1082 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 5 MARCH, 1943 Under the direction of the Minister of Commerce! . 1941, in respect of the replacement of goods that REMOVE—M. Einar Bakke. ist October;- 1942. have suffered war damage, as amended by the Order, dated i6th June, 1942. Under the direction of the. Minister of Supply and No. 160—Revocation of General Licence and Reconstruction. Direction, dated 23rd June, 1942, under the Con- ADD—M. Einar Bakke. ist October, 1942. sumer Rationing (No. 8) Order, 1941, in respect of the replacement of goods thai have suffered war POLAND. damage. II. OFFICIAL STAFFS OF MEMBERS OF THE No. 161—Revocation of General Licence and GOVERNMENT. Direction, dated i6th September, 1941, under the Limitatipn of Supplies (Miscellaneous) (No. 'ii) Under the direction of the Minister of Information Order, 1941, in respect of the replacement of goods and Documentation. that have suffered war damage, as amended' by REMOVE—M. Wieslaw Domaniewski. ist the Order dated i5th June, 1942. February, 1943. No. 216—The Trading with the Enemy YUGOSLAVIA. (Specified Persons) (Amendment) (No. 3) Order, 1943, dated 20th February, 1943 (33.' 6d.): I. MEMBERS OF THE GOVERNMENT. No. 257—General Licence, dated igth February, M. Slobodan Jovanovic, Prime Minister, Minister 1:943, under the Consumer Rationing (No. 8). Order, of the Interior, and Deputy Minister of the Army, 1941, in respect of the supply of certain second- Navy and Air Force, became also Acting Minister for hand household textiles without the surrender of Foreign Affairs on 2nd January, 1943. coupons. REMOVE—M. Momchilo Nincic, Minister for No. 258—The Prevention of Fraud (Investments) Fqreign Affairs. 2nd January, 1943. Act Licensing (Amendment) Regulations, 1943, REMOVE'—Dr. Branko Cubrilovic, Minister of dated igth February, 1943. Agriculture and Minister of Supply and Provision- No. 259—The Footwear (Rubber and Industrial) ing. 2nd January, 1943. (No. 4) Direction, 1943, dated 2Oth February, 1943- REMOVE—M. Bojidar Markovid, Minister without No. 264—The Knitted Goods (Manufacture and Portfolio. 2nd January, 1943. Supply) (No. 4) Directions, 1943, dated 26th FIGHTING FRANCE. February, 1943. No. 265—The Making of Civilian Clothing I. MEMBERS OF THE FRENCH NATIONAL COMMITTEE. (Restrictions) (No. 17) Order, 1943, dated 25th ADD—Commissioner without Portfolio. Rear- February, 1943 (2d.). Admiral Georges D'Argenlieu. 7th March^ 1941. No. 267—The Footwear (Repairs) (No. 2> Directions, 1943, dated 2Oth February, 1943. H. OFFICIAL STAFFS OF THE MEMBERS OF THE No. 269—The Gloves (No. 6) Directions, 1943. FRENCH NATIONAL COMMITTEE. dated 25th February, 1943. Under the direction of the Commissioner for Foreign No. 270—The Fur Apparel (No. 4) Directions, Affairs. 1943, dated 25th February, 1943. ADD—M. Jules Blondel. 26th October, 1942. No. 271—General Licence, dated 22nd February, ADD—M. Jean Helleu. i8th November, 1942. 1943, under the Limitation of Supplies (Miscel- laneous) (No. 19) Order, 1943, in respect of scissors. WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION ACT, 1925. No. 2.78—The Apparel & Textiles (No. 4) Order. The Secretary of State for the Home Department 1943, dated 23rd February, 1943. gives notice that in the consequence of the resignation No. 281—The Corsets (Manufacture and Supply) of Dr. J. A. Ross 'he is considering the appointment (No. 5) Directions, 1943, dated 25th February'. .of a Medical Referee' under the above Act for 1943- Ophthalmic cases arising in the County Court Dis- No. 286—The Footwear (Manufacture and tricts of Brampton, Carlisle, Haltwhistle and Alston; Supply) (No. 7) Directions, 1943, dated 25th Whitehaven and Millom, Wigton, Workington and February, 1943. Cockermouth, Appleby; Barrow-in-Furness and No. 297—The Hire-Purchase (Control) (No. 2) Ulverston, Kendal; Kirkby Lonsdale; Penrith; and Order, 1943, dated 26th February, 1943. Windermere. (Circuit No. 3.) These Orders can be purchased through any book- Applications for appointment should be addressed sellers, newsagents, or direct from His Majesty's to the Under-Secretary of State, Home Office, Stationery Office at the following addresses: — Cornwall House, Stamford Street, London, S.E.i, York House, Kingsway, London, W.C.2; 120, and should reach him not later than the 29th March, George Street, Edinburgh 2; 39-41, King Street, Man- 1943- chester 2; i, St. Andrew's Crescent, Cardiff; 80, Whitehall, 'Chichester Street, Belfast. 4th March, 1943. TRAOING WITH THE ENEMY ACT, 1939, and Downing Street, i2th February, 1943. DEFENCE (TRADING WITH THE ENEMY) REGULATIONS, 1940, and in the Matter of AIR The KING hasi been pleased to appoint David FRANCE SOCIETE ANONYME. ' Callender Campbell, Esq., to be Lieutenant- An Order has been made by the Board of Trade Governor of the Island of Malta and its Depen- releasing Paul Bernard Addington of 19, Coleman dencies. Street, London, E.G.2, as Controller under the Order made on i7th December, 1940, for the winding-up of igth January, 1943. .the business of Air France S.A. carried on at 52, The 'KING has been pleased to approve that Sir Haymarket, London, S.W.i, and at the Dorchester Henry Hubert Ostler, a former Judge of the Supreme Hotel, Park Lane, London, W.i. Court of New Zealand, may be accorded the use 2nd March, 1943. and recognition throughout His Majesty's dominions of the title of " Honourable " for life. TRADE BOARDS ACTS. 1909 AND 1918, AND TRADE BOARDS AND ROAD HAULAGE Board of Trade, Millbank, London, S.W.T.. WAGES (EMERGENCY PROVISIONS) ACT, 1940. znd March, 1943. The Board of Trade hereby give notice that they BOOT AND SHOE REPAIRING TRADE BOARD have made Orders which have been published as (GREAT BRITAIN). S.R. & O. price id., except where indicated: — Proposal to fix further additions to the general 1942. minimum piece rates for benching heels. The Boot and Shoe Repairing Trade Board (Great • No. 1566—Order, dated ist August, 1942, revok- Britain) hereby give notice that they propose to fix ing General Licence, dated 26th March, 1942, further additions to the general minimum piece rates under the Making of Civilian Clothing (Restrictions) for benching heels as set out in the Notice 0.54. Order, 194.2. Particulars of the proposed rates may be obtained 1943- on application to the Secretary of the Trade Board No. 152—Revocation of General Licence, dated at the address given below. i8th December, 1941, under the Limitation of The Trade Board will consider any objections to Supplies (Toilet Preparations) (No. 2') Order, the above-mentioned proposals which may tie lodged.
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