nrrhe South's 'Best • "'By the Students, College cr-{ewspaper" r i&iug-tum t For the Students, _m Z-1'79 Wuhington and Lee Univenity Semi-Weeldy NUMBER VOL XLTII LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1939 20 Dr. Hambro Explains Hersey's Thanksgi'Ying TroubsCast Red Cross to Recei'Ve $200 All and sundry concerned with uw&L Z'apoppin'" are herewith thanked by Rosa Heney, director of the sh ow: Two Leads From ~~w&L z~apoppin '' Status of Neutrals One wouldn't believe it, but there were dose to 200 people in the production end of "W&L Z'apoppin'" and all deserve In tWinterset' (Gypsy R ose' Mattingly Gross Receipts Will Norwegian Tells of Scandina'Yian .Plans credit and sincere thanks from the director. Wins Beauty Crown Total $300, Farber First of all- Alton Farber for doing an efficient job on the A1 D U B k I n Wild, Riotous S h ow Says; 1000 See Show For Neutrality, Hopes for Fair Peace business end of the production. His work was unsurpassed. nutt, 0 Y ur 8 Bob Espy did perhaps more odds and ends, and was respon- Garner Top R o les; By NED BURKS Proceeds from "W&L Z'apop­ Dr. Edvard Hambro, of Norway, • sible for the smoothness and efficiency of the whole show. Be- Mor e Tryouts Set Last year's Aprll tool edition of pln'," totallng over two hundred lecturing on "Tile ScandinAvian countries that neutrality Is the only sides being in the Glee club and the quartet, he ran no end of For Monday Nigh t The R.lng-tum Phi carried rather dollars. will be handed over to the States in World PoUUca" in Wash- pollcy, Dr. Hambro said. d.s d h h h h uld h f1 d prominently the following state- Red Cross sometime next week, Al­ erran an wit out im t e s ow wo ave oppe · ment on the front. page: ''Mattlng- ton Farber, business manager of tnglaredton etbladutymoofru::· f:: lecture, Dr. Ham- The light crew. Moxley, Don Crawford, and Paul Brown did Rehearsals for the Troubadour ly and Moore .... Just who the c ~blaa~bl sa;::pe~~ao~ the musical production, announced 1.. .. ... d ' th th ff Th h b uwa..L production of "Winterset" are pro- b 1 ls Mattinaln?" today. Scandlnavlan countries to remain bro discussed the value of SCandi- won ers wt e e ectS. e gym was 5 own Y I.A. gressing along with more tryouts, - a&J neutral In the present war and to navian trade and showed the great Z'apoppin'" to be no place for a musical show and these boys according to Francis Sugrue, pres- There is no doubt now, for the Farber sa.id that all money had seek the cooperation of the United part taken by these four small na- l k d d 11 k ' d f h d.shi W ed d ld d dlr t tb ani genial Mr. Mattingly In the role of not yet been turned in so that an certain y wor e un er a m s o ar ps. e ne a goo ent an ec or o1 e org - "Gypsy Rose Lee" stole the show exact figure could not be released, States ln bringing about a Just tiona in world commerce. 'lbe pop- f ch h th d h zatlon The two leading parts those peace at its conclusion. Repeal of ulatlon of the four nations is only auditorium he,re at school. or su s ows as ese an wit out of Ml~ and Mariaiflne, ha;e al- at W&L Z'apopp1n', Ross Hersey's but he estimated that the gross the anns embargo by the United sixteen mlllton. one, they won t have a fintshed touch. ready been definitely cast, and varsity show revival, Tuesday proceeds from the extravaganza would be somewhere In the nature states will seriously curtaU scan- Immediately after the lecture, C d ' Or , , John Alnutt and Dolly Burks have night. A brllllant red garter was dlvanian commerce, be said, but Dr. Hambro answered questions re It to garuzataons been working on their role.s tor the margin of victory as "Gypsy of three hundred dollars. Expenses "we stlll consider the United States and held a discussion for members T h h h 1 d · h d · f uW ..'L Rose" beat out Professor Hinton for the production wlll run close t-o o t e organizations t at e pe tn t e pro uctto n o 1011. several days. in a close race to wln the 1939 rae- seventy-five dollars, some of which our best friends." of the International Re 1a tiona c1 u b k f M d fl 1 t t ill b a .. northern nations. be stat- and v'ftltors. Z'apoppin'" aU the credit should go. The Collegians spo e or ore an na ryou s w e ulty beauty ct·own. Other contest- will be accounted for by money re­ The"" "' · · · d · · h 1 d h held Monday evening at the Trou- ed, although tn sympathy with themselves, thetr m troductton an swmg p aeces e pe t e pro- badour llttle theatre, lt was an- ants were generously cheered ln ceived from advertisements ap­ pearing in the program. Great Britain and France are not gram loads. Whenever there came an embarrassing silence nounced. Sugrue said that the rea- the best Bronx manner. Over a thousand people viewed anti-German. "We are," be said, p • • p (whew l) the CoIL egians were righ t the re wi th someth ing or son for this was the large numbe r Bill Read's "Cai'U80" voice and the production whlcb was held "anti-war." rmtmg aper th of parts to be cast, there being Dead-Pan Antics got the show off in the gymnasium last Tuesday Dr. Hambro, who Is son of the o er. twenty ln all, and the fact that the in high gear. night, Farber stated. "Ross Hersey president of the Norwertan parlla- Published Here The Glee club came up to ats reputatton of last year and both parts are all so d.Uficult and exact- The ''Football Four," a quartet and myself were quite pleasantly ment, told of the unlfted splrlt ex- pieces sun g were worth Dean Gilliam's calls for "encore." log that be wanted to be absolute- of "beefy beauties" dlaplaying surprised at the turnout for "W&L !.sting among the SCandlnaV)aa Featured In the November issue The play written by Lea Booth and acted by the Troubs show- ly positive that the best men bad plenty of bam on the hoof, proved Z'apoppln'." 1be weather was poor coutries during times of peace as ed h d h all d . d h been selected for each. that some of the Generals' swivel- and coupled with the !act that well as war and stated "paper of the National Graphic Arts Edu- w at our actors can o w en c e ?n m a . esperate rus . Ken Moxley, according to om- hipped backs and linemen were many students left school Tuesday unions of the past have been re- catlonal Gulld News Bulletin Ia a Slugger Sugrue and the cast will all be m my will. cera of the club, has designed two quite adept at this hula business, b un1 f h arts d column wrltten by C . Harold afternoon to return home for the Placed Y a on ° e an Lauck, president of the gulld and The German band, giving just the right touch to the pro- of the best sets ever to be seen on and the act brought down the Thanksgiving holiday led us to be­ ml.nds." superintendent of the Waahlngton gram deserve a lot of credit for practicing after the William and a local stage. The author of the house. Messrs. Sugrue, Bishop, lieve that 900 was an optjmlstic Scandinavian nations will be . play, Maxwell Anderson, set the Baker, and <Dashing Dan> Justice flgure. Pi Alpha Nu, In charge of wUUng to Join any international and Lee Journalism laboratory Mary tnp, and puttmg on such a good performance. location of lhe action under a added more glory to thelr Ulus- the ticket drive tor the student league to promote peace and un- Pr:tltled the "President's Col- The quartet, Espy, Carnahan, Spindle, and Russell did a fine bridge In New York clty. The other trious careers. body, sold about six hundred tick­ derstandlng, Dr. Hambro declared, umn,'' Mr. Lauck's message, which job, and like all the organ ization s in the show, they practiced and set ls an interior of what passes Paul Thomas' fast trumpet led ets with more than halt lhe fra­ but they will not be the pawns of _ .J th h ' h d for the house of Mariamne and her the way as the Southern Collegians ternities on the campus buying the power politics of England, discusses important phases of the cooperateu to e ag est egree. , ta.mlly. Moxley has arranged the turned 1n a ftne Job ln the musical tickets for every man In the bouse France, and Oermany . Guild's program, 1s to be a regu- T o F rank H ynson and t h e h u 1a chorus: an oreh Id · F rank s scenery so that the setting will re- department. Thomas shared the th t t Ut 18 t th lar feature of the Bulletin. and in the rest of the houses, ma­ Adding a neu ra Y no e Also featured in the current 18_ practicing and the more o r less graceful dancing of the naturally volve a quarter of the way around spotlight with Gene Seraphine's Jorities purchased ticekts.
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