Mangalore University B. Sc. Choice Based Credit System Core Subject Combination: Physics, Mathematics, Philosophy Optional with Practical Course Objectives: 1. To attract the attention of our young people towards the scientific and rational basis of the knowledge of philosophy. 2. Understanding the philosophy through practical’s to put it into life experience. 3. To introduce students to the nature of philosophical questions and thinking present in classical Indian thought. 4. To provide a systematic and rational interpretation of philosophical issues addressed in classical Indian thought. 5. To trace the development of philosophical ideas in different schools so as to evaluate their contribution to philosophical knowledge. 6. Students will be able to summarise with clarity some of the arguments, problems and questions central to metaphysics and epistemology. 7. To acquaint students with the basic philosophical questions and issues that are current in social and political philosophy. 8. To equip students with argumentative and analytical skills involved in philosophizing through these issues. 9. To encourage a spirit of rationality in philosophizing while appreciating and respecting differing philosophical ideas and perspectives. 10. Familiarize students with significant contributions from the history of moral philosophy. 11. Inculcate in students a sense of moral reasoning based on analytical reasoning rather than on dogmatic assertion. 12. Provide students with an ethical framework for assessing moral decisions in different areas of life. 13. Encourage students to appreciate the relevance of different moral cultures and outlooks in a globalized world. 14. Students will possess a familiarity with important philosophers from the modern period of philosophy in the west. 1 I Semester Group I Core Subject Theory 131 BSCPLC 131: Introduction to philosophy (Total: 48 hrs, 4 hrs/week) Unit I: 12 hours Introduction to philosophy Part I Philosophy, as a Science of reasoning, History of Philosophy, Ancient Thinkers : A broad survey of Indian Philosophers. Unit II: 12 hours Deductive Logic & Scientific Validity of Argumentation. (1) Judgment, Proposition & Statement, Laws of thought, Inference, Hypostatical Syllogism, Entry memes & Sorties, Predicable, Fallacies of Deduction Unit III: Nyaya & Indian Logic Based on Annambhatta’s Tarka Sangraha 16 hours Enumeration, Characteristic of Substance, Characteristic mark of Qualities, Epistemology – Nyaya Vaisheshika View Epistemology – Nyaya Vaisheshika Theory, Inference ; Upamana – Assimilation Analogy, Shabra – Valid Verbal Testimony, Erroneous apprehension Unit IV : Brief Study of the Vedas Brahmanas, Arnayakas, & Vedangas together with 14 Vidya Sthanas (knowledge Faculties) 8 hours Group I Core Subject Practical 132 – Code:BSCLP 132 3 hrs x 12 weeks 36 hours Yogasana Practicals : Swastika, Vajra, Padma, Siddha, Pachimothana, Poorrvothana, Bhujanga, Shalaba, Dhanu, Ustra, Vruksha, Sarvangha, Halasana, Uthanapada, Koormasana, Shashanka, Makara, Janushirsha, Navasana, Shavasana (Upkeeping Physical Personality aiming towards mental makeup) Yoga Pradeepika, SVYASA, Bangalore Reference Books : 1. Text : Datta–Traditional Deductive Logic - Karnataka University 2. Text: Annambhatta – Tarka Sangraha 3. M. Hiriyanna – Outlines of Indian Philosophy, George Allen and Unwin, London. 4. S. Radhakrishnana- Indian Philosophy, Vol – I & II, George Allen and Unwin, London. 5. D. M. Datta and SC Cahatterjee – introduction to Indian philosophy, University of Calcutta. 6. C.D. Sharma – A critical Survey of Indian Philosophy, Motilal Benarasidas, Delhi. 7. Vaidika Sahitya Charithre – Author : Ananta Rangachar, Mysore. 2 8. Shathavadani R. Ganesh – Shaddarshana Sangraha, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavana, Bengaluru-1997 9. Sri Chandrashekara Sarswathi – Vedas, Bharathiya Vidyabhavana, Mumbai-7, Pub- 2013 10. Text book of Logic- A. Wolf 11. An Introduction to Science – J.A. Thomson 12. Limitation of Science – Sullivan J. W. N. 13. Scientific Out-look – B. Russell 14. The World of Science – F. Sherwood Taylor 15. The Nature & Scientific Thought – Marshall Walkar 16. Science and Society – Thomas D. Clareson 17. The Path of Science – C. E. K. Mees 18. Scientific Method – Max Black 19. Edward’s Encyclopaedia 20. Introduction to Philosophy – Brightman 21. Concerning Science – F. Sherwood Taylor 22. vÀPÀð±Á¸ÀÛç ¥ÀjZÀAiÀÄ – PÀ£ÁðlPÀ «±Àé«zÁå®AiÀÄ 23. vÀPÀð±Á¸ÀÛç ¤UÀªÀÄ£À - ¨sÁUÀ 1 – PÀ£ÁðlPÀ «±Àé«zÁå®AiÀÄ 24. vÀPÀð±Á¸ÀÛç C£ÀÄUÀªÀÄ£À - ¨sÁUÀ 2 – eÉ. ºÀ£ÀĪÀÄAvÀ gÁªï 25. DzsÀĤPÀ ªÀiÁ£ÀªÀ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ «eÁÕ£À – ªÉÄʸÀÆgÀÄ «±Àé«zÁå®AiÀÄ 26. ¨Á½UÉÆAzÀÄ £ÀA©UÉ – r. «. f. 27. DzsÀĤPÀ vÀPÀð±Á¸ÀÛç ¸ÀAUÀæºÀ – JA. AiÀĪÀÄÄ£ÁZÁgï Sem. II : Group I Core Subject Theory 181 Code:BSCPLC 181 4 hours/ week Total :48 hours Course II : Introduction to philosophy Part II Moral Science & Ethics Unit I : Inductive Logic with Scientific Experimental Method Based on Traditional Inductive Logic 12 hours Deduction to Induction, Nature, Scope & Utility of Science Limitations of Scientific Method, Incomplete innumeration Scientific Induction & formation of Hypothesis, Post elates of Induction, Causation & effect observation & Experimental methods, Laws of Nature, Reasoning Fallacies of Induction. Unit II : Indian Concept of Values (Permanent & Changing Dharmas) Moral, Socio cultural, National, & Religious Values; Meaning, Analysis, Classification of Values; Values for Changing Society 12 hours Unit III : Moral Science & Ethics; Based on Vidhura Neethi – Mahabharata; Concept of Dharma & Universal Values; 3 Ethics for Rulers, Administrative Values Logic, Ethics aesthetics 12 hours Unit IV : Moral Science & Ethics for Society; Social & Religious Values as Depicted in Garuda Purana 12 hours Group I Core Subject Practical 182 - Code:BSCPLP 182 3 hrs x 12 weeks 36 hours Pranayama Practices, Pooraka, Nishwana Kriyaas, Bhandatrayas, Mukadhowthi, Kapala Bhathi, Anuloma, Viloma, (Pooraka, Kumbaka, Rechaka) Ujjayai, Naadishuddi, Surya Bhedhana, Chandrabhedhana, Bhastrika, Bhramari, Sheetali, Sheetkari. Reference Books: Text: Datta – Traditional Inductive Logic by – Karnataka University, Dharwad, Text : Vidhura Neethi - Mahabharata 1. Shubashitha Slokas in Garuda Poorana by Dr. G. N. Bhat & Dr. Lakshmi, Bangalore, Jayashree Prakashana 2019 2. Vidhura Neethi, Geeta Press, Gorakhpura, U.P., 3. M. Hiriyanna – Essentials of Indian Philosophy, George Allen and Unwin, London. 4. Bharathiya Tattvashastra by Dr. Prabhakar Joshi & Prof. M. A. Hegde 5. Quotation on Verli Subjects by Prof. K. T. Pandurangi 6. Dharma – Pub. by Chidambara Research Centre, Gubbi – 572216 7. Value Orientation – Source book of value education. RIMSE Yadavagiri,Mysore-20 8. Garuda Purana – Pub. By Sri Satyasai University, Puttaparthi 9. Ground Work of Deductive Logic – N. N. Sen Gupta 10. Text Book of Inductive logic – R. N. Roy 11. Fundamentals of Logic – T. M. P. Mahadevan 12. An Introduction to Logic – Creighton and Smart 13. An Introduction to Logic – K. V. Balsare 14. Ground work of Logic – Welton Sem III Group I Core Subject Theory 231 Code:BSCPLC 231 4 hours/ week Total :48 hours Course III- Schools of Indian Philosophy Part I Unit I : A broad philosophical Survey of 12 Ancient Upanishads Philosophy in the stories of a few Upanishads:- Isha, Kena, Katha, Mandooka, Mandukya, (Meditation on Omkara), Itareraya, Taithariya, Prashana, 12 hours Unit II : Brahadaranyka, Chandogya, Shwetaswetara, Mahanarayana 12 hours Unit III : Message of Upanishads :- Shisyopadesha, Panchakosha, Anna, Prana, Manas, 4 Vijana & Ananda Koshas ; select portions from Taittairaya 12 hours Unit IV : Mental Blocks; Nature & Control of Mind based on Bhagawadgita, Samkhya & yoga text portions; Causes for sorrow & Solutions to life problems 12 hours Group I Core Subject Practical 232 : Code: BSCPLP 232 3 hrs x 12 weeks 36 hours Dhyana abhyasa for Mind Management & Self Realization ; Preparation for Dhyana, Pranava Dhyana, Vairaja Pranava, Ana-Pana-Sathi : Nadanusandhana, Soham, Shatchakrabhedana, Panchadharana; Mantras for Meditation & Japa from Mahanarayanopanishad Reference Books : 1. Dr. Prabhushankara - Bharatiya Tattvashashtrada Roopurekhegalu, Prasaranga, University of Mysore, Mysore. 2. Dr. Baladeva Upadhyaya – Bharatiya Darshanagalu. 3. B.K. Iyangar – Yogaa Pradeepa 4. Shankara Narayan Shastri -Yoga Swastya Samphada , Bengaluru, 2012 5. Essense of Upanishadas – Dr. G. N. Bhat, Jayashree Prakashana, Bangalore. 6. Geeta Bava Dhare – Somanathananda, Ramakrishna Aashrama 7. Bhagawad Geeta 9 Volumes – Sri Dayananada Saraswathi 8. Science, History, Philosophy & Literature in Sanskrit Classics – Dr. D.N. Shanbagh, felicitation volume – Samshodhana, Sirisi, 2010 9. Eight Upanishads – by Swami Gambhirananda, Adwaitashrama, Kolkatta-14 10. Chandogya Upanishad - by Swami Gambhirananda, Adwaitashrama, Kolkatta-14 11. Brhadaranyaka Upanishad – by Swami Krishnanda, Divine Life Society, Shivananda Nagar-249192, Gadwal, Uttarakhand, Pub. 2006 12. Eshanaadi Naw Upanishads – Geeta Press, Gorakhpura 13. Mahanarayanopanishad – Tr. By Swami Nirmalananda, Ramakrishna Matha, Mylapur, Madras- Pub. 2008 Sem IV: Group I Core Subject Theory 281 Code: BSCPLC 281 4 hours/ week Total :48 hours CourseIV : School of Indian Philosophy Part II Unit I : Introduction to Indian Philosophy (Non Vedic & Vedic Schools) Charavaka 12 hours Unit II : Budhism & Jainism 12 hours Unit III : Shankya & Yoga; Method of Knowledge (Pramanaas) Prakruthi, Purusha, Satkaryavada; Philoshopy of Yoga Sutraas, obstacles to Yoga, Eight Levels of Yoga; 5 Samadhi & Yoga Siddhi;
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