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KYOTO SUNDAY,OCTOBER 25TH Post Time 10:05 1 ! Race Dirt 1200m TWO−YEAR−OLDS Course Record:14Nov.09 1:11.0 DES,WEIGHT FOR AGE,MAIDEN Value of race: 9,680,000 Yen 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Added Money(Yen) 5,100,000 2,000,000 1,300,000 770,000 510,000 Stakes Money(Yen) 0 0 0 Ow. Hirotaka Sugawara 0 S 20002 Life20002M 00000 1 1 55.0 Takashi Fujikake(2.1%,4−6−6−178,100th) Turf20002 I 00000 Gold Kluger(JPN) Dirt00000L 00000 +Maurice(0.57) +Workforce C2,b. Tomohiko Hatsuki(5.1%,11−12−16−178,123rd) Course00000E 00000 Wht. ,To k a i M i ro ,To k a i T i a ra 12Mar.18 Nagahama Bokujo Wet 00000 18Oct.20 KYOTO MDN T1200Yi 10 10 1:13.1 9th/11 Takashi Fujikake 55.0 412% Flying Barrel 1:11.1 <NS> Toho Red <NK> Sagesse 19Sep.20 CHUKYO NWC T1200Fi 12 12 FF /12 Yasunari Iwata 54.0 416% Hitoyogiri 1:09.9 <2> Abrumador <NS> Tagano March Ow. S.Morinaka 2,800,000 S 10100 Life10100M 00000 2 2 54.0 Kyosuke Kokubun(2.2%,8−16−29−311,79th) Turf00000 I 00000 Shigeru Riji(JPN) Dirt10100L 00000 +Sinister Minister(0.68)+Agnes Tachyon F2,b. Tadao Igarashi(7.2%,13−15−17−135,102nd) Course10100E 00000 Blk. ,Bomb Girl ,Pony Girl 1May.18 Hidaka Taiyo Bokujo Wet 10100 10Oct.20 KYOTO NWC D1200Sl 7 4 1:12.4 2nd/16 Kyosuke Kokubun 54.0 462( Dioskuroi 1:11.6 <5> Shigeru Riji <HD> Bonin Blue Ow. S.Morinaka 0 S 00000 Life10001M 10001 3 3 55.0 Keisuke Dazai(4.3%,14−11−17−281,59th) Turf10001 I 00000 Shigeru Rijicho(JPN) Dirt00000L 00000 +Novellist(0.81) +Special Week C2,d.b. Teruhiko Chida(5.4%,11−10−13−171,125th) Course00000E 00000 Red ,Gouter de Roi ,Shahpari 18May.18 Hiroyuki Tanaka Wet 00000 4Oct.20 CHUKYO NWC T1600Fi 6 8 8 1:37.5 12th/16 Manabu Sakai 55.0 462) Rare Champagne 1:36.2 <NK> Maria Elena <NK> Taisei Blaze Ow. Ryoji Yagi 0 S 20002 Life30003M 10001 4 4 54.0 Ryuji Wada(7.0%,47−69−62−489,17th) Turf10001 I 00000 Tagano Mu Ko(JPN) Dirt20002L 00000 +Majestic Warrior(0.74) +Heart’s Cry F2,d.b. Hidekazu Asami(8.9%,24−28−26−191,24th) Course10001E 00000 Blu. ,Tagano Mu Chan ,Eishin Mu 31Mar.18 Ryoji Yagi Wet 10001 11Oct.20 KYOTO MDN D1200Mu 10 13 1:12.8 9th/16 Yoshitsugu Okada 54.0 460) Shonan Vassallo 1:11.8 <NK> Droom <1 1/4> Sugino Majesty 20Sep.20 CHUKYO MDN D1200St 4 4 1:14.2 7th/13 Katsuma Sameshima 54.0 454% Black Armet 1:13.0 <2> Medieval <1 1/2> Droom 9Aug.20 NIIGATA NWC T1600So 1 1 1:40.4 13th/18 Ken Tanaka 54.0 456' Infinite 1:37.5 <2 1/2> Belle Vogue <3 1/2> Tosen Melanie Ow. Tetsuji Kawakami 0 S 10001 Life10001M 00000 5 5 55.0 Yusaku Kokubun(3.1%,12−16−16−348,64th) Turf00000 I 00000 Cool Bismarck(JPN) Dirt10001L 00000 +Deep Brillante(0.84) +Forty Niner C2,b. Takeshi Matsushita(9.3%,22−20−14−180,36th) Course10001E 00000 Ylw. ,Cool Scenario ,Golden Fortune 22Jan.18 Tetsuji Kawakami Wet 10001 10Oct.20 KYOTO NWC D1200Sl 14 14 1:13.8 12th/16 Yusaku Kokubun 55.0 456* Dioskuroi 1:11.6 <5> Shigeru Riji <HD> Bonin Blue Ow. Masato Yamaoka 0 S 10001 Life10001M 00000 5 6 54.0 Manabu Sakai(3.7%,16−23−20−369,53rd) Turf00000 I 00000 Water Puffin(JPN) Dirt10001L 00000 +Precise End(0.44) +Agnes Tachyon F2,b. Hidetaka Tadokoro(5.0%,11−7−9−193,128th) Course10001E 00000 Ylw. ,Propose Gift ,Votre Sante 9May.18 Koji Sasaki Wet 10001 10Oct.20 KYOTO NWC D1200Sl 9 7 1:12.9 7th/16 Manabu Sakai 54.0 488& Dioskuroi 1:11.6 <5> Shigeru Riji <HD> Bonin Blue Ow. Tadakuni Sugiyama 1,300,000 S 10010 Life20011M 10001 6 7 55.0 Kenichi Ikezoe(11.4%,50−48−44−296,14th) Turf10001 I 00000 Sugino Majesty(JPN) Dirt10010L 00000 +Majestic Warrior(0.74) +Brian’s Time C2,ch. Hiroyuki Uemura(8.5%,14−11−12−128,93rd) Course10010E 00000 Grn. ,Shining Pierce ,Forcing Bid 22Apr.18 Tadakuni Sugiyama Wet 10010 11Oct.20 KYOTO MDN D1200Mu 12 9 1:12.0 3rd/16 Kenichi Ikezoe 55.0 450# Shonan Vassallo 1:11.8 <NK> Droom <1 1/4> Sugino Majesty 12Sep.20 CHUKYO NWC T1400Fi 2 2 1:24.1 12th/12 Kohei Matsuyama 54.0 446# Paul Neyron 1:21.5 <8> Marion Yell <NK> Erika Chance Ow. To ru O k a wa 0 S 00000 Life10001M 10001 6 8 54.0 Kohei Matsuyama(13.9%,100−60−73−484,4th) Turf00000 I 00000 Smart Diana(JPN) Dirt10001L 00000 +Smart Falcon(0.73) +South Vigorous F2,ch. Ken Kozaki(5.2%,10−13−12−156,135th) Course00000E 00000 Grn. ,Smart Babel ,Your Color 5Mar.18 Smart Incorporated Wet 00000 13Sep.20 CHUKYO NWC D1400Go 4 4 1:27.3 7th/12 Kohei Matsuyama 54.0 440$ KeisanFrise1:26.1<13/4>BIFelipe<13/4>CanYouKiss Ow. Shozo Kimura 0 S 00000 Life10001M 10001 7 9 55.0 Ryusei Sakai(7.2%,37−33−43−402,25th) Turf10001 I 00000 Land Volcano(JPN) Dirt00000L 00000 +Henny Hughes(0.97) +Dance in the Dark C2,d.b. Akio Adachi(9.9%,16−13−5−127,73rd) Course00000E 00000 Org. ,God Dancing ,GodinChief 29Apr.18 Satoshi Morinaga Wet 00000 26Sep.20 CHUKYO NWC T1400Fi 1 1 1:24.1 7th/11 Ryusei Sakai 54.0 476% Pixie Knight 1:23.4 <1/2> Air Shrub <3/4> Gold Mire Ow. Yoshihiko Kojima 1,100,000 S 10001 Life10001M 00000 7 10 55.0 Yutaka Take(16.4%,85−82−45−307,5th) Turf00000 I 00000 Ingot Bird(JPN) Dirt10001L 00000 +Discreet Cat(0.33) +Zenno Rob Roy C2,b. Kazuya Makita(3.9%,9−12−17−194,141st) Course00000E 00000 Org. ,Red Luthien ,Arwen 12Mar.18 Grory Farm Wet 00000 11Oct.20 NIIGATA NWC D1200St 3 3 1:14.1 4th/15 Masaki Katsuura 55.0 496! Live Well 1:13.5 <NK> Hope Quetzal <2 1/2> De Klerk Ow. Dearest Club Co.,Ltd. 0 S 00000 Life10001M 10001 8 11 55.0 Hideaki Miyuki(7.3%,53−76−57−538,13th) Turf10001 I 00000 Allure Bulto(JPN) Dirt00000L 00000 +Fenomeno(0.39) +Matsurida Gogh C2,b. Katsuichi Nishiura(4.3%,10−15−11−195,133rd) Course00000E 00000 Pnk. ,Triandrus ,Developpe 30Mar.18 Dearest Club Wet 00000 11Oct.20 KYOTO NWC T1800Go 2 3 1:51.5 11th/14 Hideaki Miyuki 55.0 460" Vasa 1:49.7 <HD> Brave Jackal <3/4> Badenweiler Ow. Satomi Horse Company Co.,Ltd. 3,310,000 S 20101 Life20101M 00000 8 12 55.0 Yasunari Iwata(8.7%,37−36−42−308,24th) Turf00000 I 00000 Satono Apollon(JPN) Dirt20101L 00000 #Into Mischief(1.13) #Super Saver C2,b. Takayuki Yasuda(12.3%,36−31−42−184,4th) Course00000E 00000 Pnk. $Final Decision $Palangana 4Apr.18 Northern Farm Wet 00000 11Oct.20 NIIGATA MDN D1200St 6 6 1:13.6 5th/15 Arata Saito 54.0 484! Noah Vigorous 1:12.5 <3 1/2> Pretty in Pink <NS> Jun Kohaku 25Jul.20 NIIGATA NWC D1200Go 1 1 1:12.6 2nd/15 Kosei Miura 54.0 470" Rastrillo 1:12.3 <2> Satono Apollon <3/4> Ile de Reve KYOTO SUNDAY,OCTOBER 25TH Post Time 10:35 2 ! Race Turf 1400m TWO−YEAR−OLDS Course Record:24Nov.14 1:20.5 DES,WEIGHT FOR AGE,MAIDEN Value of race: 9,680,000 Yen 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Added Money(Yen) 5,100,000 2,000,000 1,300,000 770,000 510,000 Stakes Money(Yen) 0 0 0 Ow. Lucky Field Co.,Ltd. 2,800,000 S 00000 Life10100M 10100 1 1 54.0 Yutaka Take(16.4%,85−82−45−307,5th) Turf10100 I 00000 Air Shrub(JPN) Dirt00000L 00000 +Leontes(0.45) +Daiwa Major F2,b. Kazuhide Sasada(9.2%,16−16−15−127,69th) Course00000E 00000 Wht. ,Air Gerberoy ,Alba Rose 29Jan.18 Tsunebumi Yoshihara Wet 00000 26Sep.20 CHUKYO NWC T1400Fi 3 3 1:23.5 2nd/11 Yutaka Take 54.0 494# Pixie Knight 1:23.4 <1/2> Air Shrub <3/4> Gold Mire Ow. K.Thoroughbred Club Ruffian 1,100,000 S 20002 Life20002M 00000 1 2 54.0 Yusaku Kokubun(3.1%,12−16−16−348,64th) Turf20002 I 00000 Baalbek(JPN) Dirt00000L 00000 +Danon Chantilly(0.49) +Sterling Rose F2,ch. Naohiro Yoshida(8.3%,17−11−16−162,65th) Course00000E 00000 Wht. ,Sigiriya Girl ,Spicy Kitty 9Mar.18 Big Red Farm Wet 00000 29Aug.20 KOKURA MDN T1200Fi 4 6 1:10.4 9th/14 Yusaku Kokubun 54.0 412% Minnie Isle 1:08.4 <3> Alm Fir Tree <HD> Shigeru Semmu 15Aug.20 KOKURA NWC T1200Fi 4 4 1:08.7 4th/18 Yusaku Kokubun 54.0 420% Ten Happy Rose 1:08.4 <1 1/4> Ange Soleil <1/2> Minnie Isle Ow. Satomi Horse Company Co.,Ltd. 1,470,000 S 00000 Life20002M 20002 2 3 54.0 Yuga Kawada(28.5%,141−91−51−211,2nd) Turf20002 I 00000 Satono Ai(JPN) Dirt00000L 00000 +Heart’s Cry(1.60) +Catcher In The Rye F2,br. Naosuke Sugai(9.4%,28−31−30−208,12th) Course00000E 00000 Blk.

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