'i't WHEN WOODBRIDGE TOWNSHIP NEEDS A DAILY PAPER 22 Pages Today THE INDEPENDENT WILL PUBLISH DAILY aofthrftg? Jttfajmttottf Three Sections VOL. XII, No. 49 N. .!.. FRIDAY, KKMUAKY I PRICE THREE CENTS WOODBRIDGE AND AMBOY POLICE ROUND-UP HOLDUP GANG Budget Is Adopted FredltH, Turner, Taxpayers Assn. Yive Hopelawn Youths Are Wifk N^ n^^^oU;^^ Fire Commissioner, Wants Changes At XT i 1 1 i /^i * i Traffic Light Awitt Greenh Stre« Nt anod Super-Highwa upposiboy To Be Lefnt SeeksRMklion EdgarR.R.Station Nabbed In Cleanup; Admit In Operation Until A Later Hour — Long Discussion On Prominent Sewaren Man IslTo Request Platform Change Lighting District Boundary Condition — L: A. • Completing Sixth Year Of and Shelter — If Non-Po'.iti- McLeod Gets Craskie Street Sanitary Sewer Job, Service — Election Feb. 21. cal Organization. Series Of Daring Holdups The 1931 budget of the Township of Woodbridge was ECONOMY RECORD ZONING REPORT All Waive Rights To Grand Jury Hearing—Were Arraigned! Before Judge fitzpatriclc Thirf Morning—New Jersey —•i adopted at the third and final reading at the regular meeting Fmierick H — o( Se At a meeting of the newly re-org- Keasbey Man Is of the Township Committee, Monday afternoon. There was no (who i» rearing the completion of his anized North End Taxpayer's associ- Wcod Finishing Plant Robbery Saturday Morning Cleared ation, this week, the secretary was Up, But Money 1» Not Found. opposition to the adoption. The sum to be raisedd by taxation in i fifth year as a member of the Board instructed to communicate with the Killed By Train of Fire the budget is set at $347,975.79. The total budget for the town-i Commissioners of District Pennsylvania railroad company in an tVil'.iam Bertram, 56, Wai Jan- Ore of the greatest cleanup* in the history of the Wood- effort to secure an improvement on ship ia $624,975.79. ' No. 1, has entered his candidacy for bridge and Perth Amboy police departments was made ovei ire-electio uun on Februaroru r y 21. Mr. the west bound platform at the Ed itor At Keasbey Firehouie—- Committeeman Aquila, of Iselin, Plant superintendent who ia alleged ' T \"' " " V < .v, i gar station. A'shelter on the plat- ! n<?r la the only memb on lne! About the week end, when, through the combined efforts of the tw< suggested that the traffic light at to have said that he would take care " form, badly needed, will also be re- Tragedy Occurred Green street and the super-highway of the matter, but has not. board from Sewaren, which with I queued. _Jt appears that the north 6:20 P. M. departments, a band o{ five alleged holdup men, ranging ir be left tn operation longer. "At In Mr. Applegate's opinion. the Woodbridge proper, comprises the end of thTP»ptetfonn terminate!" at a age from 17 to 23 were arrested. Their arrest, following close- present," said Mr. Aquila, "the light people of Sewaren should be given first district ditch, making alighting dangerous, William Bertram, fifty-six years is shut off at 10 o'clock, which is en- consideration in the matter. "They « J , . „, ,. ., ly on the heels of the payroll holdup at the New Jersey Wood A reBldent of particularly at night. It is also de- old. of Smith ftreet, Keasbey, was tirely too early. The people who are were not to he subjectid to any nuis i ,. Woodbridge town- sired by the North End association killed at 6:20 o'clock last night, Finishing plant here in Woodbridge, Saturday morning, led to forced to cross that suner-highway ancos, according to the agreementishlp for over fortv vears. Mr- 1<urn" " .' „t o ..„.hav, e „„barrier „s erected at Prospect when a Lehigh Valley railroad en- should be given adequate protection. of the Shell Oil company with the er has always played an active part avenue and the Pennsylvania rail gine ran over him. The tragedy oc- the clearing up of five separate holdups, three in the township, Crossing is always hazardous." township," said Committeeman Ap-; in civic enterprises. He has lived in road in order that an accident simi- curred about four hundred feet west and two in Perth Amboy. The five men under arrest are: Committeeman Aquila's suggestion ppleptp e and I tthink that the offi- Sewaren for the Past twentyeightwenty-eight lar to the one that occreoccurredd at SSouto h of the Raritan Junction station. Both was approved by the Mayor and a om Bn Joe Pinelli, ••ventetn, of 77 Juli- ' °J ^ P y should years, durindi g whichih timti e he hah s ini - ElizabetElibthh recentltly be preventedtd, OX Lilt NlctEl ? J(r|^ c* n tfl LUi I'll HI Lll" »ll* ttreet, Hopelawn. he notified and instructed to take, terested himself in the activities of The committee on zoningg reportep d knee?. He was ppronounced dead by BULLETIN care of the condition. various civic and fraternal organi- that the Zoning Commission and the , Dr. Naultyl , off PertPh h AmboyAb . John Johatoa, twenty, of 155 Juli- When arraigned before Com- "The Board of Chosen Freehold-; zations. " | Township Committee are now pre- i William HartzplU the ^ip ette • treet, HspaUwD, mon Pleai Judge John P. Kirk- (•is should bo told about the eondi- He is the commodore of the Se- pared to proceed with nn ordinance ', his report to Yardmaster (". H. Por- John BcnjoU, twentr-tkm, of 389 patrick at New Brnniwick tki* tion of the road," said Mayor Ryan, waren Land and Water Club, pi esi-, pertaining to zoning, and that the sey, of Perth Amboy, said that he Florid* Grove road, H*p«Uwn. morning, the fire pleaded A motion on this was passed. dent of the Sewaren Civic Associa-, ordinance will be introduced as soon , saw the man lying across the tracks Sam Perktl, twenty-two, of 369 ruilty. According to informa- AdTeriite Town tiun, vice-president and trustee cf as possible, but was unable to stop the train be- Florida Grove road, Hopelawn. tion receired from the Protecu- tor'i office, they will b» ien- 'This township has a population the Sewaren Public Library and also The attention of the club was di- ] fore the locomotive and one car Paul Munek, twenty-three, of 87 about 25,000 people," said Com- trustee —and past commodore of the rected to the fact that there are ru-lhftd gone over Bertram's body. The tenced in two week.. mitt Juliette ttreet, Hopelawn. intct-man Aquila, "why not adver- .Sewaren Motor Boat Club mors being circulated to the effect I train, bearing engine number 721, With the exception of Pinrlli and sc it on township stationery?" Mr. Mr. Turner was an activactive member that the Taxpayer's association is was traveling west. The conductor also suggested that signs, of the Woodbridge Fire Company for political. was R. Beltz. Munt'k, nil of the men were arrest- | Saturday Holdup "advertising the town's wares" be many years and has been an honor- It was unanimously ordered that Bertram was the janitor at the i I'ndcr the ruse of lookin,- for em- placed in conspicuous places. Both ary member for several years, He hai it be entered in the minutes that the Keanbey Firphounv. Coroner Mullen ; ployment, two of the men, Joe Pinel- were referred t o thth e playeld d un ImportanI t part in develdl- association is non-political, and that removed the body. Sergeant H. , li and John Johnson entered the pay- Administration committee. oping and maintaining a high stand- j its sole purpose is to further the in- Lauritsen investigated. | master's office at the New Jersey Other Bunnei* aid of efficiency in the fire company, | terests of the taxpayers of the com- j Wood Finishing Plant at An ordinance providing for the and has exercised economy to a large munity. { Woodbridge, Saturday morning. E. L. establishing of a fifty-foot wide extent. A membership committee, mad« • Tin-, the paymaster, was not in the ! office nt the time, but was in another street on Grove avenue between Bar- Several years ago, Mr. Turner pre- up of the following, was appointed: Car "Runs Away"; part of the building. K. M. Chalker ion avenue and Rahway avenue was Pt.nted the Woodbridge company with Thomas H. Moran, Rene A. De Rusy, I iiml Miss Adele Kenna were seated' introduced and passed at the first a modern inhalator, which has been Mrs. Ella Lind, Mrs. Nielsen and i at their desks in the office. rending. A healing on the ordi-, used quite effectively in resuscita- William H. Gardner. The next Lands In Creek : Alter being told by Chalker that nance will be held on Monday, Feb- tion. The inhalator is of the latest meeting of the association will be ; there was no work at the plant, the niarv 2'\.1>:l type, designed by Dr. John Archer, held at the home of the vice-presi Sewaren Man's Coupe Slides nun went out into the hall. At this Continutd on vane fnur surgeon of the New York Fire De- dent, Thomas H. Moran on Prospect point, the phone rang, and Miss Ken- partment. avenue, Woodbridge, February 23. Down Drive, Across Road, na iimni'cted the caller with Mr. Tice Down Embankment Into "•li<> had just finished paying some Anthony A. Aquila of the men in the plant, Mr. Chalker Ferry Addresses Anderson, Dunham And Water — Is Recovered. : noticed the two men lingering in the other members uf the committee. It Q ball. He went out and asked them was linally decided to have the light A Buick coupe, the property of if there WHS anything, he could d« in operation until 1 o'clock.
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