856 Special Adjournment [ASSEMBLY] Question and Answer members have covered most of the issues PRINTED QUESTION AND ANSWER involved in it, I shall not labour it at length. If the advisory panel is appointed, TENDERS FOR PUBLIC WORKS some of the worst dangers to our flora will Mr. ASKIN asked the SECRETARY FOR be removed. Patches of Grevillea Caleyi, PuBLIC Wo&Ks,-Further to the question one of the rare grevilleas, are being killed asked by the hon. member for Collaroy on in French's Forest, not by pickers but by 8th September concerning the practice fol­ those who come along in the dark of night lowed respecting tenders for government and dump their backyard rubbish. During building undertakings, and to the Minister's the day the despoilers are at work, but at reply thereto, will he furnish brief particu­ night the rubbish dumpers carry op the lars of contracts let for government work, process of destruction. The bill propose"s without public tenders first having been to take some action to .prevent those occur­ called, during the last twelve months? rences and if this amendment is agreed to Answer,-( I) Departmental practice is to the real fears of Colonel the Hon. H. J. R. call tenders for public works in all cases Clayton and other hon. members will unless urgency demands a quicker proce­ largely be removed. The appointment of dure. All engineering contracts are let a panel to advise the Minister and of a following public tendering ; so are all archi­ guardian of flora will enable the Govern­ tectural contracts with the exception of one ment to do what it sets out to do in this or two isolated cases and a number of bill. contracts for school buildings, which are Amendment negatived. included in the details given below. In all, some 910 formal contracts were entered Clause agreed to. into by the department during the twelve ADOPTION OF REPORT months commencing 1st September, 1958; Bill reported without amendment, and of this number approximately 10 per cent report adopted, on motions by the Hon. were negotiated, and 90 per cent resulted R. R. Downing. from competitive tendering. (2) During the twelve months mentioned contracts for SPECIAL ADJOURNMENT departmental works have been let to eleven Motion (by the Hon R. R. Downing) firms of building contractors for works agreed to: totalling approximately £7,435,000 ill value. That this House, at its rising today do The firms concerned and the values of works adjourn until Tuesday next. ' let to each are as follows: Monier Builders House adjourned on motion by the Hon. Pty. Ltd., £4,885,248 ; Bristol Construction R. R. Downing, at 6.19 p.m. Pty. Ltd., £105,360; Hawksley (Australia) Pty. Ltd., £354,857; Architon Construction Co. Pty. Ltd., £14,460; James Wallace Pty. Ltd., £553,574; A. F. Little Pty. Ltd., i.Grgt.elttttttr 1\II!irmhly £323,342; Kell & Rigby Pty. Ltd., £299,327; Concrete Constructions Pty. Ltd., £312,219; Thursday, 17 September, 1959 A. W. Edwards Pty. Ltd., £157,874; T. C. Whittle Pty. Ltd., £195,325; Civil and Civic Printed Question and Answer-Questions without Notice -State Opera House (Urgency)-Personal Explana­ Contractors Pty. Ltd., £233,608. tion (St. Malo)-Questions without Notice-Ber­ magui Harbour Works Bill (third reading) Physio­ (3) Negotiated contracts have been re­ therapists Registration (Amendment) Bill (third reading)-Centenary Celebration (Amendment) Bill sorted to for some school work for many (third reading)-Sydney Sports Ground and Sydney Cricket Ground Amalgamation (Amendment) Bill years. Every builder knows that. Contracts (third reading)-Supply Bill-Local Government and Other Authorities (Superannuation) Amend­ were let by negotiation in these cases because ment Bill-Filled Milk Bill (second reading)­ Printing Committee (Fourth Report)-Adjournment of the urgency for providing additional (Recreation Areas in Blacktown Electorate). school accommodation and because it . had been proved that schools could be built Mr. SPEAKER took the. chair at 11 a.m. under this procedure in about half the time The Prayer was read. required when normal tendering procedure Questions and Answers [17 SEPT., 1959] Questions and Answers 857 was followed. ( 4) Prices obtained for nego· Premier has been by-passing this policy by tiated contracts were closely examined and awarding important honours to friends, those finally agreed upon did not exceed party supporters and others? If these are and in some cases were actually less than facts, will the Premier explain these incon­ those for comparable works built under sistencies and state the policy of his Govern­ normal tendering procedure. (5) It is not ment on the recommending of honours? true that work has been first offered to a Mr. J. J. CAHILL: The Leader of the ring of builders and oaly let to competitive Opposition has spoiled his question. First, tendering when they are not interested: the he referred to benefactors. Some of the .reverse is the cas6: and schools have never benefactors, 11,9tably Mr. Adolph Basser; are been let by negotiation except when the not what are known as "friends or sup­ urgency of the case made this course essen· porters" of this Government. tial in order to provide the necessary accommodation for school pupils within Mr. ASKIN: I never said that. the time available. Mr. J. J. CAHILL: The hon. member did, and he knows it. Apparently the hon. QUESTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE member is not aware that it is a resolution GARDEN SUBURB PUBLIC SCHOOL of this House that knighthoods be not Mr. BOOTH: I ask the Minister for recommended by the Government. This Education whether Garden Suburb Public expression of opinion of the House will be School is overcrowded. Though the school honoured by the Government. Prominent is comparatively new, is the population in public servants who have contributed the surrounding district increasing. so fast materially to the development of this State that additional classrooms are urgently have been recognised, but the Labor Party needed at the school? Will the Minister will be most wary that so long as it remains investigate the position and, if possible, in office it will not make recommendations arrange for a start to be made on the neces­ for knighthoods. sary additional accommodation? Mr. McCAW: As a supplementary ques­ Mr. HEFFRON: When the hon. member tion I ask the Premier whether the resolu­ made representations to me some time ago tion of this House to which he referred, about accommodation needed at this school, was carried in the year 1932, by a Labor I looked into the matter and learned that majority in the House. another couple of rooms were necessary. Mr. J. J. CAHILL: If the hon. member I authorised their construction but I am looks at the records he will find that a not sure whether work has started on them. number of hon. members on the Opposi­ A kindergarten room, a· fairly large room tion side also voted for the resolution. with folding doors, and another classroom are to be built and certain other work is VISIT OF DR. LEKSELL to be done. If work is not already in hand, it soon will be. Mr. COADY: I ask the Minister for Health whether it is a fact, as reported in The Sun yesterday, that a noted Swedish RECOMMENDATION FOR psychiatric surgeon is to be invited to New KNIGHTHOOD South Wales to advise the profession in Mr. ASKIN: I ask the Premier and the treatment of mental cases. If so will Colonial Treasurer whether a number of the Minister say when Dr. Leksell will be our outstanding public benefactors and in New South Wales? philanthropists would almost certainly be recommended for knighthoods if they were Mr. SHEAHAN: I am not able to give. living in another State. Is it a fact that the exact date when the noted Swedish this recognition is withheld in New South surgeon to whom the hon. member refers, Wales because the long-standing policy of Dr. Leksell, will be in New South Wales. the Labor. Party is not to award honours? I am able to say, however, that the Gov­ Is it a fact, also, that for some years the ernment made available a subsidy to the 858 Questions and Answers [ASSEMBLY] Questions and Answers post-graduate committee in -medicine to Mr. DEANE: I am praising, not criticis­ enable it to invite noted surgeons to visit ing, the hospital. this country to deliver lectures to the medical profession, the universities and Mr. SHEAHAN: If I can persuade Dr. hospitals. Two or three years ago this Gov­ Leksell to go through the hospital I shall ernment sent Dr. Bailey abroad to study be happy to ask the bon. member for under Dr. Leksell, who will be here, I Hawkesbury to go with him. Perhaps the understand, either towards the end of this doctor might be able to give some attention year or early next year. Dr. Leksell will to the views of the hon. member. deliver lectures under the auspices of the post-graduate committee in medicine. The UTHGOW HIGH SCHOOL hon. member for Leichhardt is doubtless Mr. ROBSON: I ask the Minister for referring to the article appearing yester­ Education whether stage one of the new day under the name of Oliver Hogue. I· high school at Lithgow has been completed, was happy to note this article, for only the children are in occupation and every­ two years ago, following certain incidents, one concerned is happy. Is it a fact that articles written by the gentleman were not the second stage has been considerably so complimentary to the Department of delayed owing to the fact that the first Public Health as the one yesterday.
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