Rodentia, Insectivora & Scandentia Conservation & Information Network of South Asia (RISCINSA) (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka) DDIIRREECCTTOORRYY OOFF MMEEMMBBEERRSS DIRECTORYDIRECTORY Rodentia, Insectivora & Scandentia Conservation and Information Network of South Asia RISCINSA (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka) Layout and Compiled by Latha G Ravikumar, S. Radhika, G. Arul Jagadish and K. Geetha Edited by R. Marimuthu and B.A. Daniel Sponsored by Chester Zoo, UK Conservation Planning Specialist Group, USA Produced by Zoo Outreach Organization August 2020 (Fifteenth electronic publication) Zoo Outreach Organization & CPSG, South Asia 12, Thiruvannamalai Nagar, Saravanampatti Coimbatore 641035, Tamil Nadu, INDIA Ph: +91 9385339862 & 9385339863 Email: [email protected] www.zooreach.org; www.zoosprint.org; www.southasiantaxa.org Sujit Chakraborty Scientific Chair, Email: [email protected] Sally R. Walker Convenor, Email: [email protected] Mike JorDan Senior Conservation Advisor, National Zoological Gardens of South Africa, Email: [email protected] Giovanni Amori IUCN SSC Small Mammal Specialist Group, RLA Focal Point, Email: [email protected] AnDrew Smith Chair, IUCN SSC Lagomorph Specialist Group, Email: [email protected] Sanjay Molur Red List Authority, IUCN SSC Small Mammal Specialist Group, Email: [email protected] OBJECTIVES OF RISCINSA v Encourage and promote the study of non-volant (non-flying) small mammals (rodents, insectivores, tree shrews, etc,) by organizing and running a network of all specialists, providing them useful services. v Maintain a check-list and database -- as complete and correct as possible -- of rodents and insectivores of South Asia providing local, national and regional information to be shared with important national and international agencies and organizations. v Catalyse, organize, conduct and follow-up conservation assessment and other workshops and training exercises for rodent specialists of South Asia and public education projects as appropriate, nationally or regionally. v Follow up such workshops with recommendations to local, state, national and regional wildlife authorities for protection for threatened species of rodents, etc. and promotion of further studies of Data Deficient species. v Undertake a set of specific “tasks” utilising the information from the workshops to further enhance our knowledge of non-volant small mammal status in South Asia. v Research and disseminate information about funding sources for field surveys. v Bring out a newsletter of current non-volant mammals conservation, research and education news. v Prepare a Directory of rodent and insectivore specialists of South Asia for distribution to all network members. v Prepare educational materials at different levels on rodents, etc. for conveying to policy makers, politicians, and the public – all ages and languages. Much material is on hand with us. v Involve researchers in public education on bats by providing printed material, and guidelines. CCoonntteennttss Objectives 4 Members list Alphabetical 7 Country-wise 9 Bio-data of RISCINSA members Afghanistan 12 Bangladesh 14 Bhutan 17 India 19 Nepal 58 Pakistan 65 Sri Lanka 73 Other countries 82 Members email address 87 List of Institutions and Organisations involved in the network 90 RISCINSA membership form 94 NNOOTTTEEE Many members did not get back to us with updated information. Please check your entry and if it has mistakes, please send corrections to <[email protected]>. This is the only way we can keep the Directory up to date. No printed versions are available with us. NNEEETTTWWOORRKK SSSPPOONNSSSOORREEEDD BBYYY CCHHEESSTTEERR ZZOOOO AANNDD CCOONNSSEERRVVAATTIIIOONN PPLLAANNNNIIINNGG SSPPEECCIIIAALLLIIISSTT GGRROOUUPP RISCINSA Network thanks its donors and sponsors of the network and its various activities. Members listMembers list NameName--wise and Countrywise and Country--wisewise (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka) Alphabetical name list A Ghimire, S. Abeyauardhana, U.T. Girish, A.C. Abeygunawardane, D.V. Goonatilake, M. Aditya, G. Goonatilake, S.de. A. Aditya, V. Gyeltshen, J.N. Amori, G. Aneesh, K.S. H Aryal, K.C. Haberl, W. Asela, M.D.C. Habibi, K. Hussain, I. B Hussain, S. Babu, T.R. Bahir, M.M. I Basnet, K.B. Idris, M. Bhadauria, A.S. Iyer, L.S. Bhattacharyya, S. Bhattacharyya, T.P. J Borges, R.M. Jayahari, K.M. Borker, A.A.S. Jordan, M. Joshua, J. C Chakraborty, R. K Chakraborty, S. Kalaimani, A. Chakravarthy, A.K. Kannan, S. Chatterjee, P. Kaphle, R. Chaudhary, B.P. Kataria, P.S. Chaudhary, G. Khan, A. Chaudhary, V. Khan, M.A. Chowdhury, M.A.W. Khan, M.A. Khan, M.M.H. D Khan, S.H. Dahal, S. Koju, N.P. Dendup , T. Krishna, M. Dhananjoy, C.S. Krishnan, G.G. Digana, P.M.C.B. Kumar, A. Dissanayake, R. Kumar, B. Dorji , K. Kumara, K.M.S.A.S. Dutta, S. M F Maheswaran, G. Fernando, C.S. Mahfuz, S.M.K. Fernando, S.P. Malik, A.A. Manimozhi, A. G Masood, J. Ganesh, T. Molur, P. Ganeshan, M.P.A. Molur, S. Ghimire, B.C. Mudappa, D. Ghimire, R. Mukherjee, S. Mukherjee, S. Singla, N. Mukthabai, K.R. Sinha, Y.P. Munawar, N. Sirimanna, G.R.D. Murthy, K.L.N. Sitoula, B.K. Muthuandavan, L. Smith, A. Sood, P. N Sridhara, S. Nadeem, M.S. Srinivasulu, C. Nakarmi, A.P. Srivastava, D.C. Nameer, P.O. Subedi, T.R. Narasimmarajan, K. Naseer, J. T Neelanarayanan, P. Talmale, S.S. Neupane, H. Thakur, S. Thapa, A. P Thapa, J. Padmanabhan, P. Thapa, S.B. Panicker, M.S.V. Thomas, M. Parshad, V.R. Thorat, O.H. Patel, P.K. Tiple, A.D. Pathirage, M.N.K. Tripathi, R.S. Peiris, D.P. Perera, S.J. U Pillai, K.G.M. Upadhyay, K.B. Pradhan, M.S. V R Venkataraman, M. Rajamani, N. Venkatesan, A. Ramachandran, K.K. Vidyaratne, V.K.M. Raman, S. Rana, B.D. W Ranabhat, N.B. Walker, S.R. Rao, A.M.K.M. Wangyal, J.T. Rasheed, T. Weerarathna, P.D. Rengarajan, L.R. Wenju, R. Reza, A.H.M.A. Wijesinghe, M.R. Wijesinghe, T.P.R.S. S Wimalarathna, A.C.J. Sakthivel, P. Samal, B. Y Samarawickrama, V.A.M.P. Yasmin, S. Santra, K.B. Sarker, S.U. Sayyed, A.A.R. Senewirathne, S.H.S. Shanker, K. Sheikher, C. Shrestha, T. Shrestha, T.K. Sigdel, P. Singla, L.D. Country-wise name list Afganisthan Manimozhi, A. Habibi, K. Molur, P. Molur, S. Bangladesh Mudappa, D. Chowdhury, M.A.W. Mukherjee, S. Dutta, S. Mukherjee, S. Khan, M.M.H. Mukthabai, K.R. Mahfuz, S.M.K. Murthy, K.L.N. Reza, A.H.M.A. Muthuandavan, L. Sarker, S.U. Nameer, P.O. Narasimmarajan, K. Bhutan Neelanarayanan, P. Padmanabhan, P. Dendup, T. Panicker, M.S.V. Dorji, K. Parshad, V.R. Gyeltshen, J.N. Patel, P.K. Wangyal, J.T. Pillai, K.G.M. Pradhan, M.S. India Rajamani, N. Aditya, V. Ramachandran, K.K. Aneesh, K.S. Raman, S. Babu, T.R. Rana, B.D. Bhadauria, A.S. Rao, A.M.K.M. Bhattacharyya, S. Rengarajan, L.R. Bhattacharyya, T.P. Sakthivel, P. Borges, R.M. Samal, B. Borker, A.A.S. Santra, K.B. Chakraborty, R. Sayeed, A.A.R. Chakraborty, S. Shanker, K. Chakravarthy, A.K. Sheikher, C. Chatterjee, P. Singla, L.D. Chaudhary, V. Singla, N. Dhananjoy, C.S. Sinha, Y.P. Ganesh, T. Sood, P. Girish, A.C. Sridhara, S. Hussain, S. Srinivasulu, C. Idris, Md. Srivastava, D.C. Iyer, L.S. Talmale, S.S. Jayahari, K.M. Thakur, S. Joshua, J. Thapa, J. Kalaimani, A. Thomas, M. Kannan, S. Thorat, O.H. Kataria, P.S. Tiple, A.D. Krishna, M. Tripathi, R.S. Krishnan, G.G. Upadhyay, K.B. Kumar, A. Venkataraman, M. Kumar, B. Venkatesan, A. Maheswaran, G. Walker, S.R. Nepal Aryal, K.C. Sri Lanka Basnet, K.B. Abeyauardhana, U.T. Chaudhary, B.P. Abeygunawardane, D.V. Chaudhary, G. Asela, M.D.C. Dahal, S. Bahir, M.M. Ghimire, B.C. Digana, P.M.C.B. Ghimire, R. Dissanayake, R. Ghimire, S. Fernando, C.S. Kaphle, R. Fernando, S.P. Koju, N.P. Ganeshan, M.P.A. Nakarmi, A.P. Goonatilake, M. Neupane, H. Goonatilake, S. de A. Ranabhat, N.B. Kumara, K.M.S.A.S. Shrestha, T. Pathirage, M.N.K. Shrestha, T.K. Peiris, D.P. Sigdel, P. Perera, S.J. Sitoula, B.K. Samarawickrama, V.A.M.P.K. Subedi, T.R. Senewirathne, S.H.S. Thapa, A. Sirimanna, G.R.D. Thapa, S.B. Vidyaratne, V.K.M. Wenju, R. Weerarathna, P.D. Wijesinghe, M.R. Pakistan Wijesinghe, T.P.R.S. Hussain, I. Wimalarathna, A.C.J. Khan, A. Khan, M.A. External advisors Khan, M.A. Amori, G Khan, S.H. Haberl, W. Malik, A.A. Jordan, M. Masood, J. Smith, A. Munawar, N. Nadeem, M.S. Naseer, J. Rasheed, T. Yasmin, S. BioBioddata ata of RISCINSA Membersof RISCINSA Members (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka) ! AAFGHANISTANFGHANISTAN!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! (Afghanistan,,Bangladesh,,Bhutan,,India,,Maldives,,Nepal,,Pakistan,and,Sri,Lanka), AFGHANISTAN Habibi, Kushal Wildlife and Biodiversity Conservation Consultant Address: 12113, Shining Star Lane Clarksville, MD 21029, USA (Afghan but lives in USA) Phone: 1-443-535-0480 Email: [email protected] BBANGLADESHANGLADESH (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka) BANGLADESH Chowdhury, Md. Abdul Wahed Researcher Address: Department of Zoology, University of Chittagong Chittagong 4331 Phone: 880-31-716558 Ext. 4381, Mobile: 880-1717148149 Email: [email protected] Research Interest: Taxonomy, Diversity, Genetics, Behaviour, Diseases. Special Interest: Rodentia, Insectivora, Lagomorpha, Scandentia. Projects: Human impact on small mammals. Date joined: 01.03.2005 Dutta, Subir Student Address: Jahangirnagar University Room No: 449/A, Shaheed Salam-Barkat Hall, Savar, Dhaka 1342 Residence: C/o Mr. Sudhir Kumar Dutta, Dutta Biponi -Thana Rd., P.S. Katwali, Dist. Faridpur 7800 Phone: 880-172-754696 Research Interest: Distribution, conservation, feeding and breeding behaviour of bats and rodents.
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