book review doi:10.17684/i8A124en DIACRONIA ISSN: 2393-1140 Impavidi progrediamur! www.diacronia.ro Mihaela Munteanu Siserman, Nume și simțuri: corespondențe semantice în configurații denominative, Editura Mega, Editura Argonaut, Cluj-Napoca, 2015, 260 p. Daiana Felecan˚ Faculty of Letters, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, North University Centre, Str. Victoriei 76, 430122 Baia Mare, Romania Challenging even on the level of the paratext, Mi- topic). Two main concerns dominate Mihaela haela Munteanu Siserman’s volume Nume și simțuri: Munteanu Siserman’s interest: i) to list and explain corespondențe semantice în configurații denominative well-known common terms which “encapsulate” a [Names and Senses: Semantic Correspondences in proper name in their lexical-semantic structure and Onomastic Configurations] (Editura Mega, Editura ii) to convey briefly the history of the original Argonaut, Cluj-Napoca, 2015, 260 p.) reunites, referent (an anthroponym or a toponym), indicat- as we ascertain from the Introduction, contributions ing the (extra)linguistic odyssey of its lexicalization whose common research topic is the science of (“deonymization”). Pursuant to the statement above, names. The papers have been published by the author the collocation common name following proper name over the last few years, and are bibliographically in the title is legitimate, although the examples are updated and revised. Under the ægis of integrative “deonymized”. The author portrays in balanced onomastics, the book brings together studies that graphic parts the remarks related to both investigated analyse the capacity of proper names to contract categories (common names vs. proper names). various determiners, on the one hand, and instances The fields to which the proprial “traces” identi- of “deonymization” (through antonomasia), on the fied in the examined eponyms pertain are everyday other. For both approaches, the author employs life (lexical-semantic explorations of gastronomy, morphological and lexical-semantic methodologies. clothes, accessories, and entertainment), science and One can rightfully discuss the rhetoric of the technology, fauna, flora, mythology, religion, and so- chapter headings of the reviewed book, as the called onomastic curiosities. semantic effects can be noticed even on this (antici- The reverse strategy used by the author in her pative / advisory) preliminary textual positioning. approach, from eponym to source (with the source In the spirit of honesty characteristic of dedicated taken into consideration as a taxonomic criterion), researchers, Mihaela Munteanu Siserman mentions, allows for a clearer observation of the polyphonic after each of the 11 studies in the book, the original modalities implied in the formation of the investi- bibliographical reference or the name of the scientific gated nominal units. The reader is challenged to event on the occasion of which the paper was access (to update/to assimilate) a halo of correlative presented. information (encyclopædic context), lexicographical Upon examining the first study, Despre câteva knowledge, and data related to universal culture, clase lexico-semantice de nume proprii devenite nume meant to save the reader from a possible erroneous comune [On Certain Lexical-Semantic Classes of interpretative track (see, for instance, the explana- Proper Names Turned Common Nouns] (p. 22– tion for the origin of the dog breed name the Maltese, 40), included in the first section of the book, i.e., p. 31). Nume proprii vs. nume comune [Proper Names The “enclosure” of a proper name (anthroponym vs. Common Nouns], it becomes clear that we or toponym) in a common name—a frequent process are reading a pocket encyclopædia (the “controlled” in historical languages—is reflected in the onomastic character of the information can be explained by the connection between a “deproprialized” name and its author’s delimitation of the field of interest, which proprial origin (anthroponyms identified in the deep is, in fact, the intrinsic limitation of any research structure of eponyms indicate illustrious referents, ˚Email address: [email protected]. © 2018 The Authors. Publishing rights belong to the Journal. Diacronia 8, October 7, 2018, A124 (1–9) The article is freely accessible under the terms and conditions of the CC-BY Open Access licence. 2 Daiana Felecan while toponyms mark the locative incidence of for the identification of the referent” (p. 48). As designated products/properties). it results from the contextual analysis, the presence The second study in the book, Comportament of demonstratives may fulfil the following functions: morfosintactic și funcție discursivă în cazul numelor referent focalization, thematic perpetuation or, on proprii cu/fără determinanți [Morphosyntactic Be- the contrary, discursive demarcation. haviour and Discursive Function in Proper Names A special place is reserved by the author for “illus- with/without Determiners] (p. 41–66), is an analysis trious proper names (with or without determiners) performed mainly from the viewpoint of logical which lead to the rupture of onymic connection” linguistics. Mihaela Munteanu Siserman proves to (p. 53–56). These names refer to the exemplary, have thorough knowledge of the theories regarding metaphoric and metonymic uses within which “the the semantic and referential status of proper names modification of the initial referent aims at invok- (following Kripke, Milner, Mill, and Kleiber) and ing, on the level of discourse, another virtual or carries out a minute examination of the values of real referent by establishing connections based on proper names (provided by their designative property linguistic and cultural traditions” or “by means of or by their purpose) in various contexts with or direct indication of the initial referent” (p. 62). without determiners. The author identifies a series Proper names with possessive determination of discursive functions of proper names as part (p. 52–62) contribute to the correct “reading” of of certain nominal phrases, by investigating the textual referents. They produce various pragmalin- “faithfulness” of the name of a discursive referent in guistic effects, such as distancing from or familiarity relation to the reiteration of the name of the initial with the referents of possessive phrases. However, referent. such names underline “the autonomy of the pos- In the chapter dedicated to proper names sessed objects in relation to the possessor” (p. 63). without determiners (p. 43–47), it is worth noting The author motivates the title of the second that the author exceeds the limits of textual- section of the book, Onomastică senzorială [Sen- discursive interpretation through grammatical sory Onomastics], based on the correspondences remarks that reveal the researcher’s predilection established between different levels of onomastic for the exploitation of a language fact up to its knowledge (olfactory, gustative, visual, and tactile). last morphological and lexicographic potential. Mihaela Munteanu Siserman reinforces the belief Useful observations can be found in the analysis of regarding the need to place the act of naming among structures consisting of an appellative + a proper other psychological activities by analysing names name. The first component of the onymic formula is of perfumes, culinary products, TV shows, coins, considered to have the ability to confer an additional diseases/viruses, and rulers’ nicknames. individualizing power to the proper name and In relation to onomastics and the sense of smell, indicate the relationship between name bearer and Mihaela Munteanu Siserman investigates names locutor. Therefore, the components of a nominal of perfumes from a semiotic-linguistic perspective binomial become reference clarifiers, mutually (Nume proprii de parfumuri: o analiză semio- contributing to the “elucidation” of the denotatum. lingvistică [Names of Perfumes: A Semiolinguistic Determiners in proper nominal phrases (see Analysis], p. 68–85). According to the author, p. 47–56: demonstrative adjectives, definite/ indef- proper names can be analysed on three levels: the inite articles, possessives or extensive proper names) semiotic level (“the linguistic structures according to help establish reference or insert a disruption in the which an object is identified”), the pragmatic level onymic chain proper name – referent, with (semantic (as the product of a manufacturer for a potential and stylistic) consequences on the textual level. client), and the sociocultural level (the cognitive effort “Disembodied” proper names (Gardiner), due to the of the intended beneficiary—who makes use of extra- presence of an indefinite article, for instance, do not linguistic references—to decipher the proper name). establish the referent through the relation proper Considering the proper name as a sign, the fol- name – referent, but on the level of predication, as lowing categories of proper names (and subsequent the proper name loses (when it develops this indef- subcategories) were identified: proper names with inite status) “the referential value which would allow a generic component; proper names which convey M. Munteanu Siserman, Nume și simțuri: corespondențe semantice în configurații denominative 3 the name of the producer/the perfume house, using can be deduced from the author’s statement, the several mechanisms—transparent or linguistic and richness and diversity of tastes, shapes, flavours, and stylistic mechanisms. The pragmatic perspective colours of the
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