Public Document Pack Planning Committee held at Council Chamber, Ryedale House, Malton Tuesday 7 June 2011 Present Councillors Cussons, Mrs Frank, Ms Goodrick, Ms Hopkinson, Knaggs, Mrs Knaggs, Maud, Mrs Burr MBE, Raper (Chairman), Ms Sanderson, Windress (Vice-Chairman), Walker and Woodward Substitutes: In Attendance Audrey Adnitt, Gary Housden, Alan Hunter, Rachel Smith and Anthony Winship Minutes 1 Apologies for absence Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Hope. 2 Minutes of the meeting held on the 27 April 2011 The minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on the 27 April 2011 were presented. Resolved That the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on the 27 April 2011 be approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record. 3 Urgent Business The Chairman reported that there were no items to be dealt with as a matter of urgency by virtue of Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972. 4 Declarations of Interest The following Members indicated that they would be declaring interests under the Members’ Code of Conduct in respect of the following items: Councillor Application Raper 12 Woodward 6, 14 & 15 Planning Committee 1 Tuesday 7 June 2011 5 Schedule of Items to be determined by Committee The Head of Planning submitted a list (previously circulated) of the applications for planning permission with his recommendations thereon. Resolved That the declarations set out in the agenda be dealt with as follows. 6 10/00341/FUL - Whiteholme Farm, Habton Lane, Great Habton 10/00341/FUL – Erection of a grain dryer and bulk grain bin and associated external conveyor system (retrospective application) at Whiteholme Farm, Habton Lane, Great Habton, Malton, YO17 6TY. PERMISSION GRANTED subject to conditions as recommended. Members also agreed to the use of the dryer until 10pm on Mondays to Saturdays only. Declarations of Interest In accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct Councillor Woodward declared a personal and prejudicial interest as he was acquainted with the applicant through his links with anti blood sports organisations that had been involved in action against the applicant, he withdrew from the meeting during consideration of the item. 7 11/00194/MFUL - Mill House, Scarborough Road, East Knapton 11/00194/MFUL – Change of use and alteration of barns to form ground floor restaurant, lounge/bar and kitchen with one bedroom managers residential accommodation above, demolition of farmhouse, erection of building providing 20 no. en-suite hotel rooms and erection of single storey building providing swimming pool, gym, changing facilities, steam room and lounge together with associated parking, external works and upgrading of vehicular access (revised details to approval 10/01047/MFUL dated 26.11.2010) at Mill House, Scarborough Road, East Knapton, Malton YO17 8JA. PERMISSION GRANTED subject to conditions as recommended, and additional conditions in respect of renewable energy and landscaping. 8 10/01268/FUL - Watson Wood Fuels, The Woodyard, Main Street, Foxholes 10/01268/FUL – Change of use and alterations to west elevation of building to allow for the expansion of the existing retail use (retrospective) at Watson Wood Fuels, The Woodyard, Main Street, Foxholes, North Yorkshire. Planning Committee 2 Tuesday 7 June 2011 PERMISSION GRANTED subject to conditions as recommended. 9 10/01311/FUL - Duggleby Wold Farm, Weaverthorpe 10/01311/FUL – Erection of 2 no. 32m high (tip height 48m) freestanding 250kw monopole wind turbines and associated electrical equipment cabinets and underground cabling for electricity generation direct to the National Grid at Duggleby Wold Farm, Weaverthorpe, Malton, North Yorkshire YO17 8EP. PERMISSION GRANTED subject to conditions as recommended. 10 11/00166/FUL - The Old Vicarage, Vicarage Lane, Sherburn 11/00166/FUL – Erection of a terrace of 4 no. two bedroom dwellings, erection of bin storage and garden shed and formation of new vehicular access at The Old Vicarage, Vicarage Lane, Sherburn, Malton, North Yorkshire YO17 8PL. PERMISSION delegated to the Head of Planning for approval, subject to the receipt of satisfactory comments from the County Surveyor. 11 11/00233/HOUSE - 8 St Hilda's Walk, Ampleforth 11/00233/HOUSE – Erection of single storey extension attached to approved two storey extension (approval 10/00509/HOUSE dated 15.07.2010 refers) at 8 St Hilda’s Walk, Ampleforth, York, YO62 4DF. PERMISSION GRANTED subject to conditions as recommended. 12 11/00259/HOUSE - 2 Glaves Paddock, Old Malton Road, Staxton 11/00259/HOUSE – Erection of rear dormer extension (retrospective application) at 2 Glaves Paddock, Old Malton Road, Staxton, Scarborough, North Yorkshire YO12 4SX. PERMISSION GRANTED Reasons for Approval The proposed development was in accord with the following development plan policies and there were no other material considerations that outweighed those listed development plan policies. Ryedale Local Plan – Policy H13 – Extensions to existing dwellings The development granted had been assessed against Policy H13 of the Ryedale Local Plan, and relevant considerations, including third party Planning Committee 3 Tuesday 7 June 2011 representations. It had been concluded that the development would not result in any harm that would justify refusal in the public interest having regard to the following material considerations: I. That in terms of size and location the rear dormer extension fell within permitted development tolerances for a development of this kind. II. Accordingly, the development would not have an unacceptable adverse impact on the existing amenities of neighbouring occupiers by reason of overlooking and visual impact. III. It was considered that the development would not have an adverse impact on the character of the area. Declarations of Interest In accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct Councillor Raper declared a personal interest as he had been lobbied. 13 11/00267/HOUSE - Sunnycroft, Main Street, Leavening 11/00267/HOUSE – Erection of linking first floor extension between dwelling and outbuilding at Sunnycroft, Main Street, Leavening, Malton, North Yorkshire, YO17 9SA. PERMISSION GRANTED subject to conditions as recommended. 14 11/00311/FUL - 1 Burgate, Pickering 11/00311/FUL – Change of use from A1 shop to A3 restaurant and café use at 1 Burgate, Pickering, North Yorkshire YO18 7AU. PERMISSION GRANTED subject to conditions as recommended with an additional condition prohibiting outside seating in the rear yard area. Declarations of Interest In accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct Councillor Woodward declared a personal interest as he was acquainted with the residents of neighbouring properties. 15 11/00094/MFUL - Castle Wood, Castlegate, Pickering 11/00094/MFUL – Formation of cycle trail and cycle skills area (part retrospective) at Castle Wood, Castlegate, Pickering, North Yorkshire. PERMISSION delegated to the Head of Planning for approval subject to the satisfactory resolution of outstanding consultation responses. Declarations of Interest In accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct Councillor Woodward declared a personal interest as he was acquainted with the applicants. Planning Committee 4 Tuesday 7 June 2011 16 Appointment of Sub Committees/Working Parties Tree Preservation Order Appeals Working Party Resolved That the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Planning Committee, Councillor Hope and the relevant ward member be appointed to the Tree Preservation Order Appeals Working Party. 17 Any other business that the Chairman decides is urgent. As this was the first meeting of the Planning Committee which had commenced at the new time of 6.30pm, the Chairman asked members of the Committee for their feedback on the revised time. Members were asked to consider the length of Planning agenda’s, and the merits of starting the meetings 5.30pm, 6.00pm or 6.30pm. A discussion followed and votes were taken on all three options. Resolved That with effect from the next meeting of the Planning Committee to be held on Tuesday 5 July 2011, the meetings will commence at 6pm. 18 List of Applications determined under delegated Powers. The Head of Planning submitted for information a report (previously circulated) which gave details of the applications determined by the Head of Planning on accordance with the Scheme of Delegated Decisions. 19 Update on Appeal Decisions The Head of Planning circulated with the agenda, details of the appeal decisions received since the last meeting of the Committee. The meeting ended at 8.50pm. Planning Committee 5 Tuesday 7 June 2011 This page is intentionally left blank.
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