A Complete Bibliography of the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series a Family: 1990–1999

A Complete Bibliography of the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series a Family: 1990–1999

A Complete Bibliography of the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A family: 1990{1999 Nelson H. F. Beebe University of Utah Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB 155 S 1400 E RM 233 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090 USA Tel: +1 801 581 5254 FAX: +1 801 581 4148 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] (Internet) WWW URL: http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/ 27 July 2020 Version 1.02 Title word cross-reference 5th [12]. 7th [164]. A. [294]. Abraham [263]. Abrupt [400]. α [441]. L [68]. p Accelerated [18]. Accident [4]. According [583]. Accounting -Norm [68]. -Stable [441]. [745, 588, 489, 318, 423]. Accounts [224]. Acid [85, 312, 252, 617]. Acquired 1 [48, 604]. 1750 [162]. 18th [649]. 1980s [316, 318, 688, 323, 320, 488, 708, 458]. [424]. 1983 [468]. 1987 [12]. 1990s [113]. Activities [245, 207]. Actuaries [469]. 1992 [343]. 1993 [218]. 1997 [649, 642, 730]. Adaptive [146]. Adelstein [263]. 19th [249]. 19th-Century [249]. 1st [12]. Adjusting [516]. Adjuvant [742]. Adult [716]. Adults [3]. Advanced 2 [598]. 2000 [145]. 2nd [278, 303, 408, 298]. [497, 604, 544, 376, 602, 604]. Advances [571]. Affairs [99]. Affect [718]. After 3rd [297]. [392]. Age [643, 114, 133, 681, 716, 584]. Age-related [584]. Age-Specific [133, 681]. 4 [264]. 1 2 Agency [172]. Agricultural [508]. Attitude [728]. Attitudes Agriculture [187]. AIDS [331, 287, 431]. [517, 164, 288, 124]. Attraction [305]. Aitken [593]. al Attrition [520]. Audit [717]. [743, 748, 749, 744, 739, 740]. Albert [396]. Augmentation [750]. Austin [139, 393]. Alcohol [253, 254, 4, 267]. Algebraic [412]. Author [670, 710]. Authority [103]. Algorithm [557]. Algorithms [531, 306]. authors [710, 754]. Autocorrelated [224]. Alldredge [415]. Allen [229]. Allocation Automated [28]. Auxiliary [678]. [45, 225, 197]. Alsup [527]. Alternative Average [741]. Ayton [475]. [498]. `Alternatives [704, 603]. Altman [44]. America [186]. Among [153, 215]. B [63, 596, 334, 505, 470, 563, 530, 144, 273, Analysing [507, 449]. Analysis 327, 601, 569, 42, 435, 64, 536, 24, 20, 576, [278, 694, 526, 459, 424, 645, 489, 255, 486, 296, 295, 28, 567, 436, 236, 410, 493, 511, 382]. 720, 741, 470, 458, 517, 220, 144, 15, 274, 644, Babies [114]. Back [32, 53, 71, 108, 129, 155, 344, 380, 389, 111, 145, 156, 269, 256, 148, 170, 190, 216, 246, 279, 313, 337, 358, 290, 423, 125, 285, 83, 29, 543, 135, 536, 333, 383, 419, 450, 476, 513, 545, 580, 606, 639, 576, 13, 406, 205, 210, 302, 414, 742, 69, 231, 673, 683, 698, 713, 724, 733, 757]. 521, 523, 413, 422, 573, 493, 531, 415, 440, Backcalculation [319]. Background [77]. 572, 516, 528, 52, 503, 353, 473, 416, 234, 238, Bain [205]. Baines [396]. Bakeman [493]. 66, 529, 272, 241, 296, 571, 434, 102, 98, 506]. Balakrishnan [183, 295, 534, 230]. Analysts [48]. Analytic [448]. Analytical Balanced [224]. Bandit [45]. Bangladesh [375, 357]. Anderson [411, 528]. Annealing [523]. Barker [563]. Barndorff [494, 465]. [101]. Annual [649]. Anonymized [115]. Barndorff-Nielsen [494, 465]. Barnett Ansell [11, 529]. Anthony [140]. Antitar [466, 564, 495, 206]. Barnsley [428]. [86]. Application [52, 483, 366, 488, 415]. Bartholomew [595]. Base [741]. Applications [586, 596, 162, 644, 574, 510, Base-Line [741]. Based [225, 483, 681, 550]. 376, 301, 413, 539, 531, 544, 409, 240, 439, Basic [601]. Basis [482]. Basseville [400]. 273, 400, 509, 266, 436, 531, 276]. Applied Batting [290]. Bayes [128]. Bayesian [25, 471, 437, 517, 235, 503, 473, 380, 296, [473, 237, 184, 526, 92, 682, 746, 644, 722, 210, 302, 445, 446]. Appraisal [80, 43]. 317, 708, 363, 12, 429, 264]. Bayesienne Approach [425, 59, 365, 484, 672, 707, 728, [244]. be [595, 480]. Becker [98]. Before 575, 411, 431, 237, 24, 576, 330]. [392, 162, 88]. Behavioral [229]. Approaches [304, 746, 363, 143]. Behaviour [485, 331, 132, 441]. Approximations [554, 651]. Arbitrary Behavioural [692]. Being' [704]. Belief [738]. Area [484, 672, 731, 519]. Areas [595]. Belle [352]. Benjamin [327, 63, 202]. [103]. Armadale [346]. Armed [45]. Bensaber [64]. Benzecri [231]. Beran Arnold [295]. Arrest [179]. Art [212]. [496]. Berg [401]. Berger [277, 264]. Articles [501]. Artificial [221]. Aspects Bergman [505]. Bernardo [12, 429, 264]. [101, 245, 207, 181, 81, 465, 208, 565]. Best [91, 501, 14, 748, 749]. Between Aspirations [215, 153]. Assessing [93]. [487, 321, 341, 647, 88]. Bias [588]. Bierens Assessment [195, 85, 372, 388, 422]. [497]. Billard [239]. Binary Associated [285]. Associations [647]. [520, 554, 651, 388]. Biologists [100]. Assume [186]. Assumptions [90]. Biology [568]. Biometry [301]. Asymptotics [494]. Atkinson [121]. Atlas Biopharmaceutical [243, 276]. [597]. Atmospheric [543]. Attained [716]. Biostatistical [271]. Biostatistics [352]. 3 Birkes [498]. Bissell [430]. Bivariate [488]. [468]. Breast [483, 742]. Breslow [13]. Bleuse [64]. Bleuse-Trillon [64]. Blind Brian [62]. Britain [685]. Bohrer [371]. Book [706, 461, 361, 27, 597, 331, 211]. British [329, 304, 122, 594, 624, 654, 418, 63, 278, [328, 343, 424, 730, 460, 482, 613, 116, 158, 168, 402, 466, 544, 568, 50, 21, 23, 101, 356, 164, 124]. Brockwell [65]. Brook [164, 124]. 494, 235, 45, 596, 25, 121, 657, 27, 328, 209, Brookmeyer [431]. Brown [402]. 46, 443, 541, 626, 634, 667, 442, 625, 208, 433, Brownlee [261]. BSc [41]. Buckley [207]. 444, 575, 603, 185, 232, 334, 126, 51, 595, 43, Building [719, 761, 107]. Bulmer [351]. 52, 141, 107, 438, 207, 308, 382, 448, 471, 534, Burden [619]. Burdick [265]. Business 632, 267, 633, 655, 105, 411, 503, 437, 532, [596, 578]. Butler [14, 14]. Buuren [169]. 469, 665, 303, 353, 505, 123, 147, 143, 307, Buydens [375]. Byar [201]. Byrne [530]. 408, 409, 430, 470, 473, 239, 432, 563, 660, 298, 404, 530, 407, 144, 162, 635, 68, 31, 375]. C [544, 356, 45, 121, 541, 603, 267, 503, 437, Book 532, 469, 307, 408, 404, 167, 373, 237, 357, [416, 15, 240, 351, 439, 566, 664, 167, 274, 565, 271, 269, 331, 510, 499, 355, 593, 244, 214, 229, 242, 533, 373, 431, 527, 237, 434, 11, 128, 20, 542, 18, 509, 183, 295, 414, 266, 445, 378, 500, 230, 310, 265, 357, 70, 169, 658, 512, 380, 531, 100, 598]. Calculus [376]. Calibration 273, 327, 601, 102, 497, 638, 187, 145, 166, [402]. Campanelli [752, 753]. Campbell 574, 597, 271, 106, 627, 234, 188, 269, 331, [100]. Campion [591]. Can 510, 165, 189, 243, 44, 48, 238, 417, 501, 535, [195, 82, 186, 456]. Cancer [745, 13, 742]. 661, 12, 66, 99, 297, 372, 499, 630, 306, 564, Capital [177]. Care [737]. Careers [37]. 355, 502, 631, 668, 605, 186, 376, 529, 538, 103, Carlo [599, 525]. Case 127, 125, 163, 593, 244, 441, 475, 569, 600, 467, [745, 382, 346, 480, 115]. Case-Study [346]. 429, 104, 579, 16, 19, 29, 332, 543, 435, 629]. Cases Book [85, 312, 252, 323, 478, 616, 708, 705, 723]. [636, 637, 669, 214, 663, 64, 536, 508, 22, 146, Cash [587]. Castillo [122]. Casualties 212, 272, 381, 24, 333, 602, 309, 377, 20, 213, [727]. Categorical [735, 302]. Categories 277, 401, 161, 241, 542, 270, 268, 507, 576, 653, [738]. Catherine [348]. Causal [416, 43]. 301, 578, 628, 13, 296, 98, 400, 18, 540, 509, Causality [181]. CB [228]. CBE [350]. 49, 406, 183, 295, 412, 659, 28, 65, 205, 210, Celebration [25, 121]. Censored [266]. 299, 302, 330, 354, 403, 496, 233, 447, 414, 67, Census [732, 404, 110, 115, 361, 421, 158]. 567, 428, 571, 69, 405, 472, 379, 231, 604, 352, Censuses [351, 157]. Centenary [121]. 266, 495, 17, 436, 47, 236, 164, 206, 211, 311, Centile [682]. Central [172]. Century 184, 264, 335, 410, 445, 446, 498, 504, 599, [2, 249]. Chain [707, 599]. Chakraborti 26, 30, 656, 413, 142, 275, 666, 573, 662, 465]. [297]. Challenge [56]. Challenges [615]. Book [539, 493, 378, 511, 531, 415, 449, 14, Chance [58, 550]. Chandra [8]. Change 440, 537, 570, 124, 276, 474, 100, 598, 572, [389, 457, 505]. Changes [282, 400, 218]. 623, 305, 506, 374, 300, 468, 528, 577]. Changing [27, 727]. Chaos [58, 465]. Bootstrap [300, 239, 435, 374, 577]. Chaotic [441, 539]. Characterization Boreham [399]. Boris [622]. Bose [8]. [334]. Charles [592]. Charts [682]. Bosworth [467]. Bounded [381]. Chatterjee [15]. Chaudhuri [16]. Bourgeois [262]. Bourgeois-Pichat [262]. Chemistry [375, 357]. Chhikara [17]. Bovine [549]. Bowden [99]. Bradford Childhood [3, 705, 723]. Children [364]. [139, 393, 392]. Branching [209]. Braun Choe [416]. Choice [550, 242]. Choices 4 [615]. Choquet [510]. Choquet-Deny Cooper [62]. Coordinate [128]. [510]. Chow [544]. Christian [595, 370]. Coordinate-Free [128]. Correction [760]. Chroniques [64]. Chui [531]. Churchill Correlation [286, 330]. Correspondence [427]. Circular [406]. City [179]. [231]. Corrigendum Clarifying [219]. Clarotti [18]. Class [759, 245, 312, 672, 215, 761, 723]. Cottle [485, 38, 2, 461, 214, 277]. Class-Party [232]. Council [461]. Classical [746]. Classification [648]. [60, 137, 198, 291, 367, 462, 558, 649, 676]. Classifications [676]. Classrooms [188]. Count [741, 344, 456, 504]. Counties [103]. Clayton [432, 752, 753]. Clear [615]. Counting [78, 75, 353]. Countries Cleveland [19, 433]. Clinical [351, 695]. Counts [745, 459, 341]. Course [278, 486, 155, 310, 372, 507]. Clinicians [295]. Courses [173, 174]. Court [478, 64]. [323]. Clogg [499]. Clustering [586]. Courts [80]. Covariate [521]. Covariates Clusters [94, 81]. Codman [717]. [345, 287]. Coverage [46, 361]. Cows [550]. Coefficient [377]. Cofactors [689]. Cox [123, 500, 494, 500]. Creating [157]. Cognitive [92]. Cohen [20, 183, 266, 305]. Credit [648]. Cressie [233]. Cricket [290]. Cohort [13]. Coleman [328]. Collected Crime [613, 89, 339, 113]. Criminal [615]. [647, 468]. Collection [395, 218]. College Criteria [601]. Critical [43]. Critique [490]. Collett [403]. Comments [197]. Crops [23]. Cross [310, 415]. [743, 748, 749, 744, 752, 739, 753, 740].

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