Vol. UCXII No. 43 Ninety-six years service to the Gospel October 30. 1996 / Colorado offers warm farewell to archbishop BY COLLEEN SMITH Since his 1986 installation as archbishop of Denver, rumors have circulated that Archbishop J. Fran­ cis Stafford would one day soon be joining the Roman curia. So Pope John Paul IPs announce­ ment thi.s summer that .Archbishop Stafford would be the new president of the Pontifical Council for the La­ ity came as no surprise. He IS no stranger to Rome, hav- I hflEVB to do siirw d i? to th ^ ing taken a theology degree at the Nortli American College there and having served as a member of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the Vatican’s top theological office, since 1990. In his new Vatican position, which he begins next month. Arch­ bishop Stafford will coordinate and promote the laity’s participation in the mission of the Church, including the annual papal event, World Youth Day. which was held in Denver in 1993 During his 10 years in Denver. .\rchbishop Stafford championed the .h in ifs U aca IIX 'H photu\ ( 'ontinued on />af’o 10 Say yes to life. Vote N O ! on Am endm ent 11 Sec Page 2 OCT. 30. 1006 PAGE 2 DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Catholics urged to turn out on election Service to others is day in opposition to Amendment 11 the path to greatness BY F.-\THER JOHN KRENZKE In the final days before the Nov. 5 elec­ tion, Coloradans are awakening to the fright­ .\ refection on the Gos/nd reading for the Hist ening consequences Amendment 11 would .Siundav of < )rdinar\ Time Matthew 23:1 12 have on churches, charities and nonprofits. •lesus warns the crowds and his disciples (v. 11 But Chris Paulson, chainnan of the "Vote not to follow the example of the scribes and Phari­ Noon 11 Don't Hurt the Helpers" campaign, sees riie\ increase the duties of religion for oth­ knows encouraging polls mean nothing on er- but do tiot practice love. election day. t'hrist'.- way is clearly in the other direction: "We need to stay focused and turn out one must he a servant and be humble in the ser- our \H)te." Paulson said "Remember that the \ ice ot otliers so as to be exalted by God in eter­ only poll that counts is election day l>et's keep nity There is the vast gulf between saying and our eye on the target and turn out the no vote doing The teaching o f M OSes bespoke a life of against .-Amendment 11. convenant fidelity to God and commanded one to "It's all-hands-on-deck tune " love God with the whole heart, whole soul and .Amendment 11 seeks to annually ta.x the whole strength. property of churches, chanties and nonprofits, The scnlx's and Pharisees made heavy burdens and it would drive many organizations out of IV -11 by making minute regulations and exceptions existence. The proposal represents a tax on to .Moses' law. Furthermore, they also do what they the contributions of anyone who supports do out of a motive of being seen (v. 5) and praised charitable efforts, intercepting a portion of S O M E little league fields would be forced to close if voters were to by men iv. 6 and 7), that money and diverting it to government. approve Amendment I I on Nov. 5. Other affected organi:ations Jesus concludes (v. Ill with a play on the origi­ -Among the many hundreds of targets in the include: Boy and Girl Scouts, water companies. Meals on U heels, nal meaning of the word “rabbi” — “great." One Catholic community are Seton House hospice. little leagues, blood banks, nature protection groups. Colorado w ho IS great or looked upon as great must still be Catholic Chanties Child Development Cen­ Easter Seals and art and cultural centers. cv.s.-e..^,. a servant ter. St Patrick Counseling Center. Brighton Emergency-Assistance Center, Centro L.U.P.E. and ev­ Catholics in each of the state's three dioceses are ery Catholic church in the state. asking parishioners to mobilize against .Amendment But -Amendment 11 isn't an attack only on reli­ 11. The Colorado Catholic Conference, which repre­ Bishop Wilton Gregory gion. Its nonprofit targets include Boy and Girl Scouts. sents the statewide Catholic community in matters of water companies. public policy, is coordinating a "Ahte No on 11" post­ to offer local workshop M eals on Wheels, card campaign for the week prior to the election little leagues, blood Churches have already distributed "Don t Hurt the The Denver Council banks, nature pro­ Helpers" yard signs following Masses, and pastors have for Black Gatho-hes is tection groups. Colo­ alerted their individual flocks to the threat stxmsoring a workshop rado Easter Seals ".As citizens, our responsibilities are essentially to presented hy Bishop and art and cultural register, to understand the issues and vote in such a Wilton I) Gregory, centers. Many way that promotes the common good," said Jim Tatten, S I. I) . of Belleville, I'l- nonprofits that executive director of the Colorado Catholic Conference linois. titled “What 1 didn't realize they "We have that responsibility not only as citizens, but Have .xk-eii and Heard" were targets are as Catholics. on .Saturdav .Nov 2 from stepping forward in "Essentially what we do when wc vote is decule 9 a 111 to 3 p m at the opposition. what values will J<diii Paul II Center. "We're very guide not only Bishop Gregory will concerned," said the state, but also celebrate Mass at Melinda Helmick. the nation." .St Ignatius Loyola communications di­ Tatten be­ Church in Denver. .Sun- BISHOP Gregory rector for the Na­ lieves the more da\. Nov ,3 at 10 a in ture Conservancy of people know Bishop ( Iregory has written extensively on the Colorado, a group about .Amend­ subject of liturgy, particularly in the African- /linirs rtoru lK 'H pholt> committed to pro­ ment 11. the .-\merican community, for a variety of publications. S\na^ofiu>'s and ch urchi’s u oitld tecting natural eco­ more they know He IS a memb<-r of several professional societies, have to idirtiinate services and systems. "We're put­ it's a bad idea including the Catholic Theological Society of North ■~nnu- uuuUi he forced to close ting together a let­ from financial .-\mi rica ami the North .-American Academy ofLit- under Anii’ndment II ter now with some and moral per­ urgy other land trusts spectives. .-\ pro­ Bishop ( Iregory was ordained for the Archdio- We Hist found this would atTect our conservation ease­ fessional study ct-'c of Chicago in May. 1973. He was ordained a ments, which IS about acres, found It would cost taxpayers .>1 7 iiiilhon ui tiiL’her bi.-liop Dt-ct-mber, 1983. He was installed in Feb., "We haven t sat down and totaled up the impact. propertj taxes - atul that figure doc~n't ewn n llt-ct 199 1 as the seventh Bishop of Belleville, follow­ Helmick added "l>.-t's just say it would be very detri­ the cost ot' losing countless service.- tliat h-.-.-.-n the ing In wars as an auxiliary bishop of Chicago. mental to our abiht\ to do our work in Colorado " hurileii of governtneiit Registration for the lunch must be mailed im- Denver Mayor Wellington Webb -poke out against int-di.itely w nil a $5 clu^ck to the Denver Council the amendment at a press conference in e.irl> ( ictober. tor Black C,it holies. 2305 Gaylord St., Denver CO and each of the state's largest newspapt-r- have run ■'02U7 For more information call 393-7580. Annual archdiocesan AIDS editorials opposing the idea. Catholics have worked 136 years to huild the Mass, Nov. 4 at Holy Ghost Church of Colorado, but it would take only a single day to fracture her foundations That day is Nov ,7 leople who have died from.AlD.S will be remem­ "We are in the home stretch; these are the days we bered during the annual archdiocesan -AIDS have been waiting and working for — some of us for TaskP Force Memorial .Mass. 7 p.m. Monday. Nov. 4, more than a year — to show the world that Colorado is at Holy Ghost Church, 1900 California St. not the home of crazy ideas," said Fat Read, executive "The mission of the .-AIDS Task Force is that 200 Josephine Street director of the Colorado .-Association of Non Profits. wherever Catholics gather will be a place where Denver, CO 80206 "Ours IS a state of raring communities and committed persons affected by HIA' will be welcomed and sup­ helpers." (303) 388-4411 ported " said Deacon Dennis Kelly, past-chairman m s s of the task force "The memorial -Mass is to remem­ Kditor IVter James Oroege ber those who have gone before We want everyone OFFICI.VL Advorlisinj^ Director l^une L I„awrence in the community to feel comfortable in coming and ARCHBISHOP S omcp ( ii’ncral Manager Francis X. Maier sharing, and to know that the Church is with them." 200 joj^phinf Srreer I tD- Drmrr ( ‘atholir Register (USPS 557-020) Is pub •Sister of Saint Joseph .Maria Regis is the newly Denver. <‘olo hsiiri) wcr-klv r.\( rp! tlir last wrrk of December and the named chairperson of the AIDS Task Force Jirst wrrk ()l .lamiar>' !»y ttie Archdiocese of Denver and The Mass celebrant will be Father Henry Reverend Patrick Weis.
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