Police SeekiM Leada Indwirial Pdrk Work California Firm Leader Brewerg Sweep Yanksf In Weekend Stabbing Will Take Town a Year In Shale Oil Expertise Red Sox Top Rangers Page 3 Page 3 Page 10 Page 11 iianrl)PBtpr Sunny Today, Continued Hot -I- Detalla on pago 2 Kennelly Quits Vol. XCVIII, No. 254 — Mancheater, Conn., Monday, July 30.1979 a A Family NEWSpaper Since 1881 • 20t Single Copy • 15t Home Delivered HARTFORD - Democrat James Kennelly, who served two terms ds Speaker of the House, h u resigned in the middle of a two-year term as a state Inmates Release Hostages representative from Hartford. Kennelly, who represents the WALPOLE, Mass. (UPI) - tion to living conditions and the treat­ in effect, but declined to elaborate were released tired and shaken got them laying down now,” said first district, has been a state Walpole State Prison returned to a ment of visitors by prison officials. further. Spokesmen at the state shortly after midnight from the hospital spokeswoman Mary representative since 1(67. "normal” routine today, less than A guard at the state’s only Corrections Department were not prison’s old death row cellbiock Hathaway. She said some of them surprtsa He has served one term as eight hours after inmates released maximum security prison said the immediately available for comment. where they had been held. None of complained of being kicked and lard ship Deputy Majority Leader, and two five hostages they had held at knife facility had returned to a “normal The five hostages, including the hostages were seriously injured, punched. oking on terms as S ^ k e r of the House, a point for more than 10 hours in reac­ routine” and no general lockup was Sufierintendent Fred Butterworth, according to corrections spokesmen. “One man said he has pain where position he lost to Democrat Butterworth had voluntarily he was kicked. A couple of others Ernest Abate earlier this year. exchanged himself for one of the said they were bruised and one said Kennelly is currentiy the hostages who had been overpowered he has chest pains,” she said. Majority Leader At Large of the during a scuffle with inmates inside Max Stern, an attorney who has House of Representatives. the sweltering cellbiock where represented some of the inmates, He is married to Barbara B. temperatures were reported to be 95 was called to the prison by the in­ Kenneily, who is Secretary of degrees. mates to help in the negotiations. State. “It’s over, and evetybooy’s fine,” “The inmates feel that this was at Kenneliy is a practicing at­ said Robert Palmer, Chairman of the least a partial victory for them,” he torney in Hartford. Governor’s Advisory Commission on said. • He made the announcement this Corrections. Palmer walked out of “I was in there for most of the day. morning at the State Capitol. the prison at 12:20 a.m. EDT to an­ Luckily we were able to defuse the nounce that the hostages had all been situation without any incident.” released. Walpole, the state’s largest Corrections Department maximum security institution Carbone Backed spokesman Larry Parnell said located about 25-miies south of between 20 and 30 inmates, some ap­ Boston, has been the scene of riots e - HARTFORD (UPI) - Hartford parently wielding homemade knives, several times during the past decade. Deputy Mayor Nicholas Carbone took the hostages at about 2 p.m. Within the past few years more than has won a key endorsement from The hostages, which includefl four 20 prisoners have been killed. the Democratic Town Committee guards, were taken by the inmates Stern said the inmates drew up a in the city’s race for mayor. after a fight with prisoners inside list of demands concerning visitation The group’s seiection com­ cellbiock No. 9, the prison’s old death rights and prison conditions. Most of mittee voted 7-2 Sunday to support row which now serves as the protec­ the prisoners involved are protective Carbone over incumbent tive custody section. custody inmates. Democratic Mayor George Athan- None of the hostages were reported About seven hours after the stand­ son. to be seriously injured. One was off began the inmates demanded Anthanson, however, is stiil treated for a head laceration and that a television camera crew be expected to win backing from another complained of chest pains. allowed inside the facility to Democratic Town Chairwoman All the hostages were taken to near­ "witness the signing of an Dorothy Quirk when the fuli town by Norwood Hospital. agreement.” committee meets Wednesday to “They’re all uptight. We’ve just endorse a candidate. A primary appears certain to determine the party’s contender Armed inmates at the maximum security Butterworth, left, who had exchanged on the November baliot. Walpole, Mas., State Prison eary Monday himself for one of the hostages, talks with ac­ released the last of five hwstage pri^n ting Massachusetts Correctional Com­ Body Identified employees they had been hold at knifepoint missioner Larry Meachum, right, after his New Meeting since Sunday afternoon inside the facility’s release. (UPI photo) old death row. Prison Warden Fred As Missing Hiker :h a n q e ] HARTFORD (UPI) - Gov. Ella OMM. Grasso and others who met with President (barter during his Camp MANCHESTER - State police woods and follow the trail. They David sojourn flew to Washington said today a body t>eiieved to that tagged another road before finding today for a iuncheon meeting with Town-District to Meet of a local man missing since May 12 their parked car along Route 41. In the president. was found Sunday morning in a all, Mrs. Hardy said, they hiked Mra. Grasso said she expected heavily wooded area one mile north between six and seven miles from the the White House get together to of the Connecticut state line in spot of the discovery to their car. iast “for severai hours.” She said southwestern Massachusetts. She said she notified state police in Carter wants to "review those ac­ ir Sewer Pact The body, which was badly decom­ Salisbury, who went to the scene with tions he has taken and plans to posed, was tentatively identified as the Hardys, Massachusetts state Alexander Kochin, 34, of 298 Oak St. police and a Massachusetts medical take.” By GREG PEARSON ’The meeting is set for 7 p.m. attempted to provide service in the ’The governor met briefly with Kochin had been on a hiking trip in examiner. They used four-wheel Wednesday at the Eighth District’s district’s area, he said. legislative leaders in her ^pitol Herald Reporter "He’s just going to brief us on the Salisbury, Conn, and was reported drive vehicles to get back to the MANCHESTER - The town’s firehouse, 32 Main St., Jay Giles, missing by his parents when he failed body. office before leaving for director of public works, said. sewer agreement,” (iordon Lassow, Washington. The Legislature director of public works will meet to arrive at a pre-arranged meeting Upon discovering the body, Mrs. Giles will explain the sewer agree­ district president, said of the reconvened in special session Wednesday with representatives of place. Hardy said, “we knew that this kid ment between the two towns to dis­ meeting. “We don’t know anything today. the Eighth Utilities District to dis­ The body was discovered by a had been missing since May” and trict officials at the Wednesday ses­ about it.” cuss a sewer agreement that has Lassow said he will invite the dis­ Manchester couple, Mr. and Mrs. assumed it was Kochin. been the cause of another sion. Gerald Hardy of 74 Avondale Road. In fact, she said, her husband had South Windsor fears that the trict’s attorney and a couple of other Stock Market Manchester-South Windsor dispute. members of the District Board of Mrs. Hardy said this morning she received several calls from Kochin’s ’The two towns have worked out an Eighth Distrcit could prevent the in­ and her husband were on an over­ mother, Mayvon, since the man’s dis­ stallation of sewer lines in the area Directors to the meeting. He does not NEW YORK (UPI) - Prices agreement to accept sewage from expect a quorum for the session, he night camping trip in the northwest appearance and Mrs. Kochin asked each other in those areas where over which it maintains authority. opened mixed today in active said. corner of Connecticut in preparation them to be on the lookout for her son trading of New York Stock geography and topography make it This could disrupt the two-town for a Newfoundland trip. whenever they were hiking. sewer agreement that eventually Information discussed at the ses­ Ehcchange issues. easier to send sewage to the other sion will be presented to the entire She said they came down Mt. The Hardys are experienced hikers The Dow Jones industrial town. If sewage has to travel uphill, could affect the pumping of sewage Frissell Saturday looking for water and Mr. Hardy is president of the Ap­ from the Buckland Industrial Park board August 20 at its regular average, which finished un­ it must be pumped, which is an meeting, Lassow said. and decided to camp for the night. palachian Mountain Club. changed Friday, was off 1.53 expensive process. and the Buckland Commons project. After breaking camp the following Kochin was reported missing after Giles, though, has maintained that Lassow said he does not see any points to 838.22 shortly after the South Windsor is concerned, reason for the public or the press to morning, she said, they headed out he went hiking on the Appalachian opening.
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