-with .this difference that, in order _indersconnecting Working , atone the' with saine the otherpressure, by Suit1-_¿ 'tgßímplífyfthe construction, certa'lnpassages l 2 877,847 and communications, shown separately in that in the constructional forms represented, Fig. 1 for the sake of clearness, are super the' cylinder bodies'are entlrely independent one of the other, as regards localexpansions. ' posed or placed side by side. This con IThe invention is especially applicable with structional form comprises valves as 'oper great advantage to locomotives upon which ated members. ' ' ` In the constructional form in Figs. 3 to 6,l enginesit permits of obtaining the balancing _ all the valve 'members are arranged on the necessary for running eñiciently at great , _same end of the cylinder and they correspond gspeeds and of turning to account the advan tages of superheating. y .­ " . to two admission openings for steam r, s 75 and a common exhaust passage t ­(Figs. 5 i¿/Ässuming, for~ example, that the cranked and 6). 'The admission valves are» desig. shaftïrepresented in Fig. 9 is the­ driving axle­ . natertu and i), the exhaust valves :z: and fg. of a locomotive, it m'll be seen that the The communications between the two cyl ranks of one combined'igroup of two cylin­. inders a and Àb comprise `a passage 1 which ders are keyed at 180° relatively to each establishes communication between the other, 'as are also the cranks of the second 15 group of two cylinders, which latter are how boxes of the valves u and rc and the cylinder ever displaced by an angle of 90° relatively b; 'this passage communicates respectively to the .first group. This arrangement insures . with the cylinders a and b by the ports 2 the necessary balancing ofthe moving parts. ` and 3.­ A passage 5 (which is .more clearly The simplification of the transmissions alsov 20 shownin Fig. 4) establishes communication between the box of the'valves y _and o and results in'considerably dir'ninishingly y the risk, or ' _ the cylinder af.­ ¿This passage communicates of damage in running. ­The c linders may ­ with the'lnterior of the cylinders b and c by be arranged entirely lbetween t e wheels ` wav of the ports 6 and 7, respectively.' partly inside and--partly-outside the Wheels, ¿ By reference to Fig. 4 it will be seen that or all the cylinders may be arrangedoutside. the crossed passages 1 and 5 for communica the wheels. 4 tion between the two-cylinders, are super For the a plication to locomotives „the ` posed and that the two cylinders present a 'construct-iena­ form illustrated in Figs. 3 'to common exhaust box 8 which comprises the 6 ~may be adopted, in which all the valvev ' exhaust outlet t. _members are situated at the front end of the ‘ The' o eration is the same as in Fig. 1,_ cylinders and in the front of the engine, _except t at thesteam is admitted through `which arrangement facilitates ' access for inspection repair and replacement. ‘ ­two inlets. It_ will of course be understood YThe invention is applicable in 'a general way - ’ that the valves may be replaced by any to elastic fluid engines, driving or being 35 other appropriate distributing members, tor example of the Corliss­ type (Fig. 7) or a pis driven and other machines> such as steam en ton valve (Fig. 8). It is also possible to em gines, compressor pumps and as motors. ploy membersv effecting both the admission Having now particularly escribed and and exhaust.
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