TW MAIN 06-01-09 A 29 TVWEEK 5/28/2009 6:35 PM Page 1 TELEVISIONWEEK June 1, 2009 29 SPECIAL SECTION INSIDE Q&A NAHJ President O. Ricardo Pimenal looks to the future. Page 30 NAHJ Hall of Fame Hispanic journalists welcome three new inductees for 2009. Page 32 Calendar The agenda for the NAHJ Convention NewsproTHE STATE OF TV NEWS and Media & Career Expo. Page 34 THETHEJOB’SJOB’S THE ReelingTHINGTHING From Fundamental Shifts in the News Business, Hispanic Journalists Look to Training By Debra Kaufman Roman. “And they’re convinced issues impacting Hispanic commu- Special to TelevisionWeek that we’re not talking about a nities, from immigration to the cen- When the National Associa- problem that will get better when sus, but that the realities of being a tion of Hispanic Journalists meets the economy gets better. We’re journalist in today’s tough environ- June 24-27 in San Juan, Puerto talking about fundamental shifts ment mandates a change in focus. Rico, its members will focus on in how people produce and con- “As Nancy and I sat down and NAHJ@SAN JUAN one topic: staying afloat in a tem- sume news and how it’s paid for.” made a list of what we needed, we Who: The National Associa- pestuous industry. That means that attendees to kept in mind the number of people tion of Hispanic Journalists Navigating an increasingly NAHJ 2009 will find themselves at who lost their jobs,” she said. “I’ve What: 27th Annual tough journalism environment is a radically different convention. been going to NAHJ for 15 years Convention and Media a trend that has been addressed in “We blew up the model of what and we fell into a routine of going & Career Expo previous NAHJ conventions, but the NAHJ convention usually is over the same topics. Those seem When: June 24-27, 2009 the current economic downturn and made it all about training,” irrelevant now that our journalistic Where: Puerto Rico Con- has had a devastating impact on said Miami Herald foreign corre- world is falling down around us. We vention Center, San Juan, the organization’s members. spondent Frances Robles, who is need to be changing our careers.” Puerto Rico “If people weren’t convinced NAHJ 2009 programming co-chair NAHJ President O. Ricardo Details: NAHJ.org before about the depth of changes with Miami Herald Assistant Pimental concurred. “Before, we going on in the news industry, World Editor Nancy San Martin. could weigh in on issues large in they’re convinced now,” says Ms. Robles noted that past the media, and we still do some NAHJ executive director Ivan NAHJ conventions have dealt with Continued on Page 34 LESSONS The NAHJ convention, to be held at the Puerto Rico Convention Center, is offering 33 training sessions. TW MAIN 06-01-09 A 30 TVWEEK 5/28/2009 6:00 PM Page 1 30 June 1, 2009 TELEVISIONWEEK NEWSPRO Q&A KEEPING HIS EYE ON DIVERSITY O. Ricardo Pimental, president of the National Association of economy gets better. The industry will need to pay more attention to Hispanic Journalists, is editor of the editorial pages of the Mil- this, and to their credit, a lot of waukee Journal Sentinel, a position he has held since June 2004. folks are. Before joining the Sentinel, Mr. Pimental held editorial posi- TVWeek: Do you believe that a tions with the Sacramento Bee, the Fresno Bee, the Stockton paucity of Latino journalists will Record, the Tucson Citizen and the San Bernardino County negatively impact coverage of issues relevant to the Hispanic communi- Sun. He was a Washington, D.C., correspondent for McClatchy ty? Newspapers and a nationally syndicated columnist with the Mr. Pimentel: The whole immi- Arizona Republic, writing on public policy with a focus on Lati- gration issue, while that’s not the only issue affecting Hispanics, no affairs. He also is the author of two books of fiction, “House looms large. We worry about a NAHJ President With Two Doors” and “Voices From the River.” news industry’s ability to cover O. Ricardo Pimental such a complex issue when you He recently spoke with TelevisionWeek correspondent don’t have the people on staff who Debra Kaufman about the effects of the economic crisis on understand all the nuances and jobs. It has become somewhat of a own Web sites. The barrier to entry Hispanic journalists, and how his organization is helping its sensibilities inherent to the issue. full-time task for one member of has become much easier. The election of President Obama our staff. In addition, we are craft- What we have to watch for is members prepare for a future in which the profession will be heralds a potential for broad ing training programs aside from whether the kind of big journalism very different than it is today. immigration reform to occur, the ones held at our convention. that TV and newspapers do now— which means that it will be in the We’ll take this training out on the the watchdog journalism—contin- TelevisionWeek: As we go into in August. news even more than it has been. road to the various regions, in ues to survive. While new media NAHJ 2009, how are the economy It could also be a matter of folks And the announcement by the keeping with what we’ve done holds a lot of promise, the fact is and, at the same time, the crisis in seeing the writing on the wall and Department of Homeland Security before. The need has never been as that new-media business model media impacting Hispanics in the bailing for other jobs out of the to focus on employers rather than dire as it is now. It’s all about mem- hasn’t so far been able to support newsroom? Are Hispanic journalists news industry. Perhaps it’s a com- just workers also has implications bership services for us these days. the kind of big watchdog journal- losing ground? bination of factors, but in any case, We’ve had to focus on helping our ism that requires large staff and a O. Ricardo Pimentel: Yes, they the industry is ill-served by not members stay afloat. commitment of time. I know are, particularly when viewed with- paying more attention to retention Maybe I’m being there’s a sense that newspapers in a certain context. Hispanics are of minorities, even in this econom- naive, but I think TVWeek: What about the next are broken, that TV news is bro- the fastest-growing segment of our ic downturn. generation of Hispanic journalists? ken, but it’s not the news part population, and yet their numbers journalism will Are Hispanic youth gravitating that’s broken. have gone down in the nation’s TVWeek: What other events have toward careers in journalism or newsrooms. This is borne out by been seminal over the last year for survive because not? TVWeek: Looking forward, are the ASNE’s (American Society of Hispanic journalists and Mr. Pimentel: We’ve not found you optimistic at all? News Editors) most recent survey. readers/viewers? it has to. Our any loss of appetite among the stu- Mr. Pimentel: Maybe I’m being While the losses were not as Mr. Pimentel: The economic democratic society dents to go to these programs. I naïve, but I think journalism will pronounced for Hispanics as they downturn is the shadow that casts think there is broad recognition, survive because it has to. Our were for African Americans and a pall on all of us right now. It has demands it. It will even in journalism schools, that democratic society demands it. It Asians, it did occur. And in the caused newspapers and TV sta- journalism will survive in some will be far different than it is today context of the Hispanic popula- tions to cut staff. And they’re doing be far different form. What form that takes is a big and I’m less confident that we’re tion growth, any loss is puzzling, it, in my view, without proper question. But one thing everyone is moving quickly enough on fixing given that newspapers and broad- regard to what’s lost when it comes than it is today. fairly certain of is that it’ll be a the business model to make that cast news have an obligation to to diversity and what’s lost when multimedia future. Reporters can’t happen. But it will survive in some cover the communities in their diversity suffers. The ability to cov- for how people will cover this sto- just be print reporters and TV form. Latino journalists will be midst. er various communities suffers. ry. But it all comes down to if reporters can’t just be TV reporters. integral because they have skills Part of this is a matter of last But that’s not to say that when you’re going to have the people in- that are shared by journalists gen- hired/first fired. Minorities tend to the economy gets better, our trou- house to cover the story. TVWeek: Does new media offer erally and have additional skills be on the lower rungs in the news- bles go away. I think there’s some- more possibilities for Hispanic jour- with being bicultural and, in many room. They’re often the younger thing more fundamental happen- TVWeek: What has the NAHJ nalists? cases, bilingual. There’s a continu- folks. And in shops with union con- ing in media that the industry is been doing over the last year to Mr.
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