TITE MORXIXG OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1919. tional future of the Nation, Mr. Taft following than any other man In pub- replied: lic life. AMERICA MOURNING "That's a very difficult question to PORTLAi FB F answer. His influence and advice were Is Praised. Important. His patriotic Americanism IS "During the past year, many who were 1912 wli: be missed, of course. I am very, bitterly opposed to him in A part of the price returned very sorry." had pledged him their support and j DEATH OF ROOSEVELT T.R. EXPRESS REGRET freely predicted his in 1920. I to YOU. Don't forget or fail J OLYMPIA. Jan. "In the "He was an independent, far-seei- Wash.. i. statesman, j MONEY to take your S. & H. Stamps. personality and 'TIS and his death of Colonel Roosevelt, the Na counsel will be greatly missed in the tion loses one of its most forceful par- - public men. Governor Krnest Llste Republican party. But his death, declared In a statement issued here Tribute to Upright Quali ticularly. coming as It does, at the end High Tribute Paid Nation's I today. Paid of the war. when the best brains of the public Nation are needed to meet and solve Make Dark Places Light Coffee Head. "ills connection with service ties of Colonel. the great problems of reconstruction, Percolators Former has done much to raise its standard an int is a distinct National loss. He will be We've a sample stock of Flashlights to Heavy seamless aluminum; size, nis action in ireeiy giving expression ,v !o his views of public questions has mourned throughout the land." j close at One-Four- th Off list. 6 styles. special . - j many times moulded public opinion on Colonel Roosevelt made several vis- .....2.98 these questions.. His fearlessness en its to Portland. Clearest in public I Stamps with these. Stamps with each. cleared him t5 tire people." memory is his visit aa the Presidential WAR EFFORT COMMENDED American VISITS HERE ARE RECALLED candidate of the Progressive party, on 11, 1912, WASHINGTON. Jan. Edouard September when elaborate Billy. Deputy High Commissioner of plans had been laid for his reception r ranee, made the following statemen nd entertainment. Wearied from the strain - of the Auto Strop Razors Charlo Evans Hushes Declares Former President's Influence in campaign and from a long continued Ingersoll routine of public speaking. Colonel New stock in Awakening American Conscience $5.00 Whole World Is Debtor IHPORT-IX- Roosevelt's arrival in Portland found American Watches DtTKS IV ROOSE- him in a somewhat choleric mood. With 50 Stamps. Uonr or Victory. VELT CAREER. Pointed Oat by Friends. Various incidents added to his vexa- Each, warranted S2.25 Birth October 17. JS5S, In New tion, and the visit can scarcely be Highly finished styles to City. termed a successful one, as it ter $8.50 York minated In his withdrawal from the Take your stamps. I Graduated from Harvard, June, NEW TORK, Jan. Charles Evans With the death of Colonel Theodore parade in his honor, the cancellation 1880. of several public engagements, and the "Waterman" Hughes paid high tribute to Coionoi Roosevelt there came to many Port celebrated "book episode." r.oossvelt. declaring "Ms greatest First marriage October 87. land residents the deepest sense of service was in the last years, when, as 1 180. to Alice Hathaway Lee. Lat- Intimate personal loss. Strong friend Book Incident Recalled. Ideal Fountain Pens the ter died 1884. This last awakened humorous com a private citixen. hs had and staunch fighter, champion of co Are made to every hand, every pur- lethargy and Indif- Second marriage December 2, causes that lie close to the American ment aa wide as the Nation, charac "TAPLEX" fit Nation out of Its teristic It was of Colonel Roosevelt In BED AND BODY WARMERS pose, every purse. to ference and supplied the driving force 188C. to Edith Kermit Carow, of heart. It was with this as with every pugnacious mood. It had to do with .$2.50 $29.00 of a eeaseles and powerful demand New York, In London, England. other American city a paladin of the the disappearance from bis room, at the Expert pen-- service by expert pen doc- which lay behind the efforts which Member New Tork Legislature people 'had passed. Oregon Hotel, of a copy of "The Second 75c $1.00 $5.00 tors. made victory in the world ,war pos- Empire." him 1185-- 4. "Theodore Roosevelt, as reader and Roman a volume siven For your home, office, auto. Simple sible. man, did more than any other citizen by Mrs. Roosevelt. Secret service S. & H. Stamps with every Pen. llis ilrtllty and courage were a con- North Dakota rancher 1S84-- operatives searched in vain for the safe. Inspiration." Mr. Hughes added. Mayor New York of his generation to awaken the Amer stant Candidate ican conscience." missing book, while the "He personified the Americanism of 1S8C. canceled his final engagement and re doughty cham- Broad analysis of the comments on which he was the most Civil Service, tired to his private car. pion. He demanded the recognition L'nited States Colonel Roosevelt's death, as voiced by On the occasion of this visit, when he Every piece of and performance of our National obli- Commissioner 1S89-9- 5. Portland citizens, resolves Itself to spoke at the Gipsy Smith Tabernacle, $1.13 SPECIAL gation in the war. Tresldent New Tork such a statement of conviction. Uttered Colonel Roosevelt met Judge Mc- was done In the Police by those who were his political an first Back of all that Board 18J5-- 7. Ginn, who introduced him. In July. LIKLY LUGGAGE war was the pressure of his relentless tagonists, as well as by thoee who 1915, Taylor Navy - he was a brief visitor in the city insistence. In response to his patri Assistant Secretary were near to him In his- beliefs and while en route to San Francisco, where is a triumph of American skill, handi- otic call lay the safety of civilisation 1S97-8- .. aspirations and who hold the guerdon "Roosevelt day" was celebrated. On craft and fabric Every piece warranted. of complete victory 1S98. of his friendship. It voices the senti- Bath Thermometers and in this hour Headed Rough Riders ment of the city. this trip he was accompanied by Judge Bags, Suitcases, Cases and Trunks Is debtor. 1899-190- guest-A- the whole world his Governor New Tork 0. supporters McGinn as his s Plain or enamej backs. In Portland, where his visited Portland on Elected nt United and admirers are counted by thou President he Always Stamps with your Likly RAISE. Idaho. Jan. Governor D. not May 21. 1903, when he laid the corner- Special States for Term 1901-- 5. sands. Colonel Roosevelt lacked monu- $1.13 Weather Thermometers W. Davis' second official act follow- for friends who knew him intimately. stone of the Lewis and Clark Black metal, solid oak backs. ing his Inauguration at noon today was Succeeded Jo Presidency on. who often had talked with him of his ment and addressed a gathering of 1sutng of a. proclamation ordering death of McKinley September lews on American policies and the many thousands. That night be was in entertained at a banquet given in 10-In- ch flur at half mast trfroiiKhout Idaho 14. 1901. future of the Nation, and who knew the $1.13 Tycos, Black Metal tribute to Roosevelt. The s only friends can know the depths Hotel Portland. set was announcement Elected President November Colonel Roosevelt also visited Port- SPECIAL $3.49 Oovernor's first of his . resolute ideals and the stub- A complete line of Thermometers, Hy- of staff appointments, a statutory re- . 1904. born courage that backed them. land on April 6, 1911, laying the cor- Atlantic Trays, quirement. , Awarded Nobel Peace Prise nerstone of the Multnomah Amateur drometers, Barometers, Hygrometers, "Ivorid" Extra Colonel's Life Admired. Athletic Club. On this visit he ad- 1906. J of the famous "Tycos" brand. Heavy, 10x12 Inches BALTIMORE. Md.. Jan. 6. William The Rt. Rev Walter T. Sumner, dressed a mass meeting at the Armory, ' 1909-1- 0. Jenntngi Bryan, who is staying in Hunting trip to Africa Episcopal Bishop of Oregon, who was spoke before the Chamber of Com- Baltimore while his wife is undergoing Progressive Tarty candidate for J ldest among local friends in the length merce at a luncheon In his honor and treatment at Johns Hopkins Hospital, November, 1912. f his acquaintanceship, recalls vividly spent the evening as the guest of the President the many he had with Colonel Portland Press Club, where an extra- paid the fallowing tribute to Colonel Contributing Out- - t talks i:ooeve!t: Editor The Roosevelt as his guest at Sagamore ordinary "jinks" was celebrated . In "The rare qualities that won for look 1909-1- 4. Hill. Then In Chicago. Bishop Sumner tribute to the distinguished guest. 'de- Amer- made frequent visits to New Tork and Colonel Roosevelt a multitude of Exploring trip to South Portland Always Welcomed T. R-- Woodard, & Co. ften lunched Colonel Roosevelt, Clarke with voted followers naturally arrayed ica 1914. On every to Portland the wel- - against him a host of opponents, but arrangement that was pleasantly visit lat-ter- pme Visited Madrid, Spain 1914. reversed on occasion of the 's to Colonel Roosevelt has been his death puts an end to controversy the typical comraaene mat Alder Street at West Park Phones: Marshall 47C0, A 6171 and he will be mourned by foe as well Nominated for Presidency by visits to Chicago.
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