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CONTENTS / MAY 2013 FIRST SECTOR: THE REGULARS 10 IGNITION SEB REVEALS HIS TRUE COLOURS 12 PARADES THE VERY BEST F1 PHOTOGRAPHY 18 PITPASS NEWS, OPINION AND ANALYSIS 26 PITPASS TECH IN-SEASON CAR DEVELOPMENT 28 PETER WINDSOR SEPANG JUST WON‘T GO AWAY 31 DIETER RENCKEN WHO WILL BE THE NEXT BERNIE? 33 VALTTERI BOTTAS ON HIS VERY FIRST GRAND PRIX RACING 34 INBOX YOUR VIEWS ON ‘MULTI-21-GATE’ 36 NOW THAT WAS A CAR THE BRABHAM BT20 106 SUBSCRIBE AND GET A FREE MCLAREN T-SHIRT COVER STORIES SECOND SECTOR: THE FEATURES 100, 60 44 38 THE DARK SIDE OF VETTEL Flav‘s got plenty to say about 80 Sepang has been the talk of the season. After Sebastian 80 team ownership, ditching 92 Vettel‘s sunny side was suddenly eclipsed, Andrew Benson managers… and ‘Crashgate’ asks: do Red Bull have only themselves to blame? 44 BULLETPROOF BUTTON While no one wants a car like this year‘s MP4-28, Teflon- 38 tough Jenson Button has endured far worse over the years 52 A CHAT WITH MARTIN WHITMARSH McLaren‘s head honcho on a difficult season ahead 54 WHEN TECH GOES BAD McLaren aren‘t the only ones: we investigate how teams can go from hero to zero over the course of a winter break 60 THE RETURN OF ADRIAN SUTIL Putting that nightclub fracas far behind him, Sutil returns to his Force India drive with a new perspective on life VETTEL It‘s a case of no more Mr Nice 38 Guy as Seb asserts himself at Sepang 66 HÜLKENBURG STEPS SIDEWAYS Force India to Sauber wasn‘t an obvious promotion for young Nico. But his ultimate destination is Maranello 72 AT SAUBER, EVERY DETAIL COUNTS… …as we learn from their chief designer, Matt Morris 74 MONISHA: F1‘S FIRST LADY The sport‘s only female team principal on the pressures of leading a team from the midfield BUTTON When the going gets tough 78 GO FIGURE 44 he always finds a way to pull through Spain‘s involvement in F1 – in number 80 LUNCH WITH FLAVIO BRIATORE Maurice Hamilton enjoys a lively catch-up with one of the The highly rated Nico Hülkenberg most flamboyant and controversial figures ever to grace F1 66 is on a fast track to Ferrari – with a detour by way of Sauber 88 YOU ASK THE QUESTIONS Pirelli boss and Ricky-Gervais look-alike Paul Hembery tackles your questions about tyres… and calendars FLAV Brace yourself as the 92 THE ORIGINAL ‘AUSSIE GRIT’ 80 outspoken Mr Briatore lets rip An exclusive interview with the only man ever to win the championship in his own car: Sir Jack Brabham 100 PERFORMANCE DRIVING WITH PROST F1 Racing takes a few lessons from the sport‘s Mr Smooth THIRD SECTOR: FINISHING STRAIGHT PROST How making the best of 110 MALAYSIAN GP REPORT TEAM ORDERS GO AWRY 100 your car makes you a better driver 114 CHINESE GP REPORT RUBBER RUNS THE SHOW 118 SPANISH GP PREVIEW A VERY FAMILIAR CIRCUIT 121 TOM CLARKSON IN TROUBLE AT THE AIRPORT 122 MURRAY WALKER NOT AT ALL HAPPY ABOUT SEPANG Adrian Sutil‘s got his old drive 60 back at Force India. But what has he learned in his time away? When Vettel put winning above The relentless Jenson Button on 38 team orders at Sepang, it opened 44 why even an underperforming car a can of worms at Red Bull can‘t blunt his competitive edge WeW take a spin in Renault‘s We meet Jack Brabham: ferocious 100 bbrand-new hot hatch with the 92 competitor and, at 87, Formula 1‘s famouslyf smooth Alain Prost oldest living world champion Ignition / Anthony Rowlinson / 05.13 Why Multi-21 could prove RACING to be a multi-catastrophe HAYMARKET CONSUMER MEDIA, TEDDINGTON STUDIOS, 7KHRQO\VXUSULVLQJWKLQJDERXW6HEDVWLDQ9HWWHO¶V WKHIDLOXUHRIKLVULJKWUHDUZKHHOLQWKHUDFHWKLVZDV BROOM ROAD, TEDDINGTON, MIDDLESEX, TW11 9BE, UK VNHZHULQJRI0DUN:HEEHULQ0DOD\VLDLVWKDWDQ\RQHLV QRWWKHFUDFN5HG%XOOVTXDGZHKDYHJURZQVRXVHGWR THE TEAM PUBLISHING DWDOOVXUSULVHGLWKDSSHQHG2IFRXUVH9HWWHOZDVJRLQJ VHHLQJDWZRUNVLQFH'LVKDUPRQ\LVGLVUXSWLYH Editor Director Anthony Rowlinson Ian Burrows WRPDNHWKHSDVVIRUWKHZLQDQGKHFDQEHUHDVRQDEO\ WRDQ\RUJDQLVDWLRQOHWDORQHDILQHO\WXQHGWRS)WHDP Managing Editor F1 Racing Custom WKDQNIXO0DUN:HEEHUDOORZHGKLPWRPDNHLWVWLFN 7KHUDQFRXUDW5HG%XOOKDVEHHQWKURZQLQWRVKDUS Stewart Williams Emma Shortt HYHQVXFKSDUDJRQVRIFOHDQGULYLQJDV$ODLQ3URVWZKR UHOLHIE\WKHUHODWLYHHDVHRIEXVLQHVVHYLGHQWDW)¶VWZR Deputy Editor Stuart Codling ADVERTISING ZHLQWHUYLHZLQWKLVLVVXHRQSDJHKDYHQ¶WEHHQ RWKHUHDUO\VHDVRQZLQQLQJVTXDGV/RWXVDQG)HUUDUL Associate Editor UK Sales Manager EH\RQGGULYLQJWKHLUQHPHVLVRIIWKHWUDFN DOWKRXJK :KDWDFRQWUDVWLQDSSURDFKIURPWKHEODFN¶Q¶JROGDQG James Roberts Ben Fullick 3URVW¶VDWWHPSWWRHQG$\UWRQ6HQQD¶VUDFHDW6X]XND UHGWHDPV±ERWKEXLOWDURXQGDFOHDUQXPEHURQHDQG Chief Sub-Editor Vanessa Longworth LICENSING LQZDVDOPRVWODXJKDEO\KDOIKHDUWHG ERWKSUHVHQWLQJVWURQJFRQWHQGHUVIRUWKHGULYHUV¶WLWOH Art Editor Licensing Director 6WLOOWKHIXOOSXEOLFH[SRVXUHRIZKDWZHKDGORQJ LQWKHIRUPVRI0HVVUV5lLNN|QHQDQG$ORQVR7KHUH¶V Frank Foster Jim James VXVSHFWHG±WKDW9HWWHOKDVWKHNLQGRIUXWKOHVVVWUHDNWR DORQJZD\WRJREXWRQFHDJDLQZHVHHPWRKDYHDWOHDVW Senior Designer Licensing Manager Matt Dungate David Ryan ULYDOWKRVHRI6HQQDDQG6FKXPDFKHU±ZDVDORQJWLPH DWKUHHZD\ILJKWRQRXUKDQGVIRUWRSKRQRXUVWKLV\HDU Principal Advertising Tel FRPLQJDQGLW¶VWRRHDUO\\HWWRDVVHVVWKHH[WHQWRIWKH 2QHPDQXQIRUWXQDWHO\DEVHQWIURPWKDWWXVVOHLV Photographer +44 (0)20 8267 GDPDJHWR5HG%XOORUWKHGULYHUVWKHPVHOYHV -HQVRQ%XWWRQZKRVHHDUO\HIIRUWVKDYHEHHQKDPSHUHG Andrew Ferraro 5179/5916 Office Manager 2QHLPPHGLDWHFDVXDOW\ZDV9HWWHO¶VSXEOLFLPDJH E\DWDUG\0F/DUHQ031RWWKDWKH¶OOEHWRR Joanne Grove PRODUCTION DV$QGUHZ%HQVRQGLVFXVVHVRQSDJH)KDVDQHZ GRZQFDVWDV\RXFDQUHDGRQSDJHDEOLSLQFDU Production & SDQWRPLPHYLOODLQZKRZLOOIRUHYHUEHYLHZHGWKURXJK SHUIRUPDQFHLVQ¶WHQRXJKWRJULQGGRZQDFRPSHWLWRU Editorial Tel Publishing Manager +44 (0)20 8267 5806 Sunita Davies WKHSULVPRI0DOD\VLD ³5HPHPEHU6HSDQJ´ ZKRKDVSUHWW\PXFKHQGXUHGLWDOOLQ)VLQFH ZULWHV3HWHU:LQGVRULQKLVELWLQJDVVHVVPHQWRIHYHQWV 7KHVDPHFRXOGEHZULWWHQLQVSDGHVDERXWDQRWKHU CONTRIBUTORS SUBSCRIPTIONS RQSDJH &DVXDOW\QXPEHUWZRPD\ZHOOEH0DUN JUDQGROGFRPSHWLWRU6LU-DFN%UDEKDPZKRJUDQWHG Columnists Email F1racing@ Peter Windsor Servicehelpline.co.uk :HEEHUIRUZKRPWKHDOOXUHRIDQHZPRWRUVSRUW )5DFLQJDQH[FOXVLYHLQWHUYLHZMXVWEHIRUHWKH Dieter Rencken Fax 01795 414 555 FKDOOHQJHZLOOQHYHUKDYHVHHPHGPRUHDWWUDFWLYH7KH $XVWUDOLDQ*3$UDFHUKHZQIURPJUDQLWHLW¶VKDUGWR Valtteri Bottas Customer Hotline WKLUGLVWKHVPRRWKUXQQLQJRIWKH5HG%XOOZLQQLQJ LPDJLQHKLPKDYLQJDQ\WUXFNZLWKDWHDPPDWHZKR¶G Murray Walker 0844 848 8826 Technical Consultant Subscriptions PDFKLQH,VLWDQ\FRLQFLGHQFHWKDWLQWKHUDFHIROORZLQJ GXSHGKLP³,¶GVWLOOIDQF\P\FKDQFHVDJDLQVWWKLVORWLI Pat Symonds Marketing Executive μ0XOWLJDWH¶5HG%XOO¶V&KLQHVH*3ZDVOLWWHUHGZLWK ,ZHUH\RXQJHU´KHWHOOVXVRQS0D\EHWKLV$XVVLH Special Contributor Michelle le Grice XQFKDUDFWHULVWLFHUURUV")URPWKHμQRQFRPSHWH¶RUGHU OHJHQGPLJKWKDYHDWLSRUWZRIRUKLVPRGHUQKHLU« Tom Clarkson Agency Missed an issue? IRU9HWWHOLQ4WR:HEEHU¶VXQGHUILOOHGIXHOWDQNDQG $QWKRQ\5RZOLQVRQHGLWRU Photographers Back issues hotline: LAT Photographic 08456 777 818 Follow Anthony on Twitter: @Rowlinson_F1R on Twitter: Anthony Follow Getty Images Contributors Editorial director Mark Payton Creative director Paul Harpin Strategy and planning director Bob McDowell Managing director David Prasher Chairman and managing director Kevin Costello F1 Racing published monthly in Australia, China, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Middle East, Philippines, Poland, South Africa, UK, USA. Formula One, Formula 1 and F1 (trademarks of Formula One Licensing BV, a Formula One Group company) are used under licence. Circulation queries Frontline, Park House, 117 Park Road, Peterborough, Cambs PE1 2TR. Tel: +44 (0)1733 555161. ISSN 13614487. EAN 07713614480012. Steven Tee Matt Youson Thomas Butler Matt Dungate Printed by Wyndeham Heron, The Bentall Complex, Colchester Road, Heybridge, Maldon, Essex CN9 4NW. Covers printed by Wyndeham Group. Edging closer to 500 GPs Putting the nuts into He makes ‘em laugh, Helping make our mag look Colour by FMG, 90-92 Pentonville Road, London N1 9HS. Reproduction in whole or in part of any photograph, text or illustration without written and not looking a day older F1’s nuts and bolts he makes ‘em cry… mega, month-in, month-out permission from the publisher is prohibited. Due care is taken to ensure that the content of F1 Racing is fully accurate, but the publisher and printer cannot accept liability for errors and omissions. F1 Racing is a member of the Audit Bureau of Circulations. $PDQRIPDQ\WDOHQWVQRW 0DWWNQRZVKLVZLGJHWVIURP 7KHUH¶VDQDUWWREHLQJD 0DWW'XQJDWHRUμ5HGJDWH¶
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