List of Citations (1980-2014) László Gránásy No. of independent citations: 2863 h-index: 29 (33) Sum of impact factors: 370.894 [A few forthcoming citations are also shown (denoted by #), but they are not counted in the numbers shown above. Citations in PhD Theses are indicated but not counted.] 1. J. Balogh, I. Dézsi, B. Fogarassy, L. Gránásy, D. L. Nagy, I. Vincze, S. Arajs: Influence of atomic substitution on short-range order in amorphous Fe 84 B16-xCx alloys . J. de Physique 41, C1-253-254 (1980). IF: - *** 1. H. N. Ok, H. A. Morrish, Phys. Rev. B 22 (1980) 3471. 2.* U. Gonser, Atomic Energy Review, Suppl. No. 1 (1981), ed. U. Gonser, p.203. 3. T. Masumoto, T. Egami, Mater. Sci. Eng. 48 (1981) 147. 4. U. Gonser, R. Preston, Topics in Appl. Phys. 53 (1983) 93. 5.* G. Longworth, Mössbauer Spectroscopy Applied to Inorganic Chemistry, ed. G. J. Long (Ple- num, NY, London, 1987), Vol. II, p. 289. 2. L. Gránásy, T. Kemény: The non-existence of a general correction term in continuous heating experiments. Thermochim. Acta 164 , 289-294 (1980). IF: 0.742 *** 1. J. Blazejowski, Thermochim. Acta 48 , 109 (1981). 2. A. Varschavsky, E. Donoso, Metall. Trans. A 14 , 875 (1983). 3. L. V. Meisel, P. J. Cote, Acta Metall. 31 , 1053 (1983). 4. A. Zaluska et al., J. Mater. Sci. 18 (1983) 2163. 5. J. A. Cusido, J. Puigdomenech, C. Bonet, Thermochim. Acta 114 , 201 (1987). 6. A. Munoz, F. L. Cumbrera, Thermochim. Acta 144 , 123 (1989). 7. E. Urbanovici, E. Segal, Thermochim. Acta 164 , 265 (1990). 8. K. F. Kelton, Mater. Sci. Eng. 226 , 142 (1997). 9. J. Vazquez, P.L. Lopezalemany, P. Villares, R. Jimenezgaray, J. Alloys and Compounds 270 , 179 (1998). 10. J. Vazquez, P.L. Lopezalemany, P. Villares, R. Jimenezgaray, Materials Letters 38 , 423 (1999). 11. J. Vazquez, P.L. Lopez-Alemany, P. Villares, R. Jimenez-Garay, J. Phys. Chem. Solids 61 , 493 (2000). 12. J. Vazquez, P.L. Lopez-Alemany, P. Villares, R. Jimenez-Garay, Boletin de la Sociedad Espa- nola de Ceramica y Vidrio 39 , 493 (2000). 13. J. Vazquez, D. Garcis-G.Barreda, P.L. Lopez-Alemany, P. Villares, R. Jimenez-Garay, Mater. Chem. Phys. 86 , 448 (2004). 3.* L. Gránásy, A. Lovas. T. Kemény: The influence of thermal history on the physical properties of metallic glasses. Proc. Conf. on Metallic Glasses: Science and Technology, eds. C. Hargitai, I. Bakonyi and T. Kemény, (Kultúra, Budapest, 1981) Vol. I, pp. 197-202. *** 1. N. Saegusa, A. H. Morrish, Phys. Rev. B 26 (1982) 6547. 2. U. Köster, U. Herold, H.G. Hildebrand, Scripta Metall. 17 (1983) 867. 3. G. M. Zelinskaya, A.V. Romanova, V.V. Nemoshkalenko, V.P. Naberezhnikh, Ukr. Fiz. Zh. 28 (1983) 1393. 4. C. Antonoine, L. Battezzati, G. Cocco, F. Marino, Z. Metallkde. 75 (1984) 714. 5. E. J. Hiltunen, M. Kesti, A. Ulvinen, L. Takacs, J. Mater. Sci. Lett. 7 (1988) 448. 6. A. M. Shutin, L.A. Koroleva, G.A. Srebryanskii, V.T. Borisov, Ind. Lab. USSR. 54 (1988) 923. 7. P. S. Popel, V. E. Sidorov, Mater. Sci. Eng. A226 , 237 (1997). 8. V. Manov, P. Popel, E. Brook-Levinson, V. Molokanov, M. Calvo-Dahlborg, U. Dahlborg, V. Sidorov, L. Son, Y. Tarakanov, Mater. Sci. Eng. A – Struct. 304 , 54 Sp. Iss. SI (2001). PhD Thesis: 1.* Yu. B. Levin, PhD Thesis: “Теоретические и технологические основы производства кобальтовых аморфных магнитно -мягких сплавов специального назначения ” (State Uni- versity, Moscow, 2009). 4.* T. Kemény, I. Vincze, J. Balogh, L. Gránásy, B. Fogarassy, F. Hajdu, E. Sváb: Thermal stability and crystallization of transition metal-boron metallic glasses. Proc. Conf. on Metallic Glasses: Science and Technology, eds. C. Hargitai, I. Bakonyi and T. Kemény, (Kultúra, Budapest, 1981) Vol. I, pp. 231-238. *** 1.* I. Majewska et al., Rapidly Quenched Metals IV, (Sendai, 1982), Vol. I, p. 483. 2. J.M. Dubois, G. Le Caer, J. de Physique 43 , C9-67 (1982). 3. E.A. Berkowitz, Mater. Sci. 55 , 275 (1982). 4. Y. Khan, Z. Metallkde. 74 , 385 (1983). 5. P. Duhaj, P. Svec, Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 80 , 231 (1983). 6. J.M. Dubois et al., Acta Metall. 32 , 2101 (1984). 7. M. Wojcik et al., J. Appl. Phys. 55 , 2288 (1984). 8. J.A. Leak, J. E. Rout, Mater. Sci. Eng. 97 (1988) 325. 9. J.W. Kondoro et al., Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 125 , 67 (1991). 5.* J. Balogh, Á. Cziráki, L. Gránásy, D. L. Nagy, S. Arajs, M. Z. El-Gamal: Structure and crystallization of Fe 84 B16-xCx glasses . Proc. Conf. on Metallic Glasses: Science and Technology, eds. C. Hargitai, I. Bakonyi and T. Kemény, (Kultúra, Budapest, 1981) Vol. II, pp. 165-170. 6.* A. Lovas, L. Gránásy, K. Zámbó-Balla, J. Király: Influence of transition-metal additions on the thermal stability of Fe 80 TM 3B17 quasi-eutectic me- tallic glasses. Proc. Conf. on Metallic Glasses: Science and Technology, eds. C. Hargitai, I. Bakonyi and T. Kemény, (Kultúra, Budapest, 1981) Vol. II, pp. 291-297. *** 1. M. Riedel, H. Gnaser, F.G. Rudenauer, Anal Chem. 54 , 290 (1982). 2.* M. G. Scott, Amorphous Metallic Alloys, ed. F. E. Luborsky, (Butterworths, 1983), p. 144. 3. P. Marko et al., J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 41 (1984) 135. 4. C. Antonione et al., Z. Metallkde. 75 (1984) 714. 5. C. Antonione, Mater. Chem. Phys. 12 (1985) 199. 6. T. Zemcik et al., Czeh J. Phys. 37 (1987) 24. 7. T. Zemcik, Hyperfine Interact. 27 (1986) 345. 8. T. Komatsu et al., J. Mater. Sci. 22 (1987) 2185. 9. T. Zemcik et al., Acta Phys. P. A. 72 (1987) 219. 10. S. D. Kaloshkin, DAN SSSR 284 (1985) 1120. 11. J. A. Leak, J. E. Rout, Mater. Sci. Eng. 97 (1988) 325. 12. I. W. Donald et al., J. Non-Cryst. Solids 50 (1982) 351. 13. I. A. Tomilin, S. D. Kaloshkin, Fiz. Met. Met. 68 (1989) 518. 14. A. Szász, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 127 (1991) 121. 15. A. Szász, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 163 (1993) 49. 16. S.D. Kaloshkin, I. A. Tomilin, Russ. J. Phys. Chem. 70 , 21 (1996). 17. A. Zaitsev, N. Zaitseva, A. Kodentsov, J. Mater. Chem. 13 , 943 (2003). 7. L. Gránásy, A. Lovas, L. Kiss, T. Kemény, É. Kisdi-Koszó: Investigation of magnetic properties and thermal stability of Fe-TM-B metallic glasses. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 26 , 109-111 (1982). IF: 0.946 *** 1. K. Hayashi, K. Hotai, M. Hayakawa, Y. Ochiai, H. Matsuda, S. Uedaira, K. Aso, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 36 , 237 (1983). 2. J. Durand, Topics of Appl. Phys. 53 , 343 (1983). 3. C. Antonione, G. Riontino, G. Venturello, Mater. Chem Phys. 12 , 199 (1985). 4. P. L. Paulose, V. Nagarajan, R. Nagarajan, R. Vijayaragavan, J. de Physique C 49 , 1137 (1988). 5. K. Ganesan, A. Narayanasamy, T. Nagarajan, J. Phys. - Cond. Matter. 2 (1990) 4227. 6. Z. Michno, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 29 (1990) 891 7. M. A. Aysawi, A Szasz, Z. Dankhazi, L. Kertesz, M.A. Ahmed, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 127 (1991) 130. 8. A. Szász, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 127 , 121 (1991). 9. K. Ganesan, A. Narayanasamy, G. Konczos, T. Nagarajan, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 116 (1992) 189. 10. A. Szasz, M.A. Aysawy, Z. Dankhazi, L. Kertesz, H. Muller, H. Kirchmayr, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 163 (1993) 49. 11. S. Lofland, S.M. Bhagat, P.L. Paulose, V. Nagarajan, Solid State Commun. 89 (1994) 497. 12. P. L. Paulose, V. Nagarajan, R. Nagarajan, R. Vijayaraghavan, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 104-107 (1992) 87. 13. S. Kobe, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 60 (1986) 1. 14.* P.L. Paulose, Proc. Solid State Symp. (1985) p. 299. 15.* A. R. Ferchmin, Landolt-Bornstein III 19h (1991) 196. xxx PhD Thesis: 1.* Yu. B. Levin, PhD Thesis: “Теоретические и технологические основы производства кобальтовых аморфных магнитно -мягких сплавов специального назначения ” (State Uni- versity, Moscow, 2009). 8. S. Arajs, R. Caton, M. Z. El-Gamal, L. Gránásy, J. Balogh, Á. Cziráki, I. Vincze: Crystallization of glassy Fe 84 B16-xCx alloys. Phys. Rev. B 25 , 127-135 (1982). IF: 3.016 *** 1. N. Saegusa, A. H. Morrish, Phys. Rev. B 26 (1982) 305. 2. A. K. Majumdar, W. Oestreich, D. Weschenfelder, F.E. Luborsky, Phys. Rev. B27 (1983) 5618. 3. M. Eibschütz, M.E. Lines, H.S. Chen, Phys. Rev. B28 (1983) 425. 4. * J. M. Dubois, G. Le Caer, The Structure of Non-Crystalline Materials, Proc. 2nd Int. Conf., Cambridge, 12-15 July 1982, p. 206. 5. M. Eibschütz, M.E. Lines, H.S. Chen, T. Masumoto, J. Phys. F 14 (1984) 505. 6. K. Dehghan, J.M. Dubois, G. Lecaer, C. Tete, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 65 (1984) 87. 7. A. K. Majumdar , G. Uffinger, Solid State Commun. 51 (1984) 967. 8. J. M. Dubois, G. Le Caer, Acta Metall. 32 (1984) 2101. 9. M. Fujinami, Y. Ujihara, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 69 (1985) 361. 10. J. Malek, J. Klikorka, J. Sestak, A. Triska, Thermochim. Acta 110 (1987) 281. 11.* Y. D. Yao et al., Rapidly Quenched Metals, eds. S. Steeb, H. Warlimont, (Elsevier, 1985), Vol. I, p. 1051. 12. K. Yano et al., J. Appl. Phys. 30 (1991) L482. 13. R. Shingal, A. K. Majumdar, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 115 (1992) 245. 14. Y. D. Zhang, I.J. Budnick, J.C. Ford, W.A. Hines, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 100 (1991) 13. 15. S. H. Ge, M.X. Mao, G.L. Chen, C.L. Zhang, Y.D. Zhang, W.A. Hines, Phys. Rev. B 45 (1992) 4695. 16. G.L. Chen, M.X. Mao, D.S. Xue, C.X.
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