y 'r'^-yl ■ ! PAGE tWEMTY.FOUB liONIiAY, NOtBMBIE U, iM Am nes Oiily Met P iw i Rtn TTie Weather iUmtrl|[^iatirr lEttrains ifi^raUi ' Vhv .XiH W stk ' vil- ____ ____________ fc___ WfcjLL, *9 -IMG tugs Stas e r rMmf tusHsa 4 1 A n n Wm m t Orel* of loaUi c t th* tote Jtelor lilteiy. Lem ■bent M. ItaM noW / % J X )U I 1. o w n l^Mtedlat Otaroh ^ mMt « t Mt— wn Volontoar Lm c u * win PTA Dedicaties cleudy. very vrioSf, eal4, e ^ _ , th* IhoKM o t Uxm. D »tM Pack. /tOt*. W adanday at 1:15 a.m. 1.5,334 n a n a b a Gmila o f Bimaxmai n Ldlay 8 t, tomontwir a t s at tba nmawim lO a i Haaal tjita Woods library /tfawd—teP' ■>< CUy o f VUlmgo Chmrm Cburab WaoHR w ffl meat toraor- > a » guaat apaakak wlU ba win ant a .p ro g m n about Tuaaday lUgbt a t 8 o’dotM l — at TrtO p.m,. in Uitbar BaU ___a i^maei&tlwa, ______ ttva fro n tba Stata tha AmW i pad|ila. RafNahmenta VOL. LXXXVm, NO. 87 (TWENTY PAOBS—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESnpt, CONN., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1948 ms Rage IT) o( Bmaaiiai Chnrdi. Ibe Rav. offioa oC HaaMb, B<bicatiOB. and wfll ba a a r ^ Bentley SclsxA PTA and fanultyl PRICE* TEN CENTS naamhera w ill take part to tba [ “DRUG ®- ^^**»*y Aadaroon, paMor o ( W dfaia atbo w ill q>aak on la* ----------- m tba ctavdi, wm eoataot a atudy urament araaa of banaflta t m - The v rw Auxiliary will meat official y dedicationY of thel *^y*******^- ■ditw a buil- (^rod by social security and mad- tomorrow at 8 pjn. at tba poat Ploranoa O. Woods tOrary tol naaa mmtan, rafrMliniaidi wlU {care. Mra. Herbert Orommeck homo. Xam ban a n ramindad to honor M n . Tlmnaa Wbotb, [ taooboataaa bring aitlelaB ior a Thankaglv- principal aiima 1980. Vivian Laraon and Mra. Mra. Kaimath Machto, FTA l and CONTROL” tng Baakak. H O dli« BoUn. lose Charlotte 1C. Hutddw. president, w ill pbaatda at tha| diairman of Stata Orange Toutb Bta Chapter, Bata Sigma Phi ceremony, and ThamM Bent­ The ICaater’a Chib oC Ftimid- Oommlttee, and Mrs. Prank sororlaty, win meat tomonmr ley, former principal for whom] A Special L^kfure\Series * WT "D aWp Lodge of ICaaona maata to* Ruff, Junior deputy o f East Osir- at 8 p jn . k t tha home of Mn. the sdw ol ia named, wlU ex­ Clifford Hits Saieon night at T'JO In tba amall lodge t n l Fomoana Change, are at- wuUam PeretU, SIS Oilffln Rd. tend a tribute td MCiia. Woods. I room at the Xaaoolo Temple. tending Touth AetlTttiea Daya at Wappliig. Mra. Oaoiva D. Ethott, PTA In Two Parts Irive Up Buildins^ ^ ^ ^ ^ A fter a burinaas meeting, the N * u o jil Orange, Peoria, m, treasurer, and Mrs. Raymond I (Bscussloo topic w ill ba "Oon- ___ C)M]MI&Aii-Or<Mr Gb*cW o f Novth Woodbridga o f tha faculty wiB| ducting the A m ia l Meeting of Mary Williams Grotq> of See- Mst»«<vWt Church wni moot unvaU a plaque ---- Pri^mted by'— r BTORRS, Conn. (A P)— 18 mlnotaa to assxl dblldren and after a ooafixaotatian In w H d i a Maaonic Lodge.” Harold V. / Dr. Donald J. Hanhlgan, su- About ICO anti-war protes­ femalea outaUBs. they refused to diaouss the pro- ond Oongregattonal Church wUl Wadneoday a t 8 p.m. at tha ^ The protaatora ataadtog and Hubtiard, master, has raqueat- ^ K »0or a rummage sale Satnr- church. Mambara era ramindad partotandsnt o f adwols, and I ters occupied a U nive^ty taat With Univeretty Prsrifiant ad attendance by aU new day from 8:80 am. to noon at to bring artleleo lor a aUent Ronald Soott, aaaistant suparfei- atttlng on tabtaa inalda ttw door Homer Babbtdge Jr. of Connecticut administra­ imUoatod they planned'to raatet For 9th Inning Balk Masons of 1M8. FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL OFnCIALS . The tables were eat up Mook-i the xdHindi, 8K M. Main St. aueUte. HOateooea are Mra. BPW Speaker tendent, w ill ha praaint at the tion building fo r sbbut 14 dedication. any effotta to antar tha build­ ing the door during the night WCTU will meet tomorrow at ----- Thomas Moore and Mrs. Harb- hours before they marched ing, hut a few minutaa later _ * c, Manohaeter WATE8 wUl meat AUay. The Rev. Joseph Zeaao of Friends o f Mra. Woods a and aomaoiw poated a sign say­ WASHINGTON (AP) — W.iO a-m. at South Methodist tomonow at the Italian-Amort- ___ NOV. 12 - INFORMATION ABOUT DRUGS out singfaig today. marohad out in neat tovm of ing "No entry. This building la Hartford wlU be too gueot invited to be present to Miara I Secretary of Defense CSark this honor with her. The hMul o f tiw. aUto potto* ihraa, arm in arm- okwed.” S S f w m h ^ a * l S S ^ n llS : ’ ^**«*^ Membete o f the Sunset Club speaker at a meeting of the NOV. 19 ~ QUESTION and ANSWER DISCUSSION told th* pratMton tbqr were Aakad why ttwy M t ttw build­ BabUdge appeared at the door M. Clifford accused South MancheMer Bushwaa and Pro- Now M aty W *or About to b* wrrsotad a f«w min- ing, wharM tap unfvaaalty offtol- o f the building fida rooming and 'Vietnameee leaders today P^l^ a» Mra OraTos ^ HtovS^ard wlTaSm^ ^ day to pay membeMhlp f aaalonal Women’s Club on utM hafore ttia axodua ooourrod. ala hav* offiooa, they daeUned paaaed a note to the proteaiori of baSdng at a peace taDca Tlw grcMV matebad aorooa the comsnent end Mwuted to each wMoh arid: ”Ih your intanat and Mrs. Laura RuMi. Christinas anangamenU ___ Wednesday at 7:80 p.m. In the FAtSETEETH SPONSORED BY arrangement^‘Mn the last and deooraUone. After tiia pro­ oampua ,to a nataurant ati^ cttya i ’’Don’t aay anytMng, and In ttw Interest of ttw txii- out of the ninth inning.” Quean of Ebaats Mothers' There win be a aarvliie of Federatlaa Room of Oentar Oon- WHS U M . W orry wet’ll diaouia tt lator.” gram, there wlK be a board mg ”Wa aball ovaroomo.” No veralty I plaad with you to cratord *ted ttw United Mate* drtde will meet tomorrow at 8 Holy Communion Wednesday at Do your lalaetssth annoy and am- - THE MANCHESTER ADULT EVENING SCHOOL airaata vrana reported. Tlw unl- The ptvAitr/i began Monday leave GuUey HaU.” Whan' no meeting. gregatlonal Church. banasi by aUpptoa. eropptoc. or wob- should goahesM wtth ttw pMW* pm. at the home of Mrs. Migtto 10 a.m. at St. MCary*a Blpiaoopal bUnc whan jaa sat, Jauan or talkT vwaity in tMa rural village ha* momliig with a denoand by reply waa received; ba tkllad Hu Tlw Rev. Mb’. Zesao’a topic talloi wtth Nottti Vtefaaoi In OarUU, U Cbnatanoe Dr. Oo- Church. Than apitokfa a lUMa TASTMTTH on about 18,000 atudanta. about 00 poraona ttwt ttw unl- for aeatatenoe from the slate Mrs. Carol lomlhan. Mandies- ___ edU be "The Tortolae." Ovlc yoto phtaa. VASTOTR bolda dan- MANCHESTER HIGH SCHOOL # 7:30 PJR. Paile tt Presidmt Nguyen 'Van hoataaa Is Mrs. Chadwick WUl- turaa nnoar and mora oomXombly. Stat* PbUea Oommiaaloner votatty dadar* am asniwaty tor pmioa. tar Education AaaooUtion praa Rookvine kimhhitn Chib w ill problems w ill be dlsoiiaaad. In- TM*u ountanw M i (WtaMl M sdl. Quest speaker wUl ba Slater liakaa aatlnc aaalar. Ifa alkaline— Lao Mldoahy appaared at Ow aU atudanta and faeplty Involved No unifOmwd state poUoemen Ident, has been named an inter­ meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. a t eluding thebe confronting youth doesn’t sour. No aommy, aooay, take p o rt seU. Quest speaker wUl be Sister im appointmant to the Oonnact- pasty tasts or fast. Balpa enM data BAREY AUDiTORRJM # NO REGISTRATION FEE front door o f Chffiay Han to teU In a provloue antt-war damon- were seen on ttw cantous, a l­ tba EUts Home, Park St. There today, and what can ba eiqieot- odor. Dantuias that fit ais aaaantlal ■nw d ifw w * Chriattne O’Brian, 8JfJ>., of lout Education Aaaoctatian tha dasnxwtraton to ” aUbmlt atration Got. 'SO. though aeveral pbdnolottwa state East OathoUc High SchooL . „ ___ _ . ^ WlU be embtda and refresh- ed in ihe future. to beeim^Beeyewr deotlet reeularty. qidatly to arrmS.” Ho told thoae The protaat grotto MTsUad dur- boardof directcra to tlUttw ments after the meeting. Social jrtudlca daaaes of tho poUOa ofOeena ware tnvelved in Jetnwon hod a dttty to go ahead AMPLE PARKING IN REAR OF AUDifoRIUM iiadda that ttwy would ha glTtn hM the day and ovenlng houn dtscuBrioTO wtth the proteatora, school and the general wtth hte announe*m«tt «f tha untveratty oftloiala and campus public are fcjvtted. The event boknUng halt, dsepito laM >ral» atfnuo. MMy «m J. 3^ ^ m.. RmB., police. morrow at 1 p.m. at tba Touth ---- is sponMred by tho civic partid- Uto South VMxwm«Hi lem rrto Mandieator Assembly, Order pation cmnmlttee of wonw’a BabUdge had indicated Mon­ ttona, baeauao Jefanaen had a Oantar for a wocMilp sarvloe. Past Matrons and Patrons of noetaaoea are Mrii. M ajor Ken­ „ . _ ___ Of Rainbow for GHrU, will meet club. ffmimMui for the event U day, when a Mt-down began far oonunltnwnt to North Vlatnasn.
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