The Daily Register VOL. 97 NO.95 SHREWSBURY, N. J. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 30, 1974 TEN CENTS Nixon's condition remains critical LONG BEACH,'Calif. (AP) had a slight fever He said — Former President Richard Nixon was rocttvtflf medica- M Nixon is in critical condi- tion intravenously tion today after lapsing into Twelve hours earlier, surge- shock for three hours and ex- ons had attached a plastic periencing internal bleeding clip — resembling a clothes following surgery for phle- pin with teeth — to a vein in bitis Nixon's groin to control a "The doctors are fighting newly discovered blood clot for that man's life." hospital resulting from the phlebitis in spokesman Norman Nager his left leg The jaw-like clip told newsmen last night. He allows blood to flow, but im- said later he didn't mean the pedes the movement of life- statement to carry the se- threatening clots to the heart riousness it denoted. j But a source close to the In Memphis. Tenn . Dr. situation later confided, "I Robert M Miles, inventor of know the doctors are wor- the surgical clip used in Nix- ried" about Nixon's chances on's operation, said that post- of survival. operative hemorrhage is in- In a statement read by Na- frequent and patient shock is ger, Dr. John C Lungren said rare in that type of surgery a team of physicians adminis- A five-man medical team • tdittr Man IMM »r <-•"» < tered "countershock mea- participated in the hour-long SEA GULLS IN THE SUNSET - As the sun sinks Oceanic Bridge forms a background. Water spar- sures for three hours until a operation which started at Into a multi-colored autumn sky, gulls find solitude kles as it reflects the sunset, creating a scene of stable vascular circulation 5:30 am. yesterday. After the as they perch on pilings off the Sea Bright shore. gentle serenity. Summer is gone ... but the beauty condition was once again re- AP operation — described as re- The camera is aimed toward Rumson, and the lingers on. stored" late yesterday REPORTS NIXON CRITICAL - Norm Nager, latively simple — doctors told He added, "The patient is Long Beach Memorial Hospital spokesman, an- a news conference that the still considered critical " nounces at a hastily-called news conference last former chief executive was Lungren said Nixon. 61, was night that former President Nixon's condition fol- "doing well " under round-the-clock care by lowing an operation yesterday morning was listed Hickman, an assistant pro- a team of specially trained in- as critical. fessor of surgery at the tensive care nurses and that UCLA School of Medicine, Firms in Crabiel case Dr. Kldon 11. Hickman. the Mrs. Nixon was later joined the Nixons' seaside villa at called the operation "une- cardiovascular specialist who by Nixon's longtime personal San Clemente. 50 miles south ventful" and said, "Mr. Nixon performed the operation, secretary, Hose Mary Woods, of Long Beach, so the former is doing well . recovering would spend the night near and the two Nixon daughters, president could have "undis- in the normal manner " Nixon. Trlcia Nixon Cox and Julie turbed rest," said a Nixon But just over six hours lat- Nixon's wife. Pat, was with Nixon Eisenhower, who flew aide. er. Nixon slipped into vascu- admit bid rig charge Nixon after the surgery. A in from the East (.'oast A White House spokesman lar shock which arrested the Nixon aide described her as Mrs. Nixon and her two sent word that President Ford circulation of his blood for ELIZABETH (AP) - Two tracting Co. to rig road con- County and Paterson. (if conspiracy each. "strained and trying to keep daughters remained with the was praying for Nixon. three hours before doctors road-building firms have tract bids and paving mate- The agreements allegedly The five defendants were herself up during these diffi- former president until late Lungren said Nixon's pulse and nurses were able to pleaded guilty and been fined rial prices Crabiel formerly were made by Mario Gallo indicted last July on charges cult times." last night and then went to rale had increased and he "stabilize" his condition in an alleged bid-rigging headed Franklin contracting, between 1957 and 1970. Gallo of conspiring to rig road- scheme involving Secretary one of the state's foremost died in 1970. Zauber and building bids by controlling of State J. Edward Crabiel road construction firms. Bliablias said the companies' the price and supply of as- and a former Democratic Deputy Attorney General present principals, his broth- phalt, by collusive bidding fund-raiser. Kenneth Zauber and Dino ers Gene and Vincent Gallo, and by inflating contract Teacher strike negotiators The firms, Gallo Asphalt Bliablias, the two firms' at- did not take part in the al- prices to bribe public offi- Co. of Irvington and Passaic torney, said a dead former leged agreements. cials Crushed Stone Co. Inc. of president of both companies Superior Court Judge John Crabiel, 5H, headed Frank- Pompton Lakes, pleaded allegedly made illegal agree- A. Ackerman fined the com- lin contracting until he joined guilty yesterday of conspiring ments with the other defend- panies 11,000 each, the max- Gov. Brendan T. Byrne's ad- with Crabiel, George Katz of ants regarding road construc- imum allowed by law. They ministration this year. He is given new court guidelines Fort Lee and Franklin Con- tion contracts in Passaic were charged with one count on leave of absence from the Secretary of State's office. By JANE FODERARO Court Judge Merritt Lane Jr "and something must be He charged the mayor was Katz is a close associate of yesterday when representa- done," He then set aside the participating covertly in the Anthony J. lirossi, who heads LONG BRANCH - Striking tives on both sides in the on- mandatory day-and-night or- negotiations and submitted to the Public Utility Commission teachers and city Board of going contract dispute ap- der for the negotiations and the court a letter sent by the and who formerly was Pas- Education representatives peared in his court directed PERC representa- mayor to the board on Oct. Assembly OKs bill saic County Democratic today were warming up for They were summoned after tives to take over and set 24, referring to their "mutual chairman. their next round of wage M continuous hours of bar- ground rules for talks position." Some law enforcment offi- talks, scheduled for 2 p.m. gaining ended with both ne- Mr. McOmber also asked Invitation offered cials have said the case .with executives of the state gotiators and negotiations for a preliminary injunction, Mr. Schottland said the cur rape query against Crabiel could be diffi- Public Employment Relations near collapse. Judge Lane directing the three school em- • teachers had invited the may- bing cult to prove because of the Commission (PERC) as ref- had ordered round-the-clock ploye associations (represent- or to participate in the nego- erees. talks, starting Saturday night, ing the teachers, custodians TRENTON - A biU ruling But other lawyers said case five-year statute of limita- tiations and welcomed him on be discriminated against for The week-old strike here after daily eight-hour bar- and secretaries) to tell all out cross examination of rape law leaves things to the dis- tions for crimes The only a "face to face" basis at the age or other reasons. continued this morning as em- gaining last week proved their members to go back to victims about their previous cretion of the judge. overt act Crabiel is charged negotiating table, but wanted Contractors on federal proj- ployes picketed the 10 city fruitless. work immediately But Judge experience with sex passed Florio's bill would make the with allegedly occurred in to avoid having him operate ects are already required to schools, which were to re- The board attorney, Rich- Lane denied the request, and the Assembly yesterday and prohibition a curt rule of evi- 1963. in the background and in have such affirmative action main opes until at least 1 ard McOmber, sought relief set a hearing on the question awaits action in the Senate. dence. The state contends that the "shadows." programs. This bill also p in -. by way of "modificati<nr oj for 1:30 p.m. Frula\ Assemblyman James awaits the retOrn of the Sen- The measure does permit statute has not expired be- The purpose of the request The teachers and Mloard the original court order (The judge last week issued Florio, D-Camden, who spon- ate on Nov. 24. cross-examination into the cause the criminal conspiracy for the court order, he ex- were sent back to the bar- "Obviously, there's a stale- a back-to-work order to strike sored the bill, said women do relationship of the rape vic- continued until four years plained, was to assure the in- So does a resolution calling gaining table by Superior mate," said Judge Lane, leaders, named as defend- not report rapes rather than tim with the defendant. ago. dependence of those who for a study of proposed toll ants. The membership was submit to this type of cross- make decisions in the negotia- hikes on the New Jersey excluded from the order. He examination and serious tions. Turnpike, which passed, 71-0. later followed up with con- crimes go unpunished. In partial compliance with The Assembly, the only tempt-of-court citations be- Assemblywoman Betty Wil- Local fight crowd was 3-1 for Ali the request. Judge Lane or- house to meet yesterday, cause the leaders failed to son, D-Union, hailed passage dered Mayor Cioffi to show gave final legislative approv- with the Convention Hall fans heed the order.) in the Assembly as the begin- By NADINE JOSEPH his threat.
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