• “V k.- m w a r y CHENEY UBRARY 1BUBSDAT, MAT 4, tM«i rAUK TWENTt ■to iSanrliratrr Eitraing AVfitage M p C M U M M Ike Us UmU 4l ApHL IMi Mrs. U. Haydan Brockway of Banjamla Johnston, aoa ot Ur. A dog roast will bo bold by tbo Sufflald wUl be the gueat speaker and Mrs. Benjamin Johnston of IBS Epworth League of the South About Town at the May meeting of the Man­ tpdall strsst, was recently pledged Metbodtat church Saturday aftar- 9 ,5 0 0 chester Oaiiden Club Monday eve­ to Beta Sigma Chi fraternity at noon at the cottage at Mr. and Bryant College In Providence, It. L, Mrs. Nelson Richmond In Oovtn- >«tUs A turn toon pUce« ning In the Robbins room of Cen­ ter church house. Her subject and will be sworn in as a member try. Members are asked to moot ■Ma a t tlM ami"** lloth«t>Dau>i>* when the semester ends In July. A at four o’clock In front of tbo tar banqiMt tomorrow eventns In wUI be "Care and Upkeep of the Mmekatier 'A. Cky of FREgfa Charm Perennial Border." Mrs. Brock­ graduate of Manchester High church from wbora tranaportotlon FEATU R ED FOOMES Concordia IJuthemn church. The miihm way la a member of the Board of School, Mr. Johnston Is a studmt will be provided. Each person nwal win he oonred promptly « 'in the School of Business Adminis­ la requeued to provide the noooa- VOL. L X m , NO. 166 •n tags M) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAT, MAT 7,1948 (BIZTRRN PAGB> ■evoB o’clock. The Directon of the Federated Gar­ den Clubs of Connecticut and la tration. During the war he served aary plate, cup, knife, fork and JL or wUl be Mi*. Gordon Parker of for two years In the Navy. ’Three spoon for the meal. GolUnarUle, who will brine an in- active In the Suffleld Garden Club. Members are urged to bring ar­ other members of the fraternity, AT HALEnS SELF SERVE tenetlne meewtee about Africa rangements of spring flowers. also from Manchester, are Wen­ The annual Mother-Daughter whera aha waa a mlaalonary for a dell Cheney, Edward Eberaold, and banquet tomorrow evening at S:S0 Senior Sapphire Deadline Near number of yeara. The Intonne- Donald Kennedy. at Emanuel Lutheran church, will Forming Assembly News Tidbits dlate Laacue la aponaorine the Friends of Mrs. Thomas E. Duffy of la Warner Place, Weth- be monaored by the Ladles’ Aid AMD HEALTH MARKET (*) Win, Truman and Cabinet affair. ersfleld, wig) frequently visited Chapman Court, Order of Ama­ and Dorcas aocietlea. For Palestine here, were saddened to bear of her ranth, will meet in the Masonic death, which occurred suddenly Temple tomorrow evening at eight 1 SunUghi Strledy Freeh Urged First Step a f CbSflMtoa ato- Peace Moves yesterday. She waa a prominent o'clock. The buatness will be fol­ Ident of the Eastern Ntsan HEALTH MARKET thelr Going To member of .the Council of Catholic lowed by games and a social College, Wollaston, Maas., will date has bean ohaagsd Consider Rail Crisis; Women and of the Guild of St. time. Refreshments will be served I t to Juaa U la otdar Theresa. Her funeral will be by Mrs. Ralph Harbron and her il Butter A, A, Grade Beef To Europe Council to St Praald H Truman’s apaak- American Effort to End held Saturday at nine o’clock In committee. EGGS lag aehidali. .Paaaaytvaala Refinish Sacred Heart Church. Wethers­ Church of the Nasarene. PadaratlOB af Labor boa plgasa- Bloodslied Has Little field. The Robertson PTA will hold Its 1 SPBOAL Ito racommandatlon that Apparent Chance to Your Flocfrs? annual meeting with reports and Chnrdiill Aaks Memhen Praatdant Trumaa be eadoraed for Seizure Not Planned ra alaetkia. .Lob election of officers Wednesday doz. Q e ig y M usi Be Snccessfnl Now Of 22-Nation Fomm try yrsSaaS against aarteaaioa of Rent our n ew . heavy evening. May 12, at the Y. M. C. Odd Pellowa hall. There wll Taft-Hartlay law to oovar hotels, duty aander and edger. This Is A Good A. A pot luck supper for the door prises, playing prises l aataaraatt aad ether smaU bual- WaahlngtOR. May 7—(ff)—Blast members will be served in tbc il * E 4 * To Plead With C»ov- Remain Free Conference Abo a h ea v y doty polisher refreatoenU will be served, MMaa. .Betaotod atodca athleve by k long eerica of eetbnekA the Meet on llitMtencd Rail Strike banquet hall at seven o'clock brief business meeting of the 1 emmenta to ‘Create further aaedsaS reeevery today.. B e fo r e and a regular Johnson Time To Sell sharp. American effort to end the blood- pie will take place at 7:30. Nu-Maid New Europe’ Whoae Uataed Stotas appelatai on VM. abed la Pateetine today approached gin8 Meeti^ poliaher. Your Property 1 Yb lb Methodists Adopt M^ Oowmriealnw to modlato ladta-Pak- lataa dlqiute over Kashmir. a crucial deadline with little mp- Advertlae-.nent— W a ln u t Voice Can Be Heard morial on Subject^ Al­ parent chance for succeea. Heads of S Ws havt many buyers Twelve yaar-old Charlotte Hlg- waiting for single and 2 Hisa the viUlan, applaud so Favor Pension Plan gtas, Rndson Fans, N. T „ appar- Praaldent Truman htm eelt hoods WUch Ham family houses. RELIEF OLEO The Hague, The Nether­ ‘ of "blue baby* heart stXeased that the effort la contlau- Larsen's lands, May 7.—<ff>—Winston ooB ^tloa haa suffered ing in every poaelble way. But Caned Strike Neal PEED AND HARDWARE M e a ts Lean BaDstial other officials noted that the Brt- We buy, 9eU or Chnrehlll urged today Imme­ birth. BlXtoen phyddana oomplete, at tiah are due to surrender their Tnesday; Se^ Way to S4 Depot Square. Tel. 5406 AT LAST diate fhrmatTon of a Europe­ Boston. May 7—<ff>—V- Br- mandate over the Holy Land at exchange, For Maay aeat WUhtoa, SS-yar eld OM- University of Chicago, natk Head Off WaBiont I t >• jlb.pkg.^l^^e an asaembly as the first fitep eago lawyer, Soday ww eleel- first aanree In bow to treat atomic the end of neXt week aad an in­ Bulldozer BEEF crease in Arab-Jewlah warfare Is ASTHMA toward a council of Europe radiation injury... .Thirty Holly- Allen Realty * S 5 * free of jealousies and rival- erood apirltnallsto say tbe epirtt ef widely feared at that time. B u M ia! SUFFERERS For Hire rlas o f the past. Churchill a t t o a i laeOan. He Bndelph Valentine returned Center el OffMal Oenaara Company ROAST M Eta first of his race to Jola night....Bcattered feed strikes The Palestine ettuation, tn fact. Excavsting sad grading, Hershey aidced members of a 22-nation continue In British and American Is the center of current official A WMte R« bn ewfonaw REALTORS SANSON’S ASTHMA BEM- 1 forum to ptoad w «b their jovam - a’B hivra^aad Bones of Germany... .Senate and concern here over unsettled con­ aiBMfi at BYcrtlBt a nlboai 180 Center Street EOV Is sot sew. It haa beea land clearing,, cellar holes. manto to "cnato a new rampa" House RapubUcan laadera ditions in various parts of the wboaa ualtod voica can ba oontian- st^ M a p toil, wHM Manchester, Connecticut ■acd for yean la aoara aoe- No job too large or too Crisco lb lb leeked In their feud over housing world. • a ln a f ptegrem. A artM a tloao ot tbo coaatry aad small. ouatar htaued. Boston, May 7—(P>—Tha Quad­ aa Senator Taft refusaa to com Outside die Holy Land, hewever, Phono Manchester 5105 Tm naw eouaoU c i Buropa ■wtiag was m C for 4 p. a . 'cflatcally looted la Ooaaoett- 1 S3rrup rennial General Conference of the promlaa... .Three Swedish sailors worid tensions are less preaalng cat for tbo paot tw* yoara. Uoold ba a suboidlnato but Methodist church today adopted arrive at 'Naw York after 1S,MS now then they have been In the PwsHtBlIfil A#Hs88 BeeaarkaMo rcaoNa have 3 lb . can sary part of tha world organisa- ndta vsyaffs In SS-foot sailboat.... peat Joha R. StMlBMui t a M far Peter ^Loloshuis tloa. Ghurebm aald in hia prepar- a memorial declaring the ministry beea reported. must be kept free to voice Judg­ Reports that New England Inter- By some authoritative estimates TeL 2-2558 ad taKt H m world organlaatloa of esto haaded by finaaeicr Frederic here western Europe, tor instance, ■a iMBr aaf a kair wMli iMBiB a tka tutura, bo aald, ahould have ments aad Interpret truths from Modem Floral the pulpit DumafaM nm y gain eantiel o f Maw ia now believed to M relatively se­ strik^tfcmtfiB- Muchsettr'k Ptauo * 1 I J e lb tkroa "snguat but aubordlnato" Haven railroad revive hope that cure for the time being. ioff n il kcBllMfilMads, SANSON’ S rogtonal oouneUa: Approved also was a contribu­ TMs la tbe werlffa largest kaewa Dtetributor for $ 1 .2 3 tory pension plan to provide aa- Old Cbtaqr Llaa may contlnua to The Italian election crlais has Arrongemenft ASTHMA REMEDY L Tha eoviat union, (qwrate. aappklre. 733 ea in ls aC velvt’ been surmounted although the new t . Tbo CounoU o f Europe, In- nulUea at the age of 60 for the ataue vahMd at $3fifiA I S ITS tlw Waahlngtoii. Majr 7.— to Now Avaltabto AS om y Kuimlataag msmliwe wffl Parliament haa atlU to form a • S O H M E R V By npcriuBccd florlstu.
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