See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/324156397 Gender in the Information Society: Emerging Issues, Asia-Pacific Development Information Programme, Bangkok Book · January 2006 CITATIONS READS 0 50 2 authors, including: Anita Gurumurthy IT for Change 98 PUBLICATIONS 258 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Voice or Chatter? View project Policy frameworks for digital platforms - Moving from openness to inclusion View project All content following this page was uploaded by Anita Gurumurthy on 03 April 2018. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. Gender in the Information Society: Emerging issues Gender in the Information Society Emerging issues Emerging issues The information society has largely been driven and shaped by a techno-deterministic vision that obscures its gendered context. It is therefore imperative that the emerging landscape of the information society is anchored within the broader framework of gender equality, especially given its vast public policy implications. This exercise requires gender equality advocates to recognize the urgency of grappling with the nuances of information society developments and steer the discourse to ensure gender-just outcomes. This publication features a series of papers that represent an early exploration of the challenges and opportunities for actors committed to gender equality in the information society. It is meant to open up the debates that can pave the way for a sustained engagement of gender activists with one of the most powerful contemporary social phenomena. ICT4DUNDP-APDIP Series UNDP-APDIP ICT4DUNDP-APDIP Series Edited by Anita Gurumurthy, Parminder Jeet Singh, Anu Mundkur and Mridula Swamy US $ 10 UNDP-APDIP ICT4D Series Gender in the Information Society Emerging issues Edited by Anita Gurumurthy, Parminder Jeet Singh, Anu Mundkur and Mridula Swamy Asia-Pacific Development Information Programme The Asia-Pacific Development Information Programme (APDIP) is an initiative of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) that aims to promote the development and application of information and communications technology for sustainable human development in the Asia-Pacific region. © UNDP-APDIP 2006 For more information please contact: UNDP ASIA-PACIFIC DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION PROGRAMME Regional Centre in Bangkok 3rd Floor, United Nations Service Building Rajdamnern Nok Avenue Bangkok 10200, Thailand Tel: +66 2 288 1234 Fax: +66 2 280 0556 Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.apdip.net ELSEVIER A Division of Reed Elsevier India Private Limited Shri Pratap Udyog, 274 Capt Gaur Marg Sriniwas Puri, New Delhi 110 065, India Tel: +91 11 4289 0200 Fax: +91 11 4289 0201 Email: [email protected] Website: http://asia.elsevier.com ISBN: 81-312-0632-7 This publication is released under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 license. For full details of the license, please refer to the following: http://www.creative-commons.org/licenses/by/2.5/legalcode The analysis and recommendations of this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations Development Programme nor do they necessarily reflect the views of the institutions with which the authors are affiliated. Academic Press, Butterworth-Heinemann, Digital Press, Elsevier, Focal Press, Morgan Kauffman, North Holland, Pergamon are the Science and Technology Imprints of Elsevier. Printed and bound in India Table of Content List of Abbreviations v Foreword vii Preface ix Part 1: Gender at WSIS 1 Women, Media and ICTs in UN Politics: Progress or Backlash? 3 Heike Jensen Civil Society and Feminist Engagement at WSIS: Some Reflections 15 Anita Gurumurthy and Parminder Jeet Singh WSIS: Some Reflections on Emerging Discourses and Frameworks 27 Radhika Lal Part 2: Gender Perspectives on ICT4D 33 The Right to Information and the Information Society 35 Nikhil Dey Expanding Women’s Capacities through Access to ICTs: An Overview from Sri Lanka 42 Leelangi Wanasundera Using ICTs to Bridge the Digital Divide 53 Usha Vyasulu Reddi and Rukmini Vemraju Empowering Communities through IT: Multi-stakeholder Approaches and the Akshaya Experiment 65 Aruna Sundararajan Gender Issues in the Indian Software Outsourcing Industry 74 Carol Upadhya Part 3: Women and Media in the Information Society 85 Local Media and Women’s Identity Articulation 87 Tasneem Ahmar Community Media and Women: Transforming Silence into Speech 96 Vinod Pavarala, Kanchan K. Malik and Janardhan Rao Cheeli Diversity as Casualty: Gender in the Time of Media Globalization 110 Ammu Joseph Part 4: Reflections on the Seminar 123 Part I : Gita Sen 125 Part II : Nivedita Menon 130 About the Authors 137 iv Gender in the Information Society: Emerging issues List of Abbreviations AID Alternative for India Development AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome AP Plan Of Action (of WSIS) APCWNSP Association of Progressive Communications Women’s Networking Support Program APDIP Asia-Pacific Development Information Programme CBO Community-Based Organization CD Compact Disk C-DIT Centre for the Development of Information Technology CENWOR Centre for Women’s Research CIO Chief Information Officer, Chief Innovation Officer COLLIT Commonwealth of Learning Literacy CSO Civil Society Organization CSR Corporate Social Responsibility CSW Commission on the Status of Women DAW Division for the Advancement of Women DAWN Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era DDS Deccan Development Society DOI Digital Opportunities Initiative DoP Declaration of Principles (of WSIS) DOT Digital Opportunity Task EGM Expert Group Meeting GAD Gender and Development HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus HR Human Resources IANWGE Inter-Agency Network on Women and Gender Equality ICT Information and Communications Technology ICT4D Information and Communications Technology for Development ICTA Information and Communication Technology Agency (of Sri Lanka) ILO International Labour Organization IP Intellectual Property IPR Intellectual Property Rights IS Information Society IT Information Technology ITES Information Technology Enabled Services ITU International Telecommunication Union JDCP Jhabua Development Communication Project (of India) KLJB Kutch Log Ji Bani (The voice of Kutch – a radio channel) KMVS Kutch Mahila Vikas Sanghatan (a CSO) LSGI Local Self-Government Institution MAM Mobile Access Mode MDG Millennium Development Goal MKSS Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan (a CSO) Gender in the Information Society: Emerging issues v NASSCOM National Association of Software and Services Companies (of India) NGO Non Governmental Organization NIAS National Institute of Advanced Studies (of India) NWICO New World Information and Communication Order PPP Public-Private Partnership PREAL Project in Radio Education and Adult Literacy SEWA Self Employed Women’s Association SITE Satellite Instructional Television Experiment (of India) SME Small and Medium Enterprise SMS Short Message Service TC Tunis Commitment UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNESCAP United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization VAP Village Access Point WAD Women and Development WID Women in Development WiFi Wireless Fidelity WiPLL Wireless Internet Protocol in Local Loop WIPO World Intellectual Property Organization WLL Wireless in Local Loop WSIS World Summit on the Information Society vi Gender in the Information Society: Emerging issues Foreword On behalf of UNIFEM South Asia, it gives me great pleasure to present this compilation of papers, which was shared at the South Asia Seminar on Gender in the Information Society. The Seminar, which was held to engender the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) process, was the collective effort of diverse agencies. The partnerships of IT for Change, who envisioned and organized the intervention, Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era and Centre for Public Policy-Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, which held the seminar, and UNIFEM South Asia and the UNDP Asia-Pacific Development Information Programme, which collaborated and catalyzed a tremendous mobilization. It brought together a widespread community of thinkers and practitioners, experienced in gender and development and women’s rights issues, to jointly examine the issues of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and gender – in development and in the information society. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate and acknowledge the thinkers, activists, organizations, writers as well as women in the media in this region, who contributed so abundantly and powerfully to a dialogue that needed their voices and perceptions. With gender issues peripheral in the information society, the World Summits on this issue have provided opportunities for engendering them. As an advocate for gender and women’s rights, UNIFEM has supported these processes in an effort to influence and integrate gender perspectives in every facet of the Summits. In this joint effort, we were able to strategically use the Seminar to prepare for the final phase of the WSIS at Tunis,1 formulating recommendations and promoting a feminist engagement in the interface of issues pertaining to the new economy. It is encouraging to see that these recommendations led to a strengthening of perspective building and were successful in influencing the Tunis Commitment document. Even though
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