POSTRASTER TYLER'S TROW- THE EVENING STAR. BLER.- Mis Murray Sue. Him ftr SS, FUBLIJSED DAIll, Except Stnday, Damags. AT TH STAR BUILDING8, BALTIMORE, MD., Dec. 19.,Suit was bso t Avenue, Corne 11th Street, by ysedyin the court of common Pennsylvanir. htcoas A. Murray, against Gen. ~sb The Star Company. postmasteror of this city, for iso,o0O damIE. Tyler,for Evening Newspaper assault. It will be remembered that du the GEORGE W. ADAMB, .rese't, past summer affecting duct and charges the official con- is served to in the enaracter of Gen. Tyler were prefer. THa EvmrsN STAR subscribers red, and were investigated two dity by carriers on tLeir own account, at 10 cents of the Post Office by special agents per week, or 44 cents per month. Copies at the department. The invtga. counter, 2 cents each. By mail-potgpepid- tion extended over two months: many witamen 60 cents a month; one year, $6; six mrh . were examined and the evidence snbmitted to tEntered at the Post Office at Washington, D. C., President tlayes. It was only on Prida of lat as second class matl matter.1 week.the'renident made publichtsdeci n,thw, THa WEEELY STAX-pubished.on Friday--2 a after a careful investigation of the evidence he year postage prepaid. Six monthe, $1; 10 copies was there was not for 15.20 for $20. satistied sufmtcient rcason tss m:ubserlptionscyes must be Sad in ad- DECEMBER 1879. TWO CENTS. Tyler's removal on account of his oondncl. Tance; no a er sent longer than so paid for. V°L. 64-Ne. 8333. WASHINGTON. D. C., FRIDAY. 19, either official or personal. Miss Murray, aclerk Rates of a rerti,ing made known on in the: postoflx+. was the principal witness appN.catlon. against Pest master Tyler. in this investigation, FORTT-SIXTI CONGRESS. and it u:s understood she testlnted asto Im- AMUSEMENTS. SPECIAL NOTICES. THE EVENING STAR. POTOMAC RIVER IMPROVEMENT. proper cend'ict and proposalstoward, herselfby FRIDAY. December 19. Telegrams to The Star. ti. Tlertn his privateapartments at the post- Mat.ine. HoblMee MEMBERS OF THE GRAND DIVISION, Special Message of the President. ofie. on 3Monday last. following the deeIsion F H'w2>'. S. T., are requested to meet THIS EVEN- SENATE.-The reading of the journal of yes- of the President, Miss Murray wasremvwed from SATURDAY. 1NF, at Temperance Temple 7:30 p.m., to take Washington News and Gossip. terday's fifteen minutes. her of clerk G;en. FROLIQUES MATINEE action on the death of Brother George Savage, The President to-day sent to Congress the proceedings occupied post by Tyler. WEATIIER8BY GOODWIN. P.G.W.P. order J. C. 0.S. GovERNMENT REcErrs To-DAY.-Internal rev- and At its conclusion Mr. Thurman rose and said GRANT IN PHILADELPHIA. LAUGHTER. By LATHROP, following special message accompanying lurdered for His Money. ROARS OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE enue, $330,745.44; customs, $176,756.51. documents: that there was evidently no quorum present, CINCINNATI, De. 19.-The Ennaier's Elthart. A Matinee Admission 25 and 50 cents. Stockholders of the NATIONAL METRO- of To the Senote anm House or Repreuatires: and no probability that one would be obtained. Ind., special says a report reached there that an 50 POLITAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, of the Tu NEW HousE RULEs.-Mr. Blackburn, man Matinee Adnision 25 and cents. of sub- I have the honor to transmit herewith a draft He therefore moved to adjourn, but withdrew His old named Wm. Young, living a short dis- Matinee Admission 25 and 50 cents. District of Columbia, will be held at the otice Kentucky, from the committee on rules, of a bill submitted by the Board of Commis- his motion to allow the business to be Speech To-day. lance from Edward.burg, was found murdered Matinee Admission 25 and 50 cents. the Company, at 12 o'c'ock noon, on the 12th day mitted in House this the of "A following in his house His had been Matinee Admission 25 and 50 cents. of January, 1'880, for the choice of mnte Director. the morning proposed sioners of the District Columbia, entitled transacted: yesterday. body for the year.. revision of the rules and a report in regard bill to provide for the reclamation of the marshes placed across the stove to give an impression of 25 CENTS EXTRA. ensuing SAM. CROSS, e Yr. Butler introduced a bill to authorize the RESERVED SEATS dec19-cod SM RS,Sceay thereto, stating that it was as unanimsIs re- in the harbor of the cities of Washington and AN ARMY SCANDAL. accidental death. but an examination revealed New Novel and Exceedingly Funny. of the committee. After a short discIsson Georgetown, and for other purposes," together United States to secure a title to certain mili- a gnn-shot wound. Young lived alone, and It Is dNILY TWO NIGHTS MORE SPECIAL MEETING of the MEDICAL port tary and timber reservations; referred to the he was MORE p--ASOCIETY, D. C., will be held on FRIDAY, as to the time for considering the report of the with the accompanying letter of the President supposed murdered for money which he ONLY TWO NIGHTS to was ordered and of the Board its transmission to Con- committee on military affairs. was knou to Dec. 19th, at 8 o'clock p.m., take action upon committee on rules. it printed requesting Morrill a resolution, which was pososs. AND ONE MATINEE ONLY. the death of Dr. W.Y. MARtBritY. rer.ommitted and made a special order for the gress. The bill embraces a plan for the reclama- M1r. offered A Shoots a AN) ONE MATINEE ONLY. D. R. HAGNER, M. D., Pres't. 6th of January, and from day to day th'reafter tion of the marshes of the Potomac river and its adopded. instructing thr committee on public Major Captain. A Foul Double Murder. AND ONE MATINEE ONLY. C.H.A. KLEINSCIIMIDT,M.D., Sec. [Post] d18-2 to the exclusion of every other order. Eastern Branch within the limits of the city of buildirngs and grounds to inquire as to the ne- CHICAGo. lee. 19.-A special dispatch to the AND ONE MATINEE ONLY. -BOOES, STATIONERY, DIARIES AL- Washington, and is carefully framed with a cessity of enlarging the site on the south side of P bone from Quincy. Ill., says:-Suspiclons of Week-ALICE OATES and her increased and the building for the bureau of engraving and a foul murder have been arou::il at New Can- Christmas 0 BUMS. Games Pocket Cutlery Notions TILDEN'S NOMINATION INEVITABLE.-E :-Con- view to economy in the prosecution of cost Como in the eihtful for the Holidays, at ROBERTS' BOOKSTORE, that he the work. The attention of Congress is again printing. and the probable thereof. POSTMASTER TYLER'S TROUBLES. ton, twenty miles south of here by finding a Coml TLE DUKE.htu 1010 7th at., above New York avenue. decW-lw grestman Scott Lord, of New York. says invited to the urgent need of legisla- The \ lce President appointed Messrs. Voor- house which was recently oNeupled by a man INVESTMENTS. Bonds and Stocks thinks that Tilden's nomination by the national tion for this Important public work, bees, Vance, Pendleton, Windom and Blair. as and his wife entirely deserted, but with all the LTHEATER. - and sold. New York Stock Ex- for the Presidency is inevitable. He the committee to investigate the eaus: of negro furniture intact and blood on various articles NATIONAL bought democracy which has been so long delayed. The improve. Miss Sues Him. about THE PERENNIAL DELIGHT, changes and other cities does not favor Tilden. but ventures the opinion ment contemplated is essential to the health of endgration from southerh to northern states. Murray tLe place. Cries of murder were heard STOCKS CARRIED ON MARGIN. that he cannot be defeated without a bolt in the those who whetner or teat- 31r. Thur'man renewed his motion to adjourn. coming from the house on last Thursday nit, Foreign Coins dealt in and Foreign and Domestic reside, permanently and at 12:20 the Senate until but no was made until H. M S. PINAFORE. : Exchange. H. 1). COOKE, Ja., & CO., convention. porarily at the Capital, and to the safe an con- p.m. adjourned investigation yesterday. de16-1m 1429 F Washingten, D. C. venient navigation of the waters in its Tuesday, January 6, 18s0. GRANT IN PHILADELPHIA. It was found that a neighbor who had threat- Bankers, st., THE ExoDUs INvEsTIOATION.-In the Senate vicinity, His to the ened their lives had shipped his goods at the B in harmony. pure for vessels in the service of the Speech Merchants. Bright and beautiful perfectly SPECIAL NOTICE. employed gov- HOUSE.-Mr. Loring, in behalf of the advi- same time to Loraine. in this and the motive, neatly costumed, elegantly set and pow- to-day the special committee to investigate the ernment, and for the purposes of commerce. It with out the PHI.ADE.PHIA, Dec. 19.-The Philadelphia county, erfully rendered by colored exodus was as follows: is a measure of more than local benefit. The sory board, charged carrming plans Commercial Exchange gave General Grant a theory is that hepacked the bodies of his victims CONGRESS WATER. appotnted relative to the ventilation of the House, sub- at in cases and took them with him. The CHICAGO Its superiority as a cathartic and alterative con- Messrs. Voorhees (chairman), Vance, Pendleton, Capital of the nation should be relieved from public reception noon to-day, at the Exchange along HATERLY'S sists in its entire freedom from everything bitter, Windom and Blair.
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