AMERICAN FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL wm IT'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME /t u/y. While we’ve never seen the statistics, we’ll wager fast in your room, it quietly appears (with a flower and there’s no home in the country staffed with such reti¬ the morning paper on the tray). If you crave in-season nues of valets and butlers, chefs and secretaries, maids or out-of-season delicacies, you'll find them in any of and men servants, as our hotel. That’s why we say the our restaurants. Prepared with finesse and served with New Yorker is "no place like home" — purposely. We finesse. You may have your railroad or air-line or theatre know that everyone secretly longs for and enjoys the tickets ordered for you and brought to you. You may luxury of perfect hotel service. And you have your shirts and suits speeded back know it is yours at the New Yorker, with¬ from laundry or valet, with buttons sewed reduction out luxurious cost. • It is unobtrusive ser¬ on and rips miraculously mended.You may vice, too, that never gets on your nerves. to diplomatic and have all this service by scarcely lifting a fin¬ Everyone—from the doorman to the man¬ consular service ger. • You will find the Hotel New Yorker NOTE: the special rate ager—is always friendly, always helpful— reduction applies only conveniently located, its staff pleasantly at¬ to rooms on which the but never effusive. If you want a lazy break¬ rate is $4 a day or more. tentive, and your bill surprisingly modest. HOTEL NEW YORKER 34TH STREET AT EIGHTH AVENUE . NEW YORK CITY Directed by National Hotel Management Company, Inc. • Ralph Hitz, President OTHER HOTELS UNDER SAME DIRECTION: HOTEL LEXINGTON, NEW YORK • NETHERLAND PLAZA, CINCINNATI • BOO K-C AD ILLAC, DETROIT • THE ADOLPHUS, DALLAS • HOTEL VAN CLEVE, DAYTON CONTENTS COVER PICTURE West Gate, Sungkiang CUSHIONED (See also page 270) TYPING THROUGH THE GREEK COUNTRYSIDE By the Honorable Lincoln MacVeagh 253 ROBERT E. LEE, A REVIEW By the Honorable R. Walton Moore 256 AN ARAB WEDDING IN TUNISIA By Mrs. Jay Walker 258 PROPOSED CODIFICATION OF OUR CHAOTIC NATIONALITY LAWS By Richard W. Flournoy 260 THE MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL RACES By Paul W. Eaton 265 PAN AMERICAN DAY, AN ADDRESS By the Honorable Cordell Hull 266 UNDERWOOD THE LEGION OF HONOR By Francis Dickie 267 Special TEN YEARS AGO IN THE JOURNAL 270 TYPEWRITER NEWS FROM THE DEPARTMENT 271 NEWS FROM THE FIELD 274 IF you are interested in increased typing pro¬ duction, then you will want to inspect this A POLITICAL BOOKSHELF 276 newest of Underwoods. And if you are inter¬ Cyril Wynne, Review Editor ested in quiet operation, you will want to inspect “Permanent Court of International Justice,” the new Underwood, too. It is far more quiet, by Francis Colt de Wolf. for at strategic points throughout this new ma¬ “The Queen and Mr. Gladstone,” By C. W. chine, cushioning devices have been employed to absorb noise, vibration and shock. FOREIGN SERVICE CHANGES 278 The new Underwood, in addition to Cush¬ ioned Typing, offers a long array of new im¬ M \KRIAGES, BIRTHS 280 provements and features . features designed to promote speed, accuracy, durability, simplicity \ ISITING OFFICERS 281 . features that include the new and exclusive IN MEMORIAM 282 champion keyboard. The new Underwood Spe¬ cial Typewriter is more than ever “The Machine DETOURING ON THE ATLANTIC of Champions By Margaret Denchfield ... 298 UNDERWOOD ELLIOTT FISHER CO. PAN AMERICAN COMMERCIAL CONFERENCE 304 Typewriters . Accounting Machines . Adding Machines Carbon Paper, Ribbons and other Supplies MEMORIAL TO CONSUL PRENTIS 306 Homer Bldg., 13th & F Streets, N. W. Washington, D. C. Issued monthly by American Foreign Service Associa¬ tion, Department of State, 'Washington. D. C. Entered as Sales and Service Everyuhere second-class matter August 20, 1934, at the Post Office, in Washington, D. C., under the Act of March 3. 1S79. 249 Your World With A PHILCO FROM everywhere, be it north, south, east or west, you hear the program at its best with Philco. The natural tone quality of every instru¬ ment in the band, the living voice of the orator is yours with the scientifically correct Philco reproduction. Tremendous production has kept cost at a minimum. Every type and size, AC, DC, AC-DC, battery and 32 volts—in 57 magnificent new models, in other words a Philco for every purse and purpose. Model illustrated PHILCO 16X, Tuning range, 540 to 23,000 kilocycles, Five Tuning Bands, Receives all standard American broad¬ casts, police, aircraft and amateur stations and all American and foreign short-w'ave sta¬ tions, Inter-Station Noise Suppression, PHIL¬ CO Inclined Sounding Board, Echo-Absorb¬ ing Screen, Super “Class A” Audio System Auditorium Type PHILCO Electro - Dynamic Speaker, Bass Compensation, Four-Point Tone Control, PHILCO Simplified Tuning, Auto¬ matic Volume Control, PHILCO Shadow Tuning, Station Recording Dial, Wave Band Selec¬ tor with Automatic Scale Indicator, Dual Ratio Tuning, Full Rubber Floated Chassis, and 11 PHILCO High-Efficiency Tubes. Superbly fashioned from two-toned Walnut and handsomely highlighted by Grecian mouldings and delicate marquetry. Curved side panels of choicely grained Walnut, fluted columns in front of the Inclined Sounding Board and jet black inlay trimming make this 16X a radio of great refinement and beauty. Cabinet, 26% Inches Wide, 40% Inches High, 12% Inches Deep. Radios’ most dramatic achievement, the 1935 Philco. Tune in on Philco programs from station EAQ, Madrid, Spain. (9.87 on your Philco dial.) PHILCO RADIO and TELEVISION CORP. Export Department AMERICAN STEEL EXPORT COMPANY 347 MADISON AVENUE, NEW YORK, N. Y. Cable Address: ARISTA, New York ACROSS Tilt SCAS OR •ITSAtimSAMrOA ACROSS Tilt STRCCT PlllliCO To Patronize Our cA dvertisers Is When you come to Washington to Insure a Bigger and ‘Better —or when you want to shop in 'Journal for Our Service. Washington—it is quite natural that you should come to INDEX OF ADVERTISERS American Surety and Trust Company — 279 WOODWARD & LOTHROP Bacardi - 307 "A Store Worthy of The Nation’s Capital” Cathay Hotel—Shanghai . 307 Chase National Bank 291 10th, 11th, F, and G Streets Chesterfield Cigarettes 252 WASHINGTON Continental Hotel—Paris 307 Dunapalota Hotel—Budapest 307 Federal Storage Company . 295 General Motors Export Company 303 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Export Company 283 Briefly here Grace, W. R., and Company _ 297 are some notes Glide Bros. Co. 304 you will want to Harris and Ewing 304 make when you Hungaria Hotel—Budapest 307 do come — or International Telephone & Telegraph Co. 289 you do shop — Kressmann, Ed., & Co _ 307 Manhattan Storage Co 280 LUNCHEON at THE TEA ROOM— Martinique Hotel _____ 301 famous for its delicious food, its refined Mayflower Hotel _ ._ 281 atmosphere. Merchants Transfer and Storage Company 305 Metropole Hotel—Shanghai 307 ENGRAVING to be done—our Engrav¬ Middleton, Mrs. Lewis ,, ." 280 ing Shop offers a most excellent service Montgomery Ward 300 —both at home and abroad. Munson Steamship Lines 301 National Geographic Magazine 299 CLOTHES—our fashion sections (Third New England Mutual Life Insurance Co 304 Floor) constantly in touch with all that New Yorker Hotel n Cover is new—both from Paris and American Pagani’s Restaurant—London 307 designers. Palace-Ambassadeurs Hotel—Rome 307 Pan-American Airways, Inc 290 SOMETHING FOR THE CHILDREN Park Lane Hotel—London 307 —an entire floor, the fourth, devoted to Philco Radio Company ._ 250 the younger set—and a year-’round Toy Pillsbury Flour Mills Company. 290 Store. Plaza Hotel 284 Powhatan Hotel 296 SEE THE STORE FOR MEN—every¬ Rockefeller Center III Cover thing for men, and for women who shop Sapp, Earl W., C.L.U. 304 for men. (Second Floor.) Savoy-Plaza Hotel 284 Sea Captains’ Shop—Shanghai 307 SOMETHING FOR THE HOUSE— Security Storage Company of Washington 279 a most complete house-furnishing and Socony-Vacuum Oil Co., Inc 293 furniture service—model apartments and Strasbourg, Restaurant Brasserie de—Marseilles ...... 307 a dozen or more rooms offering the Tyner, Miss E. J._ 304 smartest new ideas in decoration. (Sixth Underwood Elliott Fisher Company 249 United Fruit Company 285 and Seventh Floors.) United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company. _ 297 AND GIFTS—the Gift Shop on the United States Lines 285 Seventh Floor abounds in delightful von Zielinski, Carl M. J 297 gifts for everyone. Waldorf-Astoria Hotel IV Cover Willard Hotel ... 291 Woodward and Lothrop 251 251 THE VOL. XII, No. 5 WASHINGTON, D. C. MAY, 1935 Through the Greek Countryside By THE HONORABLE LINCOLN MACVEAGH American Minister to Greece T SHOULD like to take you, “Aphrodite beautiful., 1 in my car if you will, on Fresh as the foam,” a journey through the Greek and perhaps we, too, had bet¬ countryside, to a place which ter let it go at that. of all places in Greece I love But, as I said, I should like the most. Like so many others, to take you on a journey. It it is not simply reminiscent is a journey common enough of history but the very scene to those of us who live here, of events about which every but inexhaustible, as I believe, schoolboy has read, and the in its richness of scenic beauty road we must take to reach it and human association. We is crowded with legends and have all read about the man stories which form a common who ran from Marathon to element in all our memories Athens with the news of vic¬ of youth. tory. Legend says that this The most striking thing man was Pheidippides. Herod¬ about this country of Greece otus, the historian of Mara¬ is its freshness, its antiquity thon, does not say so, but he is “all antiquity and no de¬ tells us that Pheidippides ran cay.” England and France, an even greater race against new countries in comparison, time, a race from Athens to are covered by the mould of Sparta and back again.
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