Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-01654-5 - From Empires to NGOs in the West African Sahel: The Road to Nongovernmentality Gregory Mann Index More information Index Abelin, Pierre, 225 Association des étudiants maliens (AEM), 36 Adams, Samuel, 206 Association des travailleurs maliens en AEF (Afrique Equatoriale Française), 30–32, France (ATMF), 154 104n46. See also Cameroon, Chad, Association malienne des droits de Congo-Brazzaville, Gabon l’homme, 236 AFASPA (Association française d’amitié et Association pour la formation technique de de solidarité avec les peuples d’Afrique), base des Africains et Malgaches residant 11, 213n18; advocacy for US-RDA en France (AFTAM), 155–56 prisoners, 225–31; famine relief efforts, ASSOTRAF (Association pour l’aide sociale 175, 197–200, 205, 226 aux travailleurs africains), 151–55, 158 African Charter on Human and People’s Attaher ag Illi, 76 Rights, 232 Autra, Ray, 17n11, 23, 27n49 African-American political activism, 176, 203, 204–7. See also Africare; RAINS. Ba, Amadou Hampaté, 23, 116 Africanization, 62–63, 64–65, 79n164 Bâ, Ousmane, 224, 226, 227 Africare, 11 Bagayoko, Ténimba, 234 AID. See US-AID Bagayoko, Tiécoro, 155n127, 216, Algeria, 3, 43, 59, 81, 84, 129, 132, 229–30, 234 133n40, 168; Algerian migrants to France, Balandier, Georges, 8, 15, 40–41, 66, 201;in 129, 131, 133n40, 148, 149–50 AEF, 30–32; in Guinea, 24–25, 27–30; Alleg, Henri, 233n10 intellectual influence, 34, 37 Amenokal, 76, 111, 115. See also chieftaincy Bamba, Amadu, 217 Ambeiry ag Rhissa, 192 Bawani, Mahamane, 70 American Friends Services Committee Benin. See Dahomey (AFSC), 175, 189–97, 204 Beti, Mongo, 199 Amicale des travailleurs sénégalais de la Bongo, Omar, 178, 180 région parisienne (ATSRP), 156 Boni, Nazi, 128 Amnesty International, 11, 213–14, BPN. See US-RDA, Bureau Politique 223–25, 227, 229, 231–32, 233n108, National 235–36 Brazzaville, conference in (1944), 43, 52. Association des étudiants et stagiaires See also Congo-Brazzaville maliens en France (AESMF), 136n52 Burkina Faso. See Upper Volta 275 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-01654-5 - From Empires to NGOs in the West African Sahel: The Road to Nongovernmentality Gregory Mann Index More information 276 Index Cabral, Amilcar, 204n153 Comité de défense des prisonniers maliens, Camara, Abdoul Karim (aka Cabral), 236 225n74 Cameroon, 225, 234 Community (French), 21, 32–33, 42, 76, Canada, 126, 178 77–82, 105, 108–10, 121, 159. See also Cardaire, Marcel, 23 France, Fifth Republic CARE (Cooperative for American Relief Congo-Brazzaville, 32, 132n37, 138–40, Everywhere), 11, 175, 176–89, 190–91, 153. See also Brazzaville, Conference in 197, 205, 206n166, 243 (1944) Carter, Jimmy, 220, 231 Congo-Kinshasa (Léopoldville), 84–85, Catholic Relief Services, 177 138–39, 213 Césaire, Aimé, 198 Copans, Jean, 201 CGT (Confédération générale du travail), Coquery-Vidrovitch, Catherine, 201 19, 199, 228 Cote d’Ivoire: Amnesty International and, Chad, 58, 64, 101, 224; border with 224; migration to, 124, 127, 137, 140 Sudan, 102, 104, 113; CARE and, 182, Coulibaly, Ouezzin, 78 187; migrants from in Sudan, 97, 99, 105, Coulibaly, Sidi, 193n101, 194 109 Coup de Bambou, 19–20 Chieftaincy, 9, 21, 28, 33, 62–64, 65–73; Cousturier, Lucie, 120 union of chiefs, 68–69. See also amenokal Chirac, Jacques, 3, 4 Dahomey, 20, 48n28, 69, 83 CILSS (Comité inter-états de lutte contre la Darfur, 7, 94n5, 95, 97, 100, 104, 107 sécheresse au Sahel), 7n26, 11, 171n8, de Gaulle, Charles, 43, 52, 81, 84, 147 173–74, 200, 205 Decentralization, 63–64, 72–75, 210, Cissé, Youssouf Tata, 238, 241n148 241–42 Cissoko, Diango, 154 Delavignette, Robert, 46, 120, 158 Citizenship, 2, 5, 8–10, 56, 91, 120–23, 134, Dembele, Karim, 186, 216, 234 159–61, 212; African-American, 206–7; Democracy, 11, 209–10, 212, 235, 237, as opposed to subject status, 42, 239; rural democracy, 42, 64–66, 71, 48–49, 51; French, post-independence, 73–76, 241–42. See also elections; 64n95, 150–51, 160; in French enfranchisement; women, suffrage Community, 76, 82, 108, 110; in French Dia, Mamadou, 81–83, 84, 142 Union, 21, 43–44, 52–54, 57, 68–69, Diakité, Alioune, 138, 139n59 126–28; Mali, 74, 135–36, 159–60, Diakité, Idrissa, 235n121 167; Nigeria, 107–8; Sudan, 106–7; Diakité, Yoro, 216, 220, 223, 225, 229n31 Slavery and slave-trading, 113–14, Diallo, Demba, 236 118 Diallo, Kibily Demba, 190–197, 192 Club du Sahel, 174 Diallo, Malick, 229 CMLN (Comité Militaire de Libération Diallo, Saifoulaye, 68 Nationale [Mali]), 186, 194, 196, 215, Diallo, Telli. See Telli, Boubacar Diallo 216, 219, 220n46, 221, 226, 230; Diarra, Diby Sylas, 168–69, 215, 216 divisions within, 229, 231–32, 233–34 Diarra, Idrissa, 69, 78, 80, 81, 86 CNDR. See US-RDA, Comité, National de Diarra, Moussa, 76 Défense de la Révolution Diatigiw (hosts), 122, 153–54 Cold War, 3n7, 5n17, 85, 171, 212, 213, Diawara, Gabou, 222, 232 232, 237, 243; post-Cold War period, 6, Dicko, Hamadoun, 34n80, 63n89, 77, 11, 209. See also USSR 219n43; position on 1958 Collectif des chercheurs africanistes, 201, 203 referendum, 80 Colombani, Don-Jean, 178, 180 Diggs, Charles C. (Jr.), 204 Comité d’information Sahel, 175, 203 Diop, Boubacar Boris, 240 Comité de défense des libertés démocratiques Diop, Cheikh Anta, 199n133 du Mali (CDLDM), 223–25, 228 Diop, Majhemout, 80 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-01654-5 - From Empires to NGOs in the West African Sahel: The Road to Nongovernmentality Gregory Mann Index More information Index 277 Diop, Oumar Blondin, 203n151 Foucault, Michel, 11, 45n11, 157, Diori, Hamani, 4, 172, 176, 178, 179, 180, 235–36, 245 205, 207 Foyers (immigrant workers’ housing), 146, Diouf, Abdou, 3, 4 148–57 Djibo, Bakary, 82n180 France: as former colonial power, 6, 8, 21, Doucouré, Abdoul Wahab, 111, 113n81, 69, 81, 85, 119, 129, 132n35, 134, 145, 114–16, 118 180, 198, 200, 225, 226; conventions Doukara, Kissima, 186, 216, 234 signed with African states, 118, 131–33, Doumbia, Abdou, 153n118, 154–56 135, 140–42, 147; Fifth Republic (1958–), Drought, 3–4, 10, 160–61, 165, 202–3, 6, 21, 62, 78, 91, 129; Fourth Republic 243–44; “castles of the drought,” 186; (1946–58), 21, 53, 57, 121, 126, 226; effects of, 167–69, 170, 172–74, migration to, 10, 89–92, 120–21, 123, 193n103; Niger and, 179–80; relief 126, 159, 198–99, 223, 245; nationality, efforts, 190, 193–95, 198–200, 226 108–9, 121, 134–35, 144, 159. See also Dumont, René, 200n140 Community (French), Citizenship, Union (French) Egypt, 34, 90, 105, 108 Friends. See American Friends Services Eisenhower, Dwight D., 112–13 Committee (AFSC) Elections, 56–62, 69, 83; chiefs and, 22n31, 66–67, 76; referendum on constitution of Gabon, 30–32, 217, 224 Fifth Republic, 78; in Sudan, 107; village Gatekeeper state, 7 councils, 74–75. See also Mothers’ vote; Gatignon, Claude, 199–200, 226, 228, Women, suffrage 231 Enfranchisement, 61–2; of heads of GEC (Groupes d’études communistes), 17, household vs. heads of 198n132, 209 family, 60; in electing chiefs, 66, 74. Germany (West), 226, 227 See also Mothers’ vote; Women, suffrage Ghana, 7, 213; migration to, 109n67, 124, Ennals, Martin, 223, 230 140, 153 Eritrea, 102 Giscard d’Estaing, Valéry, 225, 231 Etudes Guinéennes, 24–25, 27 Gologo, Mamadou, 33, 235n121 Governmentality, 2n5, 10, 167, 212. See also Fall, Amadou, 112–13, 117 Nongovernmentality Famine (1973–74), 3, 10–11, 167, 170–74, GPRA (Gouvernement Provisoire de la 185, 193, 199, 200, 202–3, 207, 225–26, République Algérienne), 84 231 Griaule, Marcel, 23, 31n70 Fanon, Frantz, 1–2, 8, 40n111 Guèye, Lamine, 44, 53n53, 83 Farce electoral de 1974 (tract), 229–31, 235 Guinea, 6, 8, 15, 33, 34, 38, 84, 86, 138, FAS (Fonds d’Action Sociale), 150–51, 178, 233, 238–40; anti-colonial politics 154, 160 in, 16–21, 29–30; chiefs and, 65–66, 69; Faysal (Prince), 112, 113, 114 independence of, 79, 81; social sciences Fayette, Maurice, 198n132 and, 24, 23–28, 33. See also Ray Autra, FEANF (Fédération des étudiants d’Afrique PDG, Sékou Touré Noire en France), 37n94 Guyana, 217 Fédération Internationale des Ligues des Droits de l’Homme (FIDH), 229, 230 Hajj. See Pilgrimage FFW (Food-for-Work) programs, 177, 183, Hettier de Boislambert, Claude, 83 184–86 Higgins, Chester (Jr.), 204 FLN (Front de Libération Nationale), 1, 6, Hijra, 10, 110 84, 150 Historicity, 10, 91, 242 Foccart, Jacques, 81, 86, 118n108, 146–47, Houphouët-Boigny, Félix, 20, 44, 53–4, 180, 210, 202 53n53, 78, 83n183 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-01654-5 - From Empires to NGOs in the West African Sahel: The Road to Nongovernmentality Gregory Mann Index More information 278 Index Human rights, 5–8, 10–11, 161, 167, 169, Keita, Modibo, 1, 62, 77, 81, 82, 117, 219, 223–25, 226, 228, 231–33, 235, 128, 139, 141; as prisoner, 173, 243–44; African independence and, 214, 218, 223, 226, 234; death of, 212–14; in Third Republic Mali, 216, 233 209–12, 236–37, 240, 242. See Amnesty Keita Nankoria Kourouma, 18, International; see also African Charter 227–28 on Human and People’s Rights; Keita, Sundiata, 238, 240 Universal Declaration of Konaré, Alpha Oumar, 215n26 Human Rights Konaté, Mamadou, 33, 53–54, 70, 128 Humanitarianism, humanitarians, 3n7, 5–8, Koné, Jean-Marie, 33, 73, 214 10–11, 148, 172, 198n130, 212, 225–26, Kordofan, 7, 95 230, 243–44 Koressi, Almamy, 69 Humanitarian aid, 167, 169, 204–5, 231 Kountché, Seyni, 172n14, 180, 245 Hunters’ Oath (Donsolu Kalikan) (text), Kourouma, Mamadi, 69 238, 239–42 Kouyaté, Rokia, 216n30, 235 Kouyaté, Seydou Badian, 33, 36, 224, 226, Independence, 6, 15, 62, 77–8, 84, 85, 227, 232 135–36;as‘nobility’ vs.
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