ARCHIVES OF TOURISM, HOSPITALITY AND SPORT SCIENCE Volume 2 Year 2017 Aims & Scope The biannual journal Archives of Tourism, Hospitality and Sport Science is an international, scholarly, and refereed periodical aiming to promote and further ATHSS research in the fields of tourism, hospitality, recreation and physical education. The journal is published is addressed by Vincent both Polto membersUniversity of in the Lublin, scholarly Poland. community dealing with tourism, hospitality, recreation and sport science, as well as business ATHSS aims at creating a platform where representatives of all aforementioned sciences are able to exchange their practitioners and professionals. developments, as well as to share their insights in hands-on and case-based knowledge and experience,Archives disseminateof Tourism, Hospitality research findings,and Sport achievements Science welcomes and original, conceptual or empirical research papers, book reviews, conference reports. The journal reports,The scope case of studies, the research and letters presented to the ineditor. ATHSS papers are subject to double blind peer review by the members of the Editorial is international. All submitted featuring new ideas, tendencies, predictions, hypotheses and achievements Board and qualified international reviewers. Of special interest are submissions within the fields of hospitality, tourism, recreation and physical education as well asThe related submitted areas relevantmanuscripts to scholars are andaccepted professionals for publication in these fields. based on the views expressed in the submitted texts are entirely those of the authors and not necessarilyrecommendations of the Editorial obtained Board in an and anonymous Staff of Archives review of Tourism,process. Hospitality However, andthe Sport Science . Criteria for evaluating submissions include the suitability of their Tocontent, ensure significance, professional conceptual integrity, focus,the journal clarity follows of presentation, strict policies and onquotation unethical of credible sources. Negative reviews are made available to submitting authors. activities related to publication of research results. Editorial Board Editor-in-Chief: Jan Buraczyński Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Radosław Dolecki Members: Wojciech Czarny (VPU Lublin), Ewa Czarniecka-Skubina (SGGW), Leopold Dolecki (VPU), Józef Grochowicz (SGTiR Warszawa), Marian Harasimiuk (VPU), Monika Hurba (VPU), Witold Kłaczewski (VPU), Krzysztof Łopaciński (SGTiR Warszawa), Mariusz Korczyński (VPU), Franciszek Midura (VPU), Aleksander Panasiuk (US), Andrzej Pawłowski (VPU), Krzysztof Perkowski (AWF Warszawa), Kazimierz PękalaInternational (VPU), Aleksander Scientific Committee Ronikier (AWF Warszawa) Andriy Bogucki Peter Čuka, University of Presov, Slovakia, Sibel Sü Eröz Chung Jee Fenn , Ivan Franko NationalTatiana University Krutsevych of Lviv, Ukraine, Physical Education and Sport, Ukraine, Marta, Kirklareli Malska University, Turkey, University, BERJAYAof Lviv, Ukraine, UCH, Malaysia, David Ng Kok Manug , National UniversityAgnieszka of Mikolajczyk Chris Ong , Ivan Franko National Sharina Puteh Sudipta Sarkar, KLMUC, Malaysia, Laurentiu-Gabriel, BERJAYA Talaghir UCH, Malaysia, , BERJAYA KaplanUCH, Malaysia, Uğurlu, , KLMUC, Malaysia,Marek Więckowski , BERJAYA UCH, Malaysia, , University of Galati, Romania, Kirklareli University, Turkey, , Polish Academy of Sciences – ScientificContact information Center in Paris Website: www.athss.vpu.edu.pl E-mail: [email protected] Vincent Pol University Address: Choiny 2 20-816 Lublin, Poland Linguistic editor: Małgorzata Płaska © Copyright by Vincent Pol University in Lublin, Poland ISSN: 2451-5124 Archives of Tourism, Hospitality and Sport Science CONTENTS S.V. Bilous Strategic directions of preserving tourist resources in Ukraine Leopold Dolecki, Radosław Dolecki ....................... 5 Tatars in the Lublin region Nataliya Hanych, Oksana Hatalyak ................................................................................................. 19 Modern trends of the hotel and restaurants business development in Ukraine Monika Hurba, .................................................................................................................................. Elżbieta Moskal 31 of natural assets in the Lublin region Significance of realization of eu protection of biodiversity for preservation Waldemar Jurkiewicz ............................................................................ 45 Investment decisions in the financial market in view Dmytroof behavioral Kadnichansky finances ........................................................................................................ 61 State of conservation and use in tourism of castles and palaces in the Transcarpathian region Anna Khovalko, Sofia Belous .......................................................................................... 75 Landscape mapping of Podillia underground systems for tourism purposes Tatiana Krutsevych, Natalia ............................................................................................................ Panhelova 89 and types of recreational activities Contemporary approaches to the classification of means Natalia Pankiv ................................................................................ 97 and their use Tourist resources of small historical towns of Ivano-Frankivsk region Andrzej Pawłowski ............................................................................................................................ 105 and cultural values in tourism Puławy Caves as an example of integration of natural Jan Paweł Piotrowski ........................................................................................ 123 SmallTaras townsZavadovski in the Lubelskie Region as stopovers in a journey ........................ 137 Image city of lviv as the cultural capital of Ukraine ................................................ 151 Archives of Tourism, Hospitality and Sport Science – Vol. 2 Year 2017 4 StrateGic directions of preservinG tourist resources in UKraine S.V. Bilous Abstract We have outlined strategic directions of tourism development. Modern tendencies of strategic development of tourism are investigated. The dynamic of tourist streams within 2000-2015 are given, on the base of circular graphs we haveThe approaches introduced tothe studying part of arriving the concept and departureof “permanent tourists development”, and sightseers. “strategy of development” are summarized. The purpose of tourism and its influence on reserving and state of tourist resources are mentioned. Legislative base pointedof tourist which industry experience has been we needanalyzed. to follow There in areorder given to form positive effective tendencies system of the development of tourist industry of the country. A set of countries is of preserving and recreating tourist resources. Strategic priorities of the development of tourist industry are determined. International strategic Strategicdirections directions of the development of the state ofpolicy tourist in theindustry industry have of beentourism summarized. have been outlinedThe main and problems prospects of theof the development development of touristof tourist industry industry are in characterized. Ukraine have been grounded, too. The state and reasons are being analyzed that prevent the development of tourism in Ukraine. Dangers of not regulated development of tourist industry have been grounded with certain examples. Certain suggestions regardingKeywords: preserving strategic of directions, tourist resources permanent are offered. development, tourist industry, rational usage, tourist resources and tourist streams. Archives of Tourism, Hospitality and Sport Science – Vol. 2 Year 2017 5 S.V. Bilous Introduction Thanks to successful location Ukraine has big advantages in tourist industry, as it is situated in the European continent which is visited by 51% of all tourists on the planet every year. By Yu.Klymenko’s words, who is a deputy of the StrategicMinister ofdirections Economics in tourist and Trade industry of Ukraine, of our country it is forecasted are to provide that by inculcating 2030 the amount of international tourist visits will increase up to 1,8 million tourists. development of tourist industry in such strategic directions is caused by the factthe tendencythat development of permanent of tourism industry according development to the in world Ukraine. experience Necessity we in need the to take over clearly, direct in the correct way so that it won’t cause incorrigible consequences for ecology, culture and social development. Unfortunately, offinancial tourists and that military-political have visited our countrycrisis in for Ukraine the last connectedyears and thewith number Russian of aggression as statistic asserts, have substantially influenced the number tourists that have gone abroad has considerably increased. However, even 12 428 000 tourists, who visited Ukraine during 2015, made their influence on theThat state is why of ecology, we should nature develop as well asstrategic social and directions cultural development.of this industry from the point of view of the greatest possible maintenance of tourist resources. speedingAccording up to economic the results development of scientists’ remains estimation, at an touristimproper resources level that of requiresUkraine aren’t used efficiently enough. Their investment return and contribution in immediate actions at legislative as well as practical levels. Analysis
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