Address in Reply [28 Auo., 1973] Petition 525 Under the investigations provision of the Motion (by the Hon. J. B. M. Fuller) 1971 amending Act, the Attorney-General, agreed to: who introduced the bill, is authorized by That the House do proceed on Wednesday, section 178 (2) to furnish a copy of the 29 August, 1973, at 4.30 p.m., to Government report to the company under investigation. House and there, at 4.45 p.m., present to the Governor the Address in Reply to the Speech This he has done in relation to Australian His Excellency bad been pleased to make to Factors Limited and Mineral Securities both Houses of Parliament on opening the Australia Limited so that the receiver and Session. administrator in the first case, and the House adjourned, on motion by the liquidator in the second, have been placed Hon. J. B. M. Fuller, at 6.51 p.m. in a position to determine whether civil proceedings should be brought in the in­ terests of shareholders and/ or creditors. Secondily, the Attorney-General is author­ ized by section 176 (5) to make a copy of the transcript of evidence taken by an in­ spector available to a legal practitioner who satisfies him that he is acting for a person jD:cgi~.zila±iu:c J\zz:cmhl1:J who is conducting or is, in good faith, con­ Tuesday, 28 August, 1973 templating legal proceedings in respect of the affairs of the investigated company. Finally, if he is of the opinion that pro­ Relocation of Central Mapping Authority (Petition)­ ceedings ought, in the public interest, to be Questions without Notice-Death of Sir George Gray, Under Secretary,_ Premier's Department7 brought by a company which has been Transport Finances (Ad]oumment)--General BUSI­ investigated, for the recovery of damages ness (Australian Rights and Freedoms)-Local Government (Elections) Al)lendment Bill (~econd in respect of fraud, misfeasance or other reading)-Travel Agents Bi!l (second readmg)-;­ Fruit-Growing Reconstruction Agreement Bill misconduct in connection with the company (second reading)--Cattle Compensation (Amend­ ment) Bill (second reading)-Printing ~o~ttee or for the recovery of property of the com­ -Adjournment (Bushfires at Macquane F1elds; pany he may himself in pursuance of sec­ Second Airport for Sydney; lllawarra Develop­ tion 178 (9) institute proceedings in the ment)-Printed Question and Answer. name of the company. Thus the rights of all interested parties are protected and the only people left guessing are gossip mongers Mr SPEAKER (THE HoN. SIR KEVIN and those who would hang others on hear­ ELLIS) took the chair at 2.30 p.m. say evidence and an investigator's conclu­ Mr SPEAKER offered the Prayer. sions after a trial in the columns of the daily press. The Leader of the Opposition talked about delays in investigations. I note that the Attorney-General expects an interim RELOCATION OF CENTRAL MAPPING report soon on the Barton group of com­ AUTHORITY panies, which investigation started some four PETITION and a half months ago. I remind the Leader of the Opposition that when this Govern­ Mr HILLS presented a petition from ment came to office in 1965 the investiga­ some employees of the Central Mapping tion then in train into the Latec group had Authority praying that the Legislative As­ been proceeding since 1961-some five sembly will take definite measures to con­ years. trol land values in the Bathurst-Orange Motion agreed to. area and to ensure that all public servants and their families who are involved will be The PRESIDENT: I have ascertained it to informed of all the conditions and allow­ be the pleasure of the Governor to receive at State Government House on Wednesday, ances applicable before they are asked to 29th August, 1973, at 4.45 p.m., the Ad­ participate in the relocation to Bathurst. dress in Reply to His Excellency's Speech. Petition received on motion by Mr Hills. 526 Questions without Notice [ASSEM:SL Y] Questions without Notice QUESTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE will the Minister say what sites were con­ sidered? Will he say, also, whether the site ALEXANDER BARTON prop0sed by the federal Government would Mr HILLS: I ask the Premier and Treas­ have an adverse effect on densely populated urer whether last Thursday Alexander Ewan areas on the outskirts of Sydney? Armstrong stated publicly, in the press and Sir CHARLES CUTLER~ My friends on on television, that there· had been a cover­ the Opposition side often tell me that I am up of Mr Alexander Barton's activities. Did in a state of confusion. I admit to them that Mr Armstrong say that there were Water­ at this stage I am in a complete state of gate elements in this scandal? Did he say, confusion. Among my responsibilities I am further, that if the matter were brought required to look after this State's interests into the open it would be embarrassing for in the selection of a site for a second airport certain members of the State and federal for Sydney. Yesterday, or it could have been parliaments? Did Mr Armstrong say that Saturday or Sunday, I read a statement members of Parliament were involved in a made by the Hon. C. K. Jones, the federal conspiracy to protect Mr Barton and that Minister for Transport and Minister for a decision had been made at the highest possible level in the State Government to Civil Aviation, that he was to make a recom­ get rid of him-Mr Armstrong-and to help mendation to Cabinet on the matter. Appar­ ently he had every reason to believe that Mr Barton? Whom did he mean? Did Mr Cabinet would accept his recommendations. Armstrong say he would tell more about the He published in the newspaper, which is Government's cover-up to a Royal commis­ unusual to say the least, that a second air­ sion or before the bar of · this Parlia­ port would not be required for the Sydney ment? In view of the seriousness of Mr area until about 1990 and that his recom­ Armstrong's allegations will the Premier mendation to Cabinet would be that a sec­ allow Mr Armstrong to appear before the ond runway be built alongside the existing bar of the Parliament or, alternatively, set north-south runway, I think it is, at the up a Royal commission to investigate his allegations? Mascot airport. Apparently he had not con­ sulted a number of his colleagues. Sir ROBERT ASKIN: Last week the Leader of the Opposition asked me a ques­ Mr NEILLY: On a point of order. What tion dealing with Mr Armstrong, an expelled about the requirement for the Minister to member of the Legislative Council, and I verify that Mr Jones made such a statement, undertook to give a considered reply at first or that it was a report based on a press opportunity. A reply has been prepared, set­ report? I submit that the Minister should ting out the Government's attitude and I qualify his answer. anticipate tabling it later in the afternoon. Mr SPEAKER: Order! No point of order is involved. SECOND INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT FOR NEW SOUTH WALES Sir CHARLES CUTLER: As I was say­ Mr ROZZOLI: My question is addressed ing, apparently the federal Minister for to the Deputy Premier, Minister for Local Transport and Minister for Civil Aviation Government and Minister for Highways. was confident that his Cabinet colleagues Has the Minister heard announcements on would agree to his proposal. the media that the second international air­ Mr CRABTREE: On a point of order. I port for NSW will be established in the ask you, Mr Speaker, to request the Minis­ Dural-Galston area? Did the Common­ ter to accept responsibility for any press re­ wealth-State committee investigating pro­ port involving the Hon. C. K. Jones. posals for a second airport give any con­ sideration to this site? In view of the appar­ Mr SPEAKER: Order! I do not propose ent indecision of the federal Government, to ask the Minister to do that. Questions without Notice [28 AUG.,. 1973] Questions without Notice 527 Sir CHARLES CUTLER: I would not Long Point, which is on army land near accept responsibility for the Hon. C. K. Ingleburn; Marsden, which is north-west of Jones in any circumstances. Pardon me if Mt Druitt; Nelson, which is north-west of I repeat myself to some extent because of Rouse Hill; and fifth, Towra Point, which is the interruptions. A day or two ago the fed­ well known to all honourable members and eral Minister for Transport and Minister for had been rejected as a possible site by State Civil Aviation made a statement to the press Cabinet. The committee advised the Hon. to the effect that he was recommending to C. K. Jones, as the appropriate federal Min­ Cabinet that a runway be built parallel to ister, that it felt in preference to any of the the existing north-south runway at the Mas­ five sites that a runway should be built cot airport. Obviously he was so confident parallel to the existing north-south runway that Cabinet would approve of his recom­ at Mascot and that the east-west runway at mendation that he made an announcement Mascot should not be used in future except to the press before he put it to Cabinet, in case of emergency. That was the which, as I have said, is a most peculiar proposition put forward by the committee. procedure. Apparently Mr Jones' proposal was de­ feated last night or yesterday in .Cabinet [Interruption] because the flight-path for the suggested Mr SPEAKER: Order! There is too much parallel runway would happen to cross over conversation in the House.
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