MS-763: Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Collection, 1930-2004. Series H: United Jewish Appeal, 1945-1995. Subseries 4: Administrative Files, 1945-1994. Box Folder 41 5 Israel Education Fund. 1975. For more information on this collection, please see the finding aid on the American Jewish Archives website. 3101 Clifton Ave, Cincinnati, Ohio 45220 513.487.3000 AmericanJewishArchives.org ~ " JEWISH AGENCY FOR ISRAEL ISRAEL EDUCATION FUND FRIORITIES FOR EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES MARCH 1, 1975 I, ' . SPORTS F ACILIT I ES Estimated Estimated Price St art of Construction Locat ion Type $ Construction Time Beer sheba Gymnasium 150.,0.0.0. June 197 5 1 year (Hinunelfarb) Bet Shemesh (Furst) Gymnasium 150. , 0.0.0. June 1975 1 year Ccasarea Sports Center 20.0.,0.0.0. June 1975 18 months Eilat (Goldwater) GymnaSium 150.,0.0.0. June 1975 1 year Hatzor (Everett) Gymnasium 150.,0.00 June 1975 1 year Jerusalem (Hinunelfarb) Gymnasium 20.0. ,0.0.0. June 1975 1 year Jerusalem (Derunark) Cymnasium 20.0. ,0.0.0. June 1975 1 year Kaduri Regional Sports Center Kiryat Bialik Gymnasium 150,000 March 1975 1 year (Levinson) Ma shavei Sade Sports Center March 1975 18 months Or Yehuda (Rogosin) Gymnasium 150 ,000 June 1975 1 year - 4- · " PRE - KINDERGARTENS Price - $50 ,000 Estimated Time to St art of Construction 3 - 6 months Estimated Construc t ion Time 6 - 12 months Acr e (2) Ofakim Arad Pardess Hanna Ashdod (2) 1 Loan III Ashkel on Raanana Bet Shemesh Ramat Can (2) Bnei Br ak (2) Ramat Hasharon Carmiel (2) 1 Loan III Rehovot Dimona Rishan Lezion (4) 2 Loan III (I Loan III (R») Ganei Tikva Rosh Ha I ayin Hadera Sderot (Neve Eshkol) Herzliya Kfar Saba Tirat Carmel Kiryat Ata (~) Yavnc Yerucham Kiryat Gat Kir yat Malachi (Jabotinsky St . ) Kiryat Ono Kiryat Yam Lo Lod Natanya Migda l Ha I emek -5- · . : - PRE KINDERCARTEN NURSERIES Estimated Time Till St art of Construction 3 6 Months Estimated COmp letion Time 6 - 12 Months Category A - $80.000 Cacegor:t B - ~100 ,000 (75 Children) (100 Children) Atlit Ramla Acre Bet Shean Shlomi Ashkelon (2) Carmiel Tirat Carme l Atlit Eilat Yokneam Beersheba (2) (R) H,if, Bet Shean ( 2) HerzUya - Loan III DimonD. Hod Hasharon Ganei Tikva Holon Hadera (2) Karkur . Kadima Kfar Yona Kfar Saba- Loan III Kiryat Gat Hevasseret Zion Kiryat Motzkin Migdal Ha I emek Kiryat Tivon Nataoya (2) Kiryat Shemona- Loan III Pardess Hanna (2) Mercaz Shapiro (Shafrir) Petach Tikva Hevasseret Yerushlayitn Ram1, (2) Mizpe Ramon Rehovot Nahariya Shlcmi Nesher Ness Ziona Netanya (3) Pardess Hanna Raanana Ramat Gan (2) - 6- Reply To: 500 Market Street Camden, New Jersey 08101 (609) 365- 4550 ISRAEL EDUCATlON FUND Apogam d trelhlad '-!'Weal May 14, 1975 President PI>,I,p Zinm an Vic,·P,uidents Bobt'" "'Drams H~nry C. Bamste,n Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman trw,n G,een R8Quel Newman 15 Ibn Gabiral 1.40"'. Rodma" Jerusalem, Israel HOrn),''''' Cn.l,men Cha,les J. Bensley Joseph Meyerl>On Dear Her b: Executi.a Dirictors VukOll Avnon By now you should have received the invitation to our Ehezer Sn~v'l (Israel) Tenth Anniversary Conference on May 28 . An additional Program Director M,chnl Yu"," copy is enclosed to be sure. Executive Committee MaxAlpa"" I don't know whether you are planning to be in the Jo~e~ Appleman AlDen B. Adetman States at that time . If you are, on behalf of the Israel Leona,d O. Ben Education Fund and myself, personally, I would appreciate Donald H. Benlam,n Irv,nll Berns'e," your attendance at the Conference. While I will give you At"." B Bo. e, Belly D'e,fun full credit for the program and its impl ementation, it M.lv,n Dubl"'~y S,dney M. Edelsle!n would be much more effective were you pr esent. Please let R;tymond EpSle,n me know whether you can make it. Henry J Eve'en Irw,n S. F,el" Is'ael D. F,nk Max M F,sne, I hope you, Francine and your family ar e all in good Leuy M. F"nlc He,lItrt J. Ga,on health. Edward G,nsoe'g Aluan".. , Grass Samuel L. HI"'" Warmest regards. Gonloeb Hlmme, Dav,d Helle, Le'oy E. HoUbe,g." Max R Klrllman Max H Karl Myrtle Klrp MU Kohl c ~ Frank A. lIuJenoerg MO,,,' L L.... ,nson L,II,an MalCU s Philip Zinman Lester 1.40"" Albe,! Parker President Ronlld Perelman M,ehnl A. Pellv>" Selma P,I .... ,,, Tl\eCldOf" A. Aacoosln PZ/jlf Albert Raine, Genrll"e Rodman Henry Ro~e W, lham Aosenwald Roben Aussell Alen Sagne' Se,nard SCMaene" Fann,e Scnaenen 1""n1l ScMe,de, Josepn D. SI\a"e Eiline K Sms Sol Sternberg Joseph H. SueHu Leon"c R. Sueht: CII"e Vogelman Jack D. We,le, Sue We,ner Gordon Zack, Paul Zucke,man 51 West 51st Street New York, New York 10019 212 PL7 1500 ~I'I'._AI 0-H Al~'"'''''' a...-l ~ ........ '- "*'" AodIIMd S ~" AIbDo I~........ ....... " L_n ~ e·_ •..oor.I.JPllIIIItl lOu~ 8_" ,h,1_ L_"'9I'gII Dr, 0.0:., W 8'0"& ~ L ....... MIrI C?\I'-dI "-'" ~ £-.lEN ............ a..-,. EI~ s-..I M ...-0.. Aobt<1 A. ~ u.c. NIfIW'I JKOb hldlllan Ja_ H. NoDoI .."I ffMCI_ f.-:l ,,--"U Semutol fn..t1.l1lO StdM\l' R RIoIIO ""n,n G>I'ISbu'll MIa. ~ J ~".~ o...lIonI Glu. L_... AoMoo .JeeIc .... GoIGIIl1& LIo ,...,." ~ W. GOICSJOh1',", Sera fIoIh-. Of. Harold 8, ao... IoIc)or~ H s.ru...... ..... ~'M G....t...., ~ Sd\KN o.c.GNu ..... ~~ I.. Gu..... ttoo.rt MU 5ch..,... 501 ........ "'- AI),._ "'ltINn Dr RoDen hi , "",c"'''' O...... .., &orw>.bofn It I LftU, J_ Of 0......, 0, 5_ "'~ Jill, e.m.,a Sir .., Mrs r.I ,m. Janwn &.nll""n H SwI1l lI/OW'g hi JuMlaan Echura hi M, W"Ou,g JO~.OII H, ~nl" RoMn I W.llIn'ci< NQ,,"an 1(&,". r.I.it<llm Woldenllt<fg J,r_ I(IOII.;n Mot ... e ltle I THE ISRAEL EDUCATION FUND 10TH ANNIVERSARY CONFERENCE 1965-1975 Phi lip Zi nman PRESIDENT , ISRA EL e ~UCATIO N FUND and Irving Bern stein EXECUT IVE VIC E CHAI RMAN, UNITED JEWISH APPEAL cordially invite you to attend the 10th Anniversary Conference of the Israel Education Fund Wednesday, May 28, 1975 from 10:00 am to 4:30 pm GUEST SPE AKER Eliezer Shmueli Deputy Di rector General, Ministry of Edu cation and Cu lture, The State of Israel • UN ITED JEWISH APP EAL AND FEDERATION OF JEWISH PHILANTHRO PIES JOINT CAMPA IGN 220 WEST 58TH STREET NEW YORK CITY R. S.V. P. LEIDESDORF ROOM ON ENCLOSED CAR D Reply to: 500 Market St . Camden, N.J . 08 101 ISRAEL EDUCATION FUND A pogam c; It'e 1.01'ld.-Aweal June 3, 1975 Mr . Herbert A. Friedman P,U;Utnl 15 IBN Gabirol Street Ph'hP Z,n""" Jerusal em, Israel 92430 Vlet.P' etIOtnll BoOb.IAO.e"'l litnIV C 811"511'" Dear Herb : Irw,n G,"~ A'Que) ... _ ... ~ " Mo"" AOd""" I appreciate your prompt answer. You know how I feel Honore'Yen,lnnen about your setting up and pushing the IEF . Chi d" J alnll.-y JQ51;1n 1.I1, . 'ft.O'l f~ It U II" O" ' C[O" The conference was good but, unfortunately, too many YuJloo<A.vnon of the people l eft immediately after l unch which, I ElIezt, S~."'I til'''') suppose , is par for the course . We gave credi t to P,egtl ... O" I CIO , M,Chatl YvCl." everyone, including yourself , and Charl ie handled himself E~ lculive Com",fUle well in describing the initial phases of the developmen t ",... Alpl"n of the Fund. JOlelll! AO;>'I"'''' Albert B ""I'""n ll'Otllld 0 Bell Don"U H. B,,,,I"'," We have been under wraps now for two years with the I", ~ alm~'I,n emergencies. However, I believe we can go full bl ast the 41 •• " B Bo." Beny O'.I~u bal ance of this year , provided the various building Mel. ,n Ouo.,,~~y SlIln'Y /,I E04I"I •• /\ restrictions are lifted for our projects . RlyfflOf\O EOIII'/\ HlnlVJ £_,n 1!W ,n S F,ell! \'ie ' re t rying now to take in Haifa and Ben Gurian as a ll,atl 0 f,"~ Mp M F'IMer start toward t he program you outl i ned f or t he nat ional larry M F r.n ~ W.' berl J. GI'on campaign for all of the Universities. HOllieve r , we I r e EO"".,o Gln,~rg running into all ki nds of blocks. A I'I<I~ d ', a"11 s,o", ...ll H.... , GOlllt.O Him"". O",u 1-te;,1t I'll be in Israel from Tuesday . June 10 . until t he 22nd. L"g .. E Ho">;"'O" M;U R. !(arom,,, From Tuesday until Satur day. I'll be in the Hilton in I.lI.c Ii lell' Tel Aviv. From Sunday until I leave, I 'll be at the /,I~tt,. Kalo Mh I(0Il1 Hilt on in Jerusalem. Please call me before I leave . F ",~~ R lA~t'n~'o MOf'" L LI .,","" Ulh&r' M a'e .. ~ Warmest regards . Llstet .... 0'''' Atoert PI,. I' Ronlld Per""'ln Mocllael A PII, .. " Co r di a lly , ~ 511 ",1 P,II"" "',OdO,. R Recoe"n Albert RI'"" Gen,uo.ROO",I" He"ry AONl ~an W,h"", ~"""'!CI Ao~rt RuS"'" All" Sag"" PZ: jm Be.nl'O Scn~ ..
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