FOR ALL YOUR LOCAL NEWS ASBURY PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY ASBURY PARK, NE E s t . in anb ^cpiune 1S75 ASBURY PARK PUBLIC LIB. 500 FIRST WE. © i t n e s ASBURY PARK, NJ 07712- VOL. CXVI NO. 17 TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNE. N.J. THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1991 USPS 402420 TWENTY-FIVE CENTS Municipal Two Teams of Three Rate Drops File for School Board In Township Neptune Twp - Polls while incumbent member are open from 3 PM to 9 PM JoAnne B. Collins, Neptune Twp. - The Tuesday, April 30, for the president of the Shark Township Committee voted annual school board River Hills Property Owners Monday night to approve election. Polling places are Assn., has filed for re- the introduction of the 1991 Neptune High School, election and is teamed with budget that will lower the Shark River Hills, Gables Maureen R. Weber, cable tax rate by 1.38 cents per and Summerfield Schools television news director, $100 of assessed valua­ for Neptune area residents and Gail M. Taylor, tion. Mayor Jack Mancino, and, for the first time, president of the Summer- Deputy Mayor Almerth Stokes Fire House on Olin field School P.T.A. and Battle and Committee- Street for Ocean Grove mother of four children in woman Pat Monroe voted in residents. the Neptune school system. favor of the budget. The school budget They are opposed by a Committeemen James proposed for 1991-92 calls "Progress Through Commit­ Continued on Page 16 for a current expenses tax ment" team of Mary Anne levy of $18,506,251, an Ashby, psychology gradu­ They Team Up For Fitness increase of $844,252 for a ate from Montclair State; Mrs. Patricia Brennan, owner of The Atlantic Club, Walling Resigns tax hike of an estimated Karl Alan Crudup, Sr., Wall Twp., is about to draw winners of All-American eight cents per $100 real Asbury Park school teacher Sports Medicine’s equipment drive for needy youth Neptune High School estate valuation. 21 years, and Phyllis A. organizations last week as Dr. Steven Crawford, left, Varsity Basketball coach Two current members of Joyner, who is seeking a and Dr. Toby B. Husserl, Medical Director, look on. Russ Walling has resign­ the township’s Board of B.A. degree in Natural All-American Sports collected over 200 pieces of ed his position after four Education, Blanche Jones Sciences from Thomas sports equipment. years and a 73-35 record. and Kevin Stansbury, are Edison State College. See Neptune Sports on This equipment drive was in conjunction with the not seeking re-election, page 8. opening of their new office at The Atlantic Club. Canada Dry’s "First" Play Ball! Four on the Trail For Neptune City - "Open­ Victorian Ocean Grove Becomes College’s MVP ing Day" ceremonies will be held this Saturday, April 27, N e p tu n e T w p - In the at 9 AM for the Neptune Thursday, Oct. 9, 1986, City-Bradley Beach Little Ocean Grove and Neptune League. Everyone is Times, Canada Dry’s invited to come to the field FIRST ATHLETES of the and join in the festivities. week were chosen. Kim Morcom, a senior at Neptune H.S. was picked for her outstanding "Meet The play(ing) in field hockey. The article is quoted as Candidates" saying Kim is "a player with a great deal of potential Avon-the-by-Sea - Res­ who will do very well in idents here are invited to a college." This prediction "Meet the Candidates" has come true. program this Sunday at 1 Kim has ended her four- Kim Morcum PM in the municipal year field hockey college building. Greeting you will career as co-captain of her lina, and was chosen be Jerry Hauselt, team at HIGH POINT (voted), MVP (most valuable incumbent commissioner, COLLEGE in North Caro- Continued on Page 8 along with Ken Bouton and William Dioguardi. The Conferring to insure the inclusion of Ocean Grove three have filed for the on the New Jersey Coastal Heritage Trail were (I. to r.) Tuition Jump Hits three seats on the Board of MARILYN WOOD of the Neptune Twp. Tourism Bureau; Commissioners, to be medicai Dr. GEORGE F. STOLL, Camp Meetin Assn, Neptune City Hard elected May 14. trustee who chaired the restoration of the Great Auditorium; Congressman FRANK PALLONE, JR. of the election after 21 years of Neptune City - Bor­ district, who called the conference, and PHIL MAY, continuous service to the ough residents will vote community. Reappointed president of the Ocean Grove Historical Society. Tuesday, April 30, between Two incumbents, John 5 PM and 9 PM in the Bradley Beach - Dr. "Jack" Dugan, with 15 years Ocean Grove - Citing this Woodrow Wilson School on . Dennis Sternberg, Mon­ experience, and Lynn Kroll, community’s illustrious a ballot that iricludes; mouth County dentist borough librarian, who is history as a Victorian-era Four candidates seeking whose "passion is the seeking her second 3-year summer holiday destination three seats on the Board of environment," has been term, haye filed for re- and the home of the Camp Education - and - reappointed volunteer election. Meeting Association, Rep. The ,T 991-92 school consultant to the borough, Two new candidates Frank Pallone, Jr., D-NJ, budget of $4,599,600, an reports Commissioner who have filed are Lori and a coalition of local increase of $337,000 Bertram J. Gaynor. "When Scott-Schaefer, mother of BEACH leaders today announced attributed mainly to the matters concerning our two pre-school children, their joint effort to have $3,016 per pupil raise in environment come before and Jane Cascio, mother of CINEMA Neptune High School the borough, we call on him MAIN STREET - BRADLEV BEACH Continued on Page 3 two sons, one in the Wilson tuition and costing tax for his expertise," he School and the other payers an estimated 14 added. Dr. Sternberg is a enrolled in M.A.S.T. at TEMPO HAIRDRESSERS cents more per $100 founder of "Save Our Sandy Hook. 441/2 Main Ave., Ocean Grove valuation. Shores." Spruce Up For Spring! Robert Kepler, a past Observers commend all four candidates for their Call tor an appointment president of the board, 775-0986 decided not to seek re- active volunteer community "Self-disipline is the free man’s service. yoke." - John W. Gardner MONDAY IS DATE NITE Apr. 25, 1991 Vol. 116, #17 PAGE 2 OCEAN GROVE AND NEPTUNE TIMES THURSDAY. APRIL 25. 1991 O. KUKER Drug and Alcohol Services MY ANSWER Jeweler Expand Into The Night BY BILLY GRAHAM Est. 1954 Neptune Twp - During who go to school during the past three years, the evenings. The coun­ ‘ Jewelry & Watch Repair Neptune Township has seling sessions take place DEAR DR. GRAHAM: I have been trying and trying to convince my sister ‘ Watches * Diamonds gone to great lengths to on Tuesday and Thursday about God and changing her life, ever since I gave my life to Christ ‘ Watch Batteries promote their Drug and evenings at Neptune High about a year ago. But, so far she isn’t interested, and she refuses to Alcohol services that were School. According to Mrs. even listen to me now. What am I doing wrong? I know if I could just WE BUY OLD GOLD & DIAMONDS provided to all residents Pat Rapaport, director of the explain God’s love to her she would want to believe in Christ also. -G.T. that may need assistance. Adult Continuing and DEAR G.T.; 1 commend you for your concern for your sister’s spiritual 610 Main Street welfare; one of the signs that we have been spiritually changed by Christ In October 1990, the Community Education Bradley Beach is that we come to have a new love and a new concern for others. "For Monmouth County Drug Program, the grant was (Opposite Railroad Station) Christ’s love compels us...We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be (2 doors South of our and Alcohol program made possible by Midge reconciled to God" (II Cor. 5:14-20). I suspect, however, that your sister may feel like you have been previous location) granted funds to the Cannin, Alcohol and Drug Neptune School System Coordinator for Neptune coming on too strongly - that you’ve been trying to convince her Adult Education Program Township, Shirley Parker, without really being sensitive to her feelings. She may even feel you’re claiming to be superior to her or are condeming her. I do not want to be 776-7723 for drug and alcohol Adult School, and Diane misunderstood; we need to share our faith with others. But sometimes counseling for students Hewitt, General Supervisor. they think we are only trying to talk them into something, without sensing According to Ms. Cannin, that we honestly care for them. As the Bible says, "There is a time for many of the students that everything...a time to be silent and a time to speak" (Ecc. 3:1,7). Auditorium Book Store attend the night school Pray for your sister; only God can convince her of her need to turn to classes are students that Christ for forgiveness and new life. Then remember that our lives often Auditorium Square speak more loudly than our words - particularly with someone who have dropped out of high knows us well. Does she see Christ's love and joy and patience in you? NOW OPEN school for a few years or Remember Jesus’ words: "Let your light shine before men, that they may Saturdays in April ones that require adult see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven" (Matt.
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