FFFFFFAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRROOOOOOWWWWWW PPPPPPEEEEEETTTTTTEEEEEERRRRRR KKKKKKAAAAAARRRRRRSSSSSSTTTTTTEEEEEENNNNNN FFFFFFAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRROOOOOOWWWWWW The text within this book is copyrighted by the author, with the exception of the names of characters used from the Planet of the Apes TV-Series copyrighted by 20 t h Century Fox. No part of this book may be reproduced by any process and/or by any means or method without written permission from the author. This book may not be sold, traded or auctioned. The author does give permission to reproduce this book for personal/private use: as part of a review and/or as reading material. Pictures of Farrow come from the episode ‘Escape from Tomorrow’ from the ‘Last flight of the Icarus’ website. Royal Dano Biography information comes from these websites: http://www.imdb.com http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Dano FFFFFFAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRROOOOOOWWWWWW ““WWHHEERREE MMAANN OONNCCEE SSTTOOOODD SSUUPPRREEMMEE,,, AAPPEESS NNOOWW RRUULLEE TTHHEE WWOORRLLDD”” II WWOOUULLDD LLIIIKKEE TTOO DDEEDDIIICCAATTEE TTHHIIISS SSTTOORRYY TTOO TTHHEE FFOOLLLLOOWWIIINNGG PPEERRSSOONN Royal Dano THE VILLAGE OF CHALO 3083 Barlow was tired, being on the road for hours seemed like an eternity, but he’d managed so far and riding this long all day wasn’t one of his strong points in regards to his constitution. It’s just a pain, he thought, no matter, just a little longer and I’ll soon be coming to Chalo–I’m sure Prefect Veska won’t mind if I stay the night. Besides I can always trade my lodgings for news from Central City. Arrhh-yes, Central City the unhappy capital of the simian world, where intrigue and political stupidity rule. I much prefer my country village of Kaymak any day, so quiet and peaceful–especially now with my ‘games’ well established. I just don’t really know why Zaius had to drag me all the way from home so he could listen to my report on how Kaymak was developing under my guidance, I could have just sent Zaius a written report and that would be that and be done with it, but oh know, he wanted to listen to what I had to say–such arrogance and narrow-of-mind for an orang-utan, I can hear him now in his self appointed superior viewpoint. “Barlow, the High Council is a little concerned about your methods you employ in keeping crime at bay, this so called ‘Games’ you have been doing– how long has it been going…” “About twenty-three years now Zaius, when I became Prefect of Kaymak I soon realized the humans needed controlling if I were to establish a peaceful and productive village; I have learned that humans–as you yourself know–are an aggressive species, so to curb such emotional tendencies; I created the ‘Games’, believe me, it has worked wonders”. “Yes, Kaymak is one of a very few settlements if I may say–that has no human problems, criminal or otherwise. That is why I wanted to speak to you personally this time instead of reviewing your report. The High Council has decided to see for itself these so-called ‘Games’ in action; so next month I and General Urko will be visiting your village and to experience for ourselves how you have achieved the almost impossible”. “Thank you Zaius, you will not be disappointed”. “I hope not Barlow, the High Council is keenly interested, especially Urko, since the outcome of the ‘Games’ is death”. “I’m sure General Urko will find it entertaining at best, my current champion, Tolar is admired by all, and will be pleased to put on a show worthy for you, Urko and the Council”. Worthy indeed…but in reality, pondered Barlow, it was a way for Zaius to hopefully find a way to discredit me. The underlining political currents were there plain as day. Well in that case, I have friends, important influential friends that may see to it that Zaius won’t get his way if things get out of hand–politically speaking of course. –*––*––*– Barlow entered Chalo about mid morning, as he trotted along the street he saw a human standing a short distance away, a man of about fifty with long white hair tried in a ponytail. As Barlow came near, the human caught his attention. “You there!” Barlow called out, stopping his horse. “Yes sir”, said the man, watching the Prefect get down from his mount, who seemed very much relieved in setting foot on firm ground again. “Can you direct me to Prefect Veska’s house?” “Yes sir, its just down at the end of this main street, you can’t miss it”, said the man pointing with his arm extended, showing Barlow where to go. “Fine, fine; what’s your name human?” “Farrow sir, just Farrow”, looking a bit concerned. “Good”, Barlow answered, “Take my horse to the stables and give him a rub down and a feed will you, and report back to me–my name is Barlow Prefect Barlow, got that?” “Yes sir, Prefect Barlow”, feeling a little more at ease, Farrow had a thing for apes, ever since that bad experience when he was about twelve; ever since then he tried to keep away–out of the way whenever he could, but sometimes…“Your horse is in good hands sir, I’ll look after him”. “Excellent, see that you do, he’s been with me for many years now”. Barlow commented, humans he surmised, must be kept in their place if they were to be any use to simian society, as he walked off towards Veska’s house leaving Farrow to do what he was instructed to do. –*––*––*– Farrow was at the stables and had just finished with Barlow’s horse when the stable hand by the name of Colan came in. “What have we here Farrow?” the semi-muscular young man questioned, walking over to where Farrow was watching the horse eat. “This is a special horse Colan; it belongs to a Prefect Barlow who is at Veska’s house right now”. “Oh I see”, looking at Farrow and then at the stallion, “a special horse, hmmm, well I guess I’m honoured”. “Well anyhow”, trying to change the course of the conversation, “I’d better go and see Barlow and tell him his horse is okay, make sure nothing happens to him, alright?” “Sure-sure”, Colan replied giving a short wave at Farrow as the old man began walking to the Prefect’s house, “nothing’s going to happen, trust me”. Nothing’s going to happen, Farrow deliberated, I hope not, or it’ll be my head for sure, all apes think humans are alike, but I know this Barlow will remember me if his horse gets sick, I just know it. –*––*––*– Farrow was almost at Prefect Veska’s house when he saw Arno, Veska’s young son with his new birthday present–a dog that he got a few days ago. I don’t like dogs, Farrow reminded himself, I hope it won’t see me and begin to chase me, like it did before. Dogs, what good are they anyway, they just run around, eat and sleep–that’s it. Farrow was near, very near now and with some dutch courage approached the front door in which Arno and his dog were blocking. “Excuse me kind master but I have business inside, I have to see Prefect Barlow who is with your father”, trying to sound tame, especially with the dog now barking at him. “Oh very well human, if you must”, Arno replied, sounding disgusted, to the point of impatience, as he moved aside holding his pet, he then as an afterthought decided to go off and play somewhere else, “come on dog let’s go into the woods, maybe we can find some humans to scare”. Farrow saw the pair of them run off in that direction slowing shaking his head as if to say foolish young chimp. But of course he would never say such a thing out loud anyway that’s for sure. Farrow was about to knock on the front door when it opened, Farrow quickly took a step back as Prefect’s Veska and Barlow stepped outside together. Barlow was first to notice the old man. “Arrh Farrow isn’t it?” Barlow asked, looking at the human who seemed quite nervous. “Yes sir, I looked after your horse as you told me, he’s in fine hands”. “Good, very good”, turning to Veska, “your humans are very well behaved Veska, my compliments”. “Thank you Barlow, I run this village with an iron hand and strict rules– especially for the humans, it’s the only way to control them and ensure peace and stability. Humans must know their place–it’s the natural order of things…” “Yes-yes, quite so Veska, quite so, now”, turning back to Farrow, “you may go human”. “Thank you sir”, giving a little bow and off Farrow went in the direction of the woods. “He certainly wouldn’t be fit for the ‘Games’, Tolar would just as look at him than touch him to win”. “I must say”, Veska added, as the two chimpanzees began walking to Barlow’s lodgings for the night, which was just across the road, “these ‘Games’ fascinate me just as much as any news from Central City”. “Oh please, do come to Chalo when you have the time my friend”, returning the favour of Veska putting him up for the night, Barlow was very proud of his ‘Games’ and wanted as much approval as possible, since Zaius and Urko were coming to view it–probably more for the entertainment value than anything else, “you will not be disappointed, the humans put up quite a show, such an violent species, it really amazes me”.
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