JANUAR Y 19 44 . All llKA Football I N THI S I SSU E IIKA INITIATES! NOW YOU CAN WEAR A IIKA BADGE ORDERITTODAYFROM THIS OFFICIAL PRICE LIST--- lJJ PLAIN-UNJ EWELED ~ R«~•mo• Sis1er Pin or No. 0 No. 2 No.3 Plain Bevel Border $ 5.25 $ 6.50 $ 9.00 No. " · S•T PEARL E ALD PTS. Nugget or Engraved Border 5.75 7.00 10.50 No. 0 PLAIN Nugget o r Eng raved Border with 4 Pearl Points 7.50 8.75 12 .00 P ti!DCE S. M. C . Key $8.50 FUL L C ROWN SET J EW ELS S c ARP MI N IATURE No. 0 No. 2 No. 2'h No. 3 Pearl Border 11.50 16.00 $ 19.50 $ 22.50 .. Pearl Border, Cape Ru b y Points 11.50 16.00 19 .50 22.50 Pearl Border, Ruby or Sapphire Points 13 .25 17.50 22.50 27.50 N o 2 NuGGET Pearl Border, Emerald Points 16.50 22 .00 25.00 30.00 4 PEARL Pearl Border, Dia mond Points 39.50 52 .75 62.50 81.50 PoiNTS Pearl and Sapphire Alternating 16.50 21.00 25.00 27.50 Pearl and Ruby Alternating . 16.50 21.00 25.00 27 .50 No.2 c~. SeT PLAIN IPe A RL N o.2 Pearl and Emera ld Alternating 18 .00 24.00 30.00 35.00 Pearl and Diamond Alternating 64 .50 88.50 I05 .50 140.50 All Ru b y Border 18 .00 23 .00 30.00 32.50 Ruby Border, Diamond Points 44.00 59.00 73.00 91.50 Ruby and Diamond Alternating 70.00 94.75 116.00 150.50 Emerald and Diamond Alternating 74.00 99.25 158 .00 lliamond Border, Rub y Points 91 .25 126.25 151.50 204.50 Diamond Border, Sapphire Points 91.25 126.25 151.50 204.50 Diamond Border, Emerald Points 94.50 129.50 207 .00 All Diamond 116.50 160.00 191.50 258.50 Opals may be furnished in place of pearls, if desired, but we do not recommend them or guarantee satisfaction. Pledge Buttons $6.00 per dozen Gold Pi Recognition Button $0.75 each GUARD PIN PRICE LIST Single Doub le SMALL Letter Letter Plain $2.25 $ 3.50 Close Set Pearl 4.50 7.00 C rown Set Pearl 6.00 10.00 LARG E The 1e g ulations o f yo ur Fraternity req uire t hat no piece of jewelry be d e livered by the Official J ewelers without Plain $2.75 $ 4.00 first receiving a n Official O rd er si gned by your Cha pter Close Set Pearl 5.50 8.00 Secreta ry. Th is app lies not only t o Badg es, b ut to Pledge C ro wn Set Pearl Bu ttons, Recognition Pins, a nd any jewelry mounted with 7.50 12.50 the Pi Kappa Alp ha CGiat of a rms. In order to secure p romp t d eliveries, be su re a nd obtai n yo ur O fficial C O AT OF ARMS GUA RDS O rder a t the time your order is placed . Miniature, Yellow G old $2 .75 Scarf Size, Yellow G old 3.25 Send Today for Your Free Copy Be su re to mention the name of ~our C hapter when ordering a guard for yo ur pin. of "THE GIFT PARADE" Send Your Orders To Your Official Jewelers BURR, PATTERSON & AULD CO. ROOSEVELT PARK, DETROIT 16, MICHIGAN J870 AMERICA'S OLDEST FRATERNITY JEWELERS 1943 movies that I ca n. I had a swell seven-day leave in London recently which was most interesting. There are so many things to ee in these parts that a fellow just can't get off long enough to see one-tenth of them. AND \V. 0 . WE LEY FRELS, A<J>. ~HI~tll 11 IAM~Nll --TIKA -- OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE PI KAPPA ALPHA FRATERNITY EDITOR, SHI ELD AND DIAMO ND: Founded at the University of Virginia, l\Iarch I, 1868, by Julian Edward I will accept as a member of the All -IIKA Wood, Littleton v\Taller Tazewell , James Benjamin dater, Jr., Frederick Football Board of Review. Southgate Taylor, Robertson Howard, and William Alexander. How about Craham picking an all-time, all -IIKA team at some near future date? J . BLANFORD TAYLOR , EDITOR AL L. DORN, AN, News Editor, Union Star, Office of Publication, 114 East Second Street, Little Rock, Ark. Schenectady, . Y. Changes of address and subscriptions should be sent to F. H. Hart, -- TIKA -- Executive Secretary, 771 Spring Street, Atlanta, Ga. Both old and new addresses should be given. Life subscription $10 for those initiated EDITOR, SHI ELD A D DIAMO ND: before Sept. 1, 1927. Per year, $2. Alumni rate, per year, I. l saw the l\Iarch issue of THE SHIELD AND Articles and photographs for THE SHIELD AND DtAMOND are cordially DIAMOND, but not the July. I hope to get invited and should be addressed to J . Blanford Taylor, 3708 H ycliffe caught up with the magazine. Avenue, St. Matthews, 7, Ky. · When Happy (Senator Albert B. Chan­ dler) was here on tour recently, I got brought up to now on Kentucky politics. VOLUME LID, No. 3 JANUARY, 1944 I spent one whole day with Happy visiting one of the nearby installations where we THE SHIELD AND DIAMO D is published four times a year at 11 4 East Second St., Little chanced to meet a IIKA brother from Rock, Ark., in July, October, January, and April by the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity. California. Entered as second class matter, Oct. 14, 1937, at the Postoffice at Little Rock , Ark., under We bad our picture made together. I Act of March 3, 1897. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in will try to send yo u a print of it but don't Section 1103, Act of Oc~. 3, 1917, authorized June 16, 191 8. know when it may be. I know of two other brothers who are here. If we can develop any information worth while for THE SHIELD AND DIAMO• D that I can send along, CONTENTS I will do. You realize, of course, that there is little that we ca n send you. IIKA + Business Glad to know that my article got into rational Officers' Page ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 the July issue. I hope that some interest National Interfraternity Conference ----------·--------------------------------------------·--- 3, 4 in the endowment fund may be maintained during these war days. Drop me a line now War Fund Drive Opens ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6 and then as for all news is welcome to us Chapter House Commission R eorganized ----------------------------------------------------- 17 here. MAJ. CHARLES K. DU N, fl. Old Epsilon Has a Birthday --------------------------------------------------------------- 18, 19 China. + IIKA and the War General Dumas Heads Tank D estroyer Center ----------------------------------- 20, 21, 22 LETTERS ... Survives " Barrel-House Bessie" Crash --------------------------------------------------·23, 24 i\!any men in the Armed ervices write "THE SHIELD AND DIAMO, D is like Other War News -----------------------------------------------------------------------27, 28, 29, 30 a letter from home." + IIKA Spotlights You in the active chapters and you on the home front can help make THE Meet Robert Redd ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 14, 15, 16 SHI ELD AND DIAMO ND more newsy by Bill King of AP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------25, 26 writing a letter to the editor which will reach every man in the Service receiving Congressman Robertson Says ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8 the magazine. + IIKA Departments Letters -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. 31, 32 EDITOR, SHIELD AND DI AMON D: Perman en tl y Pinned ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33 I was happy to hear from you today , Chapter News --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34 to 45, inclusive and to Jearn of the honor I will have of helping to select the All-IIKA Team this ew lni ti a tes --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 7, 48 season. I certainly will be glad to cooperate to the utmost. Seems like on! y yesterday that I was get it after I left for the Army, but she showing our All -America team to rushees informed me quite a while ago that it at the University of Tulsa. And just as you ceased to come through. say, THE SHI ELD AND DIAMOND helped plenty. EDITOR, SHIELD AND DIAMOND : I am a graduate of the class of 1939 of Iowa State College, Ames, Ia. I was a Incidentally, I have a new assignment It has been almost two years now since I member of Alpha-Phi chapter at that in ti­ myself. Am now in command of the !46th have had a copy of TI-lE SHIELD AND DIA­ tution. By the way I received your address Chemical Decontamination Company, a MOND so I thought perhaps you could help from S/Sgt. Wm. S. Brandt who was a colored company, which I regard as the me out and get it coming my way again graduate of class of 1938 and is now some­ finest unit in Camp Sibert's colored regi­ here in England. By mailing it direct to us where in the Pacific. ment. My officers are all white, all married overseas it will come under current Postal I have been in the Army for 21/2 yea rs and (of course) temperate and well settled, Regulations. and have been overseas for better than a and all college men. The last address the magazine came to year. Here in England we are getting along Only IIKA I've run across thus far at was at Fort Madison, Ia. My wife used to fine. I take in all the stage shows and CONTn..~D ON PAG E 3 2 1 • NATIONAL OFFICERS' PAGE • To : All Active Chaplet·s sem bl ed by a va riety of indi viduals.
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