. ' \ VAUXHALL VICTOR I Canada's .Import ' THE DAILY NEWS No. 142 THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., MONDAY, JUNE 20, 1960 (Price. 7 Cents) Charles Hutton &Sons President Eisenhower Receives Ecstatic Welcome In Seoul * · ·End !5 l.n Si~ht ,Demonstrating Crowds For K1sh1 Reg1me1Meet Him In Okinawa By GENE KRAMER 1 ratification documents on the new Kishi to drop out now. TOKYO TAP-The end is in' U.S.·Japan security alliance, pro- Masses of neutral-minded non- By John SCALI sight for the a•;,. year regime of· viding for U.S. bases in Japan for Communist workers, students and SEOUL, South Korea AP-A million cheering 1 Premier Nobusuke Kishi. at least another decade. intellectuals h a v t joined Red Koreans Sunday ecstatically welcomed President Eisen­ It may come next week or next' PLEDGE TO FULFIL demonstrati1ms because the dem- month or later, but the si~ns are: The 64-year-old premier him- i onstrations are, above ell. anti· how~r to Seoul-the final slop of his bobtailed Asian , there. • self says he will consider quitting . Kishi. good will tour. The greeting wos so intense his motor­ [ once he has fulfilled his pledge to! KISHI SCAPEGOAT Eve_n before _he was forced by sec the new treaty into force. The~ "Kishi has become a ~cape­ cade was sidetracked. i ~eft-wmg_ ag1tahon ,to c~n_cel r:1:es: exchange of documents· perhaps, goat," Shinoda Sf!id, "He has Eisenhower was fresh from on anti-American . 1dent F:1senhower s 1'1SJt, K1sh11 will be held June 27 or 28 in · taken on his· shoulders the hate demonstration in Okinawa, a stopover on his flight here ! was , slowly ?eing ~~s~rtcd by I Tokyo, . · ! a g a i 0 s t conservatives, hate from for_mosa. - the Conscrvahve pollhcmns wh? I . 1 fll(ainst America. against every- made lum the leader. of the rull·, . K~s~J ohnously 15 b~com!ng 11: thing. When Kishi goes, our party A snake-dancing mob of 1,500 Okinawans taunted mg Liberal-Democratic party. I hab1hty to Conservahve mdus- 1 will have a new leader and with him at Naha on the Pacific island, a big American In disclosing Friday that a par- tl'ialists. financing the Liberal-! that lot of the hate will go • d T D d 11 airbase, although most of the 150,000 spectators ap­ .wo e a liamcntary election will be called IDemocrats, who 'need a stable I awar." FIn soon, ~ibernl·D~~ocrati~ s~okes- .Japan to sell l~e1r p~oducts: 1 The leading candidate to hr the plauded and cheered him. man Kosaku Shmoda md1cated j The two maJor b1g busmcss new premier is Conserratire Har- U.S. Marines with fixed bayonets help Okinawan that in his opinion Kishi will re- groups, the employen and the ato Ikeda, Kishi's minister of in· 1 police keep the demonstratprs under control. I ~gO ShO:~:~tC.r the CXChangC Of • management 3SSOciatiOnS, W3nt i ternational trade, , er as h It was the President's first glimpse of the fana'ic In Plarie ! left wing demonstrations of the kind that forced the \'\1. M liR, (~liP. 'l'l' - .\ scn~Cl' Dan Lu~lothe of Rouyn, and Was 1as t identified about R L H 'Speed Record cancellation of his visit to Japan. h.,d:r . hrm>cd and cxhau:;tcd Que .. w!15 h c 1 i eve rl killed In- 11:20 p.m. Thursday. The wreck- ed e-ad e· rs 0 ld yoJn: rlicr battled eight miles stantlv in the crash. ;Jge was discovered Saturday in The Korean greeting wa~ a wild· aroun!l Ei>cnholl'rr's 11 ai>l to thrmi~h c1rn'r underbrush in a Reid, 2t, is in hospital I'CCOI'er·, 1·u~g~d bush and lake country, PITLOCHRY, Scotland rAP ) · and frenzied climax to the day., keep him from fall inc. b:·a,r a\lt•mpt to 53\'C a dying ing from shock, se\'ere exposure,' about fil'e miles 'southeast of the Talks In Romanl·a -Some wool growing on six Frantic security agents, fight· ")lansei! Lon• li•e .. roared companion in the charrcc1 wreck- brui>es and n u m e r o us insect airfield. 1 Scottish sheep Saturday be- ' ing to control the surging sea of. the crowd. " ' A:r of a small plane. bites. His condition was l'eported At leas! t4 air force and ch•ilian : came a jacket that was worn 1 humanity, detoured the presi·: One man reached into Ekcn- . ;.f Co-pilot .John Reid of Hudson. good. · planes, inc I u ding Dakotas, 3 ; , by a Scottish gentleman six 1 dent's car through a side street; hower';; car and ~rabhed him hr -- .. 1 ... Que . ;;tumbled into a tire lookout POOR VISIBILITY Canso and helicopters, along wi~h ' BUCHAREST, Romania meut-[ Ochab, former first secretary of' hours and ten minutes later. Ito ke~p him from being mobbed. the right hand. Startled, Eben- post ('arty Saturday to seek med- The plane, owned by La~lothe, grou_nd teams, had_ no ~uccess m er,-High-ranking European and the Polish party. A Hungarian' The sheep-to-gentleman op- Pohce and troops parted the howcr shook hands with him. ira! aid for injured rete ran pilot who headed a construction com·: a Wide search unhl RCld walked Chinese Communist leaders_ in· Idelegation under Janos Kadar 1 eration is a world speed rec- 1' crow_d and li~erally pushed ~he The Kor~an. however, refused Wall\· ~lcBroom. 33, of Pointe pa111·, was r~turning from :'llont- ~out of the bush . ..I eluding Soviet Premier Khrush· and Bulgarian delegation led by; ord, said breeders, shearer~. car mto the s1de street. The hm·. to loosen h1s grip ..James J. Row­ flalre. Que. Their twin • engine real on a 320 • mile flight .to [ Saturday RCAr lo.wered a res- chev-assembled hl\l'e sunday for Iparty leader Tudor Shovkov are I wea\·ers and tailors. I ousine finally made it to the U.S. ley, head of the White House ,e !'uper Beechcraft crashed Thur~· 1\m•yn. Low cloud and poor VIS·. cue team from a helicopter to ~x- ll'hat d i p 1om at i c observers also particij>!lting. [ At 8 a.m. Scottish sheep J Embassy. curity detail. pulled t11c m;m·s nay night alter trying to make ibilit~· fm:ced the air~raft to try • am_ine the wr~ck?ge, l'rol·mcwl !termed an informal Communist \Diplomatic obser.vers in Bel- i shearers took the wool from . Eisenhower flew to Okinawa hands away and pushed him baek •n emergency landing at an . a dJI'erswnary landmg at Val , pollee reports md1cated the plane , summit meeting. : grade said the Russ1ans probably 1 the sheep in six minutes. Wash· ! after bidding farewell to Presi-; into the crowd. RC.\F airfield in this northwest- d'Or. about 250 miles northwest crashed :at a steep angle, then The ostensible reason fo · the, felt an Informal summit meeting ing, drying and dyeing was I dent Chiang K~i-shek in Taipei,' JUST GIVE UP 1 1 un Quebec mining community.. of Ottawa. caught fire; meeting is the third congress of' would be useful in co-ordinating completed ~Y 8:30 ~-m. Th~n [1 Formosa's capJial. Ending an 1 By the time the parade readml But when would . be rescuers RC.W radar screens monitored Both Re1d and ~f~Broom. were the Romanian Communist. party. the activity of Soviet bloc coun- ~arne teas_mg, cardmg, spm- , over n i g h t stay, Eisenhower the railroad station. atter twu finally I ocate d the craft, ~lc·. the plane's approach. but it ap-. employed on a full-lime bas1s by The Chinese delegation is led tries after the Paris summit col- nmg and w_mdmg the yarn, and joined the Nationalist Chinese 1gruelling miles, both U.S. and Broom wa~ dead. Another pas·· parenlly overshot the runway,· La:'llothe. 1bv Pun Chi-yen member of the lapse. I by _10:20 1t was on an auto- leader in pledging a continued: Korean security chiefs decided lo ___ ---·---------·---··-·--·---- .. -·-·---.. -- .. ····-- politburo and ~ayor of Peking, SO HINTS GIVEN I malic loom. , , battle against Communist Ag-igive up. To continue. they d~- 0 the East German del~gation by 1 . Khrushchev's unexpected 8r- · A!te: wash 1 g, IDillmg, , gression in Asia. : cided, woul~ expos_e Eisenho1~er ComUlllnist part ~-ch1ef Waller.j nval here Saturday touched off I str~tchmg and pressmg, a ,. "·to the senous nsk of he1t1g Delayed Ulbricht, and the Czech delega- speculation for the reason of the I length of cloth wa~ produ~d be\l.~h p~1.me M~~lsle~ H~h Chu~n, mauled in the friendly crowd. lion by President Anton in Noi'Ot-1 Communist gathering, A Roman-I' by 11:47 a.m. Cutters an~ tall· . t' : ;m·. S lse~. 0" ~}. t r~ e; This decision came just bcfu ·c Pearson Doubts U.S. • ony. I ian foreign ministry spokesman ors t~o~ o\·er and the Jacket m 0 own °110 eou 10 11 '3 lias what was to have been the cere· .A c t I On . The Polish delegation is headed' denied knowledge of any meeting: was llmsh~d at 2:10 p.m. to rave been ad car;ru:ly-ar_~angcd' monial high point of the pm·ade, . w· d by politburo member Edward I among the leaders Sunday. : T_he prel'lOUS record - she_ep we come para e 0 2 .z ml es.
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