
TAXONOM1C- LINGUISTIC STUDY OF PLANTAIN IN AFRICA Proefschrift ter verkrijging van degraa d van Doctor opgeza g van deRecto r Magnificus van de Landbouwuniversiteit Wageningen dr. CM. Karssen in het openbaar te verdedigen opdinsdag21 april 1998 des namiddags te dertien uur dertig in de Aula door Gerda Rossel geboren te Vorden in 1951 CENTHALE LANDBOUWCATALOGUS 0000 0751 6954 Promotiecommissie: Promotores: Dr. ir. L.J.G. van derMaese n Hoogleraari n dePlantentaxonomie , Landbouwuniversiteit Wageningen. Dr. Th.C. Schadeberg Hoogleraari n de AfrikaanseTaalkunde , Rijksuniversiteit Leiden. Co-promotor: Dr. ir. A.C. Zeven Voormalig Universitair Hoofddocent, Vakgroep Plantenveredeling. Landbouwuniversiteit Wageningen. BJELIOTHFEK lANDBOliWlJNIVERSITEIT WAGENINGEN lM$ol?£>\ , ^r^ TAXONOMIC-LINGUISTIC STUDYO FPLANTAI NI N AFRICA GERDAROSSEL Research SchoolCNW S School ofAsian ,Africa n andAmerindia nStudie s Leiden,Th eNetherland s 1998 Ujv\ cx^HOS'l CNWS PUBLICATIONS VOL. 65 CNWS PUBLICATIONS is produced by the Research School CNWS, Leiden University, The Netherlands. Editorial board: R.A.H.D. Effert; K. Jongeling; J. de Moor; F.E. Tjon Sie Fat; W.J. Vogelsang (editor in chief) All correspondence should be addressed to: Dr. W.J. Vogelsang, editor in chief CNWSPublications , c/o Research SchoolCNWS ,Leide n University, PO Box 9515, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands. Gerda Rossel Taxonomic-linguistic study of plantain in Africa / GerdaRossel . - Leiden: Research School CNWS. - (CNWSpublications , ISSN 0925-3084 ; vol. 65) Also publ. as thesis Wageningen Agricultural University, 1998. - With ref. ISBN 90-5789-004-6 Subject heading: Botany; linguistics; Africa. Cover: Musaparadisicaca L., illustrationb yA . vande r Laani nC . Linnaeus 1736. Musa cliffortiana florens Hartecampiprope Harlemum, by courtesy of the Rijksherbarium, Leiden. Cover design: Nelleke Oosten Printing: Ridderprint, Ridderkerk ® Copyright 1998, Research School CNWS, Leiden University, The Netherlands Copyright reserved. Subject to the exceptions provided for by law, no parto f thispublicatio n may be reproduced and/or published in print, by photocopying, on microfilm or inan y other way without the written consent of the copyright-holder(s); the same applies to whole or partial adaptations. The publisher retains the sole right to collect from third parties fees in respect of copying and/or take legal or other action for this purpose. Auxpay sarnies qfricaines Uwishimyeinturo atera urutoki Quies tconten td eso ndomain eplant eun ebananeraie ' (proverbekinyaRwanda) . TABLE OF CONTENTS Resume i Abstract ii Samenvatting iii Acknowledgements v Abbreviations viii Orthography x PART I.PREFAC E 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Objectives 3 1.3 Methodological considerations 4 1.4 Workinghypothesi s 7 PART II.OUTLINE S 11 2.1 Taxonomy- Musa 11 - Ensete 15 - Plantain 18 2.2 Uses 23 - Ensete 24 - Musa 29 2.3 History 41 - Ensete 42 - Musa 44 PART III.DIVERSIT Y 53 3.1 Introduction 53 3.2 Distributiono fplantai n cultivars 61 3.3 Distribution ofbanan acultivar s 87 PART IV.VERNACULA RNAME S 99 4.1 Introduction 99 4.2 Previousstudie so fvernacula rmus aname s 101 4.3 Musaname s 106 4.3.1 Genericname s 107 4.3.2 Nameso fplantai nbunc htype s 130 4.3.3 Cultivarname s 137 4.3.4 Nameso fpart so fth emus aplan t 150 4.3.5 Spreado fcultiva rname si nWest-Centra l Africa 156 PART V. SYNTHESIS 173 5.1 Taxonomical evidence 173 5.1.1 Synopsis ofplantai n cultivars 173 5.1.2 Plantain expansion in Africa 183 5.2 Historical evidence 188 5.3 Linguistic evidence 196 5.4 Conclusions 214 5.4.1 Summary 214 5.4.2 Recommendations 222 Literature 227 Curriculum vitae 277 Appendices A: Plantain cultivarsi n easternAfric a 8 p. B: Plantain cultivarsi n West-Central Africa 46p . C: Bananacultivar si n easternAfric a 18 p. D: Bananacultivar si n West-Central Africa 14 p. List ofillustrations : 2.a Plantainbunc htype s 19 3a Locationo flanguage sa smentione di n tables3. 1an d3. 2 55 3b Zoneso fBant u languages 56 3c Plantainzone si n easternAfric a 68 5.a Bantulanguage san dthei rgeneri cname sfo rplantai n 211 5b Genericplantai nname san dthei rdistributio n 212 5c Genericname sfo rhighlan d bananasan dthei rdistributio n 213 List oftables : 2.1 Thetaxonomi cpositio n ofenset ean dmusa , includingplantai n 17 2.2 Suggested placesan dtime so fintroductio n ofmus ai n Africa 47 3.1 List ofcountries ,language san dplace svisite d during fieldwork in easternAfric a 54 3.2 List ofcountries ,language san dplace svisite d during fieldwork in W.C. Africa 57 3.3 List ofdescriptor san dthei rabbreviation s 62 3.4 Distribution ofplantai ncultivar si n easternAfric a 64 3.5 Distribution ofplantai nbunc htype si n easternAfric aan dnumber s ofcultivar sdisplayin gth emai n descriptors 66 3.6 Distribution ofplantai nbunc h typesi n easternAfric a 69 3.7 Plantain cultivarsi n (West-)Central Africa 74 3.8 Distribution ofplantai n bunchtype si n West-Central Africaan d numberso fcultivar sdisplayin gth emai n descriptors 80 3.9 Distribution of plantain bunchtype si n West-Central Africaan d numberso fcultivar s 82 3.10 Distribution ofplantai ncultivar si n Ghana,Venezuel aan d Colombia 84 3.11 Lengtho f growingcycl e(days )o fsom eplantai ncultivar si n Gabon 86 3.12 Distribution ofbanan acultivar si n easternAfric a 88 3.13 Vernacularname so fbanan acultivar si n theComoros ,an d onZanziba ran dPemb a 90 3.14 Bananaswit h acyanicma le bud s 91 3.15 Distribution ofbanan acultivar si n West-Central Africa 94 3.16 Numberan ddistributio n ofmus acultivar si neaster nAfric a 96 4.1 Originan ddistributio n ofth eprincipa l namesfo rth e fruits/crop andfo rth estem/plan to fplantai n 120 4.2 "Plantain"an d "Banana"name si n in South Americaan dWes t Africa 129 4.3 West Africanname sfo rFals eHor nan dFrenc hplantain s 130 4.4 "Gbeke" musaname si n north-eastCongo(-K. ) 134 4.5 Malean d "female"mus aname si n Bantu languages 136 4.6 "Male"name sfo rFrenc hplantain s 136 4.7 Origin, domain, distribution and semantics ofmus a cultivar namesi n Africanlanguage s 149 4.8 Namesfo r'mus a hand' in Sabakilanguage san dpossibl e (folk-?)etymological relations 155 4.9 Distribution andorigi n ofgeneri cname so fmusa ,maize , cassavaan dgroundnu ti n Baka,Ngombe ,Benjele , Mikaya, Lumaan dKol a 160 4.10 Distribution andorigi n ofmus acultiva rname si nBaka , Ngombe,Benjele , Mikaya,Lum aan dKol a 162 5.1 Distribution ofplantai n cultivarsi n Africa,Madagascar , some islandsi n theIndia nOcea nan dIndi a 176 5.2 Namesfo rFrenc han dHor nplantain si n theSabak ilanguage s 198 5.3 Pathwayso fsprea do fplantai n namesi n East Africa (north-easterninterior ) 202 5.4 Musaname si n non-BantuEas tAfrica nlanguage s 203 5.5 Relativetime-scal ean ddirectio n ofsprea do fmus a namesi n Tanzania's interior 205 5.6 Distribution andsprea do fmus aname si nwestern , centralan dsouther nTanzani a 206 5.7 Distribution andsprea do fmus aname si nZambi a 206 RESUME Gerda Rossel. 1998. Etude taxonomique et linguistique du plantain en Afrique. Thesed edoctorat , UniversiteAgronomique ,Wageninge n (PaysBas) . 277p . La banane plantain est une banane a cuire (Musa spp. groupe AAB (Musacees)) et unede sprincipale s culturesvivriere sdan sle sregion s forestieres d'Afrique centralee t occidentale. La plante est d'origine Asiatique, mais elle a sa plus grande diversite genetiquee nAfrique . Commei l s'agitd'u n hybrideinterspecifiqu e et triploide deMusa balbisiana et d'uneo u plusieures sous-especesd eM. acuminata, laplant ees t sterilee tn epeu t etre multiplieequ epa rvoi eclonale ,raiso npou rlaquell el'amelioratio n genetiqued e cette banane est tres difficile. Une meilleure connaissance de ses origines genetiques est necessaire, car l'identification des sous-especes parentales permettra de les utiliser dansl'amelioratio n del aplante .Malheureusement , laconnaissanc ed el'histoir e de la banane plantain est tres defaillante. Ses origines (genetique, geographique et historique) en Asie ne sont pas connues en detail, pas moins que son histoire en Afrique (temps, agents et voies d'introduction, voies de diffusion et diversification genetique). Etant des plantes herbacees, les bananiers ne laissent pas des traces archeologiques.E n plus, lessource shistorique squ i fontmentio n decett eplant eson t rares.L eseu l materiel anotr edispositio n qui pourra nous donner des indices sur le passe de la banane plantain est de nature contemporaine. Ce materiel consiste des cultivarse tde snom svernaculaires ,leur sorigines ,leu rdistributio n etleu r diffusion. Cette etude nous ammene aussi a l'ethnobotanie, c'est a dire l'etude d'autres plantes,parentee so u non, qui ont desmeme scharacteristique smorphologique set/o u des memes usages et qui ont, a cause de cela, des memes noms vernaculaires. D'autres aspects a considerer sont les conditions ecologiques dans les differents regions ou la bananeplantai n est cultive, ainsi que les economies et les histoires (culturelles)de speuple scultivan tcett eplante . Un probleme de nature purement taxonomique est la classification et la nomenclature des cultivars de banane plantain. Comme ce probleme n'a pas ete resolu de maniere satisfaisante jusqu'a maintenant, des propositions a cet effet sont presenteesici . Le dernier objectif de cette etude est d'explorer les possibility d'une approche plutot multidisciplinaire de l'histoire des plantes cultivees. L'ultime objectif est qu'une meilleure connaissance de cette histoire profite d'autres disciplines comme l'agronomie, l'ethnobotanie, la taxonomie botanique, et l'histoire agronomique, economiquee tculturell ede speuples . pr ABSTRACT GerdaRossel. 1998.Taxonomic-linguisti cstud y ofplantai n in Africa. PhD Thesis, Agricultural University, Wageningen (TheNetherlands) .27 7p . Keywords: Musa spp., musa, Ensete spp., plantain, banana, cultivars, history, Africa, taxonomy, linguistics, ethnobotany, classification, nomenclature, crop history.
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