Virginia Radio Smithfield

Virginia Radio Smithfield

Virginia Radio WTVR(AM) -Sep 1926: 1380 khz; 5 kw -U, DA -2. ABC /D, Virginia News, Agrinet. Rep: Savalli /Gates. For- 3314 Cutshaw Ave. (23230). (804) 355 -3217. TWX: mat: C &W. Spec prog: Farm 5 hrs wkly. Donny 710 -956 -0107. Park Broadcasting (group owner; acq Brook, pres & gen mgr, coml mgr, prog dir, mus dir; Les 11- 15 -65). Net: CBS. Rep: Major Market. Format: Allen, news dir; Glenn Lynch, chief engr. Rates: Country. Roy H. Park, pres; William L. Fowler, VP; $3.60; 3.60; 3.60; 3.60. Steven T. Newcombe, gen mgr; Mike Allen, opns mgr; WYTI(AM) 1 David Holt, prog dir; Ron Stauffer, chief engr. -March 31, 1957: 1570 khz; kw -D. Drawer 430 (24151). (703) 483 -9955. WYTI Inc. (acq WDCE(FM) -Sep 3, 1979: 90.1 mhz; 100 w. Ant WTVR -FM- February 1946: 98.1 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 1 -71). Net: MBS. Rep: Keystone. Format: C &W, top -40. 118 ft. Box U. of Richmond Va. Stereo. 85, (23173). 840 ft. Stereo. Prog sep from AM. Net: MBS. Format: Spec prog: Farm 1 1 /4 hrs wkly. William E. Jefferson. (804) 288 -2024. University of Richmond. Format: C &W Marty Youngken, prog dir. WTVR -TV affil. pres, gen & cornl mgr, mus dir; Herbert R. Gardner, Prog, div, new mus. Spec progs: Class 3 hrs, jazz 9 hrs prog dir & chief engr; Joyce W. Gardner, prom mgr & wkly. Linda McBreen, gen mgr; Sam Strauss. chief WXGI(AM) -Oct 1, 1947: 950 khz; 5 kw -D. Box 8872 news dir. Rates: $3.64; 3.64; 3.64; 3.64. engr. (23225). (804) 233 -7666. Radio Virginia Inc. Format: C &W. D.H. Robertson. pres; David M. Wilburn, gen & St. Paul WEET(AM)- September 1955: 1320 khz; 5 kw -D, coml mgr; George Popkins, prog dir. Rates: $13.25; DA -D. Box 11528 (23230). (804) 359-1357. WEET 9.40; 13.25; -. WSPC(AM) -Nov 3, 1981: 1140 khz; 1 kw -D. Box Radio Bcstrs (acq 12- 13 -77). Net: MBS, Virginia. For- 250 (24224). (703) 762 -5595. Yeary Bcstg Inc. For- mat: Btfl mus. Edward Bell, pres; Jon A. Hill, gen WYFJ(FM) -See Ashland. mat: C &W. Lannis Yeary, pres; Mickey Garrett, gen mgr; Denise Carey, come mgr; Mary Claire Yoder, mus sis mgr; Richard Quillen, prog dir; Gerg Dingus, mus dir; Ed Burkhart, chief engr. Rates: $20; 16; 18; -. Roanoke dir; Wilma Kiser, news dir; Lomas McCrackin, chief engr. Rates: $5.25; 5.25; 5.25; 5.25. WEZS(FM) -Dec 23, 1961: 103.7 mhz; 20 kw. Ant WFIR(AM) -June 20, 1924: 960 khz; 5 kw -U, DA -N. 750 ft. Stereo. 121 Wyck St., Suite 300 (23225). (804) Box 150 (24002). (703) 345 -1511. James L. Gibbons Salem 745-2000. Professional Bcstg Inc. (acq 1969). Group (acq 4- 30.77). Net: APR, CBS, Virginia. Rep: owner: EZ Rep: Torbet. Format: Communications. McGavren -Guild. Format: MOR. James L. Gibbons, WJLM(FM) -Co -owned with WRIS(AM) Roanoke. Adult contemp. Arthur Kellar, pres; Wanda Bottiger, pres: Donald W. Cuthrell Jr., gen mgr; Courtenay Car- March 7, 1969: 93.5 mhz; 3 kw. Ant minus 83 ft. gen mgr; Annell Kirkland, gen sis mgr; Sam Church, son, prog dir; Bill Bratton, mus dir; Peter Vieth, news Stereo. Box 6099, Roanoke (24017). (703) 342 -3131. prog J.T. mus dir; Stevens, dir; Robert Stankus, chief dir; Roger Lide, chief engr. WRIS Inc. Net: MBS. Format: Rel. Lloyd Gochenour, engr Rates: 580; 80; 80; 70. pres, gen & coml mgr; Gary E. Cooper. prog dir. WPVR(FM) -owned -Co with WFIR(AM). Nov 1948: Rates: $11.75; 11.75; 11.75; 11.75. WGGM(AM) -See Chester. 94.9 mhz; 100 kw, Ant 1,979 ft. Stereo. (703) 345 -3841. Net: APR. Format: Btfl mus. Nancy Hall. WUEZ(AM) -Sep 7, 1956: 1480 khz; 5 kw -D, DA -D. WFTH(AM) -June 16, 1964: 1590 khz; 5 kw -D. 3122 coml mgr; Jim Cates, prog & mus dir. 709 Bowman Ave. (24153). (703) 387 -1480. George W. Cary St. (23221). (804) 355 -1791. Tidewater Radio Buck Jr. (acq 1- 1 -83). Net: ABC /E. Format: Nostalgia. Show Inc. (acq 6- 14 -82). Group owner: Willis Bcstg WKBA(AM) -(Vinton) Oct 9, 1961: 1550 khz; 10 kw- George Buck Jr., pres; Earl D. Frye, gen & sis mgr, Corp. Rep: P/W Radio. Format: Oldies. L.E. Willis, Sr, D, DA. 2043 10th St., N.E. (24012). (703) 343 -5597. mus dir; James Newman, prog dir; Bruce Roberts, owner; Steve Leonard, prog dir; Robyn Bentley, news Tinker Creek Bcstrs Inc. (acq 2- 1 -83). Rep: Keystone. news dir; Tom Crockett, chief engr. Rates: $20; 18; dir; James M. Grainger Ill, chief engr. Rates: $23; Format: Rel. David H. Moran, pres, gen mgr & prog 20; -. 21; 23; -. dir; J.C. Arney, VP & prom mgr; Karen Eden, mus dir; WKIE(AM) -May 8, 1964: 1540 khz; 10 kw-D, DA -D. Doug Wilson, news dir; Ben Givavdan, chief engr. Saltville 6001 Wilkinson Rd. (23227). (804) 264 -1540. 1540 Rates: $8; 8; 8; 8. Bcstg Corp. (acq 7- 29 -79). Net: MBS, APR. Rep: WKGK(AM) 5, WPVR(FM) -Listing follows WFIR(AM). -Nov 1981: 1600 khz; 5 kw -D. Box Savalli /Gates. Format: Progressive disco, Black. 910 (24370). (703) 496 -5131. Childress of Virginia. James A Carter, gen mgr; Beverly G. Hamler, coml Group owner: Childress Radio. Net: Va Net. Format: WRIS(AM) mgr; Tina Woods, prog dir; Jay Dee Jackson, mus dir; -Feb 28, 1953: 1410 khz; 5 kw-D, DA -D. Country Spec prog: Rel 15 hrs wkly. James B. Chris Cortese, news dir; Jim Grainger, chief engr. 219 Luckett St., N.W. (24017). (703) 342 -3131. WRIS Childress, pres; Suzanne C. Childress, gen mgr; Bob Rates: $18; 16; 18; -. Inc. (acq 5- 9 -64). Net: MBS. Format: Rel. Lloyd Clark, gen sis mgr; Dan Tilson, prog & mus dir; Pam Gouchenour, pres, gen & coml mgr; Gary E. Cooper, Hogston, prom mgr; Bob Marsh, chief engr. Rates: WLEE(AM) -October 1945: 1480 khz; 5 kw -U, DA -2 prog dir, Rates: $5.50; 5.50; 5.50; 5.50. $7; 7; 7; -. (ST- WBBL). Box 8477, 6200 W. Broad St. (23226). (804) 288 -2835. Gilcom Corp. (group owner; acq WJLM(FM) -Co -owned with WRIS(AM). See Salem. 1983). Net: ABC /C. Rep: Blair. Format: MOR, adult Smithfield WROV(AM) -1946: 1240 khz; 1 kw-D, 250 w -N. contemp. Donald W. Cuthrell Jr., gen mgr; Phil Bell. WKGM(AM) -Dec 18, 1974: 940 khz; 10 kw; DA -D. 15th & Cleveland Ave. (24015). (703) 343 -4444. sis mgr; Mike O'Brien, mus dir; Randy Davis, news dir; Box 339 (23430). (804) 357 -9546. WKGM Inc. Group Rates: WROV Bcstrs (acq 6- 11 -55). Net: ABC /C, APR. Rep: Jeff Gulick, chief engr. $31; 21; 25; 19. owner: Vernon H. Baker. Rep: Keystone, Southern Spot Eastman. Format: Adult contemp. Burton L. Levine, Sls. Format: Rel. Spec prog: Farm hrs wkly. Dr. WNWZ(AM) -See Highland Springs. pres and coml mgr; John Gabriel, prog dir; Matt Eakle, 3 Ver- non H. Baker, pres; Larry W VP & mus dir; Joe McKean, news dir; Alfred Beckley, chief Cobb, gen mgr; Paula Narayana, coml mgr; Robbie Stallings, news WRFK -FM -May 1957: 106.5 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 235 engr. Rates: $36; 32: 36; 22. dir; Andy Booth, ft. Stereo & quad. 528 Wilkerson Rd. (23227). (804) chief engr. Rates: $9.50; 9.50; 9.50; -. 264 -2953. Union Theological Seminary in Va. Net: WSLC(AM) -Oct 1, 1940: 610 khz; 5 kw-D, 1 kw -N, NPR, UPI. Format: Class, jazz, ed. Dr. Charles Swann, DA -2. Box 6002 (24017). (703) 387 -0234. Mel gen mgr; Jerry Glass, opns mgr & mus dir; Patty Elmer, Wheeler Inc. (acq 10- 1 -76). Net: NBC. Rep: Katz. For- South Boston community affrs dir: Jim Manning, prom mgr; Sam mat: C &W. Mel L. Wheeler, pres; Henn Reavis, exec Straus, chief engr. VP & gen mgr; Ric Johnson, mus dir & asst opns mgr; WHLF(AM) -Sep 1, 1947: 1400 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 w- Jeff Dickerson, news dir; Reynold Hawk, opns mgr & N. 1210 Porter Ln. (24592). (804) 572 -2988. Halifax WRNL(AM) -Nov 15, 1937: 910 khz; 5 kw-U, DA -N. chief engr. Bcstg Co. Inc. Net: APR, Tobacco. Rep: T -N. Format: 7100 Bethlehem Rd. (23228). (804) 282 -9731. Urban contemp. Spec progs: Black 2 hrs, farm 12 hrs Capitol Bcstg Co. of Va Inc. (acq 12- 3 -81). Group WSLO(FM) -Co -owned with WSLC(AM). Nov 1, wkly. John L. Cole Jr., pres: Preston Young Jr., gen owner: Capitol Bcstg Co. Net: ABC /I. Rep: Katz. For- 1947: 99.1 mhz; 200 kw. Ant 1,990 ft. Stereo. Prog sep mgr; Jim Chandler, sr sis rep; Ross Garrett, mus dir; mat: C &W. Jim Goodman. pres; Claire Shaffner, gen from AM. Net: ABC /R. Format: Adult contemp. Len Nick Long, sports dir: Kenneth Cranford. news dir; mgr; Tom Kennedy, gen sis mgr; Dick Grant, prog dir; Wheeler, stn mgr. John L Cole III, chief engr. Rates: $5.25; 5.25; 5.25; Tyler Cox, news dir; George Oberto. Rates: $65; 40; 5.25. 55; 35. WTOY(AM) -April 1957: 910 khz; 1 kw -D, DA -D. 26 E. Church Ave. (24011). (703) 343 -5545. Roanoke WJLC -FM -Co -owned with WHLF(AM). Oct 1, 1960: WRXL(FM) -Co -owned with WRNL(AM). March 4, Valley Bcstg Inc. (acq 5- 31 -79). Net: Sheridan. Rep: 97.5 mhz; 29 kw. Ant 300 ft. (804) 575 -5030. Stereo. 1949: 102.1 mhz; 140 kw.

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