Irish hospitals 1956-1971 Item Type Book Authors Hospitals' Trust (1940) Ltd Publisher Hospitals' Trust (1940) Ltd Download date 07/10/2021 04:20:23 Link to Item http://hdl.handle.net/10147/316723 Find this and similar works at - http://www.lenus.ie/hse SLIGO COUNTY HOSPITAL (Photograph by Brian Leech) Irish Hospitals 1956 ·1971 Irish Hospitals 1956 - 1971 ,,'I k Hospitals' Trust (1940) Lid:,.t ~allsbridge, Dublin 4. It is very difficult to do justice in a few words to the multi·various achievements of a man of the calibre and ability of the late Joseph McGrath. A Dublin man, in the best traditions of Dublin men, his name is popularly associated with the Irish Hospitals' Sweepstakes. His enterprise in helping to start them, the effort he put into administering them, and to raising them to their present pinnacle of achievement are widely known outside as well as in Ireland. It is a simple fact that without his efforts the medical and hospital scene in Ireland would be infinitely poorer in quality and scope and far less prestigious internationally. The Irish Hospitals' Sweepstakes were only one facet of his activities. Mr. McGrath was a revolutionary who endured personal risk, privation and prison in his country's cause. Member of Parliament, Cabinet Minister, successful industrialist and business man (he it was who revived the craft of Waterford Glass), doyen of the Irish horse breeding, training and racing industry-there is material for a volume for any writer in each of these aspects of his life. Mr. McGrath was very much part of the rebirth of this nalion and he contributed in no small measure to its growth and development. If I were to try in one brief comment to appraise his worth to Ireland I think I would do so in the terms that all he set out to do he did with the best interests, in practical terms, of the Irish people in his kindly and generous heart. Erskine Childers, T.D. Tanaiste and Minister for Health Joseph McGrath. First Chairman and Managing Director FOREWORD In 1956, in a publication entitled "Irish Hospitals 1930-1955", an account was given 01 the development 01 hospitals in Ireland, with particular emphasis on the allocation 01 the funds raised by Hospitals' Trust (1940) Ltd. We leel that the time has come to give a lurther account 01 the application of Hospitals' Trust grants and the improvement and growth of Irish hospitals during the intervening years. Up to 1956, Hospitals' Trust contributed over thirty·five and a half million pounds to the building and maintenance of Irish hospitals. Since then it has added a further fifty·six million pounds-a total of ninety·one million pounds. It is due In no small way to Sweep­ stakes grants that modern medical facilities and up·ta-date hospitals have been made available which otherwise the country could not afford. The following pages will give some picture of the vast benefits which these contributions have helped to make possible. Hospitals' Trust has won a place for itself in the everyday life of the Irish people. It is one of the largest employers of female labour and earners of foreign currency. It has helped to spread the name of Ireland to some countries where it was scarcely heard of before. To be concerned with an undertaking such as Hospitals' Trust and, more so, the people who have made it possible by their daily contribution to the success of this wonderful work is indeed a privilege. We look forward to its continuation and further success. CHAIRMAN AND MANAGING DIRECTOR, HOSPITALS' TRUST (1940) LTD. Patrick W. McGrath, Chairman and Managing Director of Hospitals' Trust (1940) Ltd., Member of co-ordinating and executive committees of the Irish Sweeps Derby. I .,i;'~ ~.- , eee ;.: .f- e, e,. if. i,;e ,,~, l' ~; ~ &-. -1'1 t( R. J. Duggan, Capt. Spencer Freeman, C.B.E., Original Director. Original Director. , , REAMHRA 1956, I bhfollseachan dar teldeal "Irish Hospitals 1930·1955", tugadh cuntas ar fhorbalrt na nospldeal In ~Irlnn, agus go hBlrlthe ar dhallhi an alrgld a chrulnnlgh lontaobhas na nOspldeal (1940) Teo. Measalmld go bhfuil se In am a thullleadh eolals a thabhalrt ar an gcuma Inar balneadh usald as deontals 6 lontaobhas na nOspldeaf agus ar fheabhsu agus fas ospldeal na h~lreann I ~caltheamh na trelmhse 6n am sin I lelth. Suas go dtf 1956, thug lontaobhas na nOspldeal breis agus trfocha dig go lelth mllllun punt le haghaldh t6gail agus cothabhail ospldeal na h~lreann. On am sin I lelth ta caoga a se milllun punt eile tugtha alge-sln n6cha a haon mllliun punt ar fad. Is do dheontals crannchuir ata m6ran dB bhulochas ag dui go bhfull saoraidl lIachta nua-almslre agus ospldell urnua curtha ar fall nach mbeadh se d'acmhalnn ag an tlr a sholathar da n·ulreasa. Gheotar Jeargas eJgin sna leathanalgh seD leanas ar na sochalr 0llmh6ra ata curtha ar lall le cabhalr na ndeontas alrgld sin. Ta cilt agus tabhacht saothralthe ag lontaobhas na nOspldeal d6 rein I ngnathshaol mhulntlr na h~ireann. Ta se ar cheann de na gn6thais Is m6 a Ihostalonn mna agus Is m6 a thullleann alrgead coigrfche. Chabhralgh se le hainm na h~ireann a chur I gceln, flu go tlortha nar alrlodh tracht ulrthl roimhe sin ach ar elgln. Is prlbhJeld go delmhln bhelth I mbalnt le gn6thas mar lontaobhas na nOspldeal agus, thalris sin, lels na daolne a rlnne a gclon laethuil oibre lonas gur thcilnlg barr agus toradh ar an saothar lantairbheach seo. Gura fada buan e faol bhua agus rath. CATHAOIRLEACH AGUS STIORTHOIR-BHAINISTEOIR, IONTAOBHAS NA nOSPID~AL (1940) TTA, 9 OUR LADY OF LOURDES HOSPITAL, DROGHEDA. This up-to-date hospital Is run by the Medical Missionaries of Mary and has special training facilities for the treatment of tropical diseases. 10 .... !. THE SUCCESS OF THE IRISH HOSPITALS' SWEEPSTAKES Were it not for the launching 01 the Irish Hospitals' Sweepstakes In the year 1930, It Is certaJn that many of the voluntary hospitals In Ireland would have been forced through lack of funds to curtail their activities or face extinction. It Is also true that the vast capital Improvements carried out In both the voluntary and local authority hospitals over the past forty years could not have been carried out to the extent achieved without the aid of the funds derived from the Sweepstakes. Here In Ireland, as In other countries, the voluntary hospitals faced unprecedented financial difficulties in the years following World War I (1914·1918) when sources of Income by way of charitable donations, benefit functions and bequests had greatly diminished, while at the same time maintenance costs had been progressively rising. The annual deficits of the voluntary hospitals had, Indeed, reached such alarming proportions that many of them were 'aclng bankruptcy. In that period, too, bOth the voluntary and the local authority hospital systems were In serious need of modernisation alter long years of financial stringency. The Immediacy of their deficit position led six of the Dublin voluntary hospitals to combine In the year 1930 for the purpose o. running a Sweepstake to raJse money to clear their debts. The organising work was entrusted to Hospitals' Trust Limited. The Initial venture proved a remarkable success and an additional seventeen hospitals Joined In sponsorIng the second Sweepstake. Then a further eleven hospitals {making 34 In all} Joined In promoting the third Sweepstake. Inside one year these three Sweepstakes had resulted In the distribution of over one and a quarter million pounds among the participating voluntary hospitals. Not only were the hospitals saved from the prospect of bankruptcy, but they could look forward with confidence to the completion of sorely·needed structural Improvements and the purchase o. up-tCHiate equipment and appliances. In 1931 the Government passed legislation which decreed that the proceeds of future Sweepstakes should be divided as to two-thirds .or the voluntary hospitals and one-third for the local authority hospitals. The allocation of grants to the voluntary hospitals was entrusted to a Committee of Reference appointed for the purpose while the distribution of I grants to the local authority hospitals was left to the MInister for Health. Very many of these I ~ latter hospitals had, prIor to the establishment of the State, sufl·ered from long years of neglect. In 1933 another Public Hosplta.ls Act was passed under which the available surpluses of ensuIng Sweepstakes would be payable Into the Hospitals Trust Fund under the control of Trustees and the Hospitals CommIssion was set up to report to the Minister 'or Health on applications for grants from the Fund. That system Is stili operating. I 11 :.1"I !I ,11 I'il! q ;1/':1, :i'." I! For the next five years the Irish Hospitals Sweepstakes continued to command widespread and Increasing support not only In Ireland but In many other countries, especially In those lands where members 01 our lar·flung race had settled. However, during World War " (1939·1945) the limitations Imposed on the distribution of tickets naturally caused a diminution 01 the proceeds. Despite these difficulties the Sweepstake scheme maintaJned a fair measure of support and the hospitals benefited accordingly. It Is worthy 01 mention here that during the war years Hospitals' Trust Ltd. also organised ten Sweepstakes for the benefit of the Red Cross and out 01 their proceeds help was given to deserving causes In 98 countries through the medium of the Irish Red Cross Society and Its International associates. When the war ended In 1945, the Irish Hospitals' Sweepstakes were able to advance again on a wider basis.
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