Property of the Watertown Historical Society watertownhistoricalsociety.org Timely Coverage Of News In The Fastest Growing Community In Litchfield County Vol. 38 No. 11 3UBSCR,PT,0NpR,CbSU.OO PER YEAR - IVAaiWH I / t ly —= _ ^ —^— _ --;_ $41,160 For Three Projects Sought By School Board The Board of Education will Norma Kaminski Chairingformally request the Town Coun- cil to fund three major products, two of them related to the high Water-Oak Cancer Driveschool athletic complex. Norma V. Kaminski, IS Otis the Cancer Crusade throughout Drive, has accepted the position By a unanimous vote, the A DAY IN HARTFORD at the State Capitol took the place of Watertown and Oakville, Mrs. Board authorized School Super- classes March 16 for three Watertown High School seniors partici- of Watertown-Qakville Crusade Kaminski is optimistic about chairwoman for the Waterbury intendent Dr. Richard C. Briggs pating in a one-day Internship with State Sen. William F. Rogers HI, this year's campaign. to notify the Council the Board is R-Southbury. The students, Jessica Rist, Kirk PaJladino, and Anne Unit of the American Cancer "We have all been touched by Society. seeking about $41,000 to paint Wheeler, left to right, were to get a tour of the building and view the cancer to some degree," she the Munson House, install an in- Legislature in session, (Valuckas Photo) Mrs, Kaminski, a lifelong resi- said, terior fence around the new high dent of Watertown, graduated "Our hope lies In research, school running track, and put up from local schools and attended which can only be achieved bleachers for spectators. both Post College and Mattatuek through service and funds. I am WHS Students Interning Community College. David Dalton, head of the confident that residents of Wa- Board's Facilities Committee, She long has been active in tertown and Oakville will open community affairs as a member estimated costs at $7,160 for the In Hartford With Rogers their doors and hearts to our painting, 514,000 for the fencing, of various organizations, and upcoming crusade In April," State Sen. William F, Rogers government in action," Mr, Ro- and $20,000 for the bleachers. III, R-Southbury, announced currently is a charter member of Mrs. Kaminski is married to gers, and Assistant Senate Re- the Watertown Junior Woman's The Board's administrative of- three seniors at Watertown High publican Leader, said. "There's Francis R. Kaminski, owner of fices are located in the Munson School were to participate in a Club. She has volunteered ser- March's Pharmacy, Oakville. plenty of things to learn about vice and effort for both the Leu- House, a DeForest Street build- one-day internship program at government that just can't be They have two daughters, Jana. ing the education officials say is the State Capitol on Wednesday, kemia Fund and the American a senior at Providence College, read in a textbook." Cancer Society, In dire need of painting. March 16, R.I,, and Robyn, a recent grad- While the requests to fund the Mr. Rogers serves as the rank- Recognizing past successes of uate of Boston College, Mass. The three students are: Jessi- ing member on both the Human paint work and track fence are ca Rist, daughter of Mr. and Services and Planning and De- not new, the bleachers item is, Mrs. James Rist, of Farvlew Cir- velopment committees in the Town Council members reacted cle; Anne Wheeler, daughter of General Assembly, He Is cur- Miss Greater Watertown with surprise last week when Mr, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wheeler, rently serving his second term Dalton mentioned the appropria- Beach Avenue; and Kirk Palla- in the state Senate, having spent tion along with the other two^ dino, son of Mr, and Mrs, Vln- Pageant Tickets Ready one previous term in the House Tickets are on sale for the 1983 Kathryn Smith, Marcy Brouil Council Chairwoman Mary Jo cent Palladino, Woodbury of Representatives. Cleehettl countered funding for Road, Miss Greater Watertown Schol- lard, Elizabeth Keers, Cheryl arship Pageant, scheduled for bleachers had not been brought The students were to arrive at Bavone, Holly Slater, and Cathe- He represents the 32nd Sena- Saturday, March 26, at 8 p.m. at rine Welton. to the Council's attention before. the Capitol at 10 a.m., tour the Richard Huot, school depart- torial District, which includes the Watertown High School audi- The reigning Miss Watertown building with Sen. Rogers, learn the town of Watertown. torium. ment business manager, ex- how a bill becomes law, and 1982 is Lisa Krady, currently a plained contractors are reluctant "It's important that young Pageant organizers announce freshman attending Bethany Col- watch the Senate and House of people develop an Interest in to move the older bleachers from Representatives, which both will tickets can be obtained at The lege in West Virginia, government and the democratic Cupboard convenience store, the present football field onto the be in session that day. The talent portion of the pag- new site, for fear of being liable process," he said. "This in- Main Street, the Post Office eant will feature dancing, sing- "This is a great opportunity ternship will be a great experi- Drug Store, DeForest Street, for injuries if problems later for these students to see state ing, acrobatics, a monologue, should occur, ence for them." from any UNICO member, or the and instrumental performances. contestants. Tickets also will be Choreography for the show "We do expect, and feel, that Honor Students For 2nd available at the door. dance routines is by Gerilyn it's appropriate" to ask for the The local chapter of the Ital- Mencio of the Children's Dance painting and fence funding, com- ian-American UNICO Club is Workshop, Oakville, mented Board Chairman John Marking Period At WHS sponsoring the event, which will The contestants, who have Mills this week. He said the have the theme "City Lights," Munson House is a "gift to the A total of 235 students at Wat- pher Meyer, Cynthia Palmer, been rehearsing since January at Rocky LaCnpra, an area actor, (Continued on page 2) (Continued on page 20) ertown High School have been Nadine Palmer, Romeo Rubbo, will be the master of ceremonies. named to the Honor Roll for the Emily Sannlzaro, Leeann Sellers, second marking period, Principal The 11 contestants competing and Tim Wlchrowski, are Carolyn Arniatino, Kristen William P. Williams has an- Sophomores nounced. Randis, Janet Alexander, Dor! High Honors Bonglolatti, Kathryn Moffo, They arc Jeffrey Beeler, Nancy Cote, Freshman Eric Descoteaux, Vito Doria, High Honors Scott Fellows, John Hymel, Jo- Women Voters' Jeffrey Aurell, Nancy Camero- seph LePage, Jack Marti, Lynn ta, Jeannle Chiu, Tracy Clark, McHale, Curt Nadeau, Patrick Meeting Topic; Richard Collins, Tammy Dethlef- Paternostro, Heather Proctor, sen, Alison Estey, Michelle Ev- Michael Rivard, Valerie Souil- Redevelopment itts, Kelly Farrell, Danielle Fier- lard, and Laura Varno. Larry Wagner of Wagner As- ro, Patricia Godowski, Daryl Honors sociates, consultant to the Re- Grisgraber, Maureen Jackson, Christina Baldlno, Charles development Agency, will dis- Jennifer Judd, Sharon Kontout, Barber, John Biello, Kathleen cuss current redevelopment acti- Wendy McCasIand, Miehele Billus, Lisa Barges, Kristen vities in Watertown at the Tues- McCollough, Wendy Monte, Boyce, Scott Breive, Richard day, March 22 meeting of the Erin O'Brien, Mary Rinaldi, Lar- Brown, Donald Charkowsky, League of Women Voters of Wa- issa Semeraro, Scott Shaw, Mi- Christine Curzlo, Alicia Cusick, tertown, chael Svab, Martin Sweeney, Tammy Daigle, Sarah Dowd, The meeting will take place at and Vincent Vaiehus, Ronna Fratangelo, Frederick Gy- 7:30 p,m, at the Watertown Li- Honors uriesko, Karln Hasemann, Tho- brary, 470 Main St, It's open to Ellen Barber, Cynthia Brody, mas Hear, Kimberly Innes, the public. Susanne Christopher, Lance Ed- Diane Johnson, Brian Keers, Da- Presently redevelopment SELECTED AS FINALISTS by the National Merit Scholarship monds, Barbara Finkle, Albert vid Kennedy, Eileen Larosa, funds are being used to alleviate Program at Watertown High School have been seniors Richard Guerrera, Cari Ann Gustafson, Brent Landquist, and Rebecca drainage problems in the down- Wells, left, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wells, 50 Farmdale Road, Deanna Hurbon, Eric Kintzer, Lawton. town area. This use of federal and George Chiu, son of Mr. and Mrs, Yih Ping Chiu, 164 Honey Deborah Kisatsky, Jaret Kul- Also: Dana Lee, Donna Longo, Hill Road. The two have been placed within the top one half of 1 per- Community Development funds cent of students taking the merit program testing. They were recog- mann, Kathryo Lawton, Stacey Javier Lopez, Susan Lyman, An- will permit further new com- Lowe, Barry Menaker, Christo- nized by the Board of Education at its meeting Monday night. (Continued on page 20) (Continued on page 2) (Valuckns Photo) mmEllin mmm Page2 Town Times (Watertown, Conn.) March 17,1983 Fisher-Walker "graduate~ d from Oregon State above) gifted student; and other University with a forest engin- problems. eering degree. He served two June Wedding Mrs. License is considered an years with the United States expert in this area, Peace Corps in Jamaica. Set In Oregon A short' business meeting to He currently is employed by discuss the constitution by-laws Mr, and Mrs. Harlon R. Fish, the United States Forest Service er, Guernseytown Road, an- at Siuslaw National Forest, Al« proposed for the orgahlzation, nouncPropertye the engagement of their ofsea, Oregon the. Watertownand plans for future meeting Historicals Society daughter, Christine M, Fisher, will come after the presentation. Palmer, Alaska, to James I. PRO-TAG Meets The public Is invited to attend. Walker, Corvallis, Ore., son of Mr, and Mrs. Leroy A, Walkerwatertownhistoricalsociety.org, Next Monday At St.
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