a n a n a s ^ a r i e t y ^ m Micronesia’s Leading Newspaper Since 1972 Vol. 22 No, 108 x C '"§4 pan.-iMP96950.1;'; I:tìl;993. Mananas Variety Thursday ■ A ugust 12, 1993 Serving CNMl-for-20 Years Grizzard in critical condition LAWYER James Grizzard is in Grizzard said in an interview out­ Mogambo that night. critical condition at the Guam side the intensive care unit of the While the two lawyers were at Memorial Hospital due to mas­ Guam Memorial Hospital. “They the Mogambo, Grizzard arrived sive head injury after allegedly just don’t know whether he can with another American, whose being pushed by Theodore make it for that length of time.” identity was not known to Mitchell, also a lawyer, inside the Grizzard was flown to Guam Mitchell. Cafe Mogambo Monday night. after an emergency surgery at the Later, Mitchell noticed David Bobbie Grizzard, the lawyer’s Commonwealth Health Center. Wickline, a consultant with a busi­ former wife, said yesterday Mitchell, in a statement sent to ness in Saipan. “I commenced Grizzard was in critical condi­ the Variety by fax machine yes­ having a low-key exchange with tion. She said the lawyer had a terday, said he did not have a fight Wickline,” Mitchell said. “I in­ heart attack while undergoing cra­ with Grizzard or the other people sulted him as being a promoter nial surgery to remove blood from at Mogambo and that it was who does not have the best inter­ the outer cranial area. Grizzard who attacked Mitchell. est of the Commonwealth at heart. Theodore Mitchell She said Grizzard might be In his statement, Mitchell said We were arguing.” flown to Hawaii for further the civil case Cruz v. Terra Firma Fitzgerald tried to get Mitchell neurosurgery and“they just can’t was closed under a settlement to stop the argument but Mitchell do it in the share that his heart’s in agreement. Mitchell and William refused. Earthquake hit right now.” M. Fitzgerald, representing the Immediately after that, Mitchell “The critical time is between Cruzes and South Seas Corp., said he found himself pinned at worst time now and three to five days,” Mrs. decided to celebrate at the Cafe continued on page 2 Drug charge vs Gonda dismissed for Guam tourism SPECIAL Judge Rexford phone call to the Variety that crime. AG AN A, Guam (AP) - The earth­ The island’s tourist industry ca­ Kosack yesterday dismissed the person who earlier named The confidential govern­ quake that rocked Guam Sunday ters mostly to Japanese vacation­ the drug conspiracy charge Gonda as one of the seven ment informant earlier said evening hit at the worst possible ers. agai nst Loreto Gonda and or­ men involved in a conspiracy he bought five packets of ice time for the tourism industry, ac­ Peter P. Ada H3, chairman of the dered his immediate release, to deliver crystal metham- worth $3,000 from Gonda. cording to island tourism execu­ Guam Visitors Bureau board of according to Jay Sorensen, phetaminechanged hisstate- The six other suspects alleg­ tives. Directors, said most hotels were counsel for Gonda. ment and said Gonda was edly helped in the transac­ “August is the second peak sea­ K5-100 percent occupied when the Sorensen said in a tele- - not involved in the alleged tion. (NL) . son to navel here from Japan,” said quake measuring 8.1 on the Rich­ Mikio Maruyama, public relations ter scale struck. manager of PMT Guam Corp., a Several hotels have closed, and Court orders Sabían subsidiary of the Japan Travel Bu­ more closures are expected next reau and the largest inbound tour week, Ada said. agency on Guam. Five hotels sustained serious to stay in m ainland “We charge a premium pice damage and most likely will have THE DISTRICT Court has or­ tion unless his doctor rules other­ because so many people want to to be tom down, according to gov­ dered former Public Works D i­ wise. come at this time. So obviously this ernment officials. rect«· Nicolas C. Sablan to stay in Munson also required Sablan is bad for us,” Maruyama said. Hideo Kobayashi, president of Texas for two years after admit­ to undergo routine drug tests as The agency had planned to bring the Japan-Guam Travel Associa­ ting that he threatened to hurt directed by the US probation of­ in nearly 13,500people fromJapan tion, said the main concern is to get Superior Court Presiding Judge fice. this month. But PMT has cancelled utilities back on line. Alexandra C. Castro. Sablan was also banned from all incoming tours until at least He also is looking at long-term Sablan admitted the charge that contacting any of the justices of Thursday and most likely until effects of the quake on tourism. he threatened Castro through the CNMI court, particularly Monday, when it will reassess the Guamtourismofficialscan’tsim- message faxed from his brother’s Judge Castro, and was ordered situation, Maruyama said. ply go to Japan and say their island residence in Texas. not to return to the Common­ Aki Shinjo, customer service has recovered, Kobayashi said. Castro received the faxed threat wealth without a written permis­ manager atR&C Tours, the second ‘T o get our point across we have in May. sion from a federal judge. largest inbound tour agency, said to be able to say there have been In a sentencing proceeding held However, Sablan can make oc­ his company has cancelled all tours improvements to the tourism infra­ on July 20, District Court Judge casional trips to the Common­ from Japan until Sunday .Thecotn- structure,” he said. Alex Munson also ordered Sablan wealth to attend to several of his pany had planned to bring in about While many Japanese visitors to seek psychiatric help. He will pending lawsuits at the local court. 9,500 tourists from Japan this left for home after the quake, others undergo psychiatric treatment The court waived the imposi­ month. finished their vacations on Saipan. Nicolas C. Sabían during the full term of the proba­ tion of a fine. ' lNIVrr><: O’-- -..I·· .à FVI a n a n a s a r i e t v ®- Micronesia’s Leading Newspaper Since 1972 Vol. 22 No, 108 Saipan, MP 96950 c 1.993 Marianas Variety Thursday ■ A ugust 12, 1993 Serving CNMI for 20 Years 2 5 ! Grizzard in critical condition LAWYER James Grizzard is in Grizzard said in an interview out­ Mogambo that night. critical condition at the Guam side the intensive care unit of the While the two lawyers were at Memorial Hospital due to mas­ Guam Memorial Hospital. “They the Mogambo, Grizzard arrived sive head injury after allegedly just don’t know whether he can with another American, whose being pushed by Theodore make it for that length of time.” identity was not known to Mitchell, also a lawyer, inside the Grizzard was flown to Guam Mitchell. Cafe Mogambo Monday night. after an emergency surgery at the Later, Mitchell noticed David Bobbie Grizzard, the lawyer’s Commonwealth Health Center. Wickl ine, a consultant with a busi­ former wife, said yesterday Mitchell, in a statement sent to ness in Saipan. “I commenced Grizzard was in critical condi­ the Variety by fax machine yes­ having a low-key exchange with tion. She said the lawyer had a terday, said he did not have a fight Wickline,” Mitchell said. “I in­ heart attack while undergoing cra­ with Grizzard or the other people sulted him as being a promoter nial surgery to remove bloodfrom at Mogambo and that it was who does not have the best inter­ the outer cranial area. Grizzard who attacked Mitchell. est of the Commonwealth at heart. She said Grizzard might be In his statement, Mitchell said We were arguing.” flown to Hawaii for further the civil case Cruz v. Terra Firma Fitzgerald tried to get Mitchell neurosurgery and “they just can’t was closed under a settlement to stop the argument but Mitchell do it in the share that his heart’s in agreement. Mitchell and William refused. Earthquake hit right now.” M. Fitzgerald, representing the Immediately after that, Mitchell “The critical time is between Cruzes and South Seas Corp., said he found himself pinned at worst time now and three to five days,” Mrs. decided to celebrate at the Cafe continued on page 2 Drug charge vs Gonda dismissed for Guam tourism SPECIAL Judge Rexford phone call to the Variety that crime. AGANA,Guam(AP) -The earth­ The island’s tourist industry ca­ Kosack yesterday dismissed the person whoearlier named The confidential govern­ quake that rocked Guam Sunday ters mostly to Japanese vacation­ the drug conspiracy charge Gonda as one of the seven ment informant earlier said evening hit at the worst possible ers. against Loreto Gonda and or­ men involved in a conspiracy he bought five packets of ice time for the tourism industry, ac­ Peter P. Ada ID, chairman of the dered his immediate release, to deliver crystal metham- worth &î,000 from Gonda. cording to island tourism execu­ Guam Visitors Bureau board of according to Jay Sorensen, phetamine changed his state­ The six other suspects alleg­ tives. Directo's, said most hotels were counsel for Gonda. ment and said Gonda was edly helped in the transac­ “August is the second peak sea­ 85-100 percent occupied when the .· Sorensen said in a tele­ not involved,in the alleged tion. (NL) - , son to travel here from Japan,” said quake measuring 8.1 on the Rich­ Mikio Maruyama, public relations ter scale struck. manager of PMT Guam Corp., a Several hotels have closed, and Court orders Sahlau subsidiary of the Japan Travel Bu­ more closures are expected next reau and the largest inbound tour week, Ada said.
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